Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Give us...


In the Bible, it states that Jesus was looking to make men like him, to make them a fisherman of men, and therefore it follows that he was looking to make them perfect.   It also follows that to be perfect you have to STOP being what you are now, thereby making being perfect the goal.  

Now this has confused many people, not the least of which is me, since attaining perfection, through hard work, is every kid's dream.  Except that attaining perfection is done not by beating others but at stopping the erosion of perfection... or of civility. 

To be civil is to have manners or better, to have laws, or better, to NOT have your own police department break its own laws, there... negative reinforcement works best! 

So here you are a teenager, you've read comics and watched movies and gone to Sunday school and most of the time they talk about being better at things.  They request that you strive harder or maybe run faster.  The true superheroes both in comics and in the Bible tend to vanquish others in spectacular form usually with the help of God right?  

But where do these special powers come from?  Where are these feats Moses is known for or these Superhuman strength feats Superman is known for?  Is this magic?  

Well, as are most things, it's all in the Eye of the Beholder, which means that you have to have the right perspective to see things just the right way.  One man's Moses is another man's William Wallace.  So WHERE am I getting at? 

Well one day there will come a time when people will struggle to find out for themselves WHO they are?  Will they stand up for freedom or bow to animalism. 

I was watching A Royal Affair recently, on Netflix, about a doctor who is appointed to care for the King and who eventually has an affair with the Queen.  It's very incisive and step by step you see with reality what it must be like to be brilliant and have no power, like me, to be stupidly wealthy and be a threat to noone and yet have enemies everywhere, like me, and perhaps not lastly, to be constantly horny for someone that is NOT your spouse(what?).   


And trust me on this, the first couple of minutes is pretty boring but it gets real interesting real fast.  Oh and btw it's in a foreign language but it still has real film quality.  

No booby shots btw so just throwing that out there.  

The film makes a point althroughout that even with dictators, the power is not necessarily fluid or even centered.  People were getting fired, banished, or replaced despite being noble and well-liked.  I think that lends a sense of reality to the film.  

It didn't matter who in the film was doing wrong, it mattered who knew about it.(Remember my lesson of the question of WHERE?)  As soon as the doctor started to shake up the royal council with ideas he had harbored from being a commoner, the council dug around to find stuff out about him and then used HIS OWN suggestions against him by passing out pamphlets that slandered his name, whereas before his "reforms" and his "free speech" those pamphlets would not have been allowed.  

Such is war.  Verily(if he will but believe in me) at the end, (dare I say it... "spoiler alert" go down to the next paragraph); while he is being led to his execution, he chants out that "I am one of YOU!" over and over and wonders at how his own people, the common and the poor, that he saved from smallpox(at great expense to the court) and from corporeal punishment(which was a right held by the nobles which he outlawed), could now be standing there in the thousands, believing the pamphlets that said that he was poisoning the King(the king had become afraid of the people so stopped going out), and was an enemy of the state(he was from Germany) and was screwing the queen(this part was true).  And after the doctor's head was lopped off, the king and the queen realized clearly, though too late, what was happening, it was simply a coup d'etat and nothing more.  It wasn't about who was right or whether they had done something wrong or had been stupid, it was just people acting to keep their positions and to keep their money where it was, in their pockets, and not funding these reforms that costed more money.  

Both the king and queen loved the doctor and were lied to to achieve... what was achieved. 

This is much of what is happening to me.  I am accused perhaps of a great deal of wrongdoing but the facts are that I don't do drugs or score whores and with ME there, talking and breathing and acting like those things don't belong in a bar, it stops the money from going where THEY think it belongs.  So my reputation has been "pamphlet"-ed out there in an effort to just keep me away.  

 And such is what it means to pursue civility.  The masses demand reforms and care for the poor but in the end, they respect and yearn for power.  Power puts things in order.  You might wonder why people would gather around the cross of Jesus and gaze and revel in his death and that is because he is chaos.  One man without power trying to rule... is chaos.  If people are not willing to act, they are merely intellectuals, merely teachers.  It makes no sense to even listen to them. This is why in Star Wars Yoda talks about letting go of what is lost and to not fear death even that of a loved one like Padme.  People SHOULD be willing to die.  They SHOULD live without fear.  They SHOULD sleep knowing that "if they die before they wake, they pray the lord their soul to take".  This is what it means to be at peace.  When you live your life without fear, you are already in heaven when you sleep.  You can look forward to heaven every night and you can instead of walling up fortifications for your parents and your siblings and your children, you can know that if they die, that the appropriate response will follow and that their deaths will serve a purpose... a very public purpose.  A purpose the helps everyone.  

And it's through this realization that we can go back and understand the masses when they scream at Jesus.  They don't wish for civility, which takes work.  They don't wish to be perfect, by acknowledging a uniform edict to work together.  They don't wish to BE a part of the new world order where a higher level of understanding will allow us to shave off money from people that have much too much money.  

No, too many of the people that have that understanding also know that they got that understanding by being allowed to learn it and not because they earned it.  See that?  They were allowed to understand.  That's why teachers tend to be not so great.  That's why Jesus died and the devil was born.  People who do not blindly make their "leap of faith" for the sake of the public, for the sake of the body politic, are functionally allowing Jesus to die on that cross... over and over again.  

I am guilty of it too.  I have noone to fight for but myself but I don't think it is my time to fight, but I believe the day will come when I must.  

Often I think back to my time of suffering when I was in customer service, trying to take calls, speaking over a torrent of people simply throwing hatred at me, by coughing, by dragging their feet behind me, by popping air bubbles in a plastic bag, all the while knowing that they were inches away from being terminated for code of conduct violations and yet they did it anyways.  It was a duldrum move for me to do nothing since to turn them in to management would force me to ACT against people that I didn't understand.  Why were they doing this to me?  And the longer it went on the more I suffered and the more I suffered the more I wondered why were the people that weren't lobbying hatred at me... why were they doing nothing?  

Indeed Jesus clamored out to God those self-same words, "WHY hast thou forsaken me!!!"

See, that's God. God is the people.  And if you PEOPLE have not all become God the Avenger, then you are all God the Beast.  And what does God the beast want when they don't want to work very hard or learn very much or reach any level of understanding that they would have to teach... what do these people... these children of God the Beast... want?  

"Give us Barabas!" 

PS: It's not hard to understand HOW it is that the richest of the rich are keeping their power.  Because if the world came to a halt and everyone on the Earth stopped fighting, if there was NO horde out there to triumph over, what would happen next I wonder?  Who would we be against? 

