Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Jesus, Joey


So today we talk about witchcraft.  I have mentioned it before that there are spells that people use to damage you without others knowing it.  It's BECAUSE you don't know they are doing it that they work and even if you do know, if you are not WILLING to damage others, say because you are a CHRISTIAN, these "spells" can drive you mad.  This is a messed up way of saying this because if you are not a witch then you don't know what it means to drive people mad and that's sort of a good thing, right?  I mean you don't WANT stupid people out there able to damage others just like you don't want them to be able to make a bomb or something.  That's why it's called forbidden knowledge because if you don't know about it, then it can't hurt you.

Well, I'm here to tell you that it can and that it sort of never happens to good people because good people can just shrug it off since they are strong willed and can continue to heal their psyche over time.  But at the end of the day, if witches want to KEEP GOING, they can and if you don't know they are pouring hatred on you or if you "ignore it" like people tell you to, you are going to get "cracked".  This is what they mean by driving people crazy.  It's logical and makes sense if you explain it but people don't want you to know so as to lessen the conflict between good people and bad.  After all, bad people get tired and go home and good people heal, and it's like my father used to say "it takes two roosters, to start a fight".  That means BOTH have to be willing and if one party doesn't believe in fights then there won't be fights and the world is better off... even if one of them is a "loser".

Now that you understand this you can see why it's so important, especially on TV, to not allow people to do witchcraft on Rachel's show or on Alex's show.  The stars do something that disturbs others because they are all about the truth and how it's funny and for no reason at all, Alex might find herself annoyed on a camera that was supposed to be shut off that coincidentally happens to happen the day the telepromptor has messed up words... remember that?  Or Rachel might have someone "coughing" through her jokes, taking away that famous gelatinous vibe that she is so famous for(do you like that gelantinous vibe?) and it's all OK, PAY NO MIND that the star is "losing it" and doesn't know it.  See that?  Do you see what LOSING it is now?  You are getting attacked.

Now, Jesus came to give us solutions to these problems.  I said in my last blog that we are often faced with rule-breakers.  They find out "how it is" and then they do it their way because that's where the money is is to destroy and be the first one to make money through the "shortcut".  So while you are on your show doing your everyday job, people are sending their mercenaries to destroy you, psychically.  They are doing what they can, can, can.  It's just mob psychology.  Flood the gatekeepers and such.

Now I have spelled out for you before simple spells and how they work.  I know how they work not because I pulled out Manafort's Black Grimoire of possessed people, no.  But you start to see how that works right?  Possessed people do what they're told or else they get "harassed" which is a nice way of saying they get smacked with what they don't like, like a high rent payment or a call to their wife or a virus on their computer or business.  It sounds so EVIL, until you realize that this stuff is going on everyday and that ALL those magical stories are real and are just a way of showing you how "the game of golf was invented at the same time" - Gandalf

I am not evil.  If anything I am like Rachel and honestly there are so FEW lawful and good people out there that are good looking and that are leaders that I get unnaturally attracted to them because they are so rare.

Last night I was watching Rachel and Erin and Lawrence, ugh Lawrence I don't like him but he IS funny and since he is telling the truth, I can't stop myself after I have started watching.  Plus I love good comedy.  Good comedy is hard to find.  It's one thing to make fun of people but it's not domination and evil, if it's true.  That's part of why I like gross comics like Sarah and Megan because even though it's gross, it's true.  Or like Bill Maher, who despite being clearly against the Republicans, which is not hard since I am HONESTLY just like "what were you thinking" so often, still manages to be respectful of his guests, despite simply just talking about the truth, which turns out to be funny.

Ok, I have to do my apology now since I used Trump's forbidden statement yesterday to further my own agenda.  I apologize.  I apologize to everyone.  It's not nice to use other people's statements and it's probably not a good idea to used statements that are illegally recorded without their consent.  He just might be damning us all because he is pretty SHARP like that.  We should have nothing to say about people who have had their private conversation's recorded because then we don't have a country.  We are all ok with illegal activity when it suits us and the rest of the world is like uh huh, they think they are in charge when they slide and lift the laws for the BETTER people.  See, everyone is watching or listening to something forbidden, do you see that?

That's part of why I can't go to police right?  I can't say help me with this and they ask me stuff under oath and I have to spill the beans on everyone.  That's why there are two worlds out there, one where you CAN go to police and one where you go to the FUN police, which is basically a mob of people that exile you because of what they "heard you did", and as soon as they find out you are having "fun", it's time to hit you with some more stress.  Of course I am stuck though right because I CAN'T go to the fun police, because I don't believe in the fun police... I mean WITALF is the fun police?!!!

I would laugh if this wasn't so ridiculously true.

Ok, so back there somewhere, literally somewhere maybe nowhere, I learned how spells work because they have been tried on me so many times.  Here goes the first one and I think I mentioned these in a previous blog.

The fireball.  A fireball is something that is true but it's not.  You can fireball me to my face or you can talk about me while I'm standing right there or you can spread gossip.  If you lie to my face you are fireballing me, you are messing up my understanding of things and that fireball damages me MORE, if I trust you.  All of this is like poison, you can't do any of this, you can't poison me if I don't trust you.  That's why if I point out this one bartender that liked to "special" my drinks, he will NEVER work again! Of course, that might be why I am not working and it might be why it's ME that will never work again because you know, reality.  And if he starts to spread gossip with help of his friends, that's DRAGON breath! Aren't you just happy silly giggly to be reading this?

The lightning bolt.  It's so simple but it's so effective.  Just start talking and I will finish your sentences, right?  We love each other so much and know what each other is going to say... nothing but LOVE going on there... when people interrupt you.

