Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spock is wrong

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

I submit to you that peace is illogical. Watchng Star Trek and seeing Spock antsy about in Kirk's shadow shows me that for all his recriminations of the human race about not being able to suppress their emotions, that control is illogical.
Without emotions we would have no direction, no purpose, no yearning for progress. It even feels good to say we are Floridians or Americans or even westerners perhaps when we visit other lands. This sense of pride is so "human" as to be an emotion founded in the invisible hand theory of John Smith. But is not bottomless in its perceived benignness. To have a direction we must pass others.
I once put it to my fellow ARC group members that if on a one-lane road two people approach each other one running and the other walking, which should get out of the way? Some said that the walker should move because the other person has a greater purpose, some said the runner, having all that energy would find it easier to run around. The answer? Well that depends on you.
People with little purpose, let's call them happily married cuz those people are likeable, are doing their daily chores of giving back to society in the form of taxes and children and good feelings. People with a lot of purpose are also providing new choices and directions but are perhaps saving more of their money and not having children and they aren't the happiest people in the world when it comes to karma. These people are the drivers of the race. Which are you?
Anyways logic dictates that happiness is to be suppressed, that extermination of enemies is essential to the subsistence of oneself, that to laze about in the relevant squalor of children and welfare checks and drugs like alcohol is irresponsible and must be lessened, but should it? I recently saw a video of the Koreans becoming more and more addicted to video games and they mentioned how it was becoming a problem but is it? Their children we visiting coffee shops per se and spending all of their time there. How is that an improvement to what they do here? Do children here go to the nearest McDonald's and hang out there doing god knows what with no money? Yes. Would spending like 10.00 a month to sit in a chair and surf the web and text each other, would that be an improvement? What if everyone learned how to write basic code and computer programming? But as our instruments become more sophisticated so too become the controls that control us.
Drinking was something difficult to put a finger on. Was it the mark of a declining economy? A lot of people blame vodka as the vehicle for Russia's demise. Maybe it's time to find out what really happened over there? You aren't gonna tell me a 100 million people all drank too much and the economy went south cuz all the people lost their love for money.
It has often been said and I quote William Wallace heh, (if you think Im a lousy writer then it's time to tune in to Sarah Silverman for a while and then come back to this so you'll appreciate insight) you think your position gives you the right to limit other's freedom but I think that your position requires that you provide others with freedom. And I go to see that they have it.
Yeah freedom is what it's all about boys and girls and without it people just start fighting.
But what do we do about the invisible hand? Well? Is it right to have a system where the rich get richer? When they teach you what good business is all about in Business School the main thing that I pulled out of being a good financial analyst was that increasing shareholder value was of paramount importance to a company.
But how far can that go? What happens when the law of diminishing returns tells you that all things end? Is this law more relevant than the invisible hand? You bet it is.
Control is evil or let's just call it illogical. There can be no happiness to someone completely under control. Our stock market is the first step to the end of the constitution. Why? Well because you can never outdo the rich people once they are rich. An army, like money, is an entity all its own and grows like the invisible hand of the devil telling you to cheat on your wife. You already have happiness or boredom maybe but risking it is what will bring you more happiness. So having an army that doesn't do nothing is like being married too long. Without something to do, it withers. That is why Hugo Chaves went from good guy to dictator. Indeed I would say most people in charge find this the ultimate test of leadership as to how to keep all that money.
It is much like cheating old age. It gets more and more expensive but you know it can't last. And it feels good.
You know it does. People with nothing want a voice and land, people with money want people to like them, people with everything want to learn nothing. Rock Paper Scissors.
So I submit to you that Spock and Vulcans are wrong. To pursue logic as a religion is to seek the circle of life. To do the right thing you need many wives, many leaders, many jobs, many orgasms. How can you choose a leader without the use of emotion? I don't wanna say that being with many people and treating so many others like trash is a good thing. It reminds me of sluts who have been with many men. But a lot of men haven't been with anyone. A lot of men need to have all that and a pair of stockings once or twice in their life. A lot of men need to have been with one Angelina in their life and I don't think that's too much to ask. So bring me the sluts and hold the marriage and equality for just a minute because what needs to happen, especially to young people is that they need to be free to choose, free of violence and free of logic.
Still, after you have porked your third fat lady or licked something really nasty from a genital area you may find yourself ready to have just one source of stimulation. Likewise, maybe 2 million is enough money lost to whimsical desires, maybe it's time to get the bank account I always wanted, the right one.
You know it's funny because in the game I used to have 2 million gil and i used it all up to buy a Blue Cotehardie +1 which I thought was the cornerstone of thiefdom and then the value went down and I haven't had more that 1 million gil since then, but I still have my Blue. I wonder if that's loyalty or stupidity?

Monday, October 10, 2011

talkin bout POP music

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

I found out that I didn't have to go out and get a DRK testimony to do the level break at 90. I got all geared up with my THF and got ready to use some Treasure Hunter to get the DRK testimony to drop but it took a long while. I was dismayed to find out that there was only one DRK mob in the area and after much ado and even taking on the Notorious Monster nearby I decided that since a WAR testimony had dropped that I would kill maat with my WAR. And then i do the dialogue and poof I get the Obtained message. Ah well, guess it's time to hit up some worms for the level 95.

