Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Night on the Town

BLM:75 WHM:65 SMN:42 THF:75 WAR:59 RNG:43

Well I waded thru Dynamis on Tuesday and found myself interested in groups again. I also went out Wednesday night and saw my old friends playing darts again. I am actually pretty good at darts again. Got my team through with some triples and a double bull once for the win.

Dynamis is fun too. I want to get my Anrin Obi quest finished but I have not logged in for several days. I enjoy partying and such but I just don't wanna waste time anymore. I want to be productive. I will log in again prob tomorrow night to go to Dynamis again. It's lucky they do it when they do cuz I am able to show up on both nights.

If I lose my job though, I probably won't be able to afford high speed internet anymore.

Rod was at the bar and asked me how the folks of Vana'diel were doing. He was a sackholder in this old ls and he introduced me to linkshells in general. I told him I had access to Sea and he was like "What's that?" Him and his wife used to be such experts at the game and now, lol, I even had to explain what Sky access was and what fighting the gods meant.

After I get enough points for my Assassin's Armlets I think I might try to join an HNMLS so I can lot on a Seiryu's Cote. It has an AGI +15 bonus on it and would be perfect for THF/RNG. I get all the good stuff for my THF even though I don't hardly use him, lol.

I did start switching gear though and when I maxed out his DEX and used Shark Bite and Dancing Edge on some mobs, I found that Dancing Edge must use AGI more cuz it hit for like 1200 when Shark Bite was only hitting for 1000 or so. I am so BLM oriented now though that I hardly use the Wide Scan feature like I used to. I have been taking out Jajuju again and she has hit level 40 and started to hit me up with Haste which is pretty cool. I take her out to the outpost in Eastern Altepa Desert and level against the gobs there. There are plenty of em too so exp for her must be pretty nice I am guessing.

She's got some funky clothes on though. I need to take her to Bastok controlled areas but there just aren't any with decent level mobs in it recently.

They have started up Karaoke again on Thursdays but not with someone different as a DJ other than my friend. It's cool cuz we are all like a circle of friends in some sense though some of them like each other a little less than others.