Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Drugs and Police



If you have had depression you know that lacking for a good time, drugs fill the void nicely.  Be it Scotch Whisky, be it cigarettes, be it wine or beer, be it cocaine or prostitutes... they all fill the little space of I CAN'T with an I DID IT. 

But it's time to examine that theory, especially in light of the fact that Robin Williams committed suicide.  It's puzzling to me how police react in the face of death.  You can probably tell a LOT about a police department and its leader just by the way they report on death.  Do they tell everything in the hopes of having the public help them figure out what happened or do they keep it secret hoping to lull the perpetrator into staying nearby so they can catch him if something shows up they can pin on him?  

It's like I have said before about tanks.  A police dept is a tank.  It takes hits for the rest of the public and focuses attention on the enemy so that none of the surrounding enemies get brought into the fight.  Two types of tanks in FFXI, a paladin and a ninja.  People will say that a warrior is a tank too but everyone knows a warrior is a small-time tank, and if he faces huge opposition, he's going to need major healing and a shield which may solve your problem for a while but you can't efficiently run a police department with a bunch of warriors because they take too much damage.  Being the police is about damage control.  The courts and the news, THEY are your real damage dealers, never mind the prison system but at first, up front, your job as the police is to manage the damage output from said foe.  

A ninja police department uses blinks.  It is a DARK police department focused on evading hits and letting "blinks" take damage for you.  It is deeply rooted in magic and the elements.  It's a "chicken" police department, but it's effective.  By the time, the enemy has used up all of his energy, the media and the courts have made mince meat of that person's reputation and all that's left after that is to feed him to the crows because noone will come to that person's defense at that point.  And that's what it's all about, finding out what PEOPLE... will let you get away with.  That's how they do things in hell.  Blinks and evasion.  Fireballs/lies and poison/surveillance.  

You can run throngs of people through a system like that and you can be sure of ONE thing, the criminal is not going to be rehabilitated, he or she is going to have been through the wringer, tagged, marked, and then thrown back missing a wing in case he ever wants to fly.  The job there is to create an us/them narrative where they tell their families what a great job they are doing and slowly the congregations at the town halls appear to be more "white" for some reason.  

Hahahaha, hello Hitler, where you been all my life? 

The paladin is a different sort of tank.  For one thing, he tells the truth.  I know it's hard to tell the truth all of the time but tell me this "have you tried NOT being a mutant?"  Oh by the way for some reason the XMEN are becoming less popular and I can't figure out why, too much.  A paladin uses light/truth to rehabilitate criminals.  His job is to outnumber the bad cell with shields, rampart, sentinel, cover.  He uses no attacks whatsoever no magic except to retaliate damage already done by the foe.  He is the ONLY warrior that can be called lawful and GOOD.  All warriors and all ninjas are evil.  Their job is to attack first and decimate before being decimated.   

So what kind of police department follows the Paladin view of things?  One that swears on the bible, that CARRIES the bible, that signs affidavits knowing THEY are the judges trusted with whole lives each of which must be guarded because of the tenable nature of righteousness.  ONE bad cop can throw it all into the wringer, making the whole department a band of ninjas infested with magic and poison.  As you might think, it's a hard job to do.  You can't hold on to trust even in a laundry mat how will you do it driving around a whole city filled with people on the 0-10 desperation scale?  Well it depends on how you are raised and why you joined the police.  Paladins use their shields.  Paladins step in front of danger.  Paladins call for help and don't NEED to attack but DO NEED to dispel magic and shine FLASH on possible witchcraft.  Paladins are chock full of bulletproof vests and shields and helmets because they are willing to TAKE the hits so that others are not hit upon.   

I didn't used to watch police videos because you get a sort of rebelliousness in you if you feel you were victimized by the cops.  It's obvious they all back each other up so when one of them does something "questionable" to others and all of them back each other up, it's easy to see THEN how people can feel put out of society.  