I saw the Cinderella Suite on a side show for Disney today and I started to yearn for money again. Yah, I have had my expensive car, expensive apartment, even expensive hotel suite and I guess you could say that nothing amazes me all that much anymore. I realize thare are some really great things out there but my Audi sounded like a Ferrari once, my apt had a roman tub that I used to no end not only to watch TV and play Soulcalibur for hours while in the tub but to completely cure me on any zits problem that could possibly remain. I stayed in the Protofino Hotel once in Disney and it was great and even stayed in a hotel with a Jacuzzi on my visit to Niagara Falls. But now Im like meh, I would like room service but not really if it's gonna be like stupid. If you get clean sheets and hot water for 60 bucks and some whatever hotel and you go to a super nice hotel and get a nice place all fancy and still basically come away feeling like you got clean sheets and hote water for 600 well then thats not really a value in my book. I used to like that song that says he was all about value because that's what I am like. Of course my idea of value is no date, one night stand and whaddaya know we like each other let's move in. Now that I'm old I guess that's a little unrealistic but it didn't used to be hahahaha.

today I wanna talk about prejudice. Yah there are women out there that are a lot like Sarah Silverman and by that I don't mean pretending to be Jewish. I mean that are all proper about sex and want it when it's right so that she won't feel ashamed about getting naked. That's a lot of expectations though to have for other people. And that's what prejudice is. You expect them to act like you and if they don't well then you talk about em.

Yes talking about people is evil. First you talk about a person let's call him Bill Gates cuz he's likable. Then you say "he did this to Steve Jobs" I hate him. Then people are like making it obvious to him that he KNOWS what he did to Steve Jobs and then you basically just straight out talk about Bill Gates like he isn't worth the seat he's sitting on.

Soon after this you start to wonder about people with little round glasses like Bill Gates likes to wear. Is he Jewish you think cuZ maybe his parents need to get some blame. Does he like using the word Doody? I hate that! Suddenly you are wondering if that white skin color is it British white or is he one of those Spanish white people with red haired parents that have a "mutt" white on their babies so you cant tell if he's a red-head or a brunette. Yes and suddenly it hits you... he's rich! The bastard!

Yeah and how did this all start? We need to put a fix on racism because people like to do like they are treated. If we treat Mexicans like they smell well then they aren't gonna bathe and even the preacher at church is gonna be "well I can tell who the good christians are in the congregation and who has been watching too much Sarah Silverman". Because we like to do what is forbidden. if you treat your girl like she cheated on you, you are gonna find out what prejudice is when she is like, "how you like me now?" Even black people act normal up until you are like looking at them spooky like and then they instantly sense it, much like women smell gear, and then they are like OMG it's Nateesha from Burkina Faso come here girl I knowed it was YOU from the lump in your purse and the funny looking rolled up thingy you stuck in your 'fro. Ha ha cuz you know we all love the pot!

So as you struggle to find what is right and wrong with others, struggle with your own easy predilection for talking about others cuz not only is it an attack that goes unanswered, it's a look into a place you don't wanna go.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Personal profile

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

I registered for a while back but I don't feel like paying so I am gonna put the information here.

I am a male btw, gamers, so don't try to pretend you like me and stuff, you fags.

We have no fate but what we make and sometimes it's not even worth the effort. I am cynical but well-mannered, except for the car door...

Personal profile:
I am tall and strong but sometimes weak-willed and negative. I have spent a great deal of time dealing with cynicism and basic mistrust. I have an ability of making anyone my friend but then comes the hard part which is having it stay that way. I dress up well but make everything go to hell in a handbasket over the littlest things. If you are a good talker and I don't have to do a whole lot to keep you interested in a subject, then I can do that because I know a lot about everything but am not expert at hardly anything.
My dog died last year his name was Happy.

Political views:

Jacksonville University

For fun:
I like movies, movies, movies, and maybe some nachos to go with another movie. Most of my time at home I spend watching Netflix or playing piano or writing in my blog, oh and games.

Last read:
The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaverous County. I keep it in the bathroom and its short so its kind of easy to read over and over. My favorite color is yellow but you'll have to figure out why.

I almost finished my MBA... surprise surprise.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Dr Jones is jonesin'

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

Well the level cap was raised this past month to 95 and I have a new Level break quest to finish if I want to get to 95. Trouble is I don't really want to get to 95.

It's amazing sometimes that I can think of so much to do when I am outside but now that I am here and typing, I can't think of what to write about.

Oh I saw a couple of movies and thought that I would change my Gillian to someone else but nah. I am starting to like Neve Campbell and I even started watching Sarah Silverman for a while but EW! She acts so gross I actually have to catch my breath sometimes. Watching that show is like seeing retards in porn. Your watching it, you don't like it, but you kind of have to see how it ends, plus everyone else thinks its funny so...

