Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Time for Orc!

BLM:75 WHM:54 SMN:38 THF:70 WAR:56 RNG:36

Doing Dynamis takes a lot of patience and synchronicity. We got lucky I think to have our entire group all put into one party of BLMs. Normally the one THF pulled for the entire alliance a set of mobs. Oddly, as I watched him, he would shoot one mob and then it would turn into like four, and then we would have to sleep them. Well, not surprisingly, I felt a real need to have my Sleepga II spell, but more than that, I felt a real need to get my Enfeebling skill up. The RDM was expert at sleeping but when he got resisted, and it was a lot, we ended up having to cure him a great deal. Of course sometimes he died, and then soon did the rest of us. You could say that in our little party of 5 BLMs and the RDM, he was like the tank, if he died, the rest of us soon followed.

We didn't do so bad either. We made it all the way to Wyvernpoacher Redreaper or something like that and we had him down to like 9% hp. But he uses a special charm ability that is very tough on a bunch of mages. Why a bunch of mages? Because after he charms all of the tanks, the number two spot on the hate list is us BLMs. This, along with the charmed tanks taking their free swings, doesn't allow us to survive very long.

This is probably the reason for having so many people there cuz with less people, he just would not get damaged at all. We are getting better though. They told me if we had killed that one NM then one more NM would have popped and if we beat that then we would have won it! I believe them too. They seem young but really seem to know what their doing.

Money was a problem in some ways because I was told to put the job on the items that I wanted to lot in my search comment. Well I put BLM and THF. Well then they clarified that I could only lot one job, which I thought was fair, but then I looked up the drops for Dynamis-San d'Oria and there were NO drops for BLM or THF in that one. Well taking that into account I should have been paid cash but I didn't have cash in my search comment. I would have earned like 300k.

Oh well, I guess that's how you learn.


At 3:45 PM, Blogger Uchipu said...

When people get charmed in Dynamis...Sleepga II.

But even better is to have the BLM team nuke kill the NM. No tanks, no melees. Nuke big one on mark, Sleep, Nuke big one, Sleep, Nuke big one, sleep.

Takes about 3-4 big ones from your BLM team. My Dynamis LS has full Alliance of BLMs. That's how you avoid Charmga.


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