Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Sounds like

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It's worth shutting down the government if it will make some people look like fools.

Sorry Bernie Frank, but I am wondering how bad bad can get.  You know if you get punched often enough. people start to believe that punching is ok.  So why not call your congressman and tell him good job!   Explain that you won't be voting in the next election and that your name is not important since the RIGHT people are in charge.  Then explain the latency of the munching sounds you are making and tell him the only thing that crunches after an mmm sound is candy sprinkles from a Chocolate covered donut. 

Then ask him if he likes chocolate.

Todd the line

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I like Chuck Todd.

He speaks in a manner that is more respectful than Chris Matthews. Chris is just rolling over anyone that doesn't check his boxes like he likes. It's a waste of time to watch his show because... you don't learn nothin. It's kind of like reading comics or like watching Duck Dynasty.

I like Chuck more than Lawrence. Lawrence is in a class all his own. He is calm and quiet when he is talking to his "friends". He talks just like one of those hucksters that play 3 card monty. If you are in on it with him, you get respect. But if you are not, if you didn't get a call beforehand to see what you were gonna say on his interview, you can expect him to ATTACK you. Very selfish and quite unsporting since it is his show. And if he wasn't on after Rachel, I wouldn't watch. In fact I sometimes catch myself starting to go ahead and watch his show, just to end up with some attack he does on some Repub or Russia lover or Weiner type.

I don't like Chuck more than Rachel or Chris Hayes or Alex Wagner. Those guys are top drawer journalists imo. In fact it seems to me Chuck has some good examples to lead him down the path to Christendom or w/e. Wow, I am already tired of writing.

So Chuck Todd asked the president about a leak while in Russia last month and it hurt my feelings to see one of ours doing the do the top guy. I mean if you want to give the administration some feedback maybe hand it to Jay Carney, or Biden, or Rice, or Colin Powell. You know I have never heard anyone go to Colin and say "what were ya thinkin?" Oh but it's ok to ask the president about some flimsy whozit message about some secret noone can verify. All that does is hurt the heart of government. It's not productive.

But maybe I want to land a blow against the government. 

Maybe I want to see the center of control, weakened. The police may not be as honest as I once thought. The people of my own country may be willing to watch others suffer because they are complacent. The employers responsible for the jobs and motivation of its employess may be allowing CSRs to harass their fellow workers(ie. me), may allow fake customers to call in and verbally harass workers and then claim nothing happened and why'd you hang up on them, may allow managers to watch someone go nuts receiving abuse and then call them in for call reviews that mean absolutely nothing because the review process is a jumble of good ideas that are sometimes enforced and other times are disregarded altogether... depending on who the employee is.

You know if Chuck Todd was attacking the core of government by hurting the President's feelings and you ask me what I really think and what to say, I guess I would have to say...


Monday, September 23, 2013

Those CRAZY people

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I hate to say this but sometimes but when people start pointing to people that don't deserve guns , you are already "identifying" who you want out. People that want "mental health" checks to start happening, don't realize that this is already what judges are for.  Criminal behavior is about people that lack a sufficient amount of control.  How do you find these people?  With evidence.  With precedent.  

Don't let them tell you your crazy.  Voluntarily checking into a clinic is like asking a cop if he minds that you did drugs this one time.  Remember in airplane when the stewardess starts to go crazy and one of them shakes her a bunch, then another person smacks her and then shakes her.  A third person uses even more violence and then you see a long line of people waiting in line to have their turn at "helping" the mental patient.  It's funny until it happens to you. 

So when people start asking you "is everything alright?" you can start to section off the people that are your real friends from the "helpers".  

PS.  about a week after people pass the law limiting guns to stable people, you can expect everyone to start attacking each other's sanity for the sake of the public good. You really think that you are helping but once again you are taking rights from the poor and leaving the rich people's unquestioned sanity to benefit at the expense of the many CRAZY poor people.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Intell down

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You know,  I have been editing and it DOES seem like my intelligence is going down.  I ramble more.  I edit less. I miss a lot of what I want to say by getting unfocused whereas I used to get sidetracked more, which takes more effort. 

Pundits are the priests

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I believe that we did the right thing in Syria. We gave it to the people to decide and after a week of polls it was obvious to everyone that we were against it.