The other day I was thinking things are binary and stuff and then it occurred to me that things are actually more stable in 3s or 6s. The most stable structure is and equilateral triangle right? So I believe the next World Trade Center should be a pyramid. The only thing I wonder about thought is whether the bottom should be a square or not. I mean we know that 2 dimensionally the triangle is stronger than a square and that you can't have a structure with only aline but what about the bottom? Should it be like a mall area down there or should we hold to the strongest structure theory? Even so, it's not like we could just forego the concrete and make it out of marble so divining some great stucture is basically just a dream.

I wonder if that's what I have been doing all my life, dreaming. Putting off the really hard fight for when I am good and ready. Am I good and ready now with my too-old lungs and too-old stomach and too-old bank account that has no money? Heh.

I keep saying that I am going to get my Ph'd but I dunno. My eyesight is not what it used to be and I wonder if people are too smart for me now and I wonder if my presence might compete with the younger professors of the school who really believe and know their material and what they are teaching. Still, I have my old professor teaching my favorite subject and even though she gave me a D that I didn't earn, that tells me she liked me!

It's funny how most people react to my presence not with accolades like my brother and sister do but with "here's the scar to let you know I was in your life!" Bam! Do I really earn people's ire so well? People have been scarring up my life pretty badly from my car to my television to my computers. I used to get harassed everywhere from work to the bar to the game and even at the movie theater. I used to wonder if I was so special and had done so much wrong that really I had deserved this ire from the general populace.

But I don't think so now. I realize that people just pick on weaker people and if I am walking around with a big target then people gonna walk by and pluck that everyready battery from my shoulder. Strangely, the philosophy of it is that noone should think they are special which brings me to my reason for writing today.

People should be either for more government (Democrats) or less government(conservatives). This means what exactly? Well it means how hard do you believe you should work. And this is the trick question because you think that it's easy to answer but wait for a moment. Should you cheat? Because you know cheating is work too. People have been cheating me a great deal and I could take this to mean that I should be cheating them back because oh well that's society. But what if cheating is work? What is it's ok to cheat on your wife as long as you do the work that it takes to keep it a secret? So what if you are drinking and driving if you are taking the steps needed to keep it safe? So what if you are committing crimes as long as all of it is under control?

You see that is what I was saying a couple of years ago about legalizing marijuana. You could make it legal but the fun of it will be gone. Sure we could make doctors prescribe it but from what I understand doctors don't really KNOW what marijuana is? That's whats so screwy about the whole profession. I realize that we are paying them beau coup dollars to know what is wrong with us but I wager that they don't KNOW even 50% of what could go wrong with us... never mind putting them in charge of pot or cocaine or whatever.

More disturbing is what becomes of society then? After we legalize the drugs we don't know about and allow prostitution and heroine or whatever, what then?!

There is a battle going on with right and wrong, sounds so much better than good and evil btw, and wrong is usually right. I mean the only real evil is pain and even that is a matter of perspective. I mean how do you put a leash on pain when teens are paying people to pierce them?

For one reason or another the constitution gave us the right to bear arms but why? Well for one thing there used to be a lot of bears out there but mainly the reason for that I think is that we as commoners have the right to overthrow our leaders when they become tyrants, and that becomes impossible if only the leaders have the guns. This is what control is. To control us they must take away our weapons and take away our swords (our mind's blade of righteousness) and then we become the sheep Jesus spoke about.

My professor used to believe and teach that the environmental ethics of the world disallow us to feel good about eating meat. In the trials of the trooghaft, if I remember the title, some people are ok to eat and some are not but people are of slightly different species in the story so its easy to make the distincition but at the same time it justifies racism. It's an amazing story and it ends with the everything tastes better with BBQ sauce mentality. But I argued that how can we exercise such an ethics when all the world does not have that luxury, that luxury of an ethic.

It's by the same token that we cannot give up our right to bear arms and "trust" our government. I am of two minds when it comes to government because I know that it is only finally after the whole world is under ONE government that we can all give up our guns and put our trust in the government. At the same time, it is only with several governments in existence that we can choose the more charming governemnt.

So the world is lost not on right and wrong but in its ability to choose. A friend of mine said that to me once, that I must choose my path, my path to be his friend. I have not regretted that friendship or any of those good times. It was then that I realized he was a very wise man and a good person imo.

So to have an ability to choose we must have 3 sides.


The people that believe the religion, the people that rebel against it, and the people that use it to like food for the spirit.

You must choose, but choose wisely. For even though the cup of Christ brings everlasting life the wrong cup brings eternal death. This is from the third movie from Indiana Jones. Indiana is trying to choose the right cup and picks the cup of the carpenter because Jesus' father was a carpenter, a simple man. A simple life in fact does bring plenty of happiness. But you can choose the rich cup, the cup of kings as the other character put it and you saw what happened to him. But is it so bad? I mean you might not be happy but you're rich! You win! Hahahahaha! Anyways, the point is happiness is different to different people.

There is another option, yes the lesson here is... you could let you father die. Yah... Not fighting is always the third option. It's the page from the bartender's book of axioms, "don't start no trouble there won't be no trouble". But it's not always true is it?

Still paper is one of the choices. Not scissors like many lawyers would think, not rock like many cavemen would think, but paper. Yes paper, like many married-you-wanna? types would think.