Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Let's have some Hohito pie!

BLM:75 WHM:65 SMN:42 THF:75 WAR:59 RNG:43

Checked out the AH today and found some of my stuff had sold. I will continue to play I suppose but I need to become more organized with how I play FFXI now. I want to achieve some things this year that put my job as a second priority but that means becoming far more self-motivated. I also need to drink less and cut out the cigarettes cuz they just kill me.

I have just about had with being nice to people that are mean to me. There was a spot in the movie Lost in Space where the Father finds out that the scientist had sabotaged the ship and doomed the family in his attempt. Well after they avert the disaster the father comes to KO the scientist in front of his family but the words from this "typically verbose" villain as he struggled for his life was, "You can't can you, you can't kill the man without becoming the monster". The father couldn't kill the villain despite the near-death experience the entire family had just had.

In parties I often find the same thing going on. I find one person trying to do his own thing at the parties' expense. Obviously it would be easy to just boot him but I can't do that to someone without becoming just as errant in my behavior.

Today I found an RMT type that was selling really expensive SKY gear. He was just sending a shout about his gear for sale and then one person told him to get offline and then another and soon many people were all shouting at the person to get out.

It sounds vaguely familiar to my situation but I haven't broken any rules. The reason most people dislike me at work, I believe, is because I am so over-qualified and so part-time making mucho dinero. They are jealous. But that ain't against the rules. Still I have asked them to take me off the shift and off the team in an effort to start over with new people as a regular co-worker. I hope that lady heard me and empathized otherwise I am sure she is angling for my termination and soon. Apparently someone is in dire fear for their lives there and NEEDS my head on a platter to quiet their fears. >.>

That sounds vaguely familiar too.