Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Road

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

Have you ever heard the words, nothing personal? Well that is what gambling is. It is just a set of numbers with odds designed to tell everyone what the risk is. In blackjack or 21, odds are so widespread that everyone likes to play it because it's easy to understand but hard to master if you even try at all.

You walk into a casino and check on the cards and you see a face card and you know the dealer probably has you but you realize that that means he won't get one next hand. In fact, you could lose 10 times in a row and you just KNOW that you gotta win this next time no matter what the cards! But it ain't true.

What is true, and all the dealers know it, is that the odds are stacked against you. The place, even though it is open to everyone, really only wants the suckers to come back. It's public but only so long as you haven't figured out a way past the rules. Think for a moment if you could predict roulette or cards in poker, you would consider that an amazing feat wouldn't you. It's possible, because after enough time you could watch the rhythm of the wheel, you could watch the dealer's hand and see it tire, you could even use the change in heat as the day goes by to predict if the ball was going to spin faster or fall short, maybe on the high number section of the roulette wheel. Heh. But after all this you know what would happen... we reserve the right to refuse service BS would put you in the street.

I used to say this about the game and people that bet on those /random games is that people like that are hoping to cheat fate. Knowing they could lose they still hope that their "charm" or their "spark for life" will overcome the odds in their favor. The only thing that can do that is numbers. Not effort, not wisdom, not intelligence, just plain numbers. Mathematicians know what I mean, rest of you, should have studied bwahahaha.

So my point in this writing, and I wonder if I am beginning to belabor things a bit much in my old age, is that this is what insurance is. We should not have varying interest rates for the many different risks people take. We should have one interest rate. We should have one credit bureau, guarded by the FBI or SEC or whatever government agency doesn't let public people mess with it. We should be able to borrow money based on how much taxes we have paid into the government. It's easy to see why this is the case because young people should not be able to borrow. People with parents should be able to borrow. People without parents... well let's just say they get to borrow less. This should promote marriage but moreso it should promote lending to people that are capable of keeping their word.

I believe everyone should have protected sex until they are 30. I believe everyone should marry the person they have a child with or just say pronounce them married at child birth. People that live together. stay together, so if this is not true, then DON'T tell people you have a boyfriend! Please. I am perhaps the last guy on earth that believes a woman can be faithful to you living somewhere out there with her group of friends having a good time talking about guys and wondering how free sex would feel fora change. Don't be like me. The first girl I lived with couldn't wait 1 month to do it with another guy so I am sure not going to pretend that my baby Jesus is at home sleeping. You shouldn't either. If you want her, you have a lot of money, both of you, then get a place and then get honor. Get honor and stay honor. Heh.

It's sad to think back on this but 20 years ago I had a beautiful girlfriend with lovely red hair and eyes that reminded you of Neve Campbell in some ways and we were off to a lovely start for a couple of weeks but one problem, no sex. Yeah we were doing this and that in parking lots and all sorts of places but no sex. She didn't want sex until marriage you see and to be truthful I did. I had already had sex and wanted more and if she wasn't giving it up then she wasn't up to my standards. Well that chicken got dumped and she later got pregnant with the next guy who worked at the restaurant and it really should have pissed me off but I was unmoved. It seemed to me like she ruined herself with that whatever guy when she could have had me. I on the other hand moved on to a MUCH better girl that was married. Yeah. Married with someone else's children. Yeah. Much better choice? I will leave that to you but keep in mind I was 20. Life is like a box of chocolates. That's all I have to say about that.

Getting off topic here but remember also that everyone's life is like a Tapestry. I take that from a famous episode of Star Trek. If you start to regret one little part of your life, then all of it starts to unravel, then your life is a big mistake... so don't ever do that. But do go back and appreciate your great moments and great breaking points that could have been because like me, when you are out of work, out of love, out of money... you are going to need those great moments that didn't seem so great at the time, to remind you that you didn't just wake up great one day, you have ALWAYS been great.

Well with that I guess you pretty much got my gist on gambling and insurance. But is it foolish to gamble, yes, it's also foolish to have unprotected sex but hey for some people, the road less traveled,... has made all the difference.