Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

No pretense on events

BLM:75 WHM:60 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

It's been a while since I have played THF but I remember having to go into Castle Oztroja, in the background to get one of my Artifact items.

Oh and in regard to the Snoll Tzar fight, someone said that they saw somewhere that unlike other bombs the Snoll Tzar was weak to Ice. Well we tested that theory and it was horsecrap. Blizzard II hit for like 25 or so. Basically the Snoll Tzar is only weak to fire and, if you use Flare, becomes also weak to Water.

I have been thinking lately about how to make the game more fun for the ls. I want to schedule events that a lot of people can take part in but that don't have to have a lot of fame or COP stuff accomplished to do.

Some of the better times I remember having was when Uchipu would escort people on some trip on Monday Nights. Vanadiel is huge and even with 2, or almost 2, 75 jobs, I still can't say I have become familiar with all of it. COP missions are nice because they take you to places like the Manaclipper and Attowha Chasm. If it wasn't for COP, I don't think I would ever go there.

I feel a special kind of joy when I hear someone in the party says, "I have never been here." I heard that the other day when my WHM took the party to Uleguerand Range. The place is so underused and is so cool.

Anyway, getting back to events, I am doing BCNM40 which is cool since everyone likes to make money, but I would like to do something different like Ballista or Brenner or one time Uchipu took us on a triple Miratete Page hunt. But that requires some COP missions done and fame also. Assault is a good way to get people together but sometimes the fights require higher rank like Private First Class fights, etc. So even that is something that not everyone can participate in.

I am going to try to do some Ballista I guess and if I start to really like it, even though I still don't know all the rules, I will try to lead a group from the ls to go.


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