Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

I'm like Jesus


Being an expert at customer service, a subject matter expert(SME), makes me BEST able to tell you how a person is going to react to different stimuli.  Moreover, that experience makes me BEST able to become the TEACHER that I always knew I would be.  The role for me now I wonder is whether to go into politics WITHOUT a law degree.  I have said it before that we all don't need an education really.  And if there are two sides to everything, if you have been subject to a great deal of DIVIDE, then you probably know what kind of job you should get.  

I was thinking just a minute ago, while on the can, that people in the PTA want to single you out as soon as possible to find out what groups you work in.  I was just watching parts of Sunshine Cleaning with Emily Blunt and Amy Adams for the umpteenth time and I remember how they picked on her kid for being a "special needs" kid even though he wasn't.  They were probably doing it because they knew she was poor and didn't like the fact she was a "third wheel" in a cop's marriage.   Further along, Amy tries to rely on her boyfriend that's still married and is a cop who is a pillar of righteousness but who ends up looking like a PILE of irresponsibility despite how sweet he is(nothing like me, NAHHH, not at ALL).

The part reminds me of my nephew who was held back in kindergarten for missing too many days at a time when my sister was a single mother hanging out with me at bars and was perhaps getting judged by her neighbors a bit too much.  

Every time you get asked questions by someone, rest assured they work for some GROUP that makes money off of demographics.  You shouldn't impart your secrets to just anyone and if so then impart them judiciously or else be prepared for attacks to come from out of nowhere.  

I could go on with examples, and thank god I have them, but my point is not that today.  My point is to tell you what kinds of jobs will be left when the musical chairs stop.  We studied this in philosophy by the way.  Chris, remember that story that was REQUIRED reading by a philosophy major?  It was called "The Limits of Trooghaft".  In said trials, people are met by aliens who can use telepathy and with the best of intentions... we become their slaves... and then we become their food.   It's a great story, about domination, despite being somewhat difficult to read, like most philosophical pieces.  But unlike most others, you can just chew this story up because it's so interesting a debate.  

And that's what these "witches" are yeah?  They want to know your secrets and not tell any of theirs.  They want to maintain an advantage.  They want to be able to control you with things or places or people you would rather avoid.  They want to use their "telepathy" and they want to make sure you don't have any.  In the end, they probably intend to eat you like most witches do in a story.  Witches deal in gossip.  

Further, it's during these times when you are at a PTA meeting or a Chamber of Commerce gathering, or maybe EVEN AT CHURCH, where you wonder why people want to know your business and ask you about things NOONE should know about.  Well, now you know why.  And the more this DIVIDE continues the more you can expect your society to fragment.  

But more importantly, the groups don't just get divided into two groups of equal measure, they get divided into regular people and an increasingly smaller ruling class.  That teacher that thought it was ok to hold my nephew back because she was doing society a favor by being hard on my sister, probably won't understand why it is that KINDERGARTEN stops being necessary, and why teachers become unnecessary and why poor people that can't afford online fees for education become unnecessary
and then pretty soon we just won't even need people.  Ha ha ha.  Well, by that I mean EYE won't need people cuz it'll be just me and a bunch of computers that keep track of all my money and where the drones are that keep the other EYES in their place.  

As you might wonder, and like I suggested to one of my cousin's daughters that live in Boca Raton, there will only be two professions left at the end of the world and I told them to either work for the military or become doctors.  And since joining the CIA is very hard, I recommend that they plan to join the CIA.  They are only 12 and 14 or so so they've got time and they've got good parents.  Any idiot can be a doctor.  If you go to a doctor(or DENTIST) and spend a bunch of money and you do what they say and it was a mistake... POOF you were better off not even going, and most especially not even spending money.  

For example, I still remember that video , from Caught on Camera, of that lady in Ecuador.  Ha ha HA.  I think I wrote about it already but it's so philosophically meaningful that I gotta mention it again. 