The Patriot Act must be allowed to expire and we must return to a past just after WWII, when we were CLOSEST... to perfection. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

We have a problem


I have spent the whole afternoon researching what the RACAgent does.  Its initials stand for Reliability Analysis Component.  I believe it is some sort of cookie that uses up my memory so much that it slows everything down.  I use the Task Manager to figure out which programs are using up memory and then I research them using F1 help.  Some of the answers to the queries that I made point to the RACAgent but other answers pointed me to the Microsoft Support website, and while I was there I was able to download a FREE malware application and while I was there I was directed to another procedure about an SFC scannow procedure in DOS mode that is also used to detect corrupted files, which I ran and which it did.  But soon after that I was told that the results were stored in a CBS.log file which it taught me was a long list of results but which I wasn't able to effect at the time.  So I do MORE research and close the DOS or cmd window since I typed out the log command in the Notepad and as I do more research I found a NEW way to access the log which, after I brought up the DOS window again... didn't have anything saved in the log... so that means I have to run the scan again and then do the command to read the log... so I wasted my time... and now I don't want to scan for corrupted files again because the last time it took ~30 minutes.  

How was your day?

Yesterday I was flogging around playing Destiny but I am reticent to spend the $35.00 to upgrade the software to the House of Wolves.  Man!  I just got a shot of the old pain from the carpal tunnel I once had more than 5 years ago.  Ouch!  Remember people to stretch out your hands to type if you want to avoid the injury.  

Ok, so some of the drawbacks I am having with the game is that they completely changed up all of the weapons.  I have all of the old weapons and they are "upgradeable" to the strength of the new ones but it really is way too much work considering all of the good weapons I have in storage.  The armor is also upgradeable but again, it takes a very long time if you don't get the DLC(downloadable content).  By this I mean the game demands that you farm items(by killing monsters or finishing missions) that you turn in to "step" up your weapons and armor, eventually to max, so that you are on par with other players.   I'm just gonna have to take a break on that game for a while until I enjoy farming again.  For now, it seems tedious.  

Diablo III is going good.  I have the demon-hunter up to max and have begun experimenting on Hardcore mode.  On Hardcore, you only get 1 life so it's not necessarily hard but it IS devastating to lose everything after you spend the time getting 10 levels like I did once.  Still, your loss reminds you to be more careful, though sometimes, especially in caves, there's just no way to prep unless you are REALLY careful of those boss monsters that use crowd control spells on you.  By crowd control spells, I mean that instead of just throwing stuff at you like fireballs or knives, some of the bosses like to use walls of stone and rotating lasers that spring up next to you, stifling your movement; and in tandem with the other projectiles, these multitude of annoyances, coupled with a boss with a BUNCH of hit points, can use you up quickly if you don't master evasion or see things coming ahead of time or plan an escape route.  

I have a molar that is like halfway cracked off.  I went to the dentist and he recommended I get rid of it but I am SO not going to spend the $1800.00 that it costs for such a simple thing.  But I am struggling to make use of it.  If it gets sore just a little, it starts to swell up and then it really gets in the way of munching even on my good side and I have to wash and wash and scrub and scrub until it dries out again and heals but then after a couple of days of good use, it starts up again.  It's nothing I ever had to deal with before and it's mortifying.  Still, I am not going to have some hole there and just "wonder" about what my wisdom tooth will be doing back there all by its lonesome.  I need to keep this molar if only as a placeholder, just to keep my wisdom tooth in its place.  

I heard what happened in Houston and I have to say that Houston used to always have rain just like New Orleans.  I'm surprised they didn't expect those floods since, growing up, we always were hearing about hurricanes and tropical storms heading to Houston or to us or to somewhere nearby.  They are perhaps right that this time was out of the ordinary but historically Houston was ALWAYS a place of heavy rain.  

Monday, May 25, 2015



A gift for all of you, on Memorial Day.  

A bird will fall dead frozen from a bough without ever having complained. (GI Jane, by now you can start to see some of my "textbook" movies) And after it does, it might fall into a warm pile of crap and despite the rank smell, it might be able to survive and soon it might feel good about that.  When it does, it will start to sing, at which point the cat that just laid that crap might just inspect it and wonder "whats up with this crap?" and then if it finds said bird, will kill it and eat it.  

Moral: If you are warm and happy, even if you are in a pile of shit, don't start singing.  

I know, that's not a very nice gift but I was thinking of a time in Citibank, from reading the previous journal, when we were all freshly SAVED from having agreed to unions(CWA) and management was so happy about that that they adopted the SEVEN VALUES not the least of which was Associate Delight.  And often they would SPLURGE on cakes and cookies and bowls full of chilled sodas for whatever "training" meetings they thought we needed which they labeled "focus groups".   

The time that we spent on these focus groups was basically FREE time that we were off the phones talking about the calls and in theory correcting what could be corrected but mostly just connecting with co-workers.  

"With the best of intentions..."  

It even came to pass that the credit card threw a corporate party for us which was basically a SPLASH of cash, which felt like a night on the town but where we ALL were the hot dates.  It was quite phenomenal but you'd think you could not get used to this and that NO WAY would people ever complain... but they did.  

I have probably mentioned it before, so I will skip all that but remember on this memorial day that you might think WOW why do they waste all of this money on us lowly associates?   Why don't they just GIVE US the money they spent on this party or on these medical benefits or on these equipment itinerary items like staplers?  Why are they so stupid?  

Well, I want you to SEE all of this for yourself MSNBC or HBO or CNN, to see this experience of mine that when you are doing good, money will splash all around you and you may want more of it but you should MIND your MOUTH.  That money they are offering is temporary and fleeting just as is popularity.  

All it takes is for ONE PERSON to get appointed to look into the morale situation and you won't see an abundance of gifts anymore.  NOONE believes in bribes as a positive re-inforcement tool so as soon as one person chants out BRIBE... there go all the gifts.  Where?  Usually it goes to the stockholders who get a nice .05 cent uptick on their quarterly dividends yes?  Good job selfish people! 

So celebrate your White House parties and your Memorial Days off and your cakes and cookies meetings because remember this... we had those, and once gone, they NEVER came back.  

And this is like a Guardian Angel, once you've chastised him, he helps you, shows you how powerful he was, then disappears to where he came from and perhaps where he should have stayed.  

That's goodwill... it's fleeting.  

PS: If you wonder about what you are about to say, ask yourself, am I building?  Am I helping people around me to stay happy? 

EDIT: And this should remind you of Clash of the Titans, since that movie best describes fate, is that "a divine gift should never be questioned, merely accepted.".  This means the gods may want you to serve some divine purpose and they help you if you choose to accept their challenge(remember that they are gamblers after all).  But "you must choose" like in the third Indiana Jones movie, where choosing wisely... is hard.  And remember that once in the arena you might refuse to help the gods and if so, they may sanction you(how do I know?) and when it happens it's important, before too much time goes on, that you let everyone know this happened to you, but... um... (crooks his finger)... come here and he will tells you a secret... (chuckles)... everyone already knows... 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Manage it


A common theme among Citibankers is how much money is wasted.  I used to wonder at this is how could we afford so much stuff.  Whole rooms would be filled with seats and a long table and a huge dry-erase board all just sitting there waiting to be used, days on end.  Sometimes, I would go up to the top of the garage and wonder at the spectacle of the place, believing that I didn't need to go any further up the ladder.  What could true responsibility teach me that I hadn't learned already.  Besides, I HAD the knowledge and experience of an executive and by just staying where I was, earning low pay, and spouting out words of wisdom, I could be the SPY executive that didn't need to earn high pay but could still help the company by providing truths that kept customer service honest.  

