Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Qufim Island teaches you

BLM:75 WHM:57 SMN:41 THF:71 WAR:56 RNG:36

This is a picture of my Warrior dated 10/01/05. It's hard to believe it has been almost a full year since I first joined Uchipu and friends in the linkshell. There ought to be an anniversary.

As a Thief, like many other melee class jobs, when you hit level 71, it's time to start working on your final weaponskill quest. For a THF this means you go to Kazham and get your Dagger of Trials from Jako Wacandolo or whatever. This dagger has to be used in skillchains enough times to get a total of 300 points earned. If you open a skillchain or just use your weaponskill, you get one point. If you close a level 1 skillchain you get 2 points. If you close a level 2 skillchain, 3 points. And, if you close a Light of Dark skillchain, you get 5 points.

Weaponskills in general, are earned as you go up in skill level. Your skill level goes up by using said skill over and over again. At a certain point the game "caps" out your skill and you can no longer "skill up" until you go up another level in your job.

Confusing? I thought so, but if I explain too much more I will fall asleep right here so let's skip it.

Your final weaponskill as a THF using a dagger is Evisceration. You have to complete a quest to earn it and a step in the process of earning it is to earn you 300 points using the Dagger of Trials.

My printout however didn't mention anything else about what monsters had to be attacked so I went out to Qufim Island and started farming Lightning Clusters and Bat wings and such and just trudged along knowing that I would have to do 300 weaponskills to remove the latent from the dagger.

I pass the 100 mark and start nearing the 200 mark and I start to feel proud of the time I spent. I had farmed a good bit of stuff too so I was quite pleased at myself for having productively navigated the weaponskill quest so incitefully.

Just then Mith notices that I am in Qufim Island and says Hoh, you gotta do ws on Easy Prey mobs or greater.


I remember once watching Bugs Bunny as he finds a litte fella crying and tells him not to cry and that he promises to take him home no matter where that may be. Well it turns out that fella is a penguin and his family can only be found at the South Pole. I can still remember his words...



At 5:51 PM, Blogger Paul Bauman said...


It's funny... you, I, and Halifirien are all working on latents at the same time. And Tsakiki was working on some just a few posts ago. Is it, like, WSNM season or something?

On the topic, I'm going to post a gripe later about people's newfound inability to launch skillchains anymore. There are some true imbeciles coming down the pike and into the 70's. Very scary.


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