Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Finger of Death

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The Republicans were SO WRONG(sarcastic) to support Bundy in his remarks against the government most especially since he was from Nevada where he had already amassed a serious threat to the leadership of Senator Reid, a person who was EVEN getting the President's personal attention at the time of the shutdown. It was a move so brazen that I was PUZZLED as to how they could all side with this landowner who his biggest foul was to let his cattle run wild on public land.

Why didn't the government just pick up his cattle from their land? Was he defending them on public property with guns? Who knows. Those particulars never came out in the news story as far as I could tell. "He owes money" is all anyone would say and they kept it at that.  Again, puzzled, but I put it together that he was just defending himself on his property with weapons, as far as I could see. 

They didn't give TWO sides to his story on MSNBC did they?

Now as he started to talk about black people, I sensed it. Black people asking him about black people. He got set up. Why else does someone who is defending his land and facing the FBI with his family in tow start talking about black people? By now, in politics, if you aren't from the city, you need to GO THERE before thinking about talking publicly. Why couldn't he like mention women or something? And I defended him to the best of my ability because talking about black people is not the same as acting against black people. 

ACTING against black people or other races, is racism.

In fact a better time to discuss why "Might is right" fails, has never come along. Because now as you decide for yourself how wrong it is to treat black people differently... you can decide if ANYONE should be given less respect and be treated differently. And this era and practice of domination and escape, which Bundy had probably gotten away with by saying what he wants and people saying "because it's you" we let you get away with it, is coming to a end.

But it was FUN to watch right? We were gonna let him get away with defending his land if he just would not have started talking about black people. He was mighty, if only on his own land, because all the gun rights people were behind him up to that point.

So now we have a new set of controversial remarks and it's like the world KNEW I needed the beatdown. No sooner did I ask everyone for their empathy with regards to OLD MEN talking about an age old era, then THIS GUY showed up with remarks that made Bundy's PALE by comparison.

The remarks were awful.

To his credit, he was dating a black lady, employing black people to work for him, and he was not expressing his own concerns but those of some "people" that didn't want black people associating with her. In practice, it seems to me he ACTED to the benefit of a GREAT MANY black people.

Now since I am not black I can't imagine how those words must feel to a black person. However I CAN imagine how it feels to be TREATED differently, or with prejudice. This is because I am frequently given looks of dismay etc. for something that I don't consider to be a crime but that others do.

And that's where this guy is. He thinks he has the right to FREE SPEECH, esp if people that work for him will let him get away with it(btw who else would even hear his comments with him in charge). But the day came when he was next to people that didn't work for him. He thought he had the right to be honest... he THOUGHT he did.

But that's not the world we live in. Look at MSNBC at this point. It might take a while but little by little they are ramping up the "black agenda" aren't they? I realize they are just covering the story (and what a story it is right?) but aren't they acting just a LITTLE bit like the Republicans did towards Bundy?

I mean Bundy had GUNS and FAMILY behind him and everyone could identify with defending your land, and now that Sterling is on the defensive against every BLACK person that is forced to hear his AWFUL words, why not make a federal case about it? Suddenly instead of having a country of one people, we have regular people and the black people.

And the black people are proud!

Rev. Al is the worst. I was getting scared of the man just watching him on Friday. Words like "inexcusable" and "had better" and "we are gonna wait" like he speaks for the AFRICAN-AMERICAN NATION make me wonder what part of the meaning of the word "Reverend" he missed in school.

A preacher does NOT talk about securing vengeance.

The answer is in his mightiness isn't it?  How mighty it is to speak when you have a slew of people that will work for you. For both Sterling and Sharpton they are kind of in the same box aren't they? Free speech dammit!

But that is not the way to resolve differences. An analytical mind does not take a census first or do a poll. Racism is the ACT of treating one person better because of race. 

 It's not hard. 

A disturbing trend that I am becoming more aware of is the practice BY BLACK PEOPLE to make stuff FORBIDDEN.  Forbidden things were a part of black history. Blacks were forbidden good seats on buses, sex with white women, or food in classy restaurants. To catch a black person abusing these "forbidden tree" acts, was to expel them from EDEN.

SOOOoooo, it's time to STOP making stuff forbidden. You black people, YOU PEOPLE, stop taking offense to this crap. People can say what they want if they aren't SAYING IT TO YOU. If they ARE saying it to you, that's called an insult. An insult is a verbal assault and it's a crime but it has to not only have the offensive words but must have the INTENT of hurting someone's feelings. Right? So get over it black people, stop making stuff forbidden unless you wanna end up like Israel and India,

Don't become the monsters that you fight against, like Nietzsche said.

And when you have these forbidden things, it's easy (especially if you have the will of the BLACK PEOPLE or of the GUN RIGHTS people) to point your "finger of death" at people who infracted against forbidden things, maybe even... if they didn't.

PS. secretly I LOVE the fact that Magic Johnson, (is all magic evil? all magic is by definition evil because it is used to change another's perception from the truth) has offered to buy the team after being the one who posed with the guy's girlfriend that everyone knew was against the idea, who then gets told about it and who then gets secretly recorded by her and her people. Does that make him evil, ahahahahaha, can't fool mother nature, dog!(a black person's term) and btw Los Angeles is becoming more and more famous isn't it? Is sacrifice good for business or what? 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

No more Flea-bies

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Forgetfully, I sometimes wade into the kitchen oblivious that the cat may have left a puddle full of fleas there. So, in preparation, I like to roll up my pants sleeves up to my knees. That way, if I sense even the slightest itch, I reach down and grab the nefarious blood-sucker and dump him into the toilet bowl.

