Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Looking forward and up

BLM:71 WHM:54 SMN:36 WAR:56 THF:70 RNG:29

Things are looking up for my old BLM. He is about to hit level 72 at which point he will be getting the Errant Gear handed to him and will no longer strut around town in his Silk Pants and Black Cotehardie. Still, I will look like teh uber BLM then, as I should considering the level I am... plus I can still wear the hat. I gotta have that hat, lol. Black Cloak? Pfft. Not without my HAT!

I sent PM to Emagyen and Uchipu today. I gotta say that I really don't enjoy talking about people privately. it is necessary I understand as a leader to have as much information as possible, but it is part of why I am where I am. (aka, at the bottom actually but nm that) I know that many people have been having a lot of conversations not on ls chat but we need to have our arguments and get over whatever is bugging us out in public so that we all can think about the situation and help if we can. Everyone in the ls loves everybody else so if two people don't like each other then the rest of the shell has to hear it out. Give it your worst and then just get past it. An ex-girlfriend was so cruel to her ex-husband. She would just let him knock and knock on the door for like a half an hour but she would not answer the door once she made up her mind. She made the comment "ride it out" which meant to just get over it.

At the core of every controversy is going to be the usual... Uber player makes snide comment, mature under-uber player is going to start to irritate uber player. Uber player makes insult and then doesn't understand why he is getting treated like crap from his linkshell mates. People never see themselves as wrong when they lash out at someone.

Ugh, I hate talking about management crap. It really bugs me.

I have to start farming and am going to try to get my THF out to various concentrations of animals farming. I don't want to waste a lot of time farming so I will try to do items that sell quickly for OK gil. After I get 200k I can upgrade my RNG and party with him. At that point though, I need to start thinking about my BLM and how he needs to have his Errant gear bought which also runs about 200k total.

I am thinking about BCNM A Worm's Turn. Hmmm. That would ease the load off quite a bit.


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