Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015



The best thing about knives is that they run out of sharpness.  That gives me hope that most people's hatred runs dull after a while.  But moreover, I want to talk about the type of people that remind me of knives, mainly ALL of them.  

This is a recent development since I just got the idea when I reached over to turn the water off while washing dishes and I noticed the knife had its blade up.  How dangerous I thought to myself, but if you think about it the blade could be face up, facing YOU, or it could be face down... DAMAGING its plastic holder.  

Now if you think to yourself you are probably wondering if this is wiser than possibly damaging yourself with a cut.  That's the rub.  There's the difference because that's where you decide if you should be nicer to your family or nicer to the public.  Now to some people family is everything.  Since I have always been afforded a great deal of trust, I have always ASSUMED that it was due to a close knit family or the APPEARANCE of it, that we were afforded such luxury but fact is, we have a great many failings as a family not the least of which is our discombobulation towards drugs and drug dealers.  

Since time immemorial we have hung out with our dad at bars.  We have seen how happy he gets and we have shared in that happiness.  And there is something ethereal about being able to trust everyone you are around and then having a drink.  But there are REAL failings to trusting everyone, especially when you are unwilling to delve FURTHER into such friendships or maybe even when you ARE.  

Long ago my sister met some people and they were kind of embarassed I guess to have me there at first but I tried to get along with everyone for the sake of my sister.  I even invited some of them along with me to a corporate party and gave them a ride in my expensive car at the time.  They weren't close friends and they NEVER got me laid, but they got my sister laid and they were cheerful enough and that was enough for me, as long as she was happy.  Besides she is good-looking enough that if she could be friends with some other just as good looking hotty I might just get lucky.  At this late stage of my life I have to make the realization  however that hanging around with your HOT sister, even if she isn't hot to you, is like using a crutch to run a race, its sort of counter-productive I am realizing even though it felt like I was close to my goal.  In fact it felt like I was close to my goal the whole time didn't it?  Here I am sitting with a hotty in public, "right here ladies that's the hot guy sitting with a hotty", thinking that's all I need is just some "association" skills.  I need to become like them and I will be IN with the hot chicks who like only hot guys.  

But fact is, hot chicks like guys who do magic.  It's not hard.  Whether you magically got into Harvard, like Obama, which he didn't cheat but being in the top 5% of people who try and then being able to afford it, is more like wizardry than magic(see the movie Prestige - could write a book just on that movie), or you magically come up with a WHOLE lot of spending money, women like to be well-regarded by their peers, that's right, I like to call them the hot chicks club.  

So my "kindness" at being friends that were good-looking and exciting and who had a lot of money, might have been best described as a trip to Pleasure Island where I end up a donkey and a liar, and did I mention strings?  

Same thing goes for my brother, except we didn't stay close the whole time me and my sister were looking for mates in our ventures into night club land and yet sometimes we would all get together and make a night of it and it would seem that at least being together was enough even if there weren't good looking "mates" out there for us.  But after those nights is the real trouble because we are all "blade down" kind of people, we don't hurt others but blade is pointed inward.  When we find illegality we keep it inside, we cut ourselves, we soften the reality of it, much like we grew up doing with our father who made us keep secrets about him going off to the bar.  It's a kind of abuse isn't it?  Yeah, but you know what, for some reason I don't think he did a bad job, I think he did the best he could.   

This brings me to another point is sanity.  Perfection is not a goal, perfection is here.  Imagine my rotting tooth for a moment.  All of those years of cleaning and washing and now there it is, a slight imperfection that is never going away, that's sanity.  You have it, but you can lose it and HOW you lose it is not by thinking weird things or learning the wrong ways of doing things or by working too hard and losing track of reality... it's by DAMAGE.  Trauma causes insanity.  People that hate you, cause insanity.  If we are all a part of the body politic, we should all be thinking the same thing, following the same laws, believing the same values.  It's only when you find yourself, like I find myself now, in the midst of illegality that you wonder if you belong here.  When did I get lost and become a member of the retards?  When did my light  and aura become a cloud?  How did my halo get tilted when all I ever wanted was to fix things?  

My family is wondering that too.  Your family is wondering that.  What happened to you?  At this point, all I can say is that it's time to take the knife out from inside me and point it out.  People have always said I was abrasive but they have no idea what abrasive is when I start to point to their illegality. 

All we have is our police.  Without them we have just our guns and our "swinging cods" (Serenity).  If you can't call the police, it's time to pull out your weapons deal with whatever needs to be dealt with and wait for the police to be called on YOU.   That's illegality.  You, involved in illegality, can't call the police.  If you think you were getting away with something, you were wrong.  If you think you were making money while noone was caring, you were wrong.  If you think you earned this money, WRONG, you were allowed to earn this money which is like a non-statement.  People in charge, billionaires, chambers of commerce, priests, drug lords or what have you, they notice you when you do illegality and because they are in charge of a great many people, they can bend the rules to either allow you or not allow you to survive a court battle.  That's the real magic is your public opinion.  That's what they call mana.  Mana is public opinion.  Mana is food from the gods.  God is public opinion.  If you have a lot of it, like most NFL players or rock stars or governors, then you can get away with some few mishaps because you are using up mana, but remember that you can get addicted to mana... and one day it runs out... probably not when you expect.  Like people that sing karaoke and think they can drive around drunk... not saying who... not saying.  