We said this knowing that there is an international law against Chemical Weapons and we know that if we get bombed in some unintentional attack with a weapon of mass destruction, that we voted not to bomb them.

Now it should be obvious to everyone most especially the Republicans that they had their chance to get the votes and they couldn't do it. Too bad, so sorry, it's over, thanks for playing. Now we gonna do it my way, says Obama.

How does this get translated to Obama is weak? I fully believed Susan Rice when she said we were going AND so did the Russians. So much so that they didn't think for a moment that we were going to do it until Susan Rice started that speech with "we are going to bomb them we have little choice".

And I will wager Syria believed her. Oh yes, they couldn't agree fast enough that they had weapons and that good or bad they had to go... AFTER we were going to bomb them.

Now the whole reason we are even in this, which noone likes to mention is that we have been trying to remove Assad via "alternate" means for years now ever since the civil war started. What do we know? We don't know. We just know that Syria didn't sign the CWC along with Egypt and and for some reason their people are not happy and we are ok with that in fact we might even want to help them not be happy mostly because chemical weapons are cheap to make and unlike nuclear weapons, are not extremely expensive and impossible to create.

So fast forward to the attack. Whether the rebels did it or the government did it to their own people, some weapons were used and that breaks international law. The USA now has the right to claim foul. All the nations of the world can agree and what happens so often will be "allowed" because the right set of circumstances have occurred that were perhaps not an accident. (aka CIA)

But, like in so many court cases, it doesnt matter what the law says if the jury understands what was happening. People justify things the same so with the right jury, you don't even have to speak English to get off. And so it goes in the world. If we are tired of war, then you can have your one attack, free of charge, but we looking at you now and we might even spank some of your companies and people in the process of letting you get away with that but the "jury" has decided to let them get away with it.

Now, moreover, every red-blooded Republican ought to be ashamed of themselves. They call themselves the "geturdone" party and the responsibility party and the national defense is like welfare party but when it came to supporting the president, they said no.

This is not a party. These are enemies of the state. When you change your mind and go with the other person's vote and they still disagree, it's time to pull out the duel box and cry out "pistols at noon!"

So yeah, what should we do instead um "let's defund obamacare". Yeah, congress is working alright. If you consider letting the rich people move people around the chess board until the rest of the chess players have finished so that they are the ones up on the big screen 2 days later, if you call that skill, then yes they're working.

My solution? Duels for congress. Lifelong terms. Appropriate name yes? And just think as soon as someone else wants to run, poof, duel time! You see, you don't need large magazines for what needs to be done in congress. You don't even need an education and fact is after the really young bozos get done getting their jollies, probably only very old people would run for congress.

You know I honestly don't have a problem with Republicans. Sure they are a bunch of do it yourself ers that like to play hookey because WE CAN people that have no interest in serving as an example except to their own families, but I can at least understand what the good ones are thinking. I especially like the good-looking women of the Republicans. You know they would not settle of less than a millionaire and would probably have mexican midgets for foot stools if it was legal which reminds me of ANY Given Sunday when Charleton Heston mentions CAmeron Diaz character as someone that would eat her own young. Or it reminds me of The Transformers when the guy says that all criminal women are hot, talking about Megan Fox.

The real problems I have is when their "competitiveness' turns into sacrifice. It's already there you see? They already diminish the other side as inferior so it's a small step to then begin to treat the other side as "useable" or as something to be used or as "tools".

That which you do unto the least of these, you do unto me - Jesus

Ok, so sounds like I have never had sex in my life and truth is, it's been a while, but my lesson to you is to try stuff, like I did, and then come to your conclusion. This is mine.

And more importantly, don't bash the President. Bash his actions. Bash a vote. Bash a poll or an outcome but don't bash people. How are you going to bash Rush Limbaugh, and then turn around and start giving people names.

If you pundits, are at the TOP echelon of journalism, being seen by Moscow, Beijing, and London and you end your show by insulting someone like a regular comedian even though you ARE the ACTUAL jounalists, what does that say about the highest class of people from our country?

I mean our country doesn't have a pope. Every religion has a priest that will telll you what to think, from voodoo to jews. Every race has a belief that they are better but that only works if the "race" is beset with anti-thetical views like the gays or the blacks or maybe the FAT people or the smokers. Even then, those people need a spokesperson that is a "truthsayer". A person that points out what happend in the world today and then said this is what happened and "we the people HAVE to get this right".

