Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015



I have said it before and it bears repeating that I always start to write but never now with something to say.  I used to enjoy it enough but now it seems that I have "cursed" myself into believing I am so "cool" and so "up" a writer... that I get writer's block.  Ha ha ha.  Instead I will point to the fact that I still don't have my old computer.  I was set on replacing a power supply on it and even took it apart as well as another old computer but then I got lazy.  When I find things wrong, I tend to want to fix them unless I dread at finding out the cause, which I would then be forced to fix too... which could be my fault.  

Notepad is FAR inferior to Wordpad.  I used to type directly in but several times it has lost my writing so now I type it all up, save it, and then paste it into blogspot.  But this other computer doesn't have Wordpad so I am forced to use Notepad.  Its version of wordwrap is inferior so much so that I have to just type out the words in long lines and paste those lines to make my paragraph in blogspot.  In other words, if I turn on wordwrap on Notepad, it doesn't paste it nicely into blogspot, it messes it up.  Or maybe blogspot messes it up... or maybe it's Google.  Fact is, I never had a problem with blogspot until Google bought it.  

That's the problem with big government.  I am going to spell it out for you directly for the umpteenth time in hopes my OTHER point that I was writing about pops into my head.  If you have a small government, then you get BIG business... like Google, Citibank, Comcast, etc.  Now if you are a criminal organization or member of some fraternity or some such, then all you have to do is pay off someone there that has enough power and POOF now your fraternity has that person's level of power.  It's corruption, yes?  If you have a big government, you have regulators that check up on those firms so that these things can't happen, maybe a CSPB or an SEC or a FTC.  Yet the same thing can happen again right?  Just pay off the right person at such and such level of government and now that person and all the people that work for him now work for the criminal element.  BUT, as I have said before, bribing someone or being bribed at Google doesn't earn you JAIL time, because it's a private company.  Moreover, you are likely to have a settlement for like half or 10% whatever damages the criminal element stole.  That's why Republicans are so hot to keep government out of business, they want the FREEDOM to cheat consumers.  They want "opportunity" to exist... to cheat... lol.  

But that's why we have a system.  Loophole hunting, right?  Remember my previous blogs?  Your job as owner of a business is to find opportunity to make your business leaner and sometimes that includes bribing some politician or corporate agent in an effort to "technology up" your business.  You guys are going to have to read WAY BACK to get what I mean by "technology up".  And this is just a risk right?  Right, Rick?  lol... that's my nickname for risk-takers.  They don't deserve any respect.  They get into this great position of power and now we are supposed to guffaw at all the low lifes that didn't risk their company's welfare to get ahead.  So you go ahead and take risks people SHOW ME what people that skipped paying 10s of thousands of dollars in student loans and skipped making Cs or Bs or As or even registering for class or going through an admissions process and getting rejected... SHOW ME what people without nothing but two knees and a genital do with their sorry lives now that they have skipped becoming educated... oh I see... so you take risks... ha...ha... stupid educated people will never see that coming.  What they probably ALSO won't see coming is that, like black people that all know each other when they are not educated, you will probably want to form GANGS.  

So my effort today is to try to simplify, or better yet to molify old perceptions.  It's not the black people that we despise, or the Mexicans, or the gay people, or even the bingo night old ladies club... we despise WITCHES.  When there is society, all nice and calm, someone undoubtedly develops their own brand of thinking. I am as guilty of it as anyone.  You start to think what if we act against everyone else, that isn't expecting it.  Why don't we form a gang?  Seems logical right.  But that's what we need to hate is the separation, the divide.  They used to burn witches for this, maybe they did the same to black people, maybe we should do it to Mexicans lol, just kidding.  But people acting in private seldom have the will of the people on their agenda.  Look at the TPP.  They are negotiating a treaty... AS PUBLIC OFFICIALS...  in private.  I don't mind if the CIA does it or law enforcement perhaps since combat and war is chaos so why not have a big center of secrecy fueling you group, but treaties are not combat.  The only reason not to show the specifics of the treaty is to not SHOW the specifics like what they are paying those people and what our fat cats here are making.  It's almost as bad as people here hiring mexicans in secret.  They wouldn't SHOW us what they are paying them because then they couldn't keep their SLAVES ... right? 


Where's my Alex... 

PS. And don't get me started on the service industry... what is it now $2.25 an hour for them?  Why do people work their I am wondering when people at McDonald's get $15.00 an hour... oh I see... it's a secret.