The frost spell.  Like before people that love each other, like me and Erin, don't know what the heck is going on when that love stops.  One person thinks it's mutual and the other is kinda like, what's he think is going on here?  Souring the milk is something I have had happen MANY times people so try not to get worried when I get soured up and take a long break.  Like I said before you have to have trust for this to work and it worked best between an ex-girlfriend and me.  She did it to me at a bar, smiled  me up, got me talking and getting ready to kiss her, and then she froze there with a straight face literally shutting me down and making me scared of her and women forever.(in all fairness, I was perhaps wrong to talk to her parents to try to get back with her.)  It has a more devastating effect the more you love the person so you could be safe and not love anyone, or you could just not believe in witchcraft, like me in this scene that actually happened... or you could do like Rachel and say it with me...

"it's ALWAYS better to know."

This is what Jesus was talking about when he said to turn the other check.  You have to ASK them to hurt you.  The reality where you AGREE to be hurt, because the subject matter has not been discussed, has to disappear.  Just ask them to excuse themselves.  It's all about manners really.  You don't want to have it come to blows so ask them to excuse themselves.

"Sorry, I was lying about what I did but really it was an exaggeration; I didn't realize that I was trying to ungainfully earn your trust"  or "I heard you did this but I don't believe you did this" or "sorry for ignoring you but you stepped on my foot this one time" or some such like that are all examples of manners or attempts to dispel hatred.

Interrupting people, is also something you can simply dispel with an "excuse me".  Some people do it and... New Yorkers... well, I will leave it you New Yorkers to decide if you need to have manners.

People will slap you naturally, it's in our blood.  I forgot to bathe this one time after I got back from gym at work because I ran out of time and this black guy next to me REALLY let me have it one day because he thought I did that on purpose.  I worked in the desk next to him and it was weeks later that I realized that maybe him not bathing was intentional because it never happened again.  Black guys STINK let me tell you!  And you see there now we have another example of a fireball, lol.  Sorry guys, that was like an exaggeration... perhaps a slight one... what?

And you see that's another thing I need to bring to light is that my comedy shouldn't hurt people.  I don't dislike anyone so ALL this stuff should be taken as words from a history book not like an indication that this person is walking around mistreating people, that's not me, trust me on this.

But only friends can be funny so if you don't know me, don't say funny things about me, but if you like me and you have my back and would defend my character in court, then yes feel free to talk about me and um, let me just get that in writing from ya...

Ok, so I think I said it all.  Oh, so Jesus said to turn the other cheek and that's so as to dispel the magic, the hatred.  Hatred is natural, and to stop it from happening it takes something UN-natural like Jesus to stop it.  Noone has hatred for long, it wears off, unless it's something truly terrible that's been done to you, but for everyday things to keep the world clean a simple turn of the cheek, a simple excuse me, keeps the world FREE of witchcraft and of hatred.

One last thing, if people don't excuse themselves and feel that this is a good moment to OWN you, like a demon that possesses someone, which should be a hint as to how evil that is to even think about, it's appropriate to use the words "God bless you".  After all, we are all on the same side, right?  Right??

And if they do something questionable like ask questions AT you or something, it's ok to say thank you.  Thank you solves everything also.  "If it's hatred you intended, thank you for your attention, I must have been doing something I didn't know was wrong, I release you from your hatred" is one thought. 

That's what Trump does, do you see that?  People come at him with hatred and questions and things he doesn't want to answer and he says "thank you" which is a lot like saying "God bless you" because not only does that indicate that he heard you(frost spell) and that he appreciates you and would answer truthfully(fireball) and that he didn't interrupt you(lightning)  but it saves him from having all those "attacks" stack up in his mind, as attacks.  If you do things with good will AT the President, it doesn't damage him and that's what we should all be trying to do is grow things, grow our understanding, communicate with each other, and compile.


Last night on Rachel, she was trying to defend someone that was asking questions AT the Russian prime minister, who asked about the reporters manners... so see even RACHEL can be wrong.  Rachel you are wrong... but hey, we are still on the same side and if I honestly believe you are wrong... it's not a fireball, it's not hatred, it's not witchcraft.

If we are not compiling, we are trying to hurt each other.  Now don't me take for a babe in the woods, (I love it when Rachel says that btw, no mental images here, nope, nada...(comedy)) I realize that way back there somewhere there is proof that Russia and Trump want some kind of friendship where they make a bunch of money and that is truly scary but meh, if they are terrible but they are surrounded by good people, it kinda makes sense, and if that is what's happening in Russia, some terrible guy surrounded by good people, well, I'm not so scared of them then, what would be worse is to have some billionaire out there free to do as he wishes with all of that "trust/money" in secret instead of working right out there in front of everyone, to improve our lives.

So if you ever get "spelled" by someone, it's ok to wait for them to have manners but if you turn the other cheek and they DON'T excuse themselves, then it's ok to say "God bless you" or "thank you" and that dispels the magic too.

If it's particularly painful, the spell you are forced to endure, like the one time people made Erin tear up on camera, it's appropriate to say "JESUS" which is another way of saying "stop the insanity".

And if you are feeling slightly prophetic and scary, you might try "Jesus, Joey" - History of Violence

PS. Btw, let Spicer have his job folks.  As you can see from this blog WHO KNOWS what kind of witchcraft is going there that he has no clue is going on, people in higher places, like Mrs Obama think they can take the "high road" and that's just foolish imo, the witchcraft stacks and stacks until you crack or you can just dispel it like I showed you how to do here.  People think witchcraft should be forbidden but no, hatred is every day and natural and if you are not aware of it and how to cure it, it can destroy you.