It's you. You see? You pundits are all that is left for us as a nation to call holy. You are the last bastion of reality before the government starts to feed us nasally and blow us in our beds for our loyalty. You are the nations priests. Which brings me to my solemn and most faithful rule I try to follow at every turn of my life.

Rule #1 Watch your mouth

ps. I have been watching Crossfire and though it is still brand new, it's horrible. If I wanted to hear cats meowing all night long I would just open a window. I like SE Cupp though. I wonder about her sometimes. What are the odds of someone being from an Ivy League school, majoring in politics, actually trying to do it, being a woman, and then being super fine and then try to be in front of the camera as much as possible... chances? Rare. I guess she reminds me of Rachel, except that she's single... which makes her commentary SO much more intelligent. EDIT : Bah I missed crosssfire tonight :/

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What we find obscene

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You should watch "The Mind's Eye" from Star Trek TNG.  It is a close example of our problems with Syria. 

I have to say I was all for giving Russia a chance and believing in their outdated Gay rights laws and hoping for a future of mutual benefit with maybe even the Republicans having their base in Russia since they think so much alike.

But I have to say that all that ended when two congressmen were speaking about relations with Russia and then one of them said "we have to trust the Russians". 

I wondered if Reagan had just turned in his grave.  I despise countries not working together.  But the very word "alien" comes from someone foreign.  Someone with a different belief system. Someone of a different race even who gets offended when "their" people are spoken of. 

Our country, which denies that we have a belief or a religion or a dominant race, is the only one of it's kind.  So it's only natural to have some sort of "obscenity" be the source of indignation when the fact is that we are a "people" that doesn't get offended.  Free speech.

So then, violence must be what we abhor?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Less inspired

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I quit smoking.  I quit drinking.  I even quit porn.  You would think I am much happier and healthier now but the truth is, it's had a real impact on my intelligence.  I feel slower.  My thinking is slower.  I wonder if you can tell from my articles if I am less nuts or if I am merely less inspired.

What do you think?

Secede not Succeed

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I was watching 9/11 documentary and I got all sentimental.   This is from an article about actual people trying to secede from Colorado. 

You know there are no calm people that want something interesting to happen. No old people with pensions, no college kids with trust funds, no children, no homeless people, none of these want something interesting to happen in Congress. When Congress gets nothing done, it occurs to me that maybe... just maybe... it could be... working as designed.
So when you see people wanting to secede or budget fails or a new law that was unnecessary but is somehow useful, you know the RICH people want it.  NOt righteous people, not productive people, not even patriotic people, just plain old I wanna make more money people. 
Is it obvious to anyone else?
Calm people are the goal. One person with just a little 30hr mickey dickey job is one more person not in jail. One more person not a danger. One more person able to endure the monetary mountain of volcanic ash of that sickens everythng being done for the sake of a better country. One more person, for Jesus. 
One guy enjoying his girl, an xbox, and some brews might inspire some people to ask where is his ambition? I ask, why is ambition so highly regarded? Why can't we all agree that money is not the goal, and that happiness is the goal?
When you hear of someone wanting to make their own way, and take some people with them, on some CAUSE, it should make you sick. The CAUSE should be
1. Life
2. Liberty and the
3. Pursuit of Happiness.
ps. on the other hand, if Alaska secedes and people turn to hell, Im movin to Alaska. People aint got nothin on bears. Plus Sarah Palin is not so dumb when ppl begin to outsmart each other. And no disrespect but the best education can't outsmart 2 ppl you trust, lyin to you.


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I have seen reruns of many many sitcoms in my time but none are as recurrently funny as Friends.

Watching those guys from 10 years ago is like going back in time to 1955 to a time when you yourself were amazing and love and sex and fine women were a flick of the wrist.

In fact I never even liked Jennifer Aniston back in the day but NOW watching her on the show, omg my heart pounds! Even Courtney is like omg really? was she THAT good-looking? Really? And I didn't watch the show?

I actually watched Lost in Space before seeing a single episode of Friends and I bonded immediately to Joey's character... and having Heather Graham in the movie didn't hurt.

