Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Carefully backing up

BLM:75 WHM:65 SMN:42 THF:75 WAR:59 RNG:43

I didn't lose my job.

Thankfully the gods have set into motion a scheme where I don't piss off the wrong people anymore and everything keeps going along just as it did before. The only difference is I go full-time.

Thanks a lot guys. There goes my dream of dating a stripper.

On a positive note though, I am going to be able to make much more money so that's good. I really need to start working out though cuz my lungs are almost constantly full of fluid probably from some little known disease related to excess smoking and lack of sleep.

I just upgraded to Internet Explorer 7.0 and boy was that a bad idea. I lost all of my favorite links. Now I have to remember where to go to get them and I have to learn how to put them back up there. What an improvement!

Well tonight is the big Dynamis Lord fight. I expect it will be pretty cool to watch and I just know we are gonna win cuz people that are led by a guy with an upgraded relic weapon just have to be among the best of the best. Since I have joined this linkshell we haven't lost a single fight. Moreover, I think we have wiped only once or twice the entire time! Ha!

Later guys, I gotta say I am in a good mood now that I know I still have my job tomorrow.