I would sacrifice my ambition for the sake of the company and people would respect me for it.  

I have wondered often WHY I wasn't made manager.  In my head, it was plain to me that I was working hard and biding my time, but even my co-workers started to harass me about it.  They would ask me HOW LONG have you worked here, to which I would say 18 years and they would sit there astonished like I had done something wrong or like I should be ashamed.  Eventually it started to annoy me, but that just seemed to make them ask me the question more often.  This I wonder at.  Is it shameful to plod along and NOT be ambitious?  

I have served as an example to my younger two siblings for all of my life and just this once I thought I would not make them seek a higher office.  They have made it clear to me often that if I strive at success, that my parents just point to me to make them try harder at stuff.  But after a while I changed my mind about ambition.  I would stop trying.  I would make being middle acceptable since seeking to be CEO would make EVERYONE seek to be CEO and that isn't really possible.   What's more, ambition makes us into an us/them society right?  If I get promoted often, I start to "take" positions from otherwise satisfied people that were perhaps "calm" or better said, not expecting me or people like me. 

Remember the world is 50/50, if you are too calm, you are begging to be betrayed, right?  You are slowing down ALL the people that admire you, not the least of which are the young people that are... much less calm.  

I remember one time, I was given a task to distribute call lists to my team.  I was serving as a coach and given this project where we would call our customers to find out what they thought of our calls.  Calling out is so disturbing that you can't believe it's normal.  People would often answer irate, upset that they were called by someone they didn't expect.  By that token, our workers became more stressed since it was their job to call people that didn't want to be called.  And here it was my job to distribute this work.  So I get to my friend, who is a top performer in customer service and he refuses to do the work.  Taking calls is much easier than calling out and this guy was a high performer mostly because he hurried people off the phone that had called in for help so he was already "not so nice" so to speak since he had best call times(shortest) on the team.  But I didn't have enough work for everybody so I skipped him one day and told him that he would have to work it next time.  Well, what do you know and next time comes around and here he is refusing to work again, so I dropped the stack on his desk and walked off and sure enough he takes up the work and starts to do it.  

I later told this story to my boss about how I shoved work into the face of our highest perfomer that had the most respect on the team and she was like GOOD JOB.  She suggested I should be a manager.  And this was like after 1 or 2 years of working there.  Who knew that making people miserable could make you a better manager.  Later she took my brother's job.  Good job, right?  I really have a lack of respect for managers that have no skill except when it comes to firing people.  I believe there are whole groups of people that think that THAT'S work.  


Anyways, sad story yes, 18 years later and I never became a manager, well what I wanted to point out is that it's difficult to know what the value of things are.  Just today I was cleaning out my mouse and I remembered how we started out using really filthy mouses.  The desks would get so dusty that I would have to clean them repeatedly to get the equipment to work right.  My fingers would itch and sometimes I would get zits and irritations from scratching at my face.  One time I had this growth start down the side of my neck under my ear.  It was really nasty.  It wasn't zits it was like a growth and as soon as a bump would form I would squeeze out that growth until I drew blood.  This way it would dry up and heal.  But then I started to do it a lot and soon my whole neck area was filled with scars from this "practice".  

People started to look at me and then LOOK at my neck area like there was some way I could stop that from happening.  

This is why it's so important to clean your desk.  After I started cleaning the area, by scraping off that grime or dust on the roller rings that played off the mouse ball or by shaking out the keyboard, I started to get better.  I eventually started to pour soap and hot water on top of the desk and let it sit there a while and then dry up the whole area about once a month.  I couldn't believe the difference.  Not only did my sores go away but it was like my face was no longer twinging as I sat there for some reason.  It felt like there was less stress there even though you couldn't see that there was any difference.  

It was funny because we didn't always have the roller ball mouses.  A while back we had laser ball mouses that didn't need to be replaced like the regular mouses.  Since we didn't know back then how to clean the roller balls(seriously the mouses would get dirty and stop working and they would buy us new mouses), they upgraded all of us to laser mouses that read off of this specialized mouse pad that had a grid on it.  This way it never needed to be cleaned.   But that led to other problems since people would destroy them.  Don't ask me who but I would get to a desk and the mouse pad there would be all stripped away with scratches or it's edges would be peeled off or they would be bent for some reason making reading off of it imperfect.  It boggles the mind how having a nice mouse pad translates into someone wanting to OWN it.  So back we went to roller ball mouses and as it turns out, they are easy to maintain by just popping out the ball and wiping away the roller rings of the inevitable dust that will accumulate.  

Now some people will say that that's the company's job.  Some people like to think this about their teeth or about their lungs or about their cars, that you should just chew away at whatever or drive how you like or smoke up a pack of cigs a day without regard to what you are doing since that's what doctors, and dentists, and mechanics are for.  

But instead of replacing the whole mouse, which is probably what the company would do rather than hire some expert to figure out how to replace the roller ball, that would somehow need replacing once every six months so that he could keep his job, maybe YOU can figure out how your body or your mouse works, just a little bit, so that you are able to... manage your SHIT. 

PS: Sorry I said... ass? And oh, MSNBC, don't worry about cutting off your commercials while they read the "side effects" parts to medication advertising, I mean, what could happen? 

Friday, May 22, 2015

So what


So is such a beginning word.  It starts so many things and like some writers I write a lot and type down that word to indicate that I am about to start writing.  The word reminds me of a young girl that didn't quite know how to talk yet and as I taught her words and songs, as I was her guardian, she would answer questions like "why did you do that?", to which she would respond, "so."  

This use of it, albeit by someone that didn't know how to use it, makes that word more of an ENDING.  

And it makes you wonder about another phrase.  The one called "So what?" It indicates that there is a story to follow doesn't it?  It's like a beginning.  So what?  And yet, it's also an answer too.  Maybe it indicates that the story was LESS than interesting.  So what, like an ending.  It depends how you say it doesn't it? 

Like so many things I have to side with my own conscience before I side with someone else's opinion.  See, that phrase was rambling.  Sometimes I just ramble because I forgot what I was going to talk about.  This happens most especially when I am interrupted.  You will find that most intellectuals, fine tuned ones, are easily interrupted by coughing, by the phone ringing, or even by captions on the TV being misspelled in WEIRD ways.  But if you have extra energy, you just keep on typing your thoughts hoping things will get back to normal.  

This is what is meant by having a clear conscience because if you do, you can type whatever pops into your mind and it should serve as layering to that fine cake of a blog you are writing for the day.  But if you don't have a clear conscience, you'd have to watch what you type because you might just point out that your POLICE department needs body cameras and people might just want to know WHY I think so.   

So?  So what? And I can't really tell them can I?  

