Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Edge of Tomorrow


In a very predictable fashion, I hereby claim also that the movie Edge of Tomorrow is also about me.  You would be hard-pressed to find anyone else that could remotely tell you that the movie was about THEIR life experiences or future but yeah, I'm the one.  

Well, you are probably laughing to yourself wondering how does ANYONE in real life get close to an Emily Blunt.  I recommend taking up some Modern Dance lessons like I have, and perhaps explain to her how Adjustment Bureau was ALSO about me, and then tell her that Loopers was also about me.  If you could persuade her that it's true, mayhaps... a second date? 

Anyways, since she's married I guess I won't pound on her psyche too much or you all's for that matter but let me go on a little bit about Edge of Tomorrow and if I have enough steam maybe we continue on to the other two.  First of all, I am a GREAT meme for Tom Cruise.  I look good doing EVERYTHING, and for the most part I enjoy making things look good not the least of which is the bar scene.  I invite people to darts, I buy people shots sometimes, I try to remain optimistic when others seem down.  I am like what the Colonel was at the start of the movie, a huge flake(wait is that from Color of Money?).  Fast forward to people want me to pick a side, as is perhaps often the case between the bar owners and the bar patrons(some criminals), and I back out of choosing a side like as though this job is more of a sentence than a temporary thing, and now fast forward to I support criminals, even though I don't, and fast forward to the General thinks I am blackmailing him(bar owners think I know all their secrets) and poof, SOMEONE has been "railroaded" here.  

Now the rest of the movie seems harder to support yes?  I mean HOW can you liken a real life to one that is changing every time you die?  Well, that's because the rest of the movie is supposed be a map of what you SHOULD do to find redemption, like for example there being "hope for you in the bowels of glorious combat" - Bill Paxton's character.  

It suggests that you should shoot yourself to keep the enemy from knowing what to do but fact is criminals, especially organized ones, know what's going to happen because they have their feelers on all sorts of things like traffic lights, Comcast cable, video games, even closed captions and telemarketers.  They can predict the future because they simply harass you into action, therefore "predicting" what you are going to do.  

The way to stop this, or so the movie says, is to wash yourself in the blood of an Alpha, or a leader.  This means you've got to have used blood magic on a leader.  This means the leader is tied to you in some way, don't ask me I don't know what way.  

Now, what the movie is trying to tell you is how to get back to your old self but better.  Redemption.  It's making it obvious to you why you should fight and how long ago you should have been fighting and how important it is to KEEP fighting.  It's making you pick a side and showing you the size of the threat.  

It should be obvious to you all now that MIMICS are people that pretend to be citizens but work for what turns out to be another country or an alien country.  For drugs.  Drug-dealers fuel money back to other countries and even though you don't see that now, maybe like we didn't understand why buying Japanese cars made Japan rich, it should be clear to you after I explain the movie that ALL this money allows MIMICS to live among us, using drugs, fueling gangs, and making the war against them seem nigh impossible especially when they show up right out of nowhere and act against you.  

This is why illegal aliens should not be allowed but they aren't the worst of it.  The worst is actual citizens earning money from their lessers and then sending a cut of it out to another country like Mexico or Colombia or wherever.  You see all of these people trying to save us from MIMICS and wonder to yourself, this movie is just a little unrealistic, there aren't THAT MANY hidden people on our own soil willing to defend the drug trade, right?


I don't get tired of watching it though.  It is SO perfectly rendered that literally seeing a seldom seen scene shows me OH right then left and then she got killed whereas the first time it went to fast for me to notice.  It's value increases, as you are able to daydream a little bit while it plays, wondering how mad would I be now at all the frustration, how in love would I be seeing her die over and over, how stealthy would I be knowing that if caught I had to start over from scratch.  Daydreaming during the movie doubles it's value.  

Later, as I realize more and more that dying everyday is basically how many times I would have to risk my life for the sake of others(who I don't particularly care for at the moment) to advance just a step closer to the goal of defeating the Omega, it occurs to me that maybe Rita doesn't exist at all.  That Cage(nice name right, he's in a cage like me?) might have just made up this IMPOSSIBLE girl to accompany him on this impossible task that was set before him and that with time and with enough female disgust(gunshot to the head) it would hone his nicenesss(my niceness) into the warrior he needs to be to be able to save the others and the world.  

Even at the end when he is finally able to kiss his girl and wants her to kill the Omega while he lures the Alpha away, she tells him that BOTH of them aren't going to live, to just give up that notion of eventually making it and to just focus on the fight which of course to me means, that she COULDN'T be the one to kill the Omega because she wasn't real, all of this was in his head, honing himself by creating this ANGEL of death that guided him to his goal.  


Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Pale Goblin


A great speech yesterday by the President.  As much as he was willful of people being confused about religion, I was assured that his words were right.  

