Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm so glad we had this time together~

BLM:75 WHM:61 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

Well it's time to say goodbye to Uchipu and friends. I have enjoyed their company for more than a year now and I can't say I will forget them soon. I kind of wish I could have gotten her to make me a signed Fisherman's Tunica just so that I have a memento but I dunno. I will ask her to synth it for me one day maybe after I am able to synth her something in return.

Yesterday, I leveled my WHM. You really have to be spastic to be any good at WHM. Almost as much as RDM I imagine. I was Hasting and Paralyna and Erase all over the place against the Lesser Colibris. But we had RDM BRD WHM setup which had us with a huge amt of support. We were pulling chain 5 but were only making like 140 exp and I was the highest level person. So we decide to switch to regular Colibris and boy did they throw in the FAT exp then. I am still not sure how we got so much exp per mob. Those were very hard to kill though and mainly we partied against the Tigers.

The whole group eventually got irritated with me though cuz I wouldn't Erase the Paladin's Dia. I still don't know which move the tiger does that gives Dia though. They were JP so even though they thought highly of me at first, I realized later that it probably was very annoying to keep having to ask me for Erase.

Even though NAs don't like the macros, I realize with JP parties that it is very easy for them to see my pattern if I use macros to announce my actions. I think I am going to level only overnight when JP parties are available. They really have some smart leaders in those. I myself would have never thought to replace a BLM with a BRD, but in this case it worked great.

I find myself wanting to learn JP from movies like KILL BILL and such, heh.

Hohito mi da, oh boi-toh-geh!

But learn how to write JP? FORGET IT!