In other news,  do you know what's annoying?  I am sitting here typing into the Wordpad.  I used to use Notepad but Wordpad is nicer and has more fonts and it has a nicer wordwrap.  I also once had problems saving stuff on Notepad.  I use these instead of typing directly into the blog.  When I typed into the blog, and saved its draft copy or whatever, for some reason my computer would have all sorts of problems while I was typing.  It was like someone was taking over my computer.  So one day, I got to thinking that if I just pasted my completed work into the blog, "they" couldn't harass me anymore.  And they used to harass me a GREAT deal.  I used to have problems pasting my pictures onto the blog.  I would have font problems for some reason even though I didn't mess with the settings.  I would even have delays where I couldn't save the draft or publish.  When I looked into how to troubleshoot it, I found a PILE of forums and I realized I would have to learn a BUNCH of stuff just to tweek it.  

But I didn't have to learn a bunch of stuff did I?  Any fool knew that someone had messed with my settings, since I didn't, and that to set them back again whoever did it just needed to undo it.  Telepathy right?  This is the trooghaft syndrome with me.  Even though I have superior intelligence, I can't know how to fix my car from damage or fix my reputation at the bar or even fix my blog.  It's too much.  I can't even figure out how to stop the neighbor lady from using her BEEP BEEP car alarm to open her car in the morning when I am asleep.  

And once all of these people work in unison, to harass me with little things that regular people take for granted, it's a kind of telepathy isn't it?  It's the trooghaft/mafia.  They all work in unison like witches boiling you in a pot.  First you go to sleep and then they EAT you.  Congratulations witches, "another victory"(Dr. Doom's saying).  This is what it means to have enemies that you can't see.  It's like they show you in Lord of the Rings.  The king is so addled with wormtongue's words that he believes what he is told.  "His mind is overthrown" says Gandalf.  It's so gone that he doesn't recognize his own son's death as real.  This is what a wormtongue does you see?  Your family is dying from these "orcs" or pig people = greedy people, and you don't realize that you have enemies or that they are arming against you.  But the movie shows the truth of it.  He is not lost, if he can be shown the light.  And the king, much like me, may not wish a war and may want to save as many of his people as possible.  But he may not have a choice anymore.  

"War is upon you. Whether you would wish it or not." - Aragorn

Life is like that though.  50/50.  Most times you can't even know if the gas station attendant is acting against you.  

Ok so way back there I was going to tell you what was annoying which was interruptions but also annoying, now that I am sitting here typing into a notepad is the computer running.  I haven't connected to the web browser(since I am still on Wordpad) and the hard-drive is a just a spinning away accessing something for some reason even though I am doing nothing to warrant that!  It's like someone reaching down my pants to see if I "soiled" myself while I am trying to do a presentation.  So what do I do?  I pull the Internet plug, type all that stuff and that I just typed and lo and hold, silence now.   Task manager is quiet.  

It's Norton Anti-Virus I'm sure, but I have spent a great deal of time tweeking its settings and it still manages to spook me.  Even now when I want to put it into sleep mode, the computer won't sleep.  It just goes to sleep, wait 10 seconds, and up it comes, awoken, even though I did nothing.  But if I pull the internet plug and put it to sleep, it's fine.  

I don't have to tell you that interruptions can drive you crazy.  Imagine being a journalist giving the news and having people cough at you while you are talking.   It's easy to see how you could forget what you were saying while you suddenly try to figure out if this coughing is intentional.  And never mind if you start to dwell on when you might have wronged this person or if they are related to one of your ex girlfriends.  It can be a bit much.  

Ok.  So now let's get to what I wanted to talk about today.  I recently had a talk with my father about how I should be.  At the end of working it out with him I explained that part of me didn't want to attack people, that is, take advantage of their weaknesses, but I also wondered if globalization is inevitable, and if so, maybe I am one insect warning of the downside of building a dam to a bunch of beavers.  And if so maybe, I best just be "insecting" my way through life.  

It should be clear to all of you that most Democrats feel that we should have more government programs and welfare.  Fact is, most poor people agree more government is better and since we are a democracy, perhaps in name only, we expect that the more votes from the MANY poor will keep the right people in charge that continuously put the laws in place that keep organizations from feeding too much off of the public.  That is, put people in charge that will stop companies from creating TOO MANY poor people.  

So every child should, at least currently, begin by being a democrat.  In theory, it seems that the smart people should rule the dumb ones, or better said, the wise and leisurely rich people should rule over the ones that are too busy to know what is going on.  Good idea.  But this can put the educated and otherwise well off people in a position to start to CARE about people that don't appreciate them.  It's like the police.  They want to be officers(that is, LICENSED to KILL professionals) who are trusted with a higher status than the rest of us(because we shouldn't have guns RIGHT?), but then find out that some of those that they serve, want MORE than just their protection.  Just as rulers can abuse, so can the beggars.  Gangs and thugs and, let's use a new word, villains(oh no I just talked about BLACK PEOPLE) can start up random acts of violence in an effort to hurry and USE UP the police force eventually dwindling their numbers down until it's clear who outnumbers who.  They don't know what they are doing until some kind of "smart bug" starts to think numbers.  It's a kind of gamble isn't it, taking shots at the police, the CALM police, and hoping they don't all come storming into your little nest egg of a place CHOCK FULL of roach people that feed off society's goodwill.  And it's through this "risk-taking" that millionaires are made in a very short time, I imagine.  

So at the end of time, there's no way to tell which will be in charge, the Republicans or the Democrats.  REPUBLICANS? you say?  What in GOD'S name do Republicans know about ruling.  They want less government.  They think we should just "trust" the rich people that live behind their corporate laws and indoor driving or whatever.  They believe that what's worse than having rich people abuse power, which gives them some free use of a Ferrari here and there, is to have whole groups of people abuse government welfare.  And to be honest, I can see that happening.  It's all 50/50.  If the government provides welfare, then the sharp people are going to USE it.  I spent too much time on my own, recovering from what they would call "burn out" from customer service by going to the bar and lo and behold, after a year went by, I no longer was able to claim unemployment.  

Shocker right?  Instead of collecting unemployment right away, I used up my savings to chill out and since I am "not so smart" my ability to use umemployment after I started to look for work, got used up.  After 18 years of paying into unemployment, I got nothing from the government.  So I'm starting to think maybe poor people don't NEED unemployment.  Maybe they don't NEED food stamps.  Maybe the tough get going and the rest can scrounge for scraps.  If the Republicans are rewarding the ones that are superior and can work hard then I am CERTAINLY one of those.  If dogging other people is normal, then I had just BEST get used to it and start doggin people.  All the rest of the world and Jeb are acting like we should have known all along that the world is an ever-changing place with wild people on the outside, a calm people on the inside and at the center, an ever-loving self-serving queen.  

And if that is what we are... then... so what. 

