Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Scent of Death


In the old days there used to be mounds of death.

That is, there used to be burial grounds that foretold usually that a village was coming up that you perhaps should not visit or that a war had recently taken place or that a disease had manifested itself nearby.  A warning or maybe a window into a place you would rather not visit.  Obviously "messing" with the dead usually means, as it does in many horror movies, that you take up a dead cause or that you "find out" some buried secret that lives in the minds of the "triumphant", still living, overlords that won some battle.  This means that if you start to pound your mallet about what's right, those overlords show up, perhaps by saying their NAME three times, with plenty of practice at how to cover up and BURY said secrets.  This is why horror movies are TERRIBLE but also instructive, is because I used to not like horror movies because I didn't want to know what a psychotic mind was like and yet now I can follow the symbolism famously like a pattern, that repeats itself.  I guess if you ask yourself if you like horror movies you are also asking yourself if you like to take risks.  Most people do right?  I mean wasn't that the point of old Mark Twain's Jumping Frog of Calaverous County?  You start off as a big risk taker believing that the fools are the ones that don't try often, but at some point you realize the horror movie.  That the world is fixed.  That if the rich ALLOW you to have riches it's because you are not a threat to them, not because you are the most worthy of riches or the hardest working.  But that's not so bad because if you look at it through a microscope, if you look at people like ants, then they simply promote the people that are most trustworthy.  Right Alex?  Right Alec?  So in your new search for opportunity you have to now understand what the rich people want and accept, perhaps before buying the cow with a tail shaped like a banana, that people in charge CHEAT, and that in some way, you are going to have to accept that, either by becoming people like them or by remaining someone of insignificance.  Oh right, the death thing, well so getting back to the burial grounds, often there we see people get warned NOT to touch something or NOT to go there.  See?  You are learning.  That saying is all about messing with witches.  Witches live among us... WILLING to cheat and usually have a pot of gold somewhere or some such and if you treat them badly they all gather together and start to COOK UP some way to get you to leave unless you are a child in which case you are simply possessed through some simple spell.  What spell you ask?  Well, you take a child, ask them if they like candy and then tell them some impossible task is what they owe you... AFTER they eat the candy.  Too simple right?  That's why I'm here.  Oh yeah the burial, well it's not just the appearance of a burial ground that should warn you off but also the smell of it.  Does the word FLESH EATING BACTERIA scare you?  It should.  That's why things that are feeding on the dead don't mind too much mistakenly latching onto your skin as though it were dead.  And if you live in a pristine environment without insects or fleas or other circle of life creatures that would otherwise keep those infections to a minimum, you are going to be treated to a rare disease.  Now I have a theory that I have formed about evil.  Evil shows up whenever there are too many good people.  Julia Ioffe wrote a fantastic piece about this guy that made millions after the collapse of Russia because he was one of the FEW people willing to cheat.  You see if there are many cheaters, they all betray each other but in an environment like a burial ground, there are no predators, so it's easy to have just the ONE predator make a killing, lol.  So take smoking for example.  You wonder about cancer.  Why does smoking produce lung cancer?  I don't think it does.  But it does STRESS our your lungs right?  No wrestler or runner or any form of athlete can afford to smoke right?  They immediately have to quit to get up to par physically.  So by that token, we know that smoking weakens you lungs, be it cigarettes, hookah, electronic  cigs, marijuana, or even second hand smoke, if the air is not clean your lungs take the hit and so does your training. It's in the weak environment that you are most susceptible to gasoline odor and what is gasoline?  Death.  Yep, that's why they call it fossil fuels.  You are burning up that burial ground with little respect for the dead.  Fine.  I'm not too much on religion but I am a fan of old men with many experiences because things in books may or may not be true but real people NEVER LIE, especially old men.  Ok.. um... what was I saying.  Oh, the lack of white cells, because you have been smoking, allow this residue, the gasoline residue, to accumulate and confuse your cells.  Of course now we can't drive cars since you all know that or maybe we just pretend we never messed with the oil industry because you know what those old men are saying to each other in the elevator after destroying everything in the movie Chain Reaction...  "what would we do?"  Oh you're welcome everybody I just cured cancer so probably we will now look forward to a whole lot less rich people or may they will start to hire a huge mass of people that they should have long ago to fight for their CAUSE.  But you know what?  It's funny because people in the city with no trees to filter out the odor all bunched up together with plenty of carbon dioxide to stress up the lungs further and walking next to rows of cars with those toxic fumes and breathing up the dirt and grime kicked up by everyday traffic... those are the ones that get cancer.  So good news to all of you that live out in the country.  I used to think it was the doctors that systematically just PRONOUNCED patients with cancer every once in a while but thankfully that's not true. (You may interrupt me at any point if you sense sarcasm.. not) You know if you think about a cigarette for a moment.  You have paper, tree life, wrapped around tobacco, plant life and you are burning that, putting it into your lungs and then getting high from the nicotine which is a chemical, which you could literally take a pill for it.  It's kinda stupid.  But I just finished smoking a cigarette so don't call me a judge.  But I was telling my nephew the other day that when people light up a cigarette in the movie that usually tells you who is the villain because he is the one that is not normal, see?  He is the unhealthy one.  And what do you smell when you smell some smoke coming from a cigarette?  That's the smell or the SCENT of death.  Know what's funny?  The cigarettes that come fresh from the factory have the best taste.  Yup.  So the FRESHER the cigarettes are, the better they TASTE... creepy huh, yeah... but it's true.  

