Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Perfection is here


Perfection is fleeting they say but I'd rather think that this is not so.  One example I keep going back to is the cooking of hamburgers.  After working for 3 years at McDonald's, some of it as manager, I had a FULL STORE of knowledge about how doing a good job was accomplished.  Indeed I took a bunch of this knowledge with me to the Census Bureau and then to Citibank.  

In most things, there is a set way to accomplish your goals.  For example in cooking, you take your 0.1 pound patty and cook it for 20 seconds and then season it with salt and pepper, then flip it and then cook it for 40 seconds more.  It's perfection right?  I mean millions of customers were served doing it this way, and where it says to do this is in the book.  

Every McDonald's has a book.  A huge book that states rules for doing everything there is to do in the store.  And the beauty of it is it all has been tested or done before right?  I mean if you opened up a hamburger shop tomorrow and had to write your own rules, you might stick to 0.25 pound burgers and maybe flip them after a minute and then cook them for another minute cuz that seems right and you might be undercooking meat that could allow food poisoning but that's ok cuz you might not get that many people that would COMPLAIN about it.  

Meat is a very BIG deal in restaurants.  Any errors with meat usually cost the restaurants a manager if not the store.  Health inspectors are unforgiving and frankly most PEOPLE are unforgiving when it comes to their food.  I had a manager friend of mine lose his job because his meat wasn't right, something I heard about after I left there, and I said to myself NO WAY did that guy have his meat wrong.  That guy was super-focused in a way I wasn't.  He was married, 2nd in command, liked to yell(which to me shows you care), and he was in great shape.  I thought he really had it together so for me to hear he lost his job just sounded like someone set him up to fall.  Later I heard he got a job at AOL as customer service so it gave me "some" peace that at least the world, or God, looks out for the good people.  

Anyways way back there I was going to introduce perfection.  Perfection is what we have already.  We have things to do, ways to do them, and a place to throw out the waste.  A well-oiled machine I like to call it.  That's perfection.  Sanity.  

I was also taught how to make biscuits at McDonald's.  I probably have mentioned this before but if you are taught to make biscuits, it usually means either you are going to be promoted or that you have been there a VERY LONG time and noone expects to promote you anytime soon, because it takes a very long time to learn how to make biscuits from scratch.  One of the steps involves rolling the dough and then putting it in the oven and if it doesn't come out right, all of it is wasted, and it takes like an hour and a half to check to see if you did it right.  One of the difficult things about the dough after kneeding it just right is the rolling procedure.  You have to roll the dough 3 times.  Don't ask me why but if you roll it 2 times, biscuits are wasted and if you roll it 4 times the biscuits are wasted, so you have to kind of "art" the biscuits or the dough so that the biscuits come out just right.  I would have to say I made the BEST biscuits in the business after I got good at it.  Heh.  

One problem I would often have is that my biscuits would come out LARGE.  Normally the leftover dough is rolled into a snake and placed next to the 20 biscuits but on my pans there would be usually a tiny snake or I might even be short a biscuit that I just could use as a real biscuit.  

Quality costs.  

Art is like that.  I am quite the artist as far as sketching goes and one thing that becomes clear when you go from pencil to ink is the amount of care that goes into it.  With lead you can just scribble scribble and erase and then scribble some more until a good image starts to appear, but with ink all of that is much more difficult.  My subconscious is a terrible thing.  I could be close to finishing and smack it will make me LINE across the piece just once just to ruin it all and ENJOY the go, as it were.  So when you "art" something, you have to understand that you are right at that phase of drawing where if you enhance the picture too much more, it might be ruined so it's better to quit.  

Same thing goes for women.  I hate to talk about women like they are things but they really do ACT like things sometimes.  They're very unforgiving.  If you are unforgiving and you are a man, then the truth is you are MORE like a woman.  Men negotiate.  Men are civilized and principled.  Men can take emotion out of it.  If you want to be a better human being and you are a woman, you should want to be LESS emotional and more center.  I don't mean be intellectual because you might ruin my sex drive, lol.  I thought Anna Kendrick was hot recently looking at her picture without recognizing her but once I did, all that intellectual, "by your command" cylon monotone voice of hers made me do was imagine how interesting the conversation would be, which with her being like half my age probably means I would do most of the talking which I don't like to do too much.  I like to listen.  

Women, don't ruin your sexiness until AFTER the first couple of nights if you know what's good for you.  And by the way, the only thing I hear when I hear feminism is DIVIDE, same things goes for when I hear black people or immigrants, it might seem like groups of people are allowing DIVIDE but really it's just criminals.  

POINT to them and say THAT GUY! 

Ok so way back there I was going to bring up perfection.  You have it or achieve it somewhere halfway through.  In our war with Iraq or with Russia, our goal won't be to have a discussion or to eradicate ISIL, it will be to convert them into forms of people that will be willing to co-exist with us.  I don't believe that they become rejects that must be killed but they DO become untenable things that won't listen because they have let their emotions get the better of them, like Hitler did.  I don't believe Hitler was an evil man, he became evil/emotional/like a woman when he allowed his party to drive him to us/them his people.  He lost control.  It happens to all leaders.  It happens to women.  If you are willing to do what I say, says the emotional woman, then why not send you to "handle" all sorts of things, now that I don't have to feel bad about it?  

Bad dog.  Bitch.  That's a man that can't handle his people and by the way that's easier to say when you don't have any people to worry about like me.  Would I get emotional about my people?  Good question.  Each man will have to decide this one day if he has children.  I wish him luck.   

So our goal there should be first to cut off funding by flying planes to cut off supplies to the groups, then check and post where this equipment is coming from, then try to not to look shocked when it "turns out" to be Russia or Israel or UAE or even our own CIA which happen to be 4 out of only 10 or so possible places legitimate money comes from that would find its way into terrorists' hands.  

Again, 50/50.  It could be your neighbor polluting the water and you might think NOT HIM but it's just that easy.  In fact I would expect all things to flow from DC and other cities to the hands of gangs and terrorists.  You need legitimate sources of income and those sources must consist of good people because they don't betray each other.  And those good people could be anyone, but the people they could NOT be are the people that are out there fighting or that are unorganized or militant.  Sources of money always come from one or two EMBEDDED people and once those are plucked out or at least censured, the entire mass of terrorism or criminal activity begins to weaken.  Then you either see progress or you begin to see leaders get unreasonable which means the war will soon be over.  

So perfection is not something to aspire to.  It's here, it's present, it's peace, it's a well-oiled machine.  If you NEED to have more money or a higher promotion because you are just not busy enough, have a child.  Trust me when I say that everything missing will be filled up when you have kids to care for.  And the money thing, well just expect to hand over your paycheck to your girlfriend like I used to do.  

PS. Yes I know I'm a financial wizard but the creative one doesn't pay the bills, the horse pays the bills... and sometimes the horse rides the jockey by the way... and no not doggie-style, thanks for asking!