But my brother and my sister need to be able to call the police.  They need to be able to shout at the devil and win.  I hope they still can.  For me, I am not sure.  I know I can burn people but since it's just me, I don't see the beauty in it.  I have always been beautiful so I don't get the whole glory thing, its kind of like a guy who sings in a band that checks himself in the mirror, it's that.  Motabu, hah hah, I don't even know what that means but there was this one guy we all made fun of cuz he looked at himself in the mirror once.  It's probably the only time I ever laughed at a person, no to be honest I didn't laugh but that puzzle has remained in my head about being prideful or just having honor, it seems you need both to be good at what you do.  

Sidetracked, so the police are necessary yes?  We need to be able to call them and get a response.  We need to maybe have our "blades out" when it comes to illegality right?  Even now some guys have joined me online and since I don't like to make friends online I told them no.  Friends online are fine but their signals can be annoying.  Imagine doing something and poof, friend is online.  Now imagine that happens over and over or when you are just waking up or when someone calls or when someone mentions the bar.  It can be spooky.  So that's why I am going to remove them as friends but I needed to add them first to make a clan for Destiny which likes to use your email info so that it can send you notifications.  Do you see where this is going?  It's convenient to have Destiny access your Microsoft email and XBOX live info but imagine the game bending your will, imagine some guy out there doing that to you on purpose just cuz you know who needs to go to jail?  It's domination.  

I was watching the Destiny trailer for the House of Wolves expansion and people were just "hey what about an auction house"?  It's like have you not SEEN what happens when you start to have an auction house, namely, real money trading(RMT).  This means that people send in their MUCHO drug money that they need to launder and get tons of free stuff online.  Then they filter these out to their helpers right?  Their little hackers get to sit around and have free stuff thrown at their characters while they help dominate some poor fool(like me) who isn't ever going to succumb to illegality or being a part of it.  Yeah, in fact I wonder about porn now too since they used that porn streaming to influence me.  A just the wrong times it would cut off and stop streaming.  Can you imagine getting pissed off at just the wrong moment?  What sort of behavior do you think comes after that... violent behavior?  It's a sort of bomb isn't it?  You can just plug someone in by the ONE cable company, listen in to their stuff and the one day they turn their porn streaming on, poof, instant terrorist.  Do that a couple of times and now you got funding for those expensive drones your police department was wanting.  

It can't be allowed or better said, it must be watched.  It's a new world we are in with online interactions, and obviously the opportunity is to turn online money/violence into real money/violence.  

Ok sidetracked again, (SHOWING you right?) So in Destiny they are thinking of installing an auction house where people can trade each other their hot weapons that drop rarely so that sometimes they never get the one they want.  The problem I pointed out was that once people can trade online, RMT which already has many huge companies out there(or maybe just one that ate all of the others) can now take your REAL money and give you items for it.   

Your kids will LOVE it!  That is until the day they find out it's illegal and don't ever want to admit they did anything wrong and fast forward 20 years and they can't call the police because of ALL the stuff they can't admit to but they need help against thugs.  

Btw, thugs is not a word for black people.  Thugs are paid criminals.  This means they make money off of others through illegality.  It has nothing to do with color.  Criminals do illegality for themselves, thugs do it in a group, that's all.  It has nothing to do with black people.  China men can be thugs.  The President was right just how he said it.  

Ok so time to end this, um... yeah so blades out people, call your police once in a while too.  You need to find out where the station is and you need to be able to reach someone besides the receptionist if you ever need to call and you'd better go ahead and have that number written down somewhere in case you have questions that are related to "how do I get out of this".  

Fact is, you can't rely on drug dealers.  You might think oh they're just people, but facts are once you know a drug dealer, you are a liability, a drain on the business, not an asset.  They have to keep on paying to keep you quiet right?  Like forever?  It's so stupid.  Don't be stupid.  Illegality like marijuana and cocaine and I don't know, whores and anal sex, should be done with people you expect to be your LIFELONG friends or family and they should treat you as an equal the whole time because that's what you both are... right?  You are equally able to EFFFF each other at any given time, for the rest of your lives.  

Have a nice day.  

PS.  Well I forgot that the whole point of today was to talk about Baltimore.  The Baltimore Colts hahaha.  I know it's not funny but really it is.  Long ago, it became obvious to me that cities that were not "happy" just so happened to not be very good at football.  Who knew?  And since I was born in New Orleans, I got to know the other really terrible cities that were also perhaps as corrupt and lousy at football.  

Sidetracked ok, so in Baltimore we saw the mayor do her best, fail, then call in the National Guard.  This is exactly what should have happened, in my opinion.  The people there don't TRUST their local police and because of that, the option of bringing in outsiders that are not from the local area is exactly the right thing to do even if they are perhaps TOO military.  But in my experience, a soldier is THREE times more disciplined than a police officer, but that's just my opinion.  

What should happen now is that the police station should just be disbanded, all of them should be forced to re-apply for their jobs and the people who don't pass the "interview" test, which is basically the "can this guy handle this job in my opinion" test, are WEEDED out like the public demands.  It's not fair but when people go out and protest it doesn't mean take it easy and watch it next time... it means the next step is REVOLUTION.  

On the other hand, sometimes it means "hey man you or we gotta do what's right man, and you wanna buy my CDs?" (right Chris?)