Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I like lolNIN now

BLM:75 WHM:59 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

The more I understand NINs the more I like em. I really should just get out there and level my sub for it but bah. I'm probably about to quit the game soon anyway or at least take a break from it for a while. I used to love Phantasy Star Online so I am playing PSU now but Im not online yet. That game is sort of boring though so I dunno. I got FF12 but it has the y-axis reversed and I can't change it. I tried to play it with the scheme the way it was but I put game down 5 days ago and I probably won't pick it up again. It's just completely annoying to have the world bobbing the opposite way. ...

I learned a new trick yesterday while partying with a NIN tank as WHM. As BLM, I used to like to watch the shadows and try to Stun the mob at least once just to give the NIN a freebie chance to put up his shadows again. Stun prob wouldn't be up again till close to the end of the kill when I would be far more busy with nuking to Stun the mob again so I would just do it once at the start.

Another useful trick is to Rasp the mob for NINs.

For NINs, as a BLM, it is VERY useful to Rasp the mob. Like PLDs, they make excellent tanks but not for their armor, for their evasion and shadows. Most NINs, I would imagine, have more AGI and evasion gear to max that out for the good of the group. By the same token, PLDs have extra armor and VIT. PLDs that can be helped with extra armor, aka. Shining Ruby, get a chance to push their extreme too if they can get some external help. So as a BLM, you should as much as possible keep Frost and Rasp up if you are partying with a NIN tank. Rasp lowers the mobs DEX which makes him miss more. So with NINs, the mob is gonna miss much more often and you will notice a big difference in the NINs hp cuz of this. With a PLD I usually won't even use Frost or Rasp cuz I can count on the PLD controlling the mob so I do less beginning stuff with PLD tank and get up mid fight to nuke more which makes for quicker kills at the cost of some help on TP for the melees.

The game is cost vs benefit like this in many ways. If you don't see me Frost you think I must suck as BLM cuz I don't know that it helps TP but I might have reasons for not using it like more mp. A WHM that isn't Hasting the tank might have good reasons for not doing it. Every WHM obviously knows they have Haste. An RDM that doesn't Dispel may not be paying attention to the status messages and the Cocoon effect might be there for like 3 minutes and "Hey, what's wrong with the RDM?" Well, is RDM main heal? Is WHM out of MP? Is their Hp red? Is the NIN out of shadows and desperately trying to recast?

JP partys are great like this for one big, big, great reason. They know how to keep their mouths shut. You speak worst when you speak it to a trash can. We are all full of trash and don't need someone to remind us.

Try to remember Uchipu's little lesson about NA party cuz it's true. Now this isn't all the NA party I am talking about, I am talking about the broke-as-yesterday's toothpick-trying-to-put-it-back-together-cuz-why-not NA party people. NA party people often speak first think later, change camps before getting thru the first exp chain, give no warning before they dc, and probably most annoying of all try to talk during battle.

The only thing someone does when they ask for Haste is not remind me of the fact that OH Yeah, Haste! They make me do it ahead of everything else I have planned like Reraise or Protectra, or Cure IV!

Two days ago that happened, I was doing Protectra and Shellra and I got distracted somehow, don't remember what, and I noticed my Reraise(rr) expire. RR takes a lot of mp and takes a long while to cast so even though I had plenty of MP, I didn't cast it midfight even though I should have. I can't remember what it was I was doing though but I was going to cast it. Anyway, an Air Elemental popped next to a new camp they had chosen in Aydeewa Subterranean. The standard camp was taken. I was /SMN so I couldn't sleep it and the RDM wasn't able to either. I quickly casted Blinkga on everyone but I was lost there. It was the first time I had been there. I Flashed the mob and ran that way and came back like I would with my THF but they were still fighting the Crawler thing they had pulled. The mobs were high IT so we were getting good exp but kills were rather lengthy. Well, no dice. The tank voked it off of me but I couldn't keep him healed from the multi hits and he fell. Then the Galka MNK took over. I was saving Benediction but didn't see the Air Elem begin casting Aeroga III and poof it was over for me since I was already weakened from kiting it. What's worse, no rr. Party disbands. I bloodport home.

No, I didn't come back and Raise II them. Was that selfish? lol

Anyway, the neat thing I learned was that WHM can use Flash to help the NIN. That's right! Flash is like an ultrapowerful blind spell(that works) that is perhaps almost as good as stun but lasts longer. So I found myself counting his shadows and casting Flash throughout the battle. It's really neat and makes NINs life easier which makes your healing job a lot easier. I'm still kinda new to it but I expect to get much better at counting shadows because of this.


At 5:53 PM, Blogger Fhlo said...

hey hohito mith and i are about in teh same boat you are once again.. Dolphis has talked us into PSU and where gonna get it in a few weeks lol where gonna be online so it will be us 3 if you want you can join in with us and we can have 4 XD

At 3:54 PM, Blogger Hohito said...

Oh goodie goodie! I will try to sign up for it and try it online. I wonder which job I will be heh, I will prob start off with the RNG Cast guy.


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