So yeah, if you haven't ever tuned in to Friends, DO IT. I literally can't go a single scene without laughing whereas other shows I can go a whole show without smiling. It's gold and those people and their writers, magic.

Monday, September 09, 2013

What poison is

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We have to stop ourselves from reaching the peak.

All civilizations have their peak. It should be obvious, after watching A Crude Awakening, that we are living at the end of an era. At the end of our lives, our world will be a very different place with very different means of energy.

Similar to the 1900s when people were travelling by train, our means of travel may indeed be a thing of the past. In any case it should be clear to all of our young ppl, esp those that have had dealings with Mexicans, that the period of growth is over and that betrayal is going to be, increasingly, the way to make money.

Of course now that pensions are becoming a thing of the past and ppl are realizing that most money put into the stock market is being quietly funnelled to the ppl that control markets, finding these pools of money to steal may also be a thing of the past.

The bible's idea speaks of sodomy as one of the acts that caused Sodom to be burned along with Gomorra. I take the story to mean something very different.

People that are "curious" are obviously ones that lack control. For all the benefit of finding ppl's G-spot through anal intercourse, there is an increased likelihood of introducing a contagion via your anus and thus cause some sort of plague. Still, that's not enough to damn a whole city but just think of what the thinking is at this point. People arguing for not doing sodomy simply because "it's wrong" are getting outnumbered by people that "know" that sodomy is not wrong because they like it. This is similar to the mentality of drug-dealing. Many people do the drugs correctly, but some few ppl will still die because "shortcuts" right? Some ppl just want more and when they start making demands, well, we AIM to please, right? Instead of using hot water or of cleaning thoroughly, instead of dotting their Is... oops over here, and oops over there.

At this point, after shortcuts start to occur, as the ppl addicted start to really dismiss their chores for another fix, the ppl left are left with a city they don't know how to run, all they know is how to subvert the ppl that DO know how to run it and eventually all you got left are stupid people.

People with all the money that eventually stop paying ppl for what they know but pay people to harass ppl and THEN who one day kill the last smart guy.

So Sodom is not so much a city that burns but a city that noone wants to do business with, so it sinks into the desert and is forgotten, perhaps like Las Vegas but worse.

Rule # 4 Don't change the contract!

When you're late, when you almost get your orgasm, when you pay almost full price, when you begin to like mooching off ppl, that's when you are going to lose your understanding of what a normal person is or feels like, and then you are just addicted to hurting others.

Ok that's enuf about butts. In Syria, they have taken it too far. In Pakistan, all the world knows, when they tested their nuclear weapon, we should have stomped into Pakistan, planes first, until all their reactors were shut down. And then India next.

It didn't happen.

Instead of a Middle East, firmly in our left pocket with fear of attack looming in the minds of businessmen everywhere, we have groups that are "curious" about nukes, about chemical weapons, about intelligence gathering and about secrets. Groups that include our own people.

You see, the bible is STILL relevant even now ppl around the world can understand what is happening because the bible is in print in ALL languages and such is why it still serves as a Book of Judgment.

Fighting with rifles and with ppl in a straightforward manner, one on one, is an honorable way of fighting. You DECLARE war. They expect you on said battlefield. The land or the woman or the memory of whatever expletive that was uttered is rendered LESS important by both parties because losses occur on both sides. It is a lawful and good way to fight because both sides fight with a cause and without fear.

Using poison is the way of the assassin. People die without knowing who killed them. The cause is lost because the body politic never knows what the reason was, it merely suspects, it doubts, it fears.  A body poisoned often incites rage and violence from others in the form of an EVIL that escapes the true purpose of the death. This evil finds its way by causing other "unexpected" deaths. Fear becomes rampant.  The evil is a virus of the body politic that causes death for no reason at all. Instead of one side winning, and the body politic getting the answer to what it should do, the body becomes an infected husk of people dying here and there with no one ever knowing when the war will be over. This is a chaotic and evil way to fight because the cause is soon lost to the spirit of vengeance that sucks everything into a black hole.

Such is the danger of drones and of "unholy" police like the CIA. If the cause is not clear, then the death must be avenged... not necessarily in an orderly fashion. 

Edit: Now the CIA are unholy to OTHER countries, they ARE our holy warriors, hopefully with the light of our history as the torch that lights their way.   

