Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015



~I think we're alone now... doesn't seem to be anyone arah-ha-ha-hound. 

For some reason that song is repeating in my head today.  I'm not sure I like having a soundtrack play in my head every time I get emotionally happy but meh it's not so bad.  

It was bedazzling to me to find out in one of Sarah's recent podcasts that she knew how to sing and even had some songs memorized so much so that she could ad lib at different points in the song.  It was like she was letting me know that she has a soundtrack going on in her head too.  I felt a sort of kinship... mostly in my upper body... okay way up in my upper body ok maybe like in my head somewhere... oh shut up.  

Her music was totally alien though.  All taken from some musicals she obviously had practiced long ago that I have no clue what they are, so not much in common after all I guess.  

Yesterday, I was watching Rachel and Chris and I told my father about this certain commercial that was playing that for some reason lost its sound.   It sounded like someone was jamming the satellite signal but only the sound part, but when I changed the channel the sound went back to normal, so that means it can't be some neighbor pointing a signal jammer at my satellite though I have had a lot of trouble opening the garage at different points in time probably due to someone jamming the signal that comes from the keypad on the door to the center that operates the crane.  

It's fine.  People want to make me crazy but all they do is teach me things, so its fine.  When the lesson turns to hatred, then it's time to take their picture, and one of their house and then one of their car because everyone's gonna wanna know why.   

Have a nice day.  

So today I am going to work on getting my computer fixed some more and then I'm going to clean my room enough so that I am sure I am not being surveilled.  

I have been fruitlessly trying to stay logged in to Destiny's servers.  Destiny is a game where you interact with other people online and go kill monsters.  But I have been getting kicked off ceaselessly.  What I find strange is that if this is such a widespread problem, why are some people walking around with fully leveled up characters and have clan labels presumably allowing them to chat with each other ad nauseum about how to plan strategies.  How can they have all of this time to organize things when for me, I spend like 10 to 30 minutes before getting knocked off my connection?  

Well I spent most of last night looking up an answer online.  I talked to this useless girl at XBOX that treated me really well but had no idea what was happening and blamed it all on the game.  Small wonder, I found the answer myself after spending an hour or two with a girl on a chat screen and basically justifying someone's job that has absolutely NO skill whatsoever.  She showed me how to unplug and plug the machine back in.  Yeah, I know, I knew that already.  

What I learned yesterday about routers is more than what I have learned about them in my whole life.  I was always good at computers but when it came to modems and the Internet, I figured the information would just flow into me by Osmosis.  Probably a lot of people think this is the best way to study is by sitting in front of the book and reading it over and over again hoping you will enjoy it eventually.  This is not true.  To learn things you have to use note cards.  You have to ask yourself, "what did I just read", you have to summarize then repeat.  I now do movies like I do learning, I pretend to learn it, then I watch it again totally enjoying the parts I missed, then if I really like the actors and the upcoming sideboob shot or slow kiss or woman's hair on a man's face shot, then I pay attention to the whole setting wondering what those two are thinking and if they can lend something to my existence that explains HOW you meet good-looking women without taking them from someone else. 

I wonder about people surveilling me.  I want them to learn from me as much as I am learning from them.  I take some time to wonder if they are good people because if they are then they need ME to infect THEM.  If they are bad people then, I need to organize a way to trap them.  So I mull it over my head and even though I'm alone, I brood.  I brood. I brood. I brood.  

But enough of that.  At least I don't have the neighbor lady waking me up at 5am every morning like she used to and that has changed the map somewhat.  My focus now is to get back to work but to do that I need to feel safe and to feel that I'm going to need to gather evidence of a threat.  

Ok, logical right?  Don't want the police calling you crazy because then you would have enemies on both sides right?  That would make you feel like you didn't belong on Earth right?  Right.  So word to the wise, if you have enemies, you're going to need evidence and maybe you use it, maybe you don't, but you will need to up the power level on your side so you don't feel like you are just getting beaten up all day like say Amanda Bynes.  

All right, well so my story today is not about the movie Surveillance after all even though it was great and I have seen it several times and I love Julia Ormond in it.  Even a beautiful woman like that COULD inspire to darkness yes?  Hmmf.  No, today's lesson is to tell you why ALL of your children need to become Doctors.  

Doctors are the pinnacle of society.  I have said it before that witch doctors basically rule like Merlin next to Arthur.  One has incredible knowledge, the other has incredibly good LUCK and is willing to risk his life and has EYES that turn into fire or what shall we call it... heat vision.  But rather than tell all of your children that they will one day become Arthur and die pointlessly, which they should, tell them to become Merlin.  

