Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, September 17, 2015



So last night I had a recurring thought that the FBI was going to be betrayed by their own, by the Department of Homeland Security.  I thought to myself surely this was crazy but this morning I am not so sure.  Most of the time I don't think of the world as evil or as degenerate but as self-refreshing.  I once thought to myself that if ocean liners continued to pour waste into the oceans soon everyone would come to just live on ocean liners and sure enough the prices have gone down and there are more ocean liners than you can shake your fist at.  It's one of the world's great equalizers because, you know, international waters and all, means that you don't have to be from any sort of GOVERNMENT to run one of these ships.  Well I am getting off topic quickly today but what I mean is that there IS an invisible hand out there but it's not the hand of selfishness as Adam Smith projected but it IS the hand of GOD that corrects for human trespasses on the natural order of things.  Now you might think that this is like a loop right?  Isn't the natural order what we seek to forego when we choose to be civilized?  Yes.  But we can never get too far away from it no matter what your heart commands.  We can't spare the chickens.  We were MEANT to eat chickens and so we must.  We were meant to continue the carbon cycle and so we must.  We were meant to overthrow dictators and so we must.  We can't be kind about it or forgive some of them over and over or even pardon the turkeys too much, we must BOW to the natural order if not sooner then definitely later.  But natural order is what is commanded by GOD.  Just as time must march on, so must the whole Earth bow to the circle of life.  It's like having two parents that we all live under, Mother Nature and Father Time.  

They rule us, without question. 

Ok so way back there I was going to mention how a betrayal would take place.  So in my mind most things are like sands of the hourglass.  They are hugely important but mostly insignificant.  It's binary in some ways.  All we can do is all work together but IF SO then we must act in concert against someone.  There's no escaping the need to feed.  So by that measure... you know what I love about coffee?  I love that it doesn't condense moisture.  I sometimes like to drink a regular drink out of a coffee cup since most of my life I have drunk it and drank it and always there is moisture if I drink something besides coffee.  I have to wipe it up.  Of course this moisture is much more present if I use ice in my drink which I often do, and it's then that I realize the need to bring a napkin with me to sit down to help wipe up the moisture.  Today for example I was awoken for some reason.  I think it is something to do with my liver or maybe the crack of my ass(not what you think) which unsettled my stomach while I was sleeping.   For some reason I am able to eat much more than normal and this always puts me in danger at night.  While I am sitting there eating it is not apparent that I am overdoing it, but as the food starts to settle it really makes me toss and turn so as to face my stomach in such a way as to not by pinched in my body somehow.  Yes, I know I should probably go see a doctor and once I get my old job back and have medical insurance again I will be sure to check on that... (smiling because this is too funny but NOT funny).  

Oh, so redundancies.  Well in my world there are many examples of things that occur that are redundant like four wheels or like two ears or like two sides to your mouth.  You know recently, I cracked a molar and this caused my whole mouth to become different.  I used to clack my jaws when I chewed and one day people mentioned it to me because I was completely oblivious to it.   This is like a whole nother topic now but I have to address it now that it is in my head.   A long time ago ALL my family started to mention that I needed to see the doctor to have my jaw fixed.  One day even my Uncle from another country put his two cents in and mentioned it to me.  I was distraught.  I wondered if maybe I really should go have an operation to fix it.  What an incredible procedure that would have been right?  How would I look as they "fixed" my jaw I wonder?  Ha!  The terror of it grips me even now.  But I ignored them and started to struggle to chew more softly.  This of course led so less pleasure in chewing since before I could CRUSH the food and now I sort of bit it and licked it and softly chewed it so as to not make my jaws clack.  But let me get next to steak or some tough food that was really GOOD and there I was again clacking my jaws and people all looking at me like I was a retard.  Hmmf.  So many years of this go by and as I see it now it was probably the beginning of their rule over me because I remember how confident I used to be and this was probably where my confidence started to go, and not for obvious reasons right?  So fast forward to I crack off a chunk of my molar and begin to chew MUCH more carefully and I have to keep a toothbrush and spit cup next to my chair and I get no pleasure in chewing like I once did because most of my chewing is now done on the opposite side of where I was used to which is totally like HALF the pleasure of chewing where I had always chewed and whatdayaknow...  my jaws don't clack anymore.  Everyone's happy... hmmf.  

Oh yeah, the fall of the FBI.  I guess that's important.  So remember that because I am not getting paid for any of this, you can rest assured that I am earnest.  I don't have ties to another country or to some organized crime unit or even to my old job or the military, though I could see how you would think that, ha!  So when you have redundancies, it's usually not an accident.  If you have TWO brothers, one of them is the good one.  Two JFKs, one of them's gotta go.  Two wives?  One of them is the childrens wife the other one is the sex wife.  Two cars, well you get the idea.  It's like a backup.  Always a use for a backup mostly for when you get bored but maybe because there is a real danger of the system falling apart if the primary fails.  Now this reminds me now of what my father said.  He said to me, AFTER I had bought my second car to replace my old one which still ran well so I kept my old one.  He said, "you cannot have TWO cars".  I explained it to him the usefulness of a backup and that the old car had a CD changer and that the new car would not have problems if I used the old car more frequently... but for some reason... he went back to saying "yes but son, you canNOT have two cars."  I still don't get it but maybe today I get it because soon I took my old car to the mechanic and he charged my a whopping two grand for a repair that began as 600.  Later I lent my car out and some people took care of it some people didn't.  Eventually it got crashed by someone and water started to leak into the trunk and since I didn't want to replace it, I gave it to goodwill, despite the 2k in good parts it had somewhere in there with a rebuilt whatever.  

But I guess that's my message for you today is that you cannot have two FBI's.  I was dreaming about the FBI and Star Wars you see?  I was dreaming that I went there and asked them to let me work in their FBI building and that I started to follow some of them around much like Joe Pesci followed around Mel Gibson... what was that saying he used to say?  Something something SOMETHING in the drive thru?  Anyways... it occurred to me then the Jedi were betrayed.  They were leading all of their clones in the war against whoever else that didn't matter and were insignificant, and all along the WAR was against the Jedi.  It weren't but some fool obstreperants that were concocting the whole notion of fear.  And just then it occurred to me that the TSA and the DHS were created for just this role... to become the clones... to become the redundancies that would un-hinge the FBI.  Sound real?  Hey man, that's why I'm here.  Now that I don't have a JOB, my job is to prophecize.  Don't blame me for speaking, think about it for yourselves, and prepare accordingly.  

It's like when they come for Duke Lito in the movie DUNE and the wives are all part of these witches that help each other but ultimately bow to their own ends but still tell each other everything... sort of.  

"What can be done has been done".  

So guys... yeah.  Get it done.  Prepare, not for war but for what normally happens.  Prepare for God.  

PS. God if you've been bad, GALACTUS if you've been very bad... :) maybe they already came and left right?  Rapture already happened maybe?  Oh now this reminds me of something else I wanted to capture on text is about the rapture.  I already told you that to be in Heaven is not to fear death but to acknowledge it as fateful and logical.  If you can sleep at night, you are in Heaven, your MIND is in heaven.  SO this take of all the good people being taken up to heaven during the Rapture without death, is incorrect.  The Rapture is simply the zombie apocalypse happening.  People will all either embrace fear or will lose it and become zombies, or they will understand that the loss of christianity in the world had to happen someday and then they will be overwhelmed.  This is opinion of course and obviously a great movie would make this terrible to behold but it's just another way of expressing that dictators are overturned violently and "nature" takes over, soon after a little of it takes over our leaders.