You see, at first when I had problems with fleas, I went to the bathroom and pierced the flea in half. This took some effort. I could either feel the flea or not feel it because of how FAT it was with my blood. If it was fat, then I would easily grip and pierce it. If not, then it might escape as I struggled to grip it onto my fingernails.

Gruesome stuff, huh?

So as I got better and better at picking the buggers sooner and sooner, it got harder and harder to pierce them. And if I got frustrated at all or unfocused, BING, it would escape me. And this would really annoy me because as soon as I started to feel the itch from its bite a couple of minutes later, I knew that it was a freebie.

The genie of the LAMP does not like to give out freebies or flea-bies.

So the next step was to take them over to the sink and do my business there so that if they escaped, I could maybe catch them again. And then after a while I started to fill the sink with water and just try drowning them. This was especially useful once an infestation of them cropped up and this seemed to work I thought but just in case I roly-polied them a little first and then dunked them to the deep part to see if they would sink to the bottom. It's a funny experiment with fleas because you can really tell a lot by watching them.

Now they are already guilty of drawing blood so it's like the guy said in SIN CITY.

"I love hit-men, no matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad."

Fleas are a lot like people in this respect. Because when I put them in there by themselves and they don't know any better, they struggle and struggle and sometimes amaze me. But if I start a colllection, like I did once because there was an infestation of em and my legs were RIDDLED with bites, then they seem to give up quicker.

I once had the sink FILLED with dead fleas. I'd have to say at least 20 fleas. But just drop em in that water filled with their buddies and down to the bottom they would go as though accepting their grave.

Now after the infestation was over, I changed it up some. Because fleas only crop up every now and again maybe because of the eggs hatching or whatever that seems to happen for no reason, I start to get fleas and its time to roll up my pants again, because I can't stand to have fleas in my room.

To thwart that, instead of coming into the bedroom with my pants down and who knows what waiting to jump up to my stomach or arms or whatever and maybe bite me when I least expect it, I go directly from the kitchen to the bathroom BEFORE coming to the bedroom, to clean myself of possible fleas.

Now lately I have begun to find fleas again. Anytime the cat's medicine wears off or we put put new drops on him or put a flea collar on him, the fleas come off of him and onto me.

I have some SWEET blood, in case you didn't know. My blood is preferential to any other's in most cases because I am always the first one to get the fleas.

Ya'll should be thankful for that.

What I did as an improvement in recent months is to instead of try to drown the fleas and spend like 5 minutes trying to roly-poly or pierce them, I have simply dropped them into the toilet bowl. I felt sure that by flushing them, they would at least be gone. I have found in recent months that this is not the case. I once noticed fleas were coming out the drain in the sink so I wondered if they could hold their breath or something.

The answer is yes.

They can and not only that I have seen them come swimming to the top after sinking all the way to the bottom. I have even tried dropping a piece of toilet paper on them to suffocate them. After a while, I started to ball the paper up, let the flea cling on to it and then sink the whole thing to the bottom. And you would not believe it, when they think I'm not lookin, the fleas can actually crawl up the piece of paper, out into the water, swim up top, and float there all alive and waiting to be flushed out into wherever they know they will make it.

Well, that drew my consternation just a little bit. I watched the little thing floating there, the INSECT or arthropod that it is, and wondered and wondered at it.

So I wiped my butt with the toilet paper and sank THAT to the bottom with it.


PS. Ya'll know what racism is right?  Yeah, how I just treated these fleas... is racism.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Repeat after me

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So I wrote this HUGE piece about a dream I had last night about someone pretty famous.  It was an EXCELLENT piece, if you get me.  But after my computer got somehow restarted and I lost all of the information, and after rethinking it and retyping it under threat of another MISHAP, now I am slightly too ashamed to post it in public. 

But I do have it saved for just that special occassion that I want to read about it again.  (LOL) It was an excellent DREAM, there I said it... sort of. 

It's titled "repeat after me".

So in other news, I guess me and MSNBC have a difference of opinion.  They believe Bundy to be some lunatic that deserves police up his butt the sooner the better, and I believe in waiting the guy out.  Since when do GOOD people attack first?  Haven't we learned from GWBush about how easy it is to absorb the rhetoric and come out guns a blazing? 

Ok, so let's change he subject.  We got lust and disgust, what next um trust!

I have settled down from caring about my sister's bf for a while.  I really hope he holds out and heals himself.  I know he is losing but I believe that if he can will himself enough he can heal more than he is destroyed.  But the cancer is in his brain now.  They said that he has inflammation that if it swells too much, could cause circulation to cease to the brain.  And yet I know that inflammation is good for you and is a natural bodily response. 

So I'm a brain surgeon now?

Well, they trust me not to interfere so I won't.  My sister wants to go up with him to Ohio where he is from, but they don't know if he will even live another day.  This must be like a wrecking ball for her but, in some way, I know she will be the better for it. 

And like me she suffers but, I believe, is the better for it.

ps. my message to him, that I blurted out at the mention of a free pretzel, "a divine gift should not be questioned, only accepted."

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I want FIRE but

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As it once was, so will it be.

So there's a new trailer for Dragon Age which was a GREAT game but WTH happened to Claudia Black and Kate Mulgrew(Morrigan and Flemeth). Don't they realize how much TIME I spent wooing Morrigan?


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How I used to feel

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I have a problem. My sister is caring for her boyfriend that is dying from cancer. She is quite the trooper but to suffer this experience is one that I would not wish on anyone.

I have a message for him if he is reading this blog as I recommended that he do. I am now going to tell you a real life story of an amazing man that was, that is, by BFF(best friend forever).

