Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's a long journey to SEA

BLM:75 WHM:65 SMN:42 THF:75 WAR:59 RNG:43

Well I finally got my level back. I spent 2 days trying to help some people get through PM 8-2 and it totally cost me at least 10k in exp. I had to show up last night in Dynamis-Xarcabard gimp, at 74, and got resisted all over the place. I almost skipped it in the hope of maybe getting my Rajas ring for my THF, but we got there and one guy was dead and then I died once and I immediately warped and hustled over to my Dynamis group like a failed virgin. lol

I was so happy with Dynamis Friday. I can't believe it but soon after getting my access to Sea I was able to get my Dynamis-Beaucedine win and now I have full access to all the Dynamises(I think). More than that, all of the THFs already had their Assassin's Culottes so the drop was free lot and didn't cost anyone any points that night. So guess who lots it and wins? HA!

I have begun cooking too. I was told by a friend that cooking Orange Juice is the best way to get to level 10 but me and my hard-headedness decided to skip that, since there were no more Water Crystals in AH in Windy, and I decided to make Hard Boiled Eggs.

Well I buy a whole BUNCH of supplies to get my crafting up to speed and up to Level 10 and what do I find out... skill caps at 4. I wasted a bunch of Fire Crystals figuring that out. What I can't believe now that I know is how easy it was to take some OJ with you to pts. I would have been carting around OJ like it was nothing if I had learned sooner. It's so easy to make too.

What I can't wait to learn to make is Melon juice cuz then I will have BLM/SMN with refresh from SMN sub + refresh from Cloak + and refresh from MJ = No resting. Hah.
Manaburn was a weird thing today. People in Manaburn are of two minds. People that want to earn exp, and people that want to brag. Some people think this adds "color" to the exp but what it does is make other people feel like doggydoo. If I started talking about how they aren't Burning and aren't positioning at range and aren't using their Dark Staves during Aspir, they would have this " " much to say back to me about gimp gear. Gear is the least of what makes you a great BLM, timing is much more useful.

I have to admit tho that BLM/RDM makes for a much more attack-oriented BLM. Gravity would make soloing as BLM much easier. Of course I only say that cuz my Enfeebling is so gimp. If it was at max I could probably Sleep much better and not have to worry at all about Gravity.

I have started my quest to get my Anrin Obi. This piece of waist gear doubles weather effects. It gives your Aspir and Drain double power and will make your Sleeps last a whole lot longer. I need it for Dynamis. To start the quest you have to have sea access, then speak to Yurim in the Tavnasian Safehold. He will ask you for a Silver Obi and a Black Chip.

The Black Chip is sold by Blavvikx in Port Bastok. It went for 21k. The Obi costed about 10k only cuz one guy currently has a monopoly on the item. He is probably an RMT type. After you trade these, Yurim tells you to bring him a whole bunch of organs. He doesn't tell you how many but after looking it up in Allahkazam, the info says you need 7 Aern Organs 3 Xzomit Organs and 3 Luminian Tissues. I already have one Aern Organ that I got after helping those guys in sea get past 8-1. They really weren't very leet and you'd think they would be after getting this far in COP. I always doubt people that suck. It's not easy to be high level and suck. So they must LIKE to suck. That gives me pause. Pause about the whole world even. Do nice people secretly want to hate?

The RMT types have had their asses handed to them so often that it's likely you will find them trying to corner the market in every single "special" quality good like Paktong Ingots or Silver Obis or CCB Polymers. That's why the price of everything is going down really, because RMT can no longer afford to be all PUBLIC about their identities. This is good. But it means they open new accounts and do the hard work that most of us are unwilling to do.

Sounds bad to have RMT living among us but actually we are all RMT to some degree. Without a chance of loss, you haven't left your bed. If you have left your bed, that's cuz there isn't some SWEET fine thing laying there next to you and maybe you SHOULD leave your bed and get out there and GET what you need in this life. IF I HV TOLD YOU ONCE, I HV TOLD YOU A THOUSAND TIMES, GET THE HELL OUT OF BED!