This is why everyone must be given a gun. Noone should die without a chance to defend themselves because all reasons for violence MUST be voiced. They must!

We owe it to the body politic or at least to our relatives that support us.

So should we let the world use poisons, WMDs, drones, or assassins?  No.  It will be shown that all the world wants CLEAR reasons for war but this can only happen after all nukes are removed.  I have hope that it can be done but only if everyone understands WHAT POISON IS.
ps. after we get done putting Syria in line we will need to continue on to Egypt and soon after that a world discussion of poison will perhaps put Russia in line with giving up its use of poison and nukes along with ourselves.  Well I can dream can't I?

Saturday, September 07, 2013

World's welfare system

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I just spent today looking up info on Sarin and reading about how hard it would be to make it.  Apparently, it's been illegal to stockpile Sarin since 1997 by the Chemical Weapons Convention.  I also found out that Syria, Israel, and Egypt all didn't sign the treaty. 

Take that for what it's worth since I find it odd that people not on board with United Nations treaty seem to have the most problems with mercenary groups causing civil unrest.  Rewind to Iran and the CIA overthrow of its PM now fast forward to Al-Qaeda groups that are not so much faithful to their religion as they are faithful to earning a paycheck so they can feed themselves as they cause unrest in Syria.  It's depressing being me, suspicious but knowing somehow that if I knew more I would feel better but would still not know enough to be dangerous. So does that make me a cynic? A cynic is a disbeliever of goodwill while living a simple life.

Harumph.  I leave it to you.  Getting rid of chemical weapons is a worldwide good thing, but so is converting everyone to electric cars.  Do people need to die and leaders get overthrown?  Iuno.

Remember also that rules are put in place so we can relax.  Are we going to be relaxed if we "let this one go"?  There are only 6 countries that didn't sign the treat and most of the world's chemical weapons have been destroyed since 1997.  We have GIVEN countries more than a billion dollars so that they woudl conform to this treaty.  Are we now to just disregard all that because we aren't the world police even though we seem to be the world's welfare system?

Syria needs to be attacked

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The most important thing to remember in the war vs Syria is that we have the chance to stop the use of gas in conflict before it occurs repeatedly over and over. We don't want to be the guy that gives your blind enemy a chance to put his glasses on. Imagine if we had stopped Pakistan from testing their nuclear weapons oh so long ago. That resolve would have prevented 911 and would have put everyone neatly in line behind us. A couple of nukes later may have cost us a city of do but there would be worldwide concensus on nukes.  Control would be there and probably at a cost less than what we spent doing what we did in Iraq.  All we can do now is beleaguer that point knowing that going down a path slowly or fast towards the control of weapons is still better than being on the wrong one. It's better than standing still, too. 

Now I am a staunch Democrat when it comes to OUR people.  I believe in Food Stamps, Social Security, and raising taxes.  I believe most religious types should trust in a larger gov't that regulates people that are not religious.  How Christians and poor people and black people and foreigners and handicapped people... how these people end up believing that less government is better when it is obvious that we are an "opportunist" nation that denies a connection between church and state... boggles my mind.  I am a Christian but I understand what happens when you don't have a belief.  Porn, gambling, raising the bar, blind leaps, loopholes are all things legal and rewarding for those willing to "risk" success marketing these non-christian ideas.  People without belief follow these ideas in the BELIEF that the reward or the loss is a logical conclusion to the risk they took.  In time, people like this start to reap a lot of success after having failed and believe because they are working harder, that other people are just not trying hard enough. (Republicans this means you). Fact is, these people don't realize they can only win because the table is unbalanced in their favor.  Imagine going to a casino where you have nonstop jackpots.  It's not normal, you know it they know it so why tell yourself omg Im lucky  when you know you supposed to be losing.  The goal in this situation is to take the game and level the playing field. Take the drugs, legalize em and control em.  Take porn, legalize it and control it.  Take gambling, legalize it and control it.  After the govt has a hand in it, it's not very profitable but it does bear doing for those people that have acumulated an affinity for the risk.  Rest assured that the young people learn quickly.  Look at smoking and gambling and lottery.  Mostly only old people still do these things.  Im too tired to edit so this is gonna sound incongruous.