Once there was a guy that did everything I did. He had a cute little sister like I did, he was Catholic, not like me I'm Baptist but had a VERY religious family, for Catholics. They went to church every Sunday. Since he was always RULING his little sister, much like I ruled mine, he was the righteous one, while she was the mischievous one(reminds you of THOR and LOKI doesn't it) in much the way I was towards my little sister growing up.

Anyways, let's fast forward to the accident before this turns into a LIFE story. My friend had an mean temper, much like I did. In fact, I half wonder if it was because of ME that he got... what he got.

He once found his car broken into, with his windshield smashed and all of his CDs in his CD bag stolen and he totally lost it. But what could he do? They were just gone. Still another time he saw some people breaking into his car at the mall and he totally challenged them, at which point they attacked him and kicked his head to the point of causing 3 skull fractures.

When I was told about it, he was in a COMA with little chance of coming out of it. I remember seeing him, wondering how this could have happened literally overnight from the last time I saw him.

Some time later, he came out of the coma, but much of his body had atrophied to the point that his thighs were the size of my wrists. It was a confusing time for me.

It was strange that soon after this happened, DOCKSIDES closed down. This was the bar we frequented at the time.

I tried to help him to some degree. I showed up several times just to talk to him. I once had to wipe his butt but he was so fragile, it was like he was my child.

At some point, I showed up with a SCRABBLE board. It was a refined board with all the extras. It had little plastic ridges to keep the tiles in place. It has heavy duty tile holders. It even had a revolving table thingy to make moving the board to see the words, easy to do. As we played, over time, we talked to each other and I noted that his voice was different from what it was. It was more nasal, more tepid as it were.

After a while, me being the ALPHA that I am, I willed him to speak like me. I wanted him to talk like his old self. He was talking so ODD that I sounded my voice differently and since he looked up to me, he tried.


He tried and tried and tried. I was so bull-headed that I willed him to continue trying until he finally YELLED out, completely aghast. I had pushed him too far and my BELIEF that he could fix himself was ... simply mistaken.

I had never had this happen to me before. I thought ALL things were possible at that point and I was... proven wrong. I was calm and resentful and confused.

This is the lesson I want to give to my sister's boyfriend. He may BELIEVE that he is broken like my BFF was. He may think that he will never speak the way he once did or be healthy like he once was.

He is in bad shape, I grant you. If I sat there and WILLED him to health, I might have ANOTHER disappointment happen to me that anyone else would not feel, but that I would feel because I always WIN if I will it bad enough.

At least that's how I used to feel.

But on the upside, my friend has since recovered all of his weight and a great deal of his mobility. The accident happened more than 15 years ago. He can drive himself and gets paid an annuity to survive on and his parents have their son alive that they can visit. The mall now has security on watch full-time.

Inspiring hope by simply existing or simply surviving... helps others. If you can't beat the disease, the flesh-eating disease that chomps your spirit at the turn of a mirror... you can at least defend yourself, ball yourself up, calm yourself and your psyche enough to outlast the onslaught of a ROGUE disease.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The fire within

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"It's the difference between being a soldier and a soul-Jah!"

So keeping up with Kate Beckinsale always gets my blood pumping. Yesterday I again watched Total Recall, the second one, and you have to give it to the director, he makes her look good. In fact she looks so good, even Jessica Biel must be like "damn she fine!"

And whatdayaknow, no BOOB job.  

I had this waking dream of being with her in some huge NYC apartment with probably the entire floor bought and paid for, with the movie playing in the background, the computer loaded up with the movie's earnings on a big screen, with the production company's offers listed on another screen, and with that part of the movie playing her scene over and over again...

"did you really expect someone like me, to be with someone like you... and live in this shithole"

That's reality. So kudos to her man, can't wait to see MORE pictures of your wife. (so wrong)

And worse than that is seeing her in her early movies playing some twat that NO ONE can be with and I wonder at reality, inasmuch as maybe I have missed out of doing what was "right".

I am watching the Last Samurai again. It always takes me back to a more "righteous" era in my life. As I wonder at its practices, I understand more about chances. About what it means to be prisoner and to be a warrior. What it means to out-suffer your sufferers. If they be just men, then they suffer even as you do.

If they do not suffer, they are not JUST men and are worthy of a reckoning.


So I wait until my jailkeepers end their siege. I am saving bits of proof along the way because just like in games where you take too many risks without saving, I cannot take too many hits without losing my resolve, or my good nature. I am beset by attackers that may be aligned to old "friends" of mine who feel betrayed because I left them. But I was loyal to them, so it is POSSIBLE I am beset by enemies that simply feel I am a betrayer because they don't know the whole story.

Or it is possible the actual government is attacking me because both of these groups have complained and labeled me as an undesirable. As such, I am met everywhere with looks of internment, of blosseniousness, of Chadwick.  

I am not prisoner but simply being disliked IS imprisonment. 

In days past I was an applauded karaoke performer, slightly afforded some respect if only for my FREE efforts at attracting audiences, which was good for business. I am always for doing this. But now it seems my mishap at a certain drive-thru has become common knowledge and with that, normal people that know nothing about me, can add their ACTS of disrespect to the many acts of these others who attack me from secret simply because they also want to see me suffer.

But I absorb it all, in another movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or whatever, I learned that people pay teachers MONEY for lessons that make them better men.  (After she had bested the hero and took his sword, our "poisoned dragon" is sought out by many who, in the name of earning a lesson, harass her until she fights.}  And usually that means a great deal of EFFORT from the teacher and a lot of suffering from the student. So if I use this LESSON and call it one of the MOST expensive lessons imaginable, then I can ying/yang my exile into something of a sabbatical.

And more importantly, I can wonder at my usefulness clearly now. I used to wonder if I was past my prime since women were mostly taken and I was unable to take someone else's. But now I view the TAKING as something that may be normal. I am learning about TAKING.