It has occurred to me in the past, especially while playing Ninety Nine Nights(NNN), that a pale goblin is what Jesus must have been like.  That when there is a race being dominated by a different colored one, as must probably have happened umpteen times in history perhaps to all races, even the Romans by the red haired Vikings like they did in King Arthur, that in that morass of like-minded people, ONE is born like their oppressors, that LOOKS like them and is therefore attributed status that NONE of the pale goblin's family is apportioned. 

In the game NNN, the pale goblin's brother is killed which fuels a vengeance that you get to choose to use as a character.  Good practice I guess if you ever choose that type of purpose.  The other characters range out a large set of different personalities including Mifee, who is this Hercules-like character with spinning battle axes of flame.  Only later after playing him a LONG long time did I recognize that his name stands for MY FEE which means he is basically a mercenary.  And then later when one of the overthrown kings recognizes him and speaks to him do I realize that he was once perhaps... a noble.  

Such is the game and I played it a great deal despite not having corralled all of the achievements.  Sadly, if you pick up the game again, you really have to play catch up to re-learn all of the combos, making it a mixed bag of pleasure and pain to own.  The music is great though, that's for sure, and time flies while playing it.  

Anyways today I wanted to speak about pale goblins because sometimes I think of MYSELF as a pale goblin, not the least of which is because my father is of a darker tint of skin than my own.  More importantly, at the bar, I am one of the perhaps FEW people that don't do drugs or score prostitutes.  All the time I was there it felt like I didn't belong but it also seemed like they needed someone righteous, like they were all being dominated though they dare not speak it.  As I saw things, I was there to report or not report obvious human rights violations if I ever saw any.  One time the ATM was open and it seemed like a trap to me but still I reported it, to which the bartender RODNEY asked me if I saw anything or wanted to report a crime.  What an ass.  You could see the ATM was open but he didn't want to address it?  Fool.  Of course maybe I'm the fool for being there by myself while all of these people rally around the outsiders hoping to trap them or something.  Who knows.  

It's a small wonder that I was betrayed.  

But I did do a lot of good by inspiring safety and had a great time just keeping to myself and drinking and inviting people to play darts.  It was odd how people kept harassing me ever so slightly the whole time I was there though I guess it was their way of having fun but thinking back maybe it was as far as they were willing to go to keep me out if they wanted to.  

Ok sidetracked.  The fact is I am never going to be a drug-user or rent out whores.  I have experimented with it enough to know that I can't dole out sympathies logically when you are dealing with illegalities.  Illegality is chaos you see?  Once you start asking for respect, you end up with "but you're a drug-user."  Nope.  In fact the way they trapped me at the drive-thru, I realize now that whole GROUPS of people need not even be in a gang to string you up on false charges and whatnot.  If a policeman will lie for some nobody waitress at a drive-thru, what will they do when faced with a possible drug-user or whore?  Hmmf.  Nope.  In fact you won't even see me drinking in public anymore.  Being "unsound" in front of people that can say you did this or that, sounds a lot like asking to be RAPED.  

Oh right, the President, well, I want to cut this short today so I don't go on and on about pale goblins and how they are like Jesus, so I will just say that the President sounded a lot like a great teacher yesterday.  His speech was very wise.  He was spot on with everything he said.  He in fact was a professor so it's not blind luck that he is where he is.  Moreover I dare say that, like I have said before, that we should relish change while he is in office.  Change the laws that allow corruption too much power because the tides of power are about to change again.  I expect Bush to be elected.  Even my father expects that to happen.  And the way Republicans are today, I can see the the vast majority of people are just blah blah boring about government.  They have no problem electing NUTS to office and expecting them to handle things unfairly and selfishly.  One guy was even chastising the President for being FOR the Muslims.  I mean if you are elected to office and you have thousands of people that voted for you, and you don't understand diversity, well then what you are is a NAZI, leading NAZIS.  The SUPERIOR race of people from, I don't know, District 12 or something.   It's so stupid.  

Well, so that's my story for today, Obama is the pale goblin of our era, no offense, in fact you could say he is the Christ or our era, and we can expect NOONE else to be like him in the future, in fact we can expect FAR fewer men of regular ethics and of regular demeanor in the future, and far more of them to be wheeler-dealers types from big families that will say anything to get elected and will then side with the corporations when in office, and that's because being bad is so much fun.  

On the upside, at least people will start respecting each other more here in the states, once we break out with a new world war.  It's sad that noone sees impending doom at being elected to represent big interests, they just throw in like so many Kryptonians in denial about having consumed excessively in the past... as though we weren't the ones responsible for violating the Geneva convention or going back on our word or putting a docile people into slavery for the sake of money while the whole world watched.  

