Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, January 11, 2008

the Crag of dem

BLM:75 WHM:75 SMN:47 THF:75 WAR:62 RNG:44

I am supposed to meet with my Adventuring Fellow in one of the Crags for her next upgrade but I have to pull her out and use her more often for that to happen. It's slow going.
Last night, I was able to re-unite with old friends in Karaoke. This one girl looks so hot she is like a mack truck when she looks at you. She sings good and hunts her man and may drink a lot but never quits. She is cool. I have her number too so I plan on calling her. I even told her last night that I would and she sed ok. I can only hope I guess but hey I better keep that old date truck rolling if I even want to have sex again. Sometimes it seems so tedious to me.
At work I am with a new manager but my old manager still managed to cough up two more zeroes as like a goodbye gift to me. It used to be so ominous to me to have 3 months in a row of bad quality and now I am up to like 5. Conclusion is ... upper management must realize he is fat cow belly dancer manager. Hah!
There are two kinds of people in the world, people that want to be productive and get paid for it, and those that want to appear to be productive and get more pay. That's all I have to say about that.
With my new manager I plan to do better but they did just train me in a new area so I hope they will abide with me until I am up to par on the new material. She is so fresh and young and the people are so new that I makes me want to help them somehow, but I am still going to keep my mouth shut. I know that saying the wrong thing, no matter how well intentioned, is unforgivable.
I still miss tattoo girl. I don't care if she punted me like yesterday's trailer hefty, I want in! I texted her last night but I don't expect her to ever call me again. I talked at length with a buddy last night and he recommended I move out. I really need to I guess. He is so intelligent and outgoing that I admire the crap out of him. I wish I could be like that. He also gets laid more, hence the admiration. It's better to get back with your old buddies after a break.
Dem's da breaks.