Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Life at the Sunset Grill

BLM:75 WHM:58 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:58 RNG:43

I'm getting fat. I used to have the body of Rambo and now I can't sit straight in the chair. I can't figure out why but I think having more stuff to do at night used to keep my energy up. I used to do poker on Sundays, escort on Mondays, dart league on Tuesdays, darts again with my Sister and this fine hottie that is now married with somebody else's baby that was in love with me on Wednesdays, and Karaoke on Thursdays and then I wouldn't do stuff on the nights I worked. only 2 days Friday and Saturday since I am a millionaire(joke). It really used to get me tired but I also enjoyed the crap out of it.

Now, I don't have any dart partners, the poker guys are starting to get upset at me not wanting to party with them so much, I don't hardly see my sister or that other girl anymore, and then there is the game.

I know the game hasn't gotten harder. I know it's just me and my disillusionment with people that's getting me down. I know in time there are good people out there to meet.

I can't help wondering if it's the bad people bringing me down, or if I bring out the bad in people. I tend to be very annoying and when crap happens to me that I don't understand I try to think back to what happened that made this person do this and then I psychoanalyze myself. I am very attention oriented and I guess am used to getting a lot of attention. By the same token, I have a conconmitant ablity to amaze the crap out of people. It's my way of getting attention.

Of course that is another way of saying I am a troublemaker.

Bah, gettin tired of writing here, hope to have better news tmw. [peace]


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