Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Dynamis momanis hyanis

BLM:75 WHM:54 SMN:41 THF:70 WAR:56 RNG:36

Doing quests is much easier now at 75 since I don't aggro stuff at all hardly. Plus, with WHM sub, at 72 my BLM got the city Teleport spells to help me with traveling and stuff.

Well Dynamis-Bastok went well for me I guess. I didn't die more than twice but we had a much smaller group and not enough healers. We needed to clear them out quicker is what the leader said and so we just stopped short and ran out of time. The game is very laggy during Dynamis. I find myself having trouble using the /assist function well. Often I found myself wanting to use F8 to target the nearest mob, but the DRGs in the pt always screw that up. I always end up targeting their dragon. SE should fix this. Why would anyone want to target a DRGs dragon?

I really need to get my Sleepga II scroll. I only need two parties of 70+ for that. Hmm, I keep thinking maybe the whole Dynamis group would maybe help me kill that NM real quick. Yeah right.

I talked to Shanisasha in the ls yesterday and she sed that there is a Dynamis that is done on Wednesday. I would like to attend that one also but I don't know if you can since it is a 72 hour waiting period before re-entry. That one was for Dynamis-Jeuno.

I can't say I have really wanted to party lately. I am getting into playing on my XBOX 360. I bought Condemned: Criminal Origins game and am trying that out. I like it. I have to say it's much more fun playing right away than having to wait for an invite. It's a very dark game though. You spend the entire time with your flashlight on looking for things in what are very intricate environments. It's good practice for wannabe detectives. It's VERY tedious. You also gotta like to hit things with a pipe. The enemies are crazed people that carry pipes. You get like any guns you find with bullets but there is no ammo in the game so whatever ammo is in the weapon is all ya got. Most of the time you gotta pick which pipe you fancy best and bust heads with that. I bought the book for it but that was a waste. I should have waited til I finished it. This game I will probably not play again anyway so finding every last hidden thing isn't too important to me.

I sold all my stuff in Jeuno so I guess it's time to farm again. I wonder if they are gonna send me my money for Monday via Delivery Box. I wonder if I will even get any money.


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Xylos said...

In dynamis you should be using an /assist macro

/assist "name of lead blm or lead tank or whomever" this way you target the mob that person is attacking rather than t or bt or tabbing etc.. Should have one for main tank one for lead blm.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Xylos said...

doh ><
I missed where you talked about assist, anyhow I did/do dynamis on dial-up and back then on a ps2. Lag is an issue but assist is a must for blm.

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Hohito said...

TY Xylos,

Ya I finally got the hang of following the lead BLM. He usually has to actually attack the mob first which is easy to tell if you are close to the lead BLM cuz he pulls out his staff.

It took a quite a bit of mobs to realize it was important to keep the lead BLM in sight. The puller was going too fast for us to keep up with imo. Maybe I am just new to it though cuz we in fact ran out of time.


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