So in sum, our people are sometimes selfish esp if they are not religious but it still means we can rule them with an approach that applies a "liberal" amt of government to regulate them.  This is expensive but it is a more caring approach that rewards slowness and thoughtfulness with widely accepted norms and protocols all can understand.

But in matters of foreign affairs, our sleeves should be rolled up, our boots laced and polished, our hair parted just so, our smile perfected so that a slight glint of pleasure eerily betrays our honest approach towards conflict.  Noone is going to be allowed to get ahead.  No tolerance for violence is going to overlooked.  Zero to none of the betrayal we saw in Pakistan and in the old USSR is going to be part of the norm now.  Women should be sitting up straight wondering just how fast the attack will come from the Republican party.  Noone in the world wants the LOAD we gonna unleash for just looking in our direction.  Expect secrets, expect cruelty, expect a lack of manners, republicans might seems like the GOTO guys in war but all they are is just less thoughtful, less genuine, less sympathetic.  If you think that makes the military better because it sucks more then you as dumb as they are. 

Sadly, we bear the brunt of the cause for distrust in the world.  Yet our inspiration is drawn from the wellspring of resolute ppl that govern our industries.  We KNOW what we did and we know we have to make up for it and we know we are looked at with disdain. 

But the message we can send to the world is that hundreds don't answer for the 10s that deceive us.   As Democrats we inspire by being thoughtful. As Republicans, we inspire people with money because keeping treasure is much harder than finding it.  So we gotta defend it and often and that translates into a healthy respect for killing ppl that want some of what we got.  And I'm fine with that tho maybe soldiers should rethink what they believe in because tho Republicans want a larger military, they also want to WAVE THAT MAGIC WAND. 

Another thing that is particular to this conflict is the use of Sarin.  It's much cheaper than missiles isn't?  Making gas bombs compared to regular is like making meth next to Tylenol.  This omission of action is not only going to allow gas bombs to become much more dispersed in the region, it's going to allow the secret to get out as to how to make these weapons.

You better believe when someone uses one of these weapons here, if it happens, it will be the shot heard round the world and we don't have to wait for that to happen if we will just stick to our principles now. 

I agree that actions done by another sovereign nation are their own concern like my rep from FL said today.  Maybe he feels the same way about Russia and their take on LGBT, lol. I was surprised how right he sounded, but then I got scared.  I have been bitten before and seen the thing happen too many times.  You fail to spray that cockroach and just hope it will go away only to have it crawl right up to your mouth and take a drink while you're sleeping.  Or you shoo the wasp away only to have it buzz your ear while you're reading a little while later.  

You probably think I want to spray some RAID on Syria don't you?  Nah,  harassment works.   A little embargo, an aircraft carrier and some daily reminders like food drops or purple smoke even just to let them know that money is watching, will get them to the discussion table and allow us to set up IDs, elections, and then simple enlistment for the NEW police that uses tasers for control, all the while allowing our military use of drones to OVERSEE policing.  It should be obvious now that belief, is a very important thing to discuss by the overseers and though we have no beliefs, ppl there have to give up theirs and sign on to establishing a new country, a NEW BELIEF, a NEW religion or system for governing... old buildings, old priests, old races or perceived alignments notwithstanding.

Maybe they should start by adopting OUR preamble.  Maybe they could even, set it to music.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Thanks TODD

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So today I hear CHUCK TODD ask the president if he would mind confirming a leak by a military official. Nice move TODD... what day is it do you know?! Oh it's like daytime right Mr. President?


Driver. Where are we going? Oh, Mr. Todd, the President has granted you an exclusive interview between you and President Putin but it has to be right now and he wants to do it in his basement because he expects you want to ask about his SuperBowl ring, maybe get a few pointers.


Why are my pants down? Oh, because we had to check for leaks.... we know you would check US for leaks so... 

PS.  on a side note, relations between the US and Russia have improved for some reason after the sudden disapearance of Chuck Todd. Hardy har har. And for some reason the president has scheduled the Patriots guy for an exclusive interview aboard Putin's private yacht because everyone loves public and private officals to mix it up sometimes.  (sarcasm)

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Sacrifice Syria

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The president was right. It boggles the mind how some people can still be against the president even at this point. Everyone now claiming to be against the president at this point should be labeled an extremist or a radical.

How can someone not want