Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

That's no bull.

BLM:75 WHM:65 SMN:42 THF:75 WAR:60 RNG:43

I don't like to take out my Flare Spell except for special occassions and this is one time that I felt wow, what a good idea. The Tremor Ram I have killed before with my WHM when he was a much lower level but using my BLM to do it really made the job faster.

Still no love from the ladies.

I have gone out twice this week with two different women. One that wanted to make it clear that she was not looking for anything special and just wanted to be out as friends and then made me wait an hour before she got there. Very impressive. Last night she asked me to buy her shots and play music for her and then after all that we stayed after and played darts just me and her and then she started kissing this other fella and they exchanged numbers.

What PLanet am I on?!!

The night before I was out with this other woman on an official date and we kissed the entire time in the car on the way back from this birthday bash. I was sure she was turned on but when we got back she told me she had a lovely time and said goodnight. This after two weeks of text messaging each other and trying to get together.

I am wondering what my plans tonight should be. Should I call the "friend" that likes to kiss other people, or the "date" that may not even like me?

Well, at least I am getting some action if that's what you would call that.

In the game I am getting more points steadily and am expecting big things from my Dynamis buddies. Even though I don't talk to them much I am becoming more used to them and it is somewhat nice not to have people chatting 24/7 while you are trying to get things done. Plus I hear they are doin different things like Salvage and Limbus too so I might try to join them on some of those excursions in the future.

I am dead set though on finishing the missions and getting my Rajas Ring for my THF. I need to go through mission 8-3 When Angels Fall today and try to get my key item. I probably will get a group together to go kill the pots at the end of the mission and will have to lead them through the tower to do it, so I may as well get some practice in going through there.

I know that perhaps I shall go as THF and I am so tempted to buy some evasion gear but it's SO costly. I used up 100k in leveling my cooking to 30 and now I don't know what to do next since I can't cook sushi which is the only useful thing I would use it for or Melon Juice maybe later.

Oh and that's another thing, in Dynamis I had a bundle of Pineapple Juices left over and I started to use them a lot and because of that the RDM stopped Refreshing me all of the time. What a jip! I guess I need to stop trying to show up people. I still plan on getting cooking to 40 one of these days and using it to cook Melon Juices for Dynamis. Not soon though. I might still use it to gear up with some Roast Pipira though. I still get some DEX out of that and I can use it while farming I suppose.

It was kind of a letdown when I finally got to use guild points and found out how much harder it would be to get the neat items. I might take it up again next week maybe.

Now it's off to Tavnasia to wind my way through those halls in The Garden of Ru'Hmet.