And let me say one more thing because I think this is one thing the President missed, in my opinion, and that is that joining ISIL is ALL ABOUT being broke.  NOBODY here in the states will want to go to another country if you tell them they are broke and that's what they are is broke.  Even MEXICANS should be making a line to go to ISIL but they aren't... because it's stupid.  Broke people have nothing to offer and frankly to hear people here wanting to join ISIL is flat out preposterous.  That's those IDIOTS I was telling you in my last journal.  They start out being afraid of other countries, then they have enough military to keep us all safe... and then it's time to accuse other countries of being too powerful again.  Completely intentional idiocy, for the sake of propagating their own status as elites.  The mechanics do it.  Start out broke, take a risk and do a good job and make a bunch of money, then start cheating people anyways just because they got bored.  Doctors do it, blah blah need I go on.  In fact, if I got tired of customer service I could see myself changing some choice customer's dispute resolutions so as to prolong their hatred, more fun for me and oops there goes that contract they sent in... dispute resolved.  It's easy to abuse power, that's why we need MORE government, and yet there in lies the devil because it depends on what detail you are addressing that determines whether a President like say Chris Christie will "finger of death" a mayor or some fool with the Patriot Act.   

You all have heard of taxation without representation?  

ps.  If you are one of those that rushed to say the I was guilty of demeaning the President before you read the entire story, YOU are who I mean, when I mean IDIOT.  

Monday, February 16, 2015

Star Power


Another theory that I have recently gleaned from the messerschmidt of my mind was that instead of our planet being the only one of its kind with impossibility lurking next door like a monkey in a closet... which happens to be controlled by the oh so knightly scientists that can't wait to shoot down any doubts you have to their conclusions, maybe EVERY system has an Earth.  Maybe EVERY star has a sweet spot that eventually passes through its inner planets creating "charged" life forms that allow its matter to dissipate in an orderly fashion as the star's color or maturity allows.  Maybe Carbon and Oxygen are common to EVERY system simply because ... well... because it's MATH.  Go five spaces and you always come to 5.  

I am of the mind that depending on the size of the star, that's how many planets it can hold and depending on its maturity, whether it is a blue giant or a weathered out red giant(if that's even possible), the maturity of the star decides where the "sweet spot" is which then tells you which of the inner planets can support life at any given point in an era.  This means that no matter which star we go to, there will be life there, though perhaps the "sweet spot" may be at a point in between planets.  

Again, I believe in corkscrews.  Gravity is a corkscrew.  It is caused by rotation and magnetism, not simply by mass.  And since rotation attracts or repels other objects I imagine planets and moons and pretty much all celestial objects to work like a set of gears or like cogs in a clock.  Such gears explain why things don't crash into each other because though mass would just pull two huge objects together, their pre-existing spin, their place in the gravity clock, would repel them enough to keep crashes from happening.  

We are all just positives and negatives.  Negative acts charge us up and eventually if you don't allow those feelings to vent, you get a Krackow, explosion which is what most psychologists warn you about when it comes to repressing feelings or hiding your emotions or being silent when you are being attacked.  

It's better NOT to be silent, especially if you are a star at the center of a very complex set of celestial bodies all dependent on your momentum and your... spin. 

This is my take on Christ also and it's why keeping aggressive people active is so necessary.  In a land free of oppression, someone amazingly evil is born, which is like an anti-christ, who begins to destroy trust like so much cotton candy in a giant maw.

Similarly, in a land of oppression, perhaps a ROMAN land, where some few rich people rule through slavery and debt, you can expect a Jesus to be born.  Someone that reminds everyone that dying ain't so bad for the right reasons.   Remember if the world kills you unjustly, you WIN the world! 

Such is what the Bible means by apocolypse.  It doesn't mean an end, it means a cycle.  Maybe it means, an example, or a precedent.  

ps. on lighter note, I have been playing a lot of Destiny lately and though it is rather mindless, I rather like how many different styles of play I can choose.  I am more cognizant of the news without having to report in all of the time and even though SECupp and Erin Burnett really hit my WOW buttons sometimes, I feel less of a need to remind them of it on Twitter, esp cuz they're married.  Same goes for other folks, they seem happier without my comments.  It's funny that this has happened many times at the bar also that after I leave to try out a new bar everyone at the old bar seems to have a GREAT time without me there for some reason, even though it seemed to me that I was helping.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Need oxygen


On the off chance that I don't make it to old age I am putting down my notes on space travel.  

It's impossible.  Good note, yes? 

But to add something to the general order of things in the universe, let me add that perhaps I have not only mentioned before that Mars is useful as a planet to farm carbon from, but now I say that Venus is perhaps a useful source of another item that will become more scarce as we use up the planet.  

