Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

De Facto owned


I just found an old letter written by Thomas Jefferson that describes his view of government.  He stated that it resides in three forms:

1. No government, like the Indians
2. A government of equals, which has problems
3. A government of force, utilized by monarchs

So it's like I have said before that a government with NO congress action is the most ideal.  It has few new laws, people are treated with equality in mind, it has the most problems of ALL the governments.  So it's like a natural progression to gravitate towards the government of force, am I right? I mean when an issue is covered by a law, it's easier to just "loophole" your way around it but when the law is governed by a person or a regulatory body or a "czar" as Obama's opponents would call them, you can't really skip around the law's intent too much.  This is why I believe we are still in a good phase of our eventual degeneration into one of the other two forms of government.

Now the only way to stop that deterioration is to have EVERYONE know how this works so that they vote the right way over and over again in the years to come without letting another PATRIOT ACT come into being that is NEVER going to be repealed that changes the "essence" of government into a FORCED governance or a CHAOTIC governance.  

We aren't afraid of the Patriot Act yet because it hasn't killed anyone we know yet but it should be obvious to all intellectuals that it is a function of a government of FORCE.  It needs to go away and all aspects of the Iraq war need to revert to pre-war levels.

But that ain't gonna happen.

At the same time, the rest of the world are catching up to our politics.  Globalization is occurring.  They are paying attention to what we do now.  They know Republicans mean more money and more business and more death for everyone but mostly that this will affect the poor.  They know that Democrats have no stomach for war and that the opportunity there is to secure their OWN places in power through wars that will not be challenged.  And as they begin to figure out that all the leftover money from their drugs or hacking or oppression of what have you, can be used to BETTER the condition for them and theirs (aka worse for poor people), you can bet that NEW money will find it's way into our political system just like France found a way to fund our revolutionaries.  

And because dogging the poor is so popular worldwide, it's no surprise that the borders of all countries are starting to look less and less like serious matters.  In fact, in the game Civilization: Revolution, the world would be already won.  All the money is controlled by people here in America and the rest of the world depends on OUR money, borders notwithstanding.  Any time we want something, it's time to remind those countries how much they OWE us much like a drug kingpin would do in a city he "owns" de facto because all he has to do is pull away money people depend on to get what he wants.

And yet, despite the reality of DE FACTO OWNERSHIP, I believe our government is working fine.

Jefferson said that rebellion as compared to the oppression of monarchy becomes nothing.

Here goes a quote from the letter of Jefferson to Madison from Paris:

"I hold that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing & as necessary to the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions indeed generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government..."

As you might guess, this is what happened in Ferguson and other places that were requesting a higher minimum wage.  It is in these protests that we must remember where we came from.  From a people that were oppressed.  We are not capitalists(invisible hand), or opportunists, or godless, as so many well-heeled politicians would have you believe is our raison d'etre.  No. We are a people FORMERLY oppressed by a king.  Everything we do should circle the drain of that one thought, so that we don't return to that again.

He kind of got it wrong though with the Indians though didn't he?  Are you quoting me the words of an idiot you say?  Well, Indians weren't really from India were they?  They weren't a people of no government either?  And having no government isn't really an option, is it?  You can have light government but not NO government.

But let's examine the Indians for a while... oops I meant to say native Americans.

By the way the Redskins have agreed to be called the Blackskins... why?  No reason.  Stupidity.  Money maybe.

So the Indians used to run around with their teepees and their squaws and their little braves all in tow while they hunted buffalo(have you not SEEN Dances with Wolves?) And always they kept their motions to themselves and were always adept at sensing other tribes and danger while stoically believing in the buffalo herd.

This part is what reminds me of ISIL.  You see that form of government IS superior.  Everyone is set to run, the waste products of the tribe are appropriately discarded on land they won't see for a while which fertilizes the land that eventually the buffalo will come to feed on which bring the tribe back to hunt them again. Full circle.  I can't say ISIL would do this but a roaming war party is superior to castles that grow old with decay and plague.

This is what global warming is all about.  Decay.  We are producing a BUNCH of CO2 and not just us now but more of the world is doing it and soon the whole planet will be like a castle filled with waste, with not enough plants to chew away at the CO2 that takes up the space of the O2 we need to survive and which as a side effect, makes the world warmer.

ISIL has it right.  We should all join war parties and start killing off the "extra" people that like to drive cars that don't deserve to live.  (Can I get a talk show now? Being the jerk, makes me IN right? Can I be on Meet the Press?)  OR, we could just kill ISIL after they grow to EPIC proportions so we can start a World War and we can solve our problem with cars and population that way.

Of course, there cannot be ANY nukes in this world war, (memo to me: remind them NOT to use nukes) it should be plain as day to anyone that has watched that nuke documentary of the Bikini Islands that nukes destroy atmosphere.  It's my opinion but just LOOK at it!  The reason they CAN'T make nukes any bigger they said is because simply MORE atmosphere would be blown away, not any more area.

See?  They reached perfection in nuking, they "arted" it, they reached middle.

EVEN NOW, those islands have unlivable radiation from a bomb blasted 50 years ago... yeah... BE AFRAID. 

So before we go off as Americans and join ISIL for the greater good, which btw HOW can you be an American and feel bad for Mexicans that can't be citizens ... and then go off and join ISIL?  How dense can you BE?

Boggles the mind.

Before we go off and join ISIL we need to remember that World War just means nukes, and what's worse is NUKES in the hands of STUPID people.  People that don't even know what they are doing and probably don't care since at some point all politicians become Hitler.  They become bubbled or controlled by the "crowd immunity" which doesn't let them see past their political cause.

Ok, there's like a thesis in there for someone, you're welcome, and one last thing.  In a NO government society, like the Indians(screw it, they're Indians), there comes a time when the whole tribe has to wait on the sick people.  "I would LOVE to join you but let me just get over this cold and I will be right there, so what if the WHOLE TRIBE can't eat."   You know what I'm going to say next don't you?  That's right, time for the witch doctor.

~I heard the witch doctor he was in love with me.  I heard the witch doctor he was in love with you.  Aw man the witch doctor he told me what to do...


Never underestimate the power of the witch doctor, or of the NECROMANCER, to proclaim you healed or dead as society needs you to be.  There is such a thing as NO government and in that government, like OURS is in danger of becoming, the doctors rule. 

And when they rule, things are ALSO unequal.  

PS. This is a picture of me "under the sea". Am I owned?  Possibly. Check out the song Home by the Sea by Phil Collins and you will get more of what I mean. I don't like using the word stupid, but in Phantasy Star Online, there was this one quest you couldn't finish unless you convinced this guy to stop buying weapons... and the only way to do that was to correctly choose the phrase to convince him, and I was SURE it wasn't by calling him stupid or a fool but turns out... THAT was the only way to convince him, so when I am sure of something, I will rarely use those words not as insults but as insults w/benign purpose.  I don't insult people or better I say, I don't take pleasure in doing others harm.