PS. I voted Republican.  Suddenly I am thinking of that song in The Sound of Music.   ~"I am 16.. going on 17... da da... da Dah DAH da" It's at just that age that we all decide if we are going to become adults or stay children.  Since we are all working together, as children, it seems normal that we should continue to work together as adults and that everyone agrees to this that we should continue to work together and not act against each other.  But in the movie, the boy child gets scorned by the daughter's family and then joins the army and then ACTS against the family.  See?  That is what is happening at that age.  We are learning to hunt.  Hunt what?  Hunt each other.  Jesus said this that we should become fishermen of men and I wonder if he meant for us to HUNT each other... muhahahaha... so you like to interpret the Bible do ya?!  

This is why regular people should not try to interpret the Bible.

I also got this idea from Dragon Age: Origins where the guy is trying to convince his girl to marry him but he hasn't learned to hunt yet.  I wonder often about that.  If I am to HUNT, what should I hunt for I wonder.  

PSS: I have thought about not doing spellcheck sometimes, since I have gotten a lot better at not misspelling or really just mistyping words.  I have always been a good speller(2ND PLACE in 4th grade spelling bee!) but whatdayaknow... today, poof, mispelled words... I needed that spellcheck today.  And see, another affirmation of how perfecting a system is NOT what it is all about, it's about... follow-up. 

Oh boy, now I HAVE to go on about another thing that has been bothering me is trains.  Trains are right there in the middle of what we all should be talking about.  There is MORE trust involved in trains and it costs less money both in eco-dollars and in people as opposed to running buses or even individual cars.  But I am dismayed as to how people don't see the necessity of trains.  Trains are at the TOP of the food chain trust wise(EDIT: Actually trucks are at the top). They should be employing many more people btw since they are saving SO much money by having people trust them.  If you want to do a diagram just put the cost of transporting oil in trucks(people drive them = very expensive = most reliable = most safe since someone is responsible = no whodunnits), next to transporting oil in trains(less expensive since no gas to pay for = less people employed = less reliable and safe since one person could screw it ALL up instead of a whole lot of truck people = possible who dunnits), next to transporting oil in a pipeline(aka. disaster waiting to happen).  In other words, it gets MUCH less expensive but it gets MUCH easier to have a disaster.  

PSSS: Oh and btw, we still torture people, I'm here to tell ya.  So that makes us not so exceptional.  You're welcome Putin. 

I'm not on anyone's side, because noone is on MY side. - Treebeard

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bitcoin's luck


When talking about money, I know a little more than most.  Since that was my major, I understand that it is a very important subject.  Once upon a time I was going to study International Finance in an effort to "legitimately" become a world leader but since the money ran out and since "people" found out that was my plan, I guess I will have to do it the "roundabout" way.  

Money is a medium.  All of the most powerful things in the world are medium.  People can be violent or they can be too kind but the most powerful are neither and moreover they are capable of inspiring OTHERS to be too kind or too violent.  Like moviestars maybe or like preachers or rockstars.   There are elements out there that are so heavy that they give off radiation constantly.  

This is how I imagine the center of the Earth, as a substance so dense, that it gives off radiation much like the Sun.   And since it is from the center, there is no hope of containing it.  Everything that comes into contact with it, not only mutates and becomes cancerous, as in living cells, but becomes corrupted and out of control and no longer the element that it was.  It becomes an amalgam of elements.   So the Sun has a sweet spot, where life can exist and over here is too cold and over there is too warm, and now we see that the Earth does too.  An area where solid is definable and then it becomes UN-definable.  And yet WE here at the center shape the Earth more than the extremes.  We are the most powerful beings.  

In all things, you should struggle to remain middle.  Lose your temper, but lose it ONCE.  Get fooled, but don't get fooled twice(shame on me).  It's OK to be an airhead like I was, but don't lose your whole existence believing in the goodwill of your neighbors, or even in the IDEA of goodwill, as though that were a religion.  

There are elements so light that we cannot define them also.  Scientists have given them a name and I'm sure they think they know what they are doing but I don't believe Hydrogen is the end all of elements.  I believe in regularity and so by that token I believe in smaller elements or in laws of physics we have not yet discovered and by that token, I don't affirm FRINGE physics.  When laws we discover happen in my lifetime, they are not laws but theories or postulates.  IN other words we can prove them but we don't understand them.  It's like discovering a gun and figuring out how to pull the trigger.  You still haven't learned about springs or about gunpowder or even about cranks and loops, never mind knowing about barrel grooves or rubber holders.  

Systems without buffers, break.  

Such is the idea of global warming.  We know this much but because it has occurred in our lifetime, it's a bit irresponsible to credit scientists with KNOWING and understanding it.  All they have done is take samples and said X therefore(:.) Y, and said the world is getting warmer.   

Ok getting off topic now since I wanna talk about money but this is exactly what happened to cigarettes.  People say ALL these people die of lung cancer and they also smoke :. cigarettes cause cancer.  But I believe cigarettes, like most pain medication, make people dependant on the medicine.  And this dependency, makes your lungs weaker.  And weaker lungs makes you more susceptible to... cancer... that is caused BY... heavy elements.  That is, not cigarette fumes, not dirty filters(although I have some personal experience with dirty filters and it's not good), not dirty looks from SarahK, no,  what causes cancer is... PEOPLE with poison pills sure, but mostly it gets caused by heavy elements like GASOLINE or XRAYS or prolonged exposure to batteries from say your cellphone or watches, and probably not from cigarettes.  

But that's what I mean about being young is that you can't be sure about anything.  It will take many years before you can filter out what professions are helping people and which should be done away with but this small group of people won't LET us do away with it.   

The people involved in selling cigarettes, despite being scot-free clean of conscience of having killed people, are still not very nice people.  Look at them now, CHANGING whole countries' laws just for the sake of being allowed to sell to minors and this is only possible because we have instituted world domination via the US Dollar.  

It's funny because US is not really a word is it? It's like that word, OK, that noone really knows what it means but everyone is saying it.  When people say "Everything is going to be OK", I think to myself "yeah it's gonna be like Oklahoma(OK), which means everything is going to be the subject of some very nasty tornadoes probably within the coming year and, for the rest of their lives, they will probably be worried about it".  

But US doesn't mean anything does it?  It's like a title where you go "Hey Mister" and everyone in the room looks at you.   It's not really a name.  The United States is a title but it could mean the United States of Mexico or the United States of Russia, verily you would be hard pressed to find a set of states that AREN'T united.  Sometimes, despite how "happy" I am, I wonder if we secretly dominate the planet with our double meanings and money regulations.  

Double meanings are the very essence of devilry.  Just look at the bomber we just convicted to Death(I capitalized his name just in case he was listening).  Switcheroo right?  We don't believe in the death penalty but our COUNTRY does, our federal government does, and apparently so does a set of twelve jurors unanimously.  And, whaddayaknow, now that they did what the government wanted(aka a set of a few people that want to execute a martyr for the sake of propagating hate across the rest of the world most especially in Chechnya) now they are free to talk about it and maybe sell a book or two.  I wonder if they would be able to sell books if one or two of them would have dissented like the REST OF THE WORLD would have.  I don't mean the rest of the world would have found him not guilty, I mean statistically, at least 1 out of 12 jurors would be philosophically against capital punishment and yet that vote was squashed.  SQUASHED.  That's the Constitution working but WAY UP HERE.  

