Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Edge of Tomorrow


In a very predictable fashion, I hereby claim also that the movie Edge of Tomorrow is also about me.  You would be hard-pressed to find anyone else that could remotely tell you that the movie was about THEIR life experiences or future but yeah, I'm the one.  

Well, you are probably laughing to yourself wondering how does ANYONE in real life get close to an Emily Blunt.  I recommend taking up some Modern Dance lessons like I have, and perhaps explain to her how Adjustment Bureau was ALSO about me, and then tell her that Loopers was also about me.  If you could persuade her that it's true, mayhaps... a second date? 

Anyways, since she's married I guess I won't pound on her psyche too much or you all's for that matter but let me go on a little bit about Edge of Tomorrow and if I have enough steam maybe we continue on to the other two.  First of all, I am a GREAT meme for Tom Cruise.  I look good doing EVERYTHING, and for the most part I enjoy making things look good not the least of which is the bar scene.  I invite people to darts, I buy people shots sometimes, I try to remain optimistic when others seem down.  I am like what the Colonel was at the start of the movie, a huge flake(wait is that from Color of Money?).  Fast forward to people want me to pick a side, as is perhaps often the case between the bar owners and the bar patrons(some criminals), and I back out of choosing a side like as though this job is more of a sentence than a temporary thing, and now fast forward to I support criminals, even though I don't, and fast forward to the General thinks I am blackmailing him(bar owners think I know all their secrets) and poof, SOMEONE has been "railroaded" here.  

Now the rest of the movie seems harder to support yes?  I mean HOW can you liken a real life to one that is changing every time you die?  Well, that's because the rest of the movie is supposed be a map of what you SHOULD do to find redemption, like for example there being "hope for you in the bowels of glorious combat" - Bill Paxton's character.  

It suggests that you should shoot yourself to keep the enemy from knowing what to do but fact is criminals, especially organized ones, know what's going to happen because they have their feelers on all sorts of things like traffic lights, Comcast cable, video games, even closed captions and telemarketers.  They can predict the future because they simply harass you into action, therefore "predicting" what you are going to do.  

The way to stop this, or so the movie says, is to wash yourself in the blood of an Alpha, or a leader.  This means you've got to have used blood magic on a leader.  This means the leader is tied to you in some way, don't ask me I don't know what way.  

Now, what the movie is trying to tell you is how to get back to your old self but better.  Redemption.  It's making it obvious to you why you should fight and how long ago you should have been fighting and how important it is to KEEP fighting.  It's making you pick a side and showing you the size of the threat.  

It should be obvious to you all now that MIMICS are people that pretend to be citizens but work for what turns out to be another country or an alien country.  For drugs.  Drug-dealers fuel money back to other countries and even though you don't see that now, maybe like we didn't understand why buying Japanese cars made Japan rich, it should be clear to you after I explain the movie that ALL this money allows MIMICS to live among us, using drugs, fueling gangs, and making the war against them seem nigh impossible especially when they show up right out of nowhere and act against you.  

This is why illegal aliens should not be allowed but they aren't the worst of it.  The worst is actual citizens earning money from their lessers and then sending a cut of it out to another country like Mexico or Colombia or wherever.  You see all of these people trying to save us from MIMICS and wonder to yourself, this movie is just a little unrealistic, there aren't THAT MANY hidden people on our own soil willing to defend the drug trade, right?


I don't get tired of watching it though.  It is SO perfectly rendered that literally seeing a seldom seen scene shows me OH right then left and then she got killed whereas the first time it went to fast for me to notice.  It's value increases, as you are able to daydream a little bit while it plays, wondering how mad would I be now at all the frustration, how in love would I be seeing her die over and over, how stealthy would I be knowing that if caught I had to start over from scratch.  Daydreaming during the movie doubles it's value.  

Later, as I realize more and more that dying everyday is basically how many times I would have to risk my life for the sake of others(who I don't particularly care for at the moment) to advance just a step closer to the goal of defeating the Omega, it occurs to me that maybe Rita doesn't exist at all.  That Cage(nice name right, he's in a cage like me?) might have just made up this IMPOSSIBLE girl to accompany him on this impossible task that was set before him and that with time and with enough female disgust(gunshot to the head) it would hone his nicenesss(my niceness) into the warrior he needs to be to be able to save the others and the world.  

Even at the end when he is finally able to kiss his girl and wants her to kill the Omega while he lures the Alpha away, she tells him that BOTH of them aren't going to live, to just give up that notion of eventually making it and to just focus on the fight which of course to me means, that she COULDN'T be the one to kill the Omega because she wasn't real, all of this was in his head, honing himself by creating this ANGEL of death that guided him to his goal.  