Nothing can be labeled taken, if it was freely given.

Still another movie The Road gave me an apocryphal message in keeping the fire. What is this fire? Fire to me is clearly evil and anything that burns is poisoned and losing it's value, but to have something inside that burns, is like an engine. You must feed the engine and let the engine in turn, feed the world. This is the value of fire.

This is the meaning of hope.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Message from the President

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I had a dream the President was using my brain to speak to the nation and this is my interpretation of that because in my dream the message was perfect, but perfection is fleeting. 

My message for you today is one of hope. I hope for a brighter future. I want you to hope for the same. We are stuck in a place now where we don't know if the words of tomorrow will be improvement or decline. We don't know if the instructions of how to run our government, have been lost. And most importantly, we don't know what our purpose is as a country or where to go from here.

Why are we here?

As president I am going to try to lead you today, into the future. First an example for you Christians out there.

Zacchaeus come down from that tree!

Another example for you Jewish people.

Let my people go!

You see in the first example Jesus had come to teach to Zacchaeus how rich people get into heaven. Heaven is a place of peace, of calmness, of enlightenment. To get there YOU must be at peace, YOU must feel that the money that you earn is ALL being used well and that NONE of it is being wasted. Slowly you and we should all reach towards this goal.

A goal where the money we make goes back into society just as smoothly as it comes in. Not MORE, not a lot of it, but a "smooth" amount, an amount that can be expected. And it's with this example in our minds of camels going through the eyes of needles that we can FEEL ourselves either at peace or, as in the camel, notsomuch. 

(EDIT: so after some research I realize I know NOT very much about Zachariah or Zacchaeus or even the young rich man of Jesus' parable, so maybe this is my last time talking about the Bible ya?)

And what about that second part. Today being passover, should remind us all of what oppression is. Does it still exist? Slaves and masters will always be with us because just as BIG JOHN was the hardiest worker to ever walk the earth so was TOM THUMB able to see better than anyone. Mutant people are not rejects, they just need to be coupled with other mutants of "matching" variety like the previous two examples. For every worker there needs to be someone pointing him where to work next.

A master and a slave.

But it should not mean oppression. I man doesn't need the whip to make him work harder, a man needs a break. As sure as we can each arm ourselves, we can understand when someone is oppressing us. Don't do it. Stop. When you get to work and wonder why people show up later and later and work slower and slower, it's not them, it's YOU. People should be inspired to work not driven. Did you get that?

Not DRIVEN, not made into slaves.

Now I want to talk to you about the direction the country is headed in. I want you to understand what it means to do the right thing. In the past some people have sought to make a boatload of money by keeping secrets. It should be obvious now that the way to make money is to save up a bunch of it, appoint someone TRUSTED to manage it and then have some accident occur where some of it goes missing but for totally understandable reasons, like those ones we don't totally understand. That's why things we do everyday should not be hard. If they are too hard to understand, someone is making it seem that way.

Someone once said, "kill all the lawyers". Because in making things more clear and accurate through EXACT wording or semantics, they managed to alienate all the poor people from due process. Look now at the arbitration clauses added to many agreements. A poor person might understand this to mean that it's easier for them to sue, but what it means is that you dont get full access to the constitution and its trial by jury. Let's try not to repeat history TOO many times.

I offer you this as your goverment. As a people, let's try to have less secrets.

Notwithstanding, our intelligence agency MUST keep it's course because as long as there is good and bad, half will want to be bad. And that means our agencies need to keep stealing secrets from the secret-keepers, that is, we've got to be better at it. Now I give you my word that the people I approve and consult with from these agencies will be of THE MOST trustworthy sort and you will just have to trust in me as your leader that I condone their actions because they are the actions of our MOST trusted government officials placed there because of their love for our country and not for the sake of selfish or vain reasons.

If I find otherwise, I will make a change in leadership, indeed a whole range of changes, if I find otherwise. 

Starting... now.

But I want you to trust in our secret agencies again. In dealing with secretive people, they must THEMSELVES be secretive. They must understand the flow of gel that is the muck of dishonesty and see it safely out to its logical expulsion. It's their job to see if you are doing your job well or if your job is to feed others information that works against our country's well-being.

Now you might think that corporations are the logical next step of government dominance but I ask each of you to find it in yourselves to be clean of group-think when it comes to acting for those companies. Don't believe that because your boss hunts for better interest rates, he must not mind that the SPANISH in this message is not all that accurate. Don't believe that your boss must want you to leave this oil cap slightly undone because this makes the guy come back to the get an oil change more often. Don't think that saving bottles of chemotherapy means MORE money for the hospital.

Stop yourself. Stop the group think that tells you the company wants you to FEED off your customers or to hunt them. Think for yourself a moment and have FAITH that others will follow your example. Believe in doing your job... so-so. Ask yourself if this you would do to your family and then you will know how to treat your neighbors and customers.

Secrets are the source of mistrust. Yet they are fuel to the fire of our lives. So if you must have secrets... GO AHEAD. I as President authorize you to do something illegal.


That's right, I am authorizing you to go out there and do something illegal. Get to work early today by speeding,, ring the fire alarm, ruin your neighbor's lawn. Be curious! But, if you do these things, I also demand that you do them well.

Get away with your secrets. Clean up after yourself.  If they capture you on camera speeding, never do it again.  If someone breaks their leg running out on a fire drill, never do it again.  If your neighbor complains about the big S mark on their grass, never do it again.  Be effective. If you test the limits of drilling oil and then spill some, do some OVERKILL in cleaning it up so that it can't happen again, because darkness is fuel for our happiness. Doing something sloppy is like bumping into your neighbor's tray full of food. What a mess. And all you had to do was be careful and now he's looking at you wondering if you did it on purpose.