Hmmf.  I don't care.  Fact is, he murdered a bunch of people and if he can dish it out, he certainly is prepared to take it I imagine.  I'm just hoping he isn't the world's last martyr like in the movie "The Seventh Sign".  

Sidetracked, ok so I'm against capital punishment you all gather right?  Defense is the goal yes?  By the way, what happened to putting him on the stand and letting him TELL everything, I mean HOW did this happen that we have umpty humpty sitting up there ready to point out all the people that ever wronged him and somehow his defense thinks NAH he doesn't need to wrong anybody else, it's noone else's fault, him and his brother acted alone.  It's sort of ridiculous if you ask me.   Isn't that the WHOLE PURPOSE of a trial by jury?  To have them listen to your side of the story?  

Ok so you see how I'm not caring.  So anyways, way back there I was talking about how scientists don't really know everything, and what IS known is usually perverted to satisfy an agenda or two much like our government, giving money to poor countries, who then owe us money, who then have their dictator steal half of it, who then need more money, so now they borrow more money but after they change some laws, which include allowing minors to smoke... which is TERRIBLE, except that smoking doesn't really cause cancer.  Truth is we know it's addictive and that people eventually abuse it like they would abuse ANYTHING that's addictive, which is not really the company's fault but it's not really the country's fault that it can't pay their debts.  That's why you can't have ONE dictator, you need MANY.  

What I mean is, you have to break the cycle.  You must stop feeding the people that kill you or that addict you.  It takes work.  

Ok so in reality, I wanted to talk about the gold standard.  It was a nice time way back when, when people all had money that constituted a set amount of value of the gold in Fort Knox.  It was like walking around with a promise.  If I take all of these "checks"(cash) to the bank, the government promises to pay me for the value of it, in gold.  That's how money began.  Based on the gold standard or with precious metals(precious? is that like trust? omg, the ONE ring again it keeps coming up!).  Before dollars we had coins that were actually WORTH the amount of precious metals they were made of.  Pennies were worth the amount of copper made to make them.  Nickels were made of nickel.  Dimes were made of silver.  I am not sure if there were gold coins back in the day but I imagine they were worth a great deal more.  But it was easy to understand yes?   You could melt that money and make whatever you want with it and since there was no global economy and we didn't or COULDN'T talk to each other cross country, the value of it tended to stay the same.  

This part is important because communication is central to how things and systems are distorted.  One person buying up a bunch of stocks can change its price, on purpose, without its value actually being different.  That's why cities are the centers of the destruction of society.  Even the Bible warns of this.  Whenever people get together in large numbers there will be distortion.  Lies.  But I will save that discussion for AFTER the apocalypse, lol.  

But seriously,  after the gold standard is when we started to TRUST in the dollar.  What a great idea right?  And what we can do is put God on the money.  Let's put In God we Trust and it's like everyone is trusting GOD, but really they are trusting the government, with their money.  Sounds bad when I say it like that right?  But it's not so bad.  All we have is our government.  Without them we would each have guns and half of us get to live because other half get shot.  It's much easier to be wild yes?  Yes, MUCH easier.  

We can do this easy, or we can do this REAL EASY. (Reign of Terror - great movie - watched > 30 times perhaps - textbook movie if you ever want to have a long talk with me about nothing)

But that's civility, is that it is hard.  Losing your civility is easy.  So trust your government and participate.  In the movie,(oh boy if I start to talk about the movie, there goes my topic) Bale gets beaten up by a buffed up McConaughey and Bale just loses his mind with anger, he will NOT be bent even though he is bloodied and beaten and McConaughey yells at him "that's what we NEED!" You see, that's what's needed is infection. We have to infect our government with goodness, constantly.  It gets corrupt, it gets old, so we have to pour in some OLD people that understand civility and we also have to pour in YOUNG people that are willing to believe in civility blindly.  But chances of doing this?  50/50.  McConaughey doesn't really get the girl in that movie does he?  At the last moment as he flies into the dragons mouth, I imagine him differently.  I imagine him with bright red boots.  

Anyways, I'm getting misty.  So today we talk about money.  Since the government is corrupt, (hah HAH you don't know WHAT I will say next do you) it takes this trust and abuses it because why because that is the nature of any great sculpture, is to erode.  Any set of laws, begins to erode as people find ways around it.  (Infection folks, we have to infect the people in charge).  So now that you have this money, with serial numbers, the government can, instead of trying to track down coins that have NOTHING on them and allow you earn money any way you wish, track you down based on where the money with such and such serial numbers were used.  See, surveillance.  Who knew?  

Fast forward to trusting the credit card and boy oh boy what a boon.  Now, with this technology, we not only take our money out of the bank and store it up on plastic, but we pay interest to private parties for holding our money.  Suddenly ALL of that TECH allows money to silently move from the public to the private sector.   Well, relatively private.  Remember that this system can be violated but you'd have to be the stupidest person in the world to want to attack people that work with money.  They ACTUALLY own us on paper.  And this is not even the point of my writing today because meh so what if some credit cards hold value that is not really there.  So what if suddenly the government can just "click" you money away if some people don't like you.  Fact is it is VERY convenient and it makes sacrificing people MUCH easier.  What people you say?  Well, the people the "government" doesn't like right?  Before you could bury your cash, now you CAN'T.  Before you could store up your cash and now if you have too much cash, guess what, it's illegal to walk around with too much cash.  Who knew?  

But that's not even the best part, and truth be told I don't even care about that because if drug-dealers are all stifled because they are boo hooing it about their 100k they stole from someone's trust fund then more power to the government.  Truth is I believe everyone that works in law enforcement, despite having a commitment to the system, gets a healthy does of gossip now and again and they probably enjoy putting slimebags in jail a bit too much and to be honest, I would enjoy it too.  They haven't exactly made my life easy despite my "laissez faire" outlook to the whole thing.  Good job guys, send me a picture, I say.  

But we are here to discuss weaknesses, yes?  I want young people to see the direction we are moving so that they have MOMENTUM, so they are moving in the same direction as the government but also understand it all.  It's important to know where we stand.   

Julia Ioffe wrote a great article about a hugely rich man that was competing for Putin's position.  He had made his money vs. during the time just after the collapse of the Russian state.  I got the impression that he was a sort of anti-christ, taking advantage and betraying a huge set of calm and trusting people.  But his example makes my whole set of teachings REAL.  You can wish for peace but peace is NOT the goal.  A calm population is begging for betrayal.  

Anyways, back to money.  So why was this credit thing allowed right?  Why did our government allow VISA and MC reign of the "digital" money?   Because they are on top of it is why.  They not only approve but they can instantly, "click" off your credit.  They can't click off copper coins or silver dimes or even garbage bags full of dollar bills but they can CLICK off your money in the bank or in credit or in even in PREPAID cards.  

