Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hohito lots! OMFG!

BLM:75 WHM:65 SMN:42 THF:75 WAR:59 RNG:43

I had real problems with Dynamis last night, not the least of which was a lack of sleep. I should just do nothing all day before Dynamis. Being tired and new is a sure way to screw up in front of a lot of people. I wonder if my subconcious is just acting up again. I realize that my personality and its schisms are separate sometimes from my rational self. Maybe I'm a SCHIZO!

I posted this yesterday in Allah to defend the use of /RNG for THFs, I might as well print it here(Today, No FFXI):

I used Ranger as a sub post 70 mainly because I tested it out and found that my Accuracy with my Dagger was vastly improved with /RNG sub. But I lost a lot in the process.

The main benefit I got from /RNG was an ability to Scavenge. Hell you're a THF and you use MUG and STEAL like nobody's business anyway so you will be left breathless at how screwed you were without having hit "SCAVENGE" all those times before you knew about /RNG sub.

Seriously though, with /RNG sub and an outdoor area, you have the ability to gain TP, use ws on the tank at the beginning of the fight, {you are using WS at the beginning of the fight right THFs?} Then as you turn and use Sneak Atk from the rear and wait for the next mob, you go into map and find your next mob. In time, you get rather good at this. Then you have to wonder if your Sharpshot is up and Barrage. So many options, so much to think about, and so little time since you now have to disengage early, go out to the monster you spotted and, without delay and at range, pluck that mob with a Fire Arrow hit. Nothing says hey I know what I'm doin like a puller's mob that arrives on time and on fire! Heh. I use arrows, despite the lower skill, because they do more damage. I still, and you should too, have Marksmanship skilled so that you can Sleep Bolt a mob that arrives too early. This screws up your TP tho, but hey, that's better than not doin anything. Sleep Bolts usually work good unless the monster has resistance. It really is a lot of work to be /RNG but there is a LOT more damage to be had. OH and of course use regular dagger WS like Shark Bite and Dancing Edge, not Arrow WS. It looks nice in caves against bats but Sidewinder is crap against IT with C skill.

With /WAR I ws able to use Berserk and Warcry. I got a STR bonus. I was able to Provoke and let me tell you, there are many times, esp if you have +Enmity gear like a good thief would, that you will want to pull off a mob from a mage and if you have been using /WAR for pulls til 70 like me, your Evasion is maxed. I can't see any other sub that could possibly use Perfect Dodge as effectively and so for that reason alone, I think /WAR is great... /RNG is better but takes more to master.

I haven't leveld /NIN so I can only say that job-wise I expect to get a boost to evasion, and to be able to cop an extra hit that looks about as effective as a stickman drawn with the wrong hand, I expect to learn a whole lot about the elemental wheel which in all honesty I know nothing about; and I expect to spend on tools for shadows and save up a million in gil for Utsusemi:Ni just so that I can have the safest /sub and give our WHM a breather from his already tough job. I believe this is NOT the best sub for THF but it certainly is a viable one. I believe it IS necessary to have /NIN sub in situations like Dynamis and HNM fights where Evasion and Shadows help you survive on your way back to camp.

Finally, I haven't leveled NIN, so I can't say from experience that it is worse but, think philosophically what the subs are doin for you; RNG is making your THF have more DEX, WAR is making your THF have more STR, and NIN is making your THF have more EVA and magic. If your THF is tanking you would prob want him to have more DEF, and if he was pulling then NIN is probably what fills that role best, but as one of the melee trying to build TP for sc, I would have to say /RNG is the best sub although, like having a BLM/SMN in a party, it limits the parties' options and, ultimately, is more risky for the group.