Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tarus r cuter than tigers

BLM:75 WHM:57 SMN:41 THF:72 WAR:56 RNG:37

My WHM did some searching around in Uleguerand Range for a nice spot to party but I didn't ever take advantage of it as a level 55 and now I am too high a level to kill tigers. There is still another spot that is great to level against the raptors there so I wanna make sure I don't miss my chance.

I partied with my THF recently and pulled out my dagger to weaponskill with in a pt. The weapon isn't so bad. It does more damage than the normal weapon I would use although it does have less of a stat bonus.

I was sc with a Warrior though and he was using his Axe of Trials while I was using my Dagger of Trials. It was a real fight though to figure out who would go first in the skillchain, Mistral Axe < > Shark Bite: Light. If I go first, I get 1 point out of the 300 I need. If I go second, I get 5 points. So whoever goes first gets screwed basically.

I went first. I am such a nice guy. I partied all afternoon and went from 71 to almost 73, but I still have the latent effect on my dagger.


That's why I picked the tarutaru, cuz they're so nice and cute like me.


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