It reminds you of John Milton's poem doesn't it? If GOD hates you then freedom and "furthest from him is best".  It sort of creates Satan worshippers doesn't?  I mean if they are all using the Bibles, swearing oaths, carrying holy symbols and then one of them lies and all of them back him up, you're kind of LOST aren't you?  They can lie and YOU CAN'T.  You see how that works?  And I used to wonder how people could worship SATAN, well, wonder no more.  

Which begs a question, how can you TRUST after a bout with the lying police?  

Well, that's what time is for.  All hatred is temporary.  Hatred is like a lightning bolt.  It's magic and evil and usually only works on people who trust you.  If people interrupt you, when you are teaching them something or educating others...

...that's hatred.  

Time will heal your wounds if you wait long enough.   Depression, like SarahK said, is a downed feeling about the past and what you should have done better, about opportunities missed, and maybe about challenges you should have defeated.  But it's a waste of time to think of such things negatively.  We are all on a path and at any moment looking forwards and backwards can be equally troubling.  Don't think "OMG I just messed up with the police they must all hate me" think "oh I get it now, SUE people".  

For everything else, there's Mastercard.  

It's no lie.  Violence solves your ire but challenging people with money uses up MUCH more time and MUCH more effort and it usually let's EVERYONE see what the fight is all about.  And I rather like that idea.   That's one of the reasons I wanted to become an attorney is because no matter WHO you think is the VILE criminal, he had his reasons; and rather than have some chopped up foot found in a ditch after some 16th person lost their cool at the bar, SUING people stops the madness just fine.  And I believe in that.  I believe in arguments and pros and cons.  I believe in the Bible and proving the truth even if not all of it comes out.  

Ok so when the police department chief is like "he was found dead" and doesn't want to tell the public what he died of or what was found at the scene or who was present with him or even the name of the officer that shot the teenager and HOW MANY times... that's some "Baisheit".  YOU work for US.  WE pay YOU to tell us what happened not to spin your webs so the right media group gets first dibs or what have you.  

I don't believe Robin Williams committed suicide.  Especially not of asphyxiation.  Forget about it.  That he died of alcohol poisoning is like that Philip Seymour Hoffman death where he ODs but we all KNOW he didn't overdose.  People know, and SarahK could tell you and Rachel has not the FOGGIEST idea, that people that work in the night life, in CLUBS, might be making bunches of money being all stand up straight and I drink water philosophy but they also work right next to SPIDER people.  People that spin webs of lies and come out of their hole to stab their prey only after they are thoroughly covered in webs.  I doubt that Robin was all that depressed especially with a show currently running and him all "tank full" of savings in the bank from his work on that series.  

But I have been wrong before.  I thought that guy who lost his child in the hot car didn't cause it and then it comes out that he was texting women while working while his child was out there.  It boggles my mind.  I also thought Dr. Oz was a good joe (Morning Joe? Pfft) for switching to food sales since people were giving him a hard time for going public with Medical secrets.  Then I found out he was getting kickbacks from those companies and saying some "questionable" things as a medical professional about what helps you lose weight and is good for you.  

That part about not spilling the secrets of the medical profession reminds me of pool.  Long ago, I was a good pool player.  But, like in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I was missing some key elements that kept me from being excellent.  In the movie, the "poisoned dragon" Zhang Yi is excellent at Shaolin Kung Fu because she tore pages from a book stolen from Shaolin, a monastery.  It should be clear to you all that Kung Fu is one of many trains of thought.  A religion if you will.  If you follow that structure, then you cannot follow another structure and be any good because in theory,  you could never be very good at either if you have TWO religions, someone else would always be able to outdo you.  So it's because of these missing pages that her mentor, Gray Fox I think, is good but is missing something.  She is missing the ability to be excellent and in the back of her mind she probably knew this all along but felt so lucky to be close to a "royal" that she was in denial that she was cursed and lesser.  And she was fine with that until the day excellence showed up and she realized they were both going to leave her behind after all the work she did, which was not that much work really but it seemed like it.  

Ok you all saw the movie, I don't have to type it out.  So like in the movie POOL is a form to be mastered.  You have to stretch out your arm you have to hold the base as TIGHT as possible you have to consistently hit the center of the white ball before you can progress to aiming and playing at all.  