She is sitting in her house and a HUGE torrential flood is pouring down the side of her house after it rained.  It seems peaceful enough since it has stopped raining but just then her house start to fall apart.  The flood is pouring past both sides of her house now and quickly she picks up her dog and waits.  Minutes later, the rest of her house is frisked away by what is now a full on river of water that is barely close enough not to wisk her away.  Her destruction seems imminent and since she is on a hill, one can only imagine what calamity awaits her at the bottom of all of that muck and mud and water.  But people see her and after a long while they throw her a rope.  And oh boy is she a fat lady now... ha ha... she wishes she would have eaten less donuts I bet but anyways, she grabs the rope with one hand and her dog with the other and she can survive just holding on to the rope and her dog but having to weather the flood for quite a while to come.  Then as she gets close to the wall of where they will have to pull her up, she hesitates for a minute to decide what to do and then she DROPS the dog... OMG ha ha ha.  It's funny even now thinking about it.  The dog is so stupid for trusting her and if he was his wild self I have no doubt that he could swim and survive the flood but because he was held down calmly and then released suddenly into the flood, I have NO DOUBT it drowned.  

And it's visceral right? I mean it's not just a story but I can literally picture her in my mind making that choice of just lazily GIVING UP her dog to the river who she knows is gonna drown.  You can't make that up.  

Philosophically meaningful yes?  Sacrifice?

Ruling people gets easier and easier for the people in charge and it gets harder and harder for the people not in charge to stop them.  As you become richer and richer, you notice other rich people doing like you do, complaining often, asking sharp questions about price and maybe negotiating prices despite the fact that others don't, and even perhaps showing your kids how to do the same, BELIEVING that God gave you your money and that other people just don't work 50 hours a week(loophole hunting) like you do otherwise they would deserve 100 times a regular person's pay like you get.  

This is what is wrong.  This part is where you have ceased to be civilized.  I have told you before that being bestial is MUCH easier.  And that is what is happening to you.  You are dominating.  It's becoming more "natural order" for you and your kin and at the same time less civilized.  This is why being vigilant is so necessary and why it's so common is because civilization must be maintained.  IT TAKES EFFORT.  To relax, is to lose it.  To relax and let it all happen to you is to allow yourself to become a beast.  

Now I know I have said before that hatred is unnatural and it is but this part, the part where you stop caring about others is not hatred, it's normalcy.  If you don't make an effort, you will find yourself alone not because you are hateful(hateful people DAMAGE others), you will simply PREFER not to be around others and that's natural.  It's natural to be selfish.  But that's not civilized.  

I have spent FOUR YEARS cooped up in this room.  If I go to the gas station people follow me on the road with their lights on.  If I act up in my room, the phone rings, the screen buzzes, the satellite gets jammed.  Sometimes I struggle with the garage door(I enter a code and a signal gets sent to close it) because it seems like someone is JAMMING the signal actively so as to frustrate me and keep the door open.  I used to find items moved in my car which btw uses one of those FOP electronic thingys that perhaps is not so hard to copy.  I could go on but fact is I have been beleagured by people that apparently don't want me to tell someone where the treasure is buried or where X marks the spot.  But it also occurs to me that this is a perfect control experiment for how long criminals should be put in jail.  Since I messed up and criminals have put me in jail for 4 years then it seems only fair that criminals get a 4 year minimum for when THEY mess up.  See?  Now you can use what I have learned.  And maybe the whole hatred thing needs to go away so people don't have to suffer like I have suffered right here IN FRONT of everyone's eyes.  

This is what civilization is, a lack of hatred that pushes us into being beasts(lycans); and an excess of vigilance that stops us from feeding excessively off of others(vampires).  So do as I tell you and stop doing what is forbidden like spouting hatred and fooling people and using telepathy and gossiping and making others suffer.  

"That which you do unto the least of these, you do unto me."  Jesus

I am like Jesus.  I don't tell you what's forbidden.  I SHOW you what's forbidden.  

PS.  We should all strive to be like Jesus so if you didn't like the title then slap yourself and repeat after me...
"Jesus loves me this I know, (slap yourself), cuz the Bible tells me so, (slap yourself)..." now I forgot the rest so I just slapped myself... you're welcome... btw I have been watching Eric Burnett a lot recently and I noticed and can't help but wonder if all of us should actually be having sex missionary style.  I mean it seems so out of the norm.  I remember my gf asking me during sex to kind of lift my whole body up OFF of her during sex.  I wonder if it might even be the cause of scoliosis in women.  It occurs to me now that that whole missionary thing... well... it's just wrong... and no... No... I'm not gonna show you. 
And I'm not saying that because Rachel has some GREAT posture either... nope... not saying that.