AGENT: "Hello Judge we are gonna ruin someone's day today.. turns out he likes to steal people's goodwill and thinks he can just keep his money" 

JUDGE: "click" (signs court order to freeze funds)

But that's not even the worst part, you might think OMG that's awful what if they did that to my money but it's also an improvement right?  It's progress.  All progress should be for the betterment of society.  It's like drinking and driving.  They can just click off the laws and cops are just waiting to trap you, drive-thru people can just provoke you by yelling and lie their asses off, and jail cells can be filled with people that won't abide by the rules this one time while you are there trying to sleep and the whole world can just be "clicked" once you fall on the wayside... of progress.  So good luck with that fraud.  

So what's so great about bitcoin you wonder?  Why is it becoming so wonderful and why are people willing to trust it.  These coins are nothing more than data and yet people are willing to trust them? Why hasn't the government put a stop to this?  Won't people be able to take this money anywhere in the world like the old coins of yore like copper and silver?  

Well, it's just quite possible, that our government has already taken ALL of that... into account.  Good luck with your bitcoin.  

PS: I was going to but no, I'm not gonna tell you the huge flaw in bitcoin because I don't help thieves.  I am also not gonna inject myself with the PLAGUE. (As Good as it Gets) 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Petroleum Jelly


I just watched Avengers recently and so much of the movie is personal that I will have to watch it again many times before I can hash out all of the meaning out of it on paper.  

Since I only saw it once I will have to struggle to remember parts of it now.  One thing I love about Netflix and even pay-per-view XBOX video is that you can rewind.  I am usually munching or scratching or adjusting my seat but if the movie starts to say some important philosophical stuff right in the middle of some boring rant, I will miss it.  What's even more funny is that I will go so far as to restart the movie sometimes when I get lost as to where it is going.  

The first part of the movie that I adored is how Stark is trying to improve the world by being better.  It's an homage to Serenity where Nathan Fillion's character is offended by that, the notion that the higher ups can make people better.  This is what must be forbidden.  Do you see that?  We are already perfect.  We working as a group, as a DIVERSIFIED PORTFOLIO of people, are as perfect as the next nation.   The only thing to worry about is when other nations will adopt laws that allow them to attack us.  Anything less than that is just gangs and thugs that will never HOLD enough trust/money to fund this week's battle let alone a war.  And it's with this in mind that we should scoff at people's beliefs when they say they will IMPROVE the human race.  Humans are already perfect.  That's what Christ meant do you see?  Do you see that we are ALL perfect?  Christ was the perfect man because he could see that we ALL were perfect.  Once we see that, we can join him and work together with him in mind.  We should forbid any discussion about making people better.  Genetics, while useful, drugs while useful, breeding while useful, should be sideshows much like being gay and doing sodomy are sideshows.  Cigarettes and drinking liquor and screwing whores are sideshows.  They should all be allowed... sure... but they should NOT become the norm... much less become required by law.  Ok so we got that right?  We know that once we try some of these things, we become addicted to them and then we can't leave.  Living with your parents is like this.  Once you are there, once you give up your independence you start to get used to it, and then you can't leave.  That's drugs.  It's not hard.  

You want help, you get help, you need help.  

And if the person was a drug-dealer/whore/doctor/cheater that gave you help well then... don't be surprised when the price goes up.  

On the other hand I don't like forbidden.  Fact is, that no matter what we do to make stuff regulated, there will always be an underground/gang life.  Hillary said this once and I remember it because it was like she stole it out of my head that we should not make marijuana legal because then we start to make MORE drugs legal.  And the only thing this accomplishes is that it makes taking risks, much more risky health-wise.   If you want to impress that young girl, you might score some MJ(marijuana) now but in a couple of years, you will have to "score" some heroin.  And since girls are too STUPID when they are young they won't realize that you have both just addicted each other to a vapid drug just for the sake of courtship.  That's why we should keep MJ illegal is just for the sake of our youth.  On the other hand, and Hillary probably agrees, that we have come into a new era where the youngsters rule and if they want to know everything and not live the hushed life where we "trust" the goodness of our government then God Bless em.  More information, less censors, let's do it.  But you guys remember that there are things like nuclear weapons and biological viruses and a Mafia that we probably ALL don't need to know about.  

What do I mean?  Well I believe in guns.  The only reason police don't come and kill us is because some of us, a great deal MANY of us, might have guns.  It's just like the Japanese General said when he said they would have dropped troops in California but because unlike them we had NOT made guns illegal, they could not be sure if they would simply be surrounded by thousands of Americans who ALL had guns.   Yeah, that's true.  The possibility of it being real, kept them from landing on OUR beach.  And that's what's wrong with surveillance is that once our own government knows whether or not we have guns, they will harass the people that do.  They will single those ones out.  It's simply more advantageous without being personal.  And once that happens, for all the right reasons, ONE @#$%!-TARD will abuse it and do what he wants with your wife much like in Braveheart.  Switcheroo time.  

For the best reasons, the worst things happen.  

Ok way back there I was going to say that we all need to have guns and now you see why, but not ALL of us.  It makes no sense to give KIDS guns.  Way up here are people that understand adversity, WAY down there is a 20 year old's level of understanding.  He should have a gun only to support others that DO understand, but way way WAY down there is a 10 year old's level of what to do with a gun.  Do you see?  

That's what military secrets are for.  They are for the evolved mind.  That's why we don't need to know about 9/11 so much or about how to make Ebola or even what the names of the mafia people are in your area, because all things are apportioned to those that need them.  And some things you can't unlearn right?  Some things you might wish you didn't learn.  

I remember when I was about 14 or so trying out stuff with masturbation.  My friend said try THIS and he pointed to a petroleum jelly jar.  I was like what's that for?  He said you are just gonna love it he said.  So he planted that seed in my head and I was like hmmm sounds like it will be neato and a few weeks later I finally tried it and found the whole thing confusing.   

So it goes that young people wouldn't know what to do with nuclear weapon plans or with Ebola or with secret knowledge... all they would do is PULL that trigger to see what happens.  So just remember that when you are "trusting" people with you secret knowledge.  Ask yourself if they are OLD enough or if they NEED it enough to be able to deal with it for a long time.  

I once read in an article somewhere that we could seed clouds.  What horrible thing I thought, what if people steal this out of my brain and RAIN down destruction?  As it turns out a whole LOT of people know this and fact is the government KNOWS whether or not you know so most things you should worry then NOT worry so much about.  I have mentioned this before that I told a group of new people how to complain about a manager to HR if they ever had problems with their manager at Citibank, I thought they would respect me since I could answer just about every question they had to offer about work.  Good idea I thought until one day I go to HR and complain about my manager and they had already all complained about ME to HR!   Apparently the manager had gathered a coalition of people(that ALSO had like two months working there) and all complained to HR that they were unhappy with me there.  Good job right?  I guess next time I help people that can "handle" my help.  

