Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The wise guy

BLM:75 WHM:75 SMN:47 THF:75 WAR:62 RNG:44

This is me talking to my cousin. She is a very hot babe with many affable qualities but the thing that is most intereting about her is her drive. She is very non-stop about everything she does. It's funny I don't consider myself in the same league as her even though she is not educated or rich or anything.

This is perhaps what she would actually look like too. The long black hair, long legs, and ivory white skin remind me of another person I have spent a lot of time in love with. I think it was because of her that I found my cousin so "unattainable".

And this is what I actually look like standing next to them... with my shortness, my maxed out DEX, and my uber armor that is in fact weak to fire and thunder. Even the bonnet is appropriate cuz I'm such a wuss when it comes to being selfish with women.

Don't I look smart?