Now you might say to yourself, "that's a lot of money" when it comes to paying for their education but it really isn't.  And you will find that most things in life are very expensive when you start out but not so expensive when you are looking back at it and realize HOW MUCH money you wasted on stupid things like mechanics, doctor bills, speeding tickets, car insurance, & bad girlfriends/partners.  The best thing you can say to some youngster stuck awash in woe is me I don't know what to study, is to tell them that ALL education is the same.  You study this amount of history then throw it back up on the test.  You study this much Literature, then you throw it back up on the test.  You study this much Accounting, then you throw it back up on the test.  If you are going to do this for ANY OTHER field, it makes sense just to do it in Biology.  It's the easiest field out there and everyone knows it.  And if it's easy then why not make straight As.  Fact is, note cards ASSURE you of an A on the test.  It's just that simple.  If you do a good job of copying down the chapter into notecards.  then do a good job of studying them until you can turn the one side of the notecard with the question and answering the other side of the notecard with the answer, correctly every time you are dealt a notecard, you get an A.  

I think I might have told you this before but one of the girls in my high school used to wonder why I had such a great mind and she accused me of having like a great memory but fact is she always got straight As and I always got straight NOT As.. mostly Bs... some Cs and sometimes a bunch of 100s but NOT As.  It depended on my mood.  Well my story for you today is to be like that girl.  She was as far as I can tell slightly off in a sort of way that like maybe an actress is off like say Natalie Portman who is like oh I don't know if I'm any good at acting but then she goes ahead and tells you what she learned and got straight As in and you realize she's a GIANT.  

That's why I believe, probably like she does, that getting into Harvard, getting straight As, or outdoing others, is not so hard if you are taught to do it well.  As parents you should tell your children that they can have all the freedom they want, once they are softly on a payment plan and in medical school because THAT means the following: 

Ever heard of a doctor getting cancer?  Didn't think so. 

Ever heard of a doctor having trouble with women? Didn't think so. 

Ever heard of a doctor not knowing what to do when someone is sick? Didn't think so.  

Fact is, being a doctor is right up there with being able to cast spells of Merlin caliber.   If a doctor says blah blah thing about a mechanic, poof, mechanic's rent just went up; blah blah thing about a restaurant, POOF, why is there a whole new group of people working here; Doctor says politician such and such from Staten Island threatened to "break him like a boy"... you can bet we wouldn't be wondering where the lawsuit is at.  

Ok I was about to go off rambling about stuff I don't know about so I'm gonna leave it there.  Fact is, every other profession should be considered a failed doctor, there's just no point in doing the same work for less power and pay.  I once told my professor, Dr. Sanders, that I wanted to get my MBA under him and he said no.  He said to me that if you were gonna have to do the same work no matter where you went, you might as well do the work at a GREAT university.  He was incredible.  His mind was the greatest I've ever known and he was very humble and common outside of class like he didn't belong next to us, talking to us, but when he was in class, he was just BOOM Pai Mei, he was very otherworldly to me, especially knowing what I knew about where he worked and where he went to school.  So now that's what I do in life is apply his theory of quality to my life.  If I'm going to work a job, have a great job, if I'm going to have sex, have GREAT sex, if I'm going to have a woman, I need a great one.  If I am going to betray people or help people or even leave them alone, I want GREAT reasons for doing so.  

But I have waited too long I think.  My body, even though it has much less energy, which was by design to keep me from getting too angry at things, is now really rather frail.  I don't curl 50 lbs like I used to, I don't run anywhere unless I want to be out of breath when I get like THAT far from where I am.  I need a great reason to do things but I can't think of any.  Oh sure vengeance is a great reason, if I want to use up my worth in like THAT much time, but denial works and by the way denial is why GW is still out in front of the people who allowed him to abuse or allegedly abuse their trust.  There is no right way to do things, there is just SOME ways and OTHER ways.  

I sometimes feel that my mind does not match my body anymore.  I have great things, dreams, planned out in my mind but this body is now too old and too used up to do them with.   Still, I can't help but think that maybe I did it to myself.  It's like that poem that they read on Groundhog Day that defines the movie's character about a wretch. I was thinking of Bill Murray recently while on Twitter and it reminds me of what I am living now is like a Groundhog Day.  

The wretch
consumed all in self 
will not be missed or other and will die unwept unmissed and unsung or something like that I will edit this later. 

But you get the point right?  If I want only great things then I kind of DOOM myself to waiting for something to change when what really needs to happen is that "I" need to change to accept regular people and inspire peace and love instead of aggression, like Bill Murray did by becoming an entertainer and falling in love, but for the right reasons; which in the movie is what happens to him is that he finally is able to inspire faith in others.  

But that doesn't mean I am making stuff up about surveillance, and people that do it to others eventually OVERDO it to others.  That's why it's important to define things so that everyone knows when someone has gone too far.  

Which is what I hope Obama does in an EPIC fashion from this point forward if he wants more stability for our great nation. 

Surveillance is a division of people.  Only highly religious pointy hat wearers of the government should be able to spy on people and the secrets they learn should be treated like a Pandora's box, so that people don't begin to believe that rich people can just go out and buy other people's secrets from the government, which bind them into servitude or slavery or worse.  

What's worse than being a slave you ask, well... what's worse is getting TIRED of it...