Let's have a merit party!

Well I have 2 more merits earned for playing my THF in a merit party. I have to say that I love playing in merit parties. Everyone knows what they are doin and are experienced as hell doin it. I actually dumped all of my ACC and DEX gear and tried using the AF2 Armets and Thief's Knife to help the seals roll in better and I didn't do bad damage. I used the Panther Mask to up my Haste % and to complement the CHR bonus of the Armets so I had +10 CHR total. I was still hitting for 1k from Dancing Edge to Flies in Caederva Mire. The group was mostly JP but I could feel some of their resistance to being in a group with me as leader. I just kept quiet and sure enough the exp started to roll in. We had a NIN BLU BRD SMN MNK and me as THF. It was a riot. We got up to chain 14 once and this was with like 3 or more other parties in the area. It was tough tho and we stole their mobs many times esp with me backing up the BRD as puller. All tolled I got 2 merits out of that party in about 2 or 3 hours so it was plenty. I probably should have saved them for my BLM but nah, I upped my Dagger skill and can't wait to see how much more damage my Dancing Edge does now. We rolled out of there with 3 stacks of Wind and Dark Crystals and 3 Beastman's Seals and 3 Kindred Seals which wasn't bad I thot for 2 hours work. I wonder if they still thot I was gimping the party despite having TH2+2 for their drops?
Tonight is Karaoke and even though I had a nice time last night playing darts with my sister and her friends, I have come to believe that I may actually have a drinking problem. I talked to one girl last night that looked like she was interested and realized that I should not have talked to her in the state I was in. I was seriously "dulled" at that point, but I was still shooting good darts. Still halfway through the conversation she gleans that I am not sober and asks me if my friend over there knew me. Hah! He must have "prepped" her. Listen guys, in all honesty, even though I am lonely and perhaps desperate for a woman, even though I miss my ex and think about calling her, even though I have little reason to exist without a significant other, the LAST think I am going to accept is someone else's help in finding a woman. As soon as I find out that your booty is charity booty, you are OUT of there. Call it pride. My interest seriously starts to go south when I can tell you are being condescendingly-interested, if ya catch my drift. Noone is all that in my book.
Tomorrow at work I have to sit in a new desk because they moved our entire team to a new area. I don't mind the move really but the desk is next to the hallway which is nice in a way but also places me next to many possible distractions. Oh well. Hope it works out and if push comes to shove I can always move to a different area and do the only thing a man of my caliber is used to doing... run from the fight.
Last night I also started talking to my sister and really mouthed off about how they bring me down when I could be more successful. It's my own fault I am in the spot I am in and I wonder wth is wrong with me when I talk like that. I need to call her and tell her to tell me to shut up when I start talking like a has-been.
I was all set to go for Dynamis on Tuesday. I spent some time playing pool that afternoon and made sure I made it back in time to go but as fate would have it I fell asleep. I was just gonna get under the covers and catch a short rest until I saw them get ready to go. It was very embarassing to wake up and see the chat lines running across with Dynamis pull messages that 60+ people were reading and me alone in Xarcabard and under the covers all cozy.
Very embarassing.
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