So in Destiny I wanted to help you guys out with what I have figured out in the game.  First of all, everyone should immediately get the YouTube app on the Xbox.  It's free.  (In fact, I am considering removing Netflix since I only watch TV when I eat and YouTube serves that purpose for free.) And if you love playing Destiny, you are in for LOADS of fun watching videos from idiots online playing Destiny.  I honestly wish I could filter out the idiots because I really just want to watch the videos.  But once in a while I get some comment that I find useful so some few times it's worth it to turn up the volume and hear the commentator.  One example is One Land Beyond.  Totally crap weapon but you have to learn to use it for it to be effective.  At its best it allows you to see the screen like a pistol and by now you know that the pistol is the most popular weapon not just because THORN is such a hack but because it allows the most field of vision when spotting foes.  One Land Beyond does this as well without a big scope taking up 20% of your screen.  But you only get one shot before you have to reload it so word of warning before you level it up.   Another advantage is that you get to use it with a shotgun.  I have to say that with the hunter, the bladedancer, because he is all about close combat, it's better to use short distance weapons and unlike the other jobs which use long distance, your hunter(sometimes I say thief) should be fast and up close and personal.  I try to use invisibility but often I just end up getting shot up because I haven't perfected it AT ALL.  They just see me; but I think it has a lot to do with the motion sensor so once I get better at understanding it I will be able to use INVIS better.   I like the gunslinger too.  I leveled bladedancer(bd) first and I thought WHY would I ever use gunslinger which has like basically NO abilities, but you would be surprised how easy it is to hit targets with gunslinger's trance active.  And once you get the knack of the throwing knives, you often finish off what your weapon couldn't finish on it's own before reloading.  It really makes the game more fun.  I even started to use the tripmines more often and now people fall for them all of the time.  I used to think that the gunslinger would just get shot up if he didn't have invis but fact is even the bladedancer is easier to play without using invis, gauge that yourselves accordingly.  Oh and if you couple that 8 second Blink attack with Regen ability all with a shotgun in a combo... it's MUCH better than trying to ambush people with invis which you can't have if you use Regen so try it people and LIKE it.  I learned also from You Tube that you could find other exotic gear that had higher stats so instead of just trashing repeat exotic armor, CHECK the stats because they could be 20% better.  Same goes for buying multiple exotics like trying to buy a Purifiers Robe with a ton of coins.  SAVE them all up and then buy up a bunch of gear and then COMPARE the repeats.  They will all have different stats and then just keep the best one.  Also it's best to get at least one exotic of everything.  You never know when you will want that extra laser blast from gunslinger or the 6x laser blast helmet.  One is good to use in crucible, the other is good to use on bosses in Prison of Elders.  

My favorite job to play is the voidwalker.  I love blasting stuff with meteor or whatever it's called and I have his stats and gear really refined out well to include plenty of grenades that lead up to plenty of meteor.  But the thief is who I love to play just to mess around.  I like using invis even though I suck at it.  It's strange.  And whenever I want easy I pull out the Titan.  He is not terribly fancy but he is easy to use to get those daily heroic events for the ascendant shards and then put away to get back to the other two jobs.  I have found it also useful to pull him out during Iron Banner.  He has the easiest time there for some reason.  I get 10 in a row much more often than with the others even though I like him less.  It's like I play better when I don't think about it too much.  Maybe life is like that?  Maybe it's better not to be too emotional?  Is it better not to care or to like things?  Is it better to be a robot?  A slave?  Hmmf.  Well so I have been plugging away at my rank in POE(Prison of Elders) and it's slow going.  Since I don't have my other computer working yet(it's been a month) I can't sign up online to offer myself for a party.  I still think someone burned up my computer but all I know is that it kept turning off and on because of sleep mode that it wouldn't stay asleep.  I think that is what burned up the power supply and if so then it is a simple matter to replace it.  

Microsoft is kind of cheating here aren't they?  I have to buy a NEW COMPUTER to get Windows 7 and even though I have the program I can't use it to run my other computers.  Hmmf.  It's a racket.  What's worse is the cost.  $100 for an operating system that most people would agree probably didn't cost all that much to develop like say a video game.  And what's more is that you don't even get anything new, you get... an operating system that they NOW service and DON'T service the older operating systems.  SO crooked.  

Uh, what about the poor people Yogi?