Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

...must be lucky in cards.

BLM:75 WHM:65 SMN:42 THF:75 WAR:60 RNG:43

Well I have been doing a lot of treks out here to Valkurm Dunes to get some Hare Meat and some Bat Wings, etc. I have been doing a lot of crafting lately and hope to get the Cooking skill up close to 60 soon. At that point I will switch to Alchemy and then maybe to Woodworking.

The main problem is money. I used up some Conquest Points and sold some gear for 35k but even that has run out and now I have to hope that more gear has sold or buy some and try to sell it for less. I made the mistake of trying to skill up on Egg Soup at level 49, when it was a level 55 synth. Moreover, I tried doing this with Fire Crystals in Xarcabard with Ice weather prevalent and without cooking imagery. This was before Dynamis where we spend half an hour to a full hour just sitting there waiting for people to all show up and then get them into parties.


I lost a whole lot of synths and got maybe one level out of 4 stacks of materials and crystals. I am so cocky sometimes it's ridiculous. I was showing off and what I did was show off how I could lose my ass in failed attempts.

I was even facing the wrong way several times just to see if there was some "secret" way to discount the Ice effect the weather was having. Bah. I just blew it. Even when I went back and got cooking imagery again I started facing the Water direction instead of the Ice direction(West) which is where you should be for Fire Crystal synths.

We lost to the Dynamis Lord for a second time this week. I guess the loss attests to many of our members not being there. For myself, I was being resisted all over the place and felt that perhaps next time I will need to have myself halfway up the elemental skill merit category if I plan to make any difference in Dynamis - Xarcabard. In other Dynamises I don't get resisted hardly at all if I have my usual elem skill gear on. But it is glaringly obvious in Dynamis - Xarcabard, the difference in skill requirement needed. If you are not level 74+, you don't belong in Dynamis - Xarcabard. You actually need to have some merits if you plan on people taking note of some of your hits as consequential.

This week Door-Number-3 girl has stood me up a total of 3 times and has yet to kiss me. My mother thinks she is perhaps the classiest girl there is and that that's why. I have to say she must the classiest secretary person EVER.


I should just accept that she is trying to get rid of me but she won't actually say the words. I can't say the words, cuz I still kinda wanna kiss her. Part of me thinks that she is giving me a chance to try harder and to be more impressive but at this point all I can possibly do to be more impressive is either spend more money(easy) or be more myself and come across as charming(unlikely). She's not even that good looking either. I have been kissed by goddesses on the lips and for free at the bar with intentions to be with me later and now I get this treatment from this ordinary girl after going on 4 dates now. Well, I guess that's what I get for messin with ordinary.

Ordinary is what you call someone who doesn't like you cuz if they are great then you must suck.

Next week, I'm paying for it, then I'm going to jail cuz that's the kind of luck I have with women. Tonight, I am skipping poker cuz, at this rate, I would just be taking ALL their money!