Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, November 24, 2006

What should I do?

BLM:75 WHM:60 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

Well I tried to level my WAR yesterday and noone was looking for a level 59 WAR/THF that can only wield a GSD(Great Sword). That's ok though because just like last night at the bar, I like to make picking me the most impossible thing in the world that could happen. I want to surprise that heck out of you when you thought you were gonna just suckash with the gimp. On the other hand, maybe I should just level NIN like everybody else.

Needless to say, I don't get many invites. I do things backwards I guess. I want the relationship to be the best part instead of the assimilation. Stupid me.

I have turned comments off. Even though I used to welcome your thoughts on matters such as party mechanics and whatnot, I now intend to write more about myself and my life.

I really get confused sometimes with women. We are having a great conversation but she won't give me her number. She agrees to let me buy her a drink but she doesn't wanna dance. At the end of the night she holds my arm and waves goodbye. I believe sometimes that everyone else went to pick up a girl class and I must have missed out.

Today for some reason I feel exceptionally hungry. I can't explain why? Maybe I feel like SHOPPING!