I used to laud people on the pool player channels because I thought the reason the game had been around so long is because it was so hard to master.  And it really is, but not so much that a 15 year old can't outdo you.  Yeah, I have seen it, a 15 year old kicking butt like the best player in the room and that kid even though he is stressed out trying his heart out is nowhere near as vulnerable to "environmental stresses" like the adults are.  

It's quite unfair.  

I once bought a video that taught pool by Lou Butera.  It was great and I wondered why I had waited so long to buy one.  I finally got all the secrets taught to me like ball spin and table grooves and banking and I even got good at caroming shots most especially into the 9 ball for an out of the blue win many times.  

He was nicknamed "Machine gun" Lou and I HOPE it was because he shot balls fast... heh heh, hmm, maybe not so funny.   I copied his style in many respects and true to form if I could slake away balls machine gun fast and run the table, that was THAT MUCH better for me so as to play on the opponent's psychology.   I used to do that with my sister, I feel rather proud that I taught her so well.  If she would slack off a bit or get tired, I would Machine Gun Lou the table and rack em up for her.  But she could tell I was doing it for her benefit and she knows how lazy I am when I get all mushy soft merciful after I show off a bit, lol.  

Where was I? Oh yeah, drugs make you high and then take that high away.  I just got finished drinking some coffee and then smoking a cigarette.  Can you see how this practice makes you bipolar?  I didn't see that until recently when I stopped smoking altogether and all of a sudden, I had more resistance to interruptions.   I didn't go batshit over the phone ringing.  Drugs make you a mess emotionally and it's necessary to know that so that you can "entertain yourself" and still realize why you are losing your cool all of sudden over someone in your chair or whatnot.  

TRUST ME, drinking and cigarettes damage your calm, to say nothing of what heroine and cocaine must do to it.   And what is more striking to me that depresses me is that all drugs are SO unnecessary.  People want me to keep their secret about what drugs they use or what whores they were with but fact is there are plenty of replacement drugs that are LEGAL, you don't have to keep it a secret.  

I mean if you are needing to get a perpetual hit off a joint, just tell the doctor you can't sleep at night and hit those pills with a beer and POOF off to lala land.  My father just told me he had a rifle of a time getting off of sleeping pills.  He gave me some and YEAH those are NICE.  Benadryl anti-allergy pills they're called.  WOW.  Talk about going right to sleep!  But they also dry up your throat somewhat.  After the second night or so it was feeling like an addiction but not in the sense that I need the pills, just in that I LIKED them so much.  And since he likes to have coffee in the middle of the day, my dad, was wondering, after WEEKS of taking those pills, why he couldn't get to sleep without them.  

See that?  

Now he's all back to normal but he reports to me that I was right about it, about pills in general.  They take you OFF your calm.  If you are depressed maybe go on a pill regimen temporarily but understand the philosophy behind it.  You are supposed to be a healthy weight, drink plenty of water, have regular bowel movements, and NOT need pills.  That's your goal if you think something is wrong with your body.

If there is something wrong and you want it out of your body, sweat and bowel movements are the only way that's gonna happen.  So working out plenty and drinking plenty of water to get rid of that alcohol/poison/whatever else is upsetting you... is probably a good start.  What do the Customer Service people tell you when you ask them why your computer won't work? They tell you to hit the reset button right?  Unplug and plug your computer yeah? 

There you go.   

Cocaine and coffee are the same thing.  Over time you build a resistance to coffee and it starts helping you less and less but if you are addicted to cocaine and don't like the idea of the police "found dead" -ing you because you like to keep powerful and connected people's secrets... maybe go to the doctor and tell him you are depressed.  Simplest thing in the world really and instead of giving your money to someone who can SWITCHEROO your addiction to a "found dead" police statement, you will have a nice bottle of anti-depressant pills that if you manage to overdo them or run out of them or if they are tampered with in any way... lead people to your doctor.  

drugs + doctor + public = good idea

drugs + witch doctor + secret = found dead of overdose 

PS. well so much for my theory, just found out he hung himself, meh, maybe I was wrong and I can't prophesize for crap