Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The next day looks gray

BLM:75 WHM:59 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

I helped some people with getting their Tenzen path completed since I had some help with getting mine. Today I tried to help still another couple wth their ZM6 but there was noone needing it. We searched for like 30 minutes.

After that I went to Oldton Movalpolis to try to squeeze a gold key from one of the Goblin Firemen there. Well I couldn't even get one to half even though they conned Easy Prey. I believe this part of the quest, which you do separate from the other parts and doesn't require other people but actually it does, is going to be the hardest part of this mission. It is a rare drop so no way could six people hang around and wait for six of them to drop.

Well, I'm on my way to play poker. One of my good friends has told me that you never EVER talk about a one night stand if you ever want to get lucky again. So this is me, not talking about it.


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