So you are probably wondering why using a jar of petroleum jelly on my penis and learning how to jack off is so confusing right?   

Well you see, I couldn't figure out how to get my penis in and out of the jar.  

See, that's what it means to try to better the planet, you get a whole lot of Ultron and Ultra-off! 

PS. You can't make this up, lol. 

Friday, May 08, 2015

Why are we noble


Why are we noble? 

Because we are not dogs.  You're welcome Putin.  Want me to explain Exceptionalism...?  

Same thing...  it's not hard. 

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Escapes me


Absurdities abound.  Just yesterday I saw a commercial toting the words "CNBC first in business".  What does that mean?  First, firstly, would seem to imply that there is a race to be won or maybe it's a pledge to be the first to cover some rare news story... about stocks.  I dunno.  Secondly, business is so general it might mean Elysium for all we know.  

Another weird statement I heard is "damn the torpedoes".  I used to wonder what this meant since for one thing there were no torpedoes.  I saw it mentioned in the game Hydro Thunder.  I finally reasoned it out to mean "ramming speed" or that you were about to kamikaze your boat.  

Another weird statement is the one about the guy who quit smoking who didn't quit in time to avert a serious gum disease.  "What does this say", he asks us as he shows us all of his missing front teeth. 

Um... can you say faulty DENTIST? 

Another weird commercial is the National Rent a Car one which mentions the guy having a "wandering eye"(It makes you wonder if those guys read my blogs doesn't it?) But then the whole commercial ends with the line "Go like a Pro".  At this point, you realize the whole commercial was about whores.  

Well, it always comes back to that it seems.  And like thugs, whores shouldn't be a word reserved for women.  Whores make their money in a middle-ground of legal and non-legal means because often the exact value of the act can be abused.  The whore could say "oops", when your penis falls out, as though you had something to do with that... nevermind her BIG FAT HUGE GAPING... well you get the idea.  

But men can be whores too.  They can make an agreement and then not live up to the spirit of the agreement.  It's like making a wish.  If you are a GENIE in Disney where millions of people are watching then when the wisher says "make me a Prince" it means promote you to leader of a whole country, whereas if you got like 50 people tops that care and you are a genie in the bar industry, making you a Prince might mean take a Prince tennis racket and do an overhead smash on your head.   I guess the wording of it matters too because if your whore is a nice whore, you would call her an "assistant" or an au pair perhaps, most especially if you have defended your  reputation to the degree that noone would ever question if your assistant, ASSISTED you.  Same goes for guys and genies and such.  Some guys are cool, some guys are jokesters.  In fact if you ever want to TEST whether your guy friend or business partner is still being faithful to you, just measure whether he laughs a lot.  Chances are if he is cracking jokes around you and laughing at stupid stuff, he's no longer faithful or at the very least he no longer enjoys your company.  

So if your friend is like "hey Charlie, what happened to, oh one second I gotta take this", and starts to laugh with his friend on the phone that he just interrupted your conversation to have, then your friend is a whore, if not he's your friend.  

See, I'm here to help.  

OK well I had this one really big weird idea from a commercial but of course, now that I am writing, it escapes me.  Maybe I will edit this later. 

PS.  One more thing I want to add as I read my previous journals somewhat is that our use of water is directly impacted by how cruel we are.  California is beset with water problems and because of that you can expect them to IMMEDIATELY see the benefit of sowing more food without meat in it.  It's because of VOX that I recently learned that the water used when growing food in farms is miniscule compared to the water used to raise animals, because the animals have to ALSO be fed feed, that uses up that much more water to grow.  Any minute now I expect all of them to either suddenly become aware of that and stop eating meat, or you can expect them all to quietly shut up about it and start eating more meat than everyone else... who knows. 

EDIT: Another thing that annoys me, now that I am doing a lot of reading, is the old adage about "those that can, do; those that can't, teach".  It's kind of backwards right? Because on the one hand only rich people can afford college, lol, so those that CAN, go to college, who can then teach, those that can't have to get a job... and probably CAN'T. Lol.  But to imasculate that statement perhaps I want to point to the profusiveness of people willing to make films about what philosophers grind their teeth about.  All of those people sit in colleges and make perfect arguments about things like eating meat and using fossil fuels but then fail to start a movement about it and it's in such impotence that I wonder about whether teachers are able to actually DO anything about the world's problems, 

... and yet here I sit. 

And that's what I love about journalists, is that they are not the brightest in the world, but they ARE willing to ask the tough questions.  That's what I love about 20 somethings or college kids or even black teenagers is that they might be dumb as a hollow post but they ARE willing to find out why police can walk into gas stations and grab free stuff or they ARE willing to expose the NSA's innermost secrets or they ARE willing to betray the country to hold their source inviolate.  You see, when your system is corrupt, when the people at the top can affect your reality REGARDLESS of what system is used... it's time to stop trying.  ALL YOUR EFFORTS at building things is wasted now that you know it helps some PERSON as opposed to some system that continues to grow.  That's me, perhaps, knowing what I know... why would I help these people? Why would I help THEM grow? (us/them)

Another thing I want to add about Destiny is that it turns the page in such a way as to make playing it seem temporary.  It's immersiveness, despite being beautifully rendered artwise, is just short of being a casino.  You can finish doing things.  It gets boring.  It is just that little bit of interesting to demand all of your attention for a while but it allows you to do other things instead of just wallowing in the world all day like a casino would.  

And I like that.  I like temporary. 

Btw, just advice to all of you journalists out there, I recommend that you format your hard drives, erase everything on it and re-install basic files, once a month.  To make that easy, you need to have, at least TWO computers, TWO centers that serve as your slaves, because as one becomes corrupt, the latter serves to handle the load while you work on curing the first.  Temporary, right?  Gypsies know best? Indians with tepees? 

And this has a lot to do with Ninja/Paladin right? Because if you have two computers, you have like a Ninja ISP that's hard to target because you keep changing which computer you use, instead of that you could have a HUGE Paladin PC that has so much memory, that any attempt to bog it down with a virus and make it slow is simply not sufficient to affect its speed.  

Btw, I don't mean to imply that journalists are not the smartest in the world, they are the middle ground between the thinkers and the doers.  The doers are willing to try anything usually because they aren't educated or have nothing to defend like McVeigh or Snowden maybe, the educators have TOO MUCH to defend, like Elizabeth Warren or Ashley Judd maybe, but a journalist is that blend of not too educated, not too brazen, enough that they are again a great representation of what we should all strive to be, imo. It's like in Braveheart where Wallace discusses with Robert the Bruce why the nobles won't support him or when Robert the Bruce discusses with his father what courage is to which the father responds "Wallace has courage because he fights, so does a dog, but it's the ability to compromise that makes a man noble"(paraphrased), that is, able to exist among others that are ALSO willing to compromise.  That's why when people say "you gotta do what you gotta do" it makes me think that they have RUN OUT of their ability to compromise.