Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Is there an outpost nearby?

BLM:75 WHM:65 SMN:42 THF:75 WAR:59 RNG:43

I have begun cooking again and am leveling it up slowly. I went back to making Orange Juice since I had a bundle of crystals from Manaburn against the Flan. Man, they do drop a LOT of crystals and since I had my Republic Aketon on me I decided to pull it out and soon after one person left. Why are some people so averse to people's gear? What does it matter what gear I have on as long as I stay the full time and use up my mp to zero? Sure it's gimp but it's a whole lot better than not having anyone. Oh well.

I guess I should not be the one harping on about being too perfectionist.

Tonight is Dynamis. I missed Dynamis Friday because I was sent home that afternoon and told not to come back till after my holiday was over. Suddenly I got a call from the bar and it was Johnny! He said they had taken from his friends and he was in dire need of assistance. I rushed over and found him there among strange friends so I immediately asked the bartender to pass Johnny over to me and then he was alright.

I want to start law school. I am probably like a million people tho with deluded thoughts of how I am gonna be on easy street once I graduate. I researched going to law school for a long time some years ago and I found the job itself very boring. Even doing research for my Case Studies when I went for my MBA were VERY boring. I do have a new love for writing though and since I can now type well I imagine myself getting back up to speed intellectually like I used to be. The job I do now is so ridiculously easy that I sometimes wonder how they can make doin something so simple, SO complicated.

Credit cards used to make a simple percentage off of revolving balances which amounted to usually 18%. This and an annual fee basically gave everyone the same "deal" when it came to the price. I have worked for credit cards for now 16 years so I was there. This later was changed to allow people who paid "late" to be charged more money. Late fees were non-negotiable back then. Everything was systemized and if your check got there late, it got there late. But as usually happens when you feed the pigeons, the hawks take notice. If you are gonna hand out money to beggars, I might as well send my children all out there to get their "chores" done. Heh heh.

I don't wish to get too much into what advantages the credit cards have taken but rest assured the happenings in the organization reflect the status of our society to a great degree. Since I have no children and no business, most of what I do all of the time is philosophize about people. I realized long ago that there aren't "evil" people but just some that are more selfish and some that have less restraint.

As it happens I have a whole lot of restraint(read fear) and not a lot of selfishness so I hope that makes me "non-evil" but I am afraid that all it makes me is weird.

Weird like a tarutaru in Windurst skilling up his enhancement skill as a WHM/THF who uses Flee now and again to save time and wears his Republic Aketon proudly as if to say "I should be moving faster but I'm not cuz I'm not from here".