Don't be sloppy, understand darkness as that which you are able to do to feel good about yourself and about taking risks.

People need to FEEL they could get away with things so that they can feel freedom. You need to be able to walk around the block as though you own it. Stomp the mall as though it's your mall, walk the beach like it's your beach.

So our future is going to be one of enlightenment. I want you all to understand that things work better without secrets. I want you all to reformat your hard drive every once in a year or so. Take all of your secrets and flush them out and stop asking others about their secrets.

Delete your browsing history. It's not hard.

Save your game. Take pictures of your house and your car often. Write a personal blog once a week or month just to keep yourself attuned to your immediate goals. Flush your mind once in a while so that making decisions yay or nay don't become an exercise in economics. You might be surprised how happy you are to see old pictures of yourself and your house as the time goes by.

With this understanding, I want you to LOOK BACK at our history. Look at Christianity, at Naziism, at Lenin, even at Moses and his brother Ramses. Their systems weren't bad, the people turned bad. SLOW things down now, watch Superman save the planet by spinning it to a slow speed. We can undo the past merely by giving ourselves the chance to CLICK this belt or click that light on and then starting over. We have to learn to backtrack and then move forward with the right shoes.

Seek a balance in your workers, and in yourself, and in your police and your politicians. The rich people are not merely attuned to your actions they depend on them. They, we, and the police ALL watch you constantly and though you may believe they will abuse their power, YOU have to be the first to say I believe they won't, and then others will follow, and then they will see that the little set of cogs in your brain are "working as designed."

People want to come here. It's no secret that the smartest people do their jobs the best and make the most efficient use of their resources. But let's not over-progress ourselves out of the planet. Let's not lead the entire mammoth herd over the cliff and doom ourselves out of food. As we find better ways to process energy, let's set up competition and funds to develop them.

In parting, I want you to believe we treat people right, OUR people. People getting deported are NOT our people. People in Syria are not our people. People elsewhere are not ours. We can send food and water to poor people or to Ethiopia and WE DID, and instead of a improving the barren wasteland into farms, what we got were warlords who scooped up the remedies and sold them at THEIR prices.

Expect this (and think of Christie when you do it oh wait Prez wouldn't say this part)

As though looking at a petri dish, you should expect groups to want to get larger and expect less attached, peaceful individuals to get weakened or pushed aside. This is the natural order. This is what we MUST NOT do to each other.  

We are not each other's food.

We are a body politic. An animal so large that it has to filter out the food that is dumped into its gaping maw like so many plankton. In the effort to make eating more efficient through solar energy and through an efficient use of waste disposal or recycling, we must make it our goal to SLOW our progress down so that we can refine our consumption.  This way our lives and our children's lives contribute to a symbiotic animal that will NOT over-progress, and will in all things ACT just so-so.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Stephen is King

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A great movie I just finished watching 3 times is called The Mist. I tweeted Stephen King a while back. He got harassed by a bunch of "trolls" that probably didn't care what he said except for the fact that it was Stephen King so now their words matter.

That's sort of like the whole Pyramid instructions erasing thing where I look good if I just stand IN FRONT OF someone famous.

So he erases a tweet and then it reminds me of when I first erased a tweet. The feeling that came over me because everyone that had seen the tweet was now "doomed" to know what I wrote and not anyone else. It's sort of like the seed of evil ya? They could produce a printed copy of it but in reality only I and them would know if it was true. And if it was true then they could have INFLUENCE over me.

So I saw that this movie was written by him and I thought to myself "this ought to be good" and besides that I'm a write a blog about it if it's good because everyone thinks he's awesome but only lately have I begun to really appreciate a well written horror movie.

In the old days I wouldn't watch horror because it was too realistic to me. In my heart I knew there had to be two sides and I was somehow sympathetic to the killer sometimes.

Now I take it all in as a euphemism not as reality and it sits much better in my head. Can you imagine asking yourself what makes a serial killer do what he does?

The movie is great but like before you have to watch it once just to get background and then watch it the second time and fall asleep to it and then a third time to really backtrack from the ending to the start to see what the whole point was.

In the movie, the main character is this artist, rich, who lives with his wife and child in a secluded area in NH somewhere. His macho painting that he was about to finish which looks like Clint from "A Few Dollars More" in which he portrays a man without faith, gets destroyed by a tree that fell over through his window during a storm. You see he really liked this man without faith and the first time through you think he is a hero the whole time but after the second time watching the movie or so, especially after you see the ending, you have to re-think the whole movie.

Later he visits his neighbor who he has problems with but after seeing that his neighbor's car was also smashed by a tree, they kind of make up and he gives him a ride into town for supplies.

At this point, the whole town has no power. The storm was such that even the military is called in to find out what the problem is and soon you see a mist coming down from the mountain of where the base is located.

Prelude right?

So soon a man runs yelling saying he is afraid of the mist and that it sucked one of his friends and not to go out into it, then another man says screw that and makes for his car but you hear something happen to him.

The movie sort of plods along at this point with everyone mostly giving cameos to what philosophy they follow and we get to wonder which of these will prevail in such times as FEAR grips the populace.

I believe it was King's idea to have the philosophy of waiting be the one that prevailed but I have a different possibility that I will present.

So first thing that happens after the mist sets in is this lady shouts at the lot of them and asks someone to walk her home for the sake of her children. A sad moment for everyone because she was only going to be gone a moment and she must now go back to them while beset by this mist.

The camera turns to all the people there and they ALL refuse her as they BOW to the fear of the mist. But she must go and in a huff she damns them all to hell.

Even our hero refuses her because he drove into town with his son and his neighbor and he is too concerned for his own son to help her out.