Since the planet is red and low pressure, it stands to reason that the planet is like a used-up Earth of sorts, yes?  It seems to me that the Sun is like most things, terminal in existence.  Once its energy gets used up it will change from Blue to Yellow to Red, perhaps like OUR planet will.  As energy is LESS reflected from the planet, you can expect it to get darker, like a leaf or a burned piece of paper.  It's also worthwhile to note that all things related to fire use carbon.  It's as though all elements are a derivative of Carbon and Oxygen.  

Well, fancy that eventually as the pressure of the Earth gets used up, you can expect water to become scarce.  Low pressure is what indicates precipitation on our planet, it's like it CAUSES water to blow up into clouds.  Anyway that's how I see it.  

There's probably a TON of carbon leftover on Mars from an civilization long dead, but could it have survived the transfer of the sweet spot from Mars to Earth as the sun cooled off enough to let Earth become capable of holding water. Makes sense doesn't it? 

And what will happen as the sun cools further and we lose our "sweet spot" and our atmosphere becomes LESS pressurized, well then we will have to look to Venus.  

It seems that Venus is too cloudy to hold water well but I would wager that Venus is filled with water so pressurized that you could well, I don't know what but you can imagine it would melt everything it touched.  

But it's curious to note that IF space travel is possible, TWO things that we needs theoretically could be provided by Mars and Venus.  For one, as we use up our fossil fuels, it's likely that we might FIND old fossil fuels somewhere deep in Mars, though creating a base there... well it would be a ridiculous attempt in my opinion.  Not only would we NOT be able to take off from Mars, but you could expect the "non-returning" crew sent to Mars, to not be very happy about it, nor to be very productive, nor to be truthful about their experiences there for long.   If we can't even sit well with Africa and Russia and Saudi Arabia, there is NO HOPE of establishing a new colony that will believe in some greater purpose that leaves them on a dead world working/mining while people here live off of their slavery.  

Just like airline pilots' wages went from highest paid to barely average, you can expect "experts" to soon find the usefulness of a miner on Mars to be just a matter of sticking them there and then "changing the contract".  There are few things that should ring as TRUE EVIL to your ears.  Things like WAGE THEFT, CHANGING THE CONTRACT, or INTERPRETING THE BIBLE.  All of these things are one person's attempt to dominate another with NO POSSIBLE positive outcome for both.  

This happened at Citibank.   When I was first hired there, I was given a chance to work there because I scored highest on an aptitude test, had 6months phone experience at the Census Bureau and I spoke Spanish.  All of my counterparts were all fully degreed, married, and quite obviously of the highest caliber of people available in Jacksonville.  Medical and Dental were paid only because the CWA attempted to unionize us and we refused.  Fast forward, to post Reagan, no union living and over the years Dental was removed and Medical became something you could choose to have but not a part of your package.  Wages all went down.  I went 6 years without a raise presumably because of low quality.  Do I sound low quality to you?  Hmmf.  

Ok, so enough about that.  Mars despite it's wealth of fuel is perhaps too far a chasm to cross but fill up this world with enough people and through slavery, we will make it there in trains... TRAINS!  LOL! 

Well, I am glad I brought up overpopulation because as we become more and more Oxygen users and have less and less of it available to breathe and reflect the UV and X rays(ozone) we are going to not only need more plants, we are going to need an INFUSION of ozone.  Ozone is O3.  Oxygen is O2.  O3 is unnatural but is perhaps the last remnant or the last defense of keeping our pressurized world from losing it's precious shielding.  

So like Mars, to have more supplies, to use up more of the world and keep everyone alive without wars, we could perhaps "farm" Ozone from Venus.  It would be miraculous to figure out a way to transport it from Venus to Earth but imagine that we would only have to pull it up into space and then tugboat to our atmosphere where it would dissipate and "reinfuse" our atmosphere with its much needed base of oxygen-like matter.  

I admit, this sounds a bit like Dr. Frankenstein trying to put the human back together after its died... so think about it and then maybe we SKIP trying to put Humpty Dumpty together again... like before the great fall.  

One last note.  I have become recently aware that MOST things are a like the normal curve.  The idiots have no idea about medicine, about cars, about economics, about space and even MATH.  As you study it more and more, you become expert, and as more experts become "expert" they become dubious with the truth, making them as effective as the IDIOTS that started out as.  

I guess that's why I have copped out of learning.  I realize that as I become an expert at things, people will show up to "correct" my efforts at setting the record straight.  Such IS reality though.  So though I don't want you to stop believing in the truth of everything, you should question things when they are on the fringe of what we know.  We aren't expert at brains.  We can't control the economy.  We don't even have our arithmetic right yet.  Every number is a loop, with a charge, numbers don't do THINGS justice.

Ok that's enough for now.  Remember that we need oxygen.