Soon after this he decides to go into the back to check on what is going on with he generator of the store and he hears noises. AT this point the movie sort of alludes that the noises may be in his head and as he comes out he debates with some others not to go back in there, and since they begin to doubt he really saw anything... he starts to get pissed. Because he gets pissed, the others, irritated, agree to go check out what this might be. So they have this big argument about going outside to turn on whatever is blocking the intake of the generator and soon a teenager agrees to go out there much to the disgust of our hero.

And sure enough, teenager calls him a pussy, opens the cargo door to reveal a huge mist and right after he smiles derisively at our hero... he gets pulled down by a tentacle. After much fuss and shouting, boy gets taken away, a piece of tentacle is chopped off, blood gets everywhere, and our hero finally has his proof that he needs to scare the crap out of the rest of the store's people.

As you can tell already, our hero is a false hero. He is the cause of all the fear in the movie and though there is a legitimate reason to have doubt because of the loss of power and the storm and such, it's our hero that really begins the path towards people doubting EACH OTHER and finding fault with others as a release for being insecure.

So first thing he tried to do is convince his neighbor of tentacles. The neighbor, who is also rich and a renown lawyer, refuses to believe it and finally has to threaten the guy to get him to stop trying to take him into the storage room to see this "tentacle" that was chopped off.

After this though, he DOES manage to convince the store manager and because of that the store manager begins to section off the store front from a possible tentacle invasion.

In an odd scene, the tentacle pops open a bag of dog food and begins to eat that just before it pulls the boy away. So their idea becomes to stack piles of dog food in front of the windows.   It's sort of alluding to the fact that wolves and dogs MIGHT prefer dog food.

Poignant.  People are already thinking of feeding the monster as opposed to killing it.

Soon after this an old lady begins to call out scripture pointing to the end of days. In a personal scene we can see that her "storied" life is for sale as she begins to pray as though she were God's partner in punishing the heathens.

This reminds me of someone.

The neighbor, being too smart for his own good, takes some few people out to the front of the store and tells everyone that there is nothing in the mist, to which the hero says "what if there is?" "then the joke's on me" says the lawyer.


That would be a good name for a movie. As in all things, it's very noble to THROW yourself at the problem in the hope of protecting your siblings or your lessers, but simply denying there is a problem... leads to CHOMP, which is what the neighbor did with a small group of denyers.

So the movie really picks up at this point. If you haven't watched too many of these types of movies as I have, you probably are making the typical swirly face of disgust at the gore. So next we come to a scene by the pretty girl that waited too long to make it obvious to the young army guy. Finally they make out after having grown up together and in a fitting response to teases everywhere... she gets killed with poison from a bug. HAHAHA, and her face gets REALLY swollen with it too, HAHAHA, and I can't say I didn't smile a little when I saw it.  

In an odd twist the naive Army guy gets betrayed for knowing too much and gets stabbed with the same knife he was given by his own people he grew up with. 

Doesn't... remind me of anyone.

So bugs are now flying into and out of the store and larger bird creatures are eating the bugs and an occasional person that gets in their way and all the while the people are lighting fires, using rakes and mops and whatever just to MASH em up.

As you might imagine there is a lot of emotion and pain in deciding what to do with the injured. Some have to be given medicine, most of them dead from poison and bites and whatnot so now it's time to... can you guess it?

Go to the pharmacy. 

For everything else there's drugs er uh I mean Mastercard. Instead of curing the people or doing nothing and waiting or finding their way out of the maze by going back the way they came... they decide to keep searching.

So a group gets together and by this time the spiritual queen has rallied quite a bit of followers who, in the name of God, are assuring themselves that THEY won't be the ones who get sacrificed when the time comes. But they push through them and go out to find the pharmacy which is next door I think.

What do they find? Spiders. Why when it comes to drugs does it always end up with spiders?

So they get their drugs together and find a slew of people all webbed up and providing food for the younger spiders, and this doesn't remind me of ANYONE I KNOW BTW, and as they start to sneak out, the bigger spiders start to attack them and some of them get caught which makes for a great movie reel.

When they get back, they go to sleep because who wants to deal with the fact that we lost 2 people trying to find drugs for 1 almost dead guy?

When they wake up they try to sneak out to our hero's car which can carry 8 people but they are stopped by the witch lady who in her defense is really loving it at this point. Who wouldn't want that?  The Finger of Death spell is highly underrated in my opinion. So she is finger pointing and she points to our hero's son and the lady carrying him which is like "omg riddick", right Sarah? But all of her people are convinced that they gotta give up someone to this beast to keep him satisfied... and this they call the word of God right?

Does it remind anyone of Al-Quaeda? Does it remind anyone of New Jersey? See a group massed in fear is a moral mess. Instead of reverting to a calmness and equality in themselves... they search for the prettiest and most outspoken person and offer them as sacrifice as PROOF that they are calm.

You getting this? Bwahahah... hah.

Well witch gets shot and then gets shot again and fast forward to our little group escaping (score one for the NRA) and it's off to the car and driving around. Oh and on the way to the car two people get eaten and one of them, the store manager, doesn't make it to the car and goes back to the store.

The movie is on its last legs at this point, it's two hours long. It seems like our hero is going to win right? He is safe in his car with his son and blond girl and two old people and they drive around hoping to make it to somewhere OUT of the mist.

They go back to his house to pick up his wife and she is all webbed up and dead. He cries wondering why he never fixed that old tree that was put up by his grandfather.

You see this is a HUGE lesson for people here. when you have families that have been around a while, they tend to be either VIGILANT of out-of-towners or simply artists that USE UP the name and place that they hold in town. So the point of this story could end here by just pointing out that because he became an artist, working alone, not involved in politics, he allowed the government or whatever DARK agency to come into town and do their experiments. He simply expected everyone to continue to do well much like I did oh so long ago but fact is there are gypsies in all facets of life, waiting to use up and plunder whatever store of goodwill there might be hidden at the center of any group of people.

But the story doesn't end there. Soon they run out of gas. They find that their gun has 4 bullets and they are 5 people. Since they all know that going out into the mist = getting poisoned or worse torn apart and eaten... at our hero's direction they all agree to get shot.

So he shoots them, even his son. He yells and screams and pitches a FIT and wishes he had ONE more bullet for himself. He gets out of the car, steps into the mist and yells and waits for the end and you might think this story is going to end with the word ODIN meaning to do nothing and wait.

Because he next thing you see is tanks and soldiers step through the mist. Trucks full radioactive experts and people ride behind having been rescued by waiting by having FAITH that people would come. He should have waited yes? He should have been ODIN and had faith that things would right themselves. And as he pitches another fit now on his knees bulletless, sonless, and wifeless with all the destitute answers to what happened, you'd think the movie was about having faith ya?

But no. On one of the trucks was that first woman that wanted help getting to her house who was refused by everyone. And as her eyes blazed at the camera safe with her children and with others oblivious to who she was, a name came to mind...


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Geral(r)d can afford it

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I saw 300. It was awesome. And if there is any woman worthy of mention as UBER-fine it is Eva Green. Wow. What would that movie have been without her. She is the half-sister of Xerxes as the story goes and it is through HER manipulations that he is made into a God-King.

But that's not the best part.

For the best part you have to see the movie. It reminds me a little of Alex Wagner. What would MSNBC be without her or Rachel. But truth is before I even watched the network they were there giving their all and I didn't even notice that I needed them, and now they are must-see TV.

The movie was incredibly flat otherwise however. I don't want Leonidas to take this the wrong way but we need more GIRLY men in films. Yeah, Harrison Ford and Robert Redford notwithstanding, guys need to look good in makeup. When you catch them at a still glance their faces need to be a chiseled feature cut out of clouds, much like I dunno Fassbender or Owen Wilson or Zoolander maybe. The men of 300 despite their skills just didn't capture my interest like the previous movie did. But that's OK, because Eva Green more than makes up for that by full-timing it onscreen.

I was dissappointed with Camelot for that reason. I mean she is every bit the A list actress but next to her they put these, I dunno, average types.

Trust me when I say I KNOW an alpha male when I see one.

And the movie 300 could have used more of them. So could have the series Camelot. And it's sad to dismiss her as forgone to the evil mistress class of actors but she would make a good leading lady in my opinion. An FBI agent leading a slew of men investigating let's say... aliens?

I know, I'm a sucker for a set of beautiful blue eyes.

Well, in other news it seems like Bill Maher is funny again. It was nice to see Pussy Riot talking in their native language and still being able to be guests on the show. But I KNOW Bill was like what is that little man translator doing with THAT? What do I mean? I mean that girl is OMG fine is what I mean. Paulina Poriskova, move over, now there's something leaner! And in the back of Bill's mind I KNOW he was just wishing to say something about it but he couldn't.

Or maybe, he's like a NICE comic.

And... depressing news... we went into Iraq for oil. Yes, it doesn't get any better... reality just gets older. I should take this opportunity to remind everyone that we as a group everyone, are busy bees not knowing why we are here and yet as members of this behemoth country we live in, it is our DUTY to know why. More to the point, we must know where the money is coming from and where it is going.

We can't have a standing army because that is like welfare and it costs, so we must take that from somewhere. We are out digging oil so that we can drive around in nice cars but fact is there is a cost to that and it's catching up to us. In hindsight we can see how we were deceived and thankfully we can predict that our spineless leaders won't be going to North Korea or to Russia any time soon because there is just no money in it. But when the money runs out and when the oil runs out and when Britain starts to realize HEY BP OIL is being taken over!!!! Then, we will reap the rewards of our good examples made public to the world.  It's like when Putin said that we need to watch our mouth about being exceptional.

But it's not new. I watched Rachel's show last night wondering why I am even here, talking about fighting injustice.  I did that at Citibank but all I got was discerning disrespect that ended more harshly than I would have expected.  I even tried at the bar but THAT past is perhaps STILL MORE harsh than when I was fired. 

It reminds me of the movie "All is Lost".

You people don't deserve me. I am overkill for apes. If you wanted me to sacrifice myself, I could have done that LONG before I learned all this crap about religion and equity.

You can't afford me.  

ps. Yet, I cannot do a single act that GOD would not sanction.  Maybe you should all ask yourselves if YOU are right with YOUR maker. BTW, All is Lost is a great movie but you have to see it like 3 times to start to get that what he is doing is a euphemism for life. It probably helps to have gone boating once or twice.  DO NOT watch this movie once or after work.  Watch it when you are ready to Pause and Rewind several times after watching it once just for background.  Be ready to spend 5 hours on it and be ready for a so-so ending. 

And don't think I don't know what your evil little minds are thinking, he's all righteous but little men shouldn't have THAT, the hypocrite!

Yes. (that's SPOCK's voice responding to whether someone(Jim) stinks in an elevator LLAP)(I use that a lot.[one word yes for something that stinks but I don't really want to admit it but since you asked])(Darmok in winter!)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

What is it good for...

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So I just got finished reading Ann Coulter's blog on casinos and terrorism and I wonder if Casino Owners really are the top targets of terrorism.  

It's my opinion that people like that WISH they woudl be attacked.  If just one person escaped into a casino and shot someone, they would have license to put cameras and scanners even in your toilet.  The plutocracy in Las Vegas would then have zero to none chances of being threatened, which would then lead them to take liberties with the populace indiginous to LV who kind of get THEIR privacy quashed as a result.  

In fact, all gun lobbyists want more shootings to happen because the more people find themselves threatened, the more security is authorized and that is what I call the STOPPING of the musical chairs.

Once the music stops, all trust has been lost... and someone has to be sacrificed!

So bring on the terrorists he must be thinking, and his men must be thinking, and the valets and the meter maids must be thinking... because sacrifice is good for business. 

PS. I suddenly got the image of Bruce Springstein and NJ in my mind. 

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Presenting THE NEWS

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Long ago I studied Financial Engineering as a course in college. This was one of the many times that I was requested to make a presentation in front of class.

Longer ago, when I was only a 9th grader in Louisiana, I was also asked to make a presentation in my Civics class. I was great at Civics. It started to make sense of the world and everything about how it was organized was slowly being unveiled for me to see. I always spoke up and asked questions and I even helped others answer their questions when they couldn't.

This leads me to Jesus. He is a man of mercy but is that a good thing? More on that later.

At the end of the year we all had to present a news story to a camera and then they asked us to be inventive. One guy totally kept his head down the whole time but went off on some sports stories that he split by getting first a baseball hiked to him, then a basketball, then a football. It was very innovative, yet he did keep his head down and read his news stories the whole time.

For my turn, I had actually read over the stories several times and when I had finished reading and saying the stories, everyone thought I would be a natural at presenting the news, which had to do a lot with my popularity in class I'm guessing.

I was HUGE.

Some days later, I asked the teacher what my GPA was to which she said it was 4.0.   But I knew I had not aced all of my tests so to make sure I had it straight I asked her out in the hall what my overall average was, to which she said she didn't know. That must have annoyed her a bit since I obviously could have asked her that in class while she was sitting next to her gradebook. Still more days later, we all were shown into the library where one book per table was lain on each. Since I didnt understand that we were SUPPOSED to have one book per table and since I was one of the early ones, I grabbed some books off the other tables so that we would each have one in our table.

To this the teacher saw me and cried out "That's not fair." I responded "what do yo mean?" "You know EXACTLY what I mean". "No, I don't" I was confused, she was saying I had done something wrong and I was perplexed so I started to cry. Hero to zero and I didn't even know why.

"Crybaby!" she hufffed now put those books back where you found them. I still had no idea what I did wrong.

Later we had an art fair and everyone was supposed to drum up some research on a famous person and make a presentation. I chose to do research on President McKinley, I think. I wrote up some good notes on him and then I made a huge bust of his face in clay and presented that. Well fast forward to close to the end of the show and half of his face was gone as some people had vandalized his face.

Had I not had the reputation of "crybaby" this might not have happened.

This is an example of how my outspoken self would cause a downfall that was not to my liking but to some degree must have been what I should have expected. Maybe it's in my sub-conscious to get "careless" and then wither away in the fire of the actions I caused.

This has happened several times.

So by the time of my presentation at JU in Financial Engineering, I was not so thorough. Getting in front of class was something I didn't want to do TOO well. But I remember thinking I had done all the studying I needed to and then getting to the middle of the presentation and becoming unsure of what I was saying. And this time by the end of it, I was semi-lost. It was my job to explain puts and calls and though it is tough subject matter, I was sure I understood it before the presentation started. At the end, it was becoming time for the class to ask questions to make sure they understood what I "taught" but I think it was obvious to them that I was not ready to take questions. It was a fragile moment for me. Any one of them could have RAKED me across the coals on that one but they were merciful. I got asked two questions, explained them semi-clearly and I sat down. I'm sure the professor knew that I was unsure of myself too because he didn't give his approving face like he normally did.

So we get back to Jesus. You see the political parties are all about Jesus. Mercy. Republicans are unforgiving and the Democrats are. God is unforgiving and Jesus is. I know, I know, I'm treading on some sacrilegious ground here on a Sunday so that's all I will say. Let me just say that there is a fine line between what we all know is a merciful God and a vengeful one.

Vengeance is mine.

Those are the words of God. He takes care of vengeance so WE don't have to. Faith allows you to continue on knowing that those that wronged you will be judged and punished.

I was telling my brethren about the nature of wolves recently. I asked them if they believed that wolves attack the leader. I mentioned that the Pope recently let out his birds of peace which were soon quelled by a crow and an albatross and this was captured on film. So I made mention that I would not be leaving soon because the wolves don't attack the leader, they attack the ones that fall behind the group.   

Am I saying that because of those birds, that have nothing to do with me, that I am taking that as a sign from GOD not to leave?  Am I saying that FAITH is powerless to stop the crow from feeding?  

The people in the theater annoying me with their cough, three groups of them, were all BLACK people this time.  I wonder if THAT'S a sign.   

PS. OK a little tutorial about curse words on a Sunday.  Ever notice that you never associate GOD with mercy.  I mean you say Godammit or Oh God or Oh my God(omg) or for GOD's sake.  These are curses invoking revenge.  They want you to PAY for what you've done, perhaps they want you to FINISH what you started... strange how some of these curses are uttered during sex but then again NOT so strange.   Yet for Jesus we say thank you Jesus, Jesus Christ! or Lord have mercy.  See when they say LORD they mean Jesus and not GOD.  These are curses said to make someone stop being cruel.  So if you say THESE curses you may end up saying the OTHER curses as your requests get denied.  But that's mercy for you.  It's the nicer side of vengeance, like the Democrats. 

So OLD TESTAMENT = Jews GOD Vengeance
and NEW TESTAMENT = Christians JESUS Mercy. 

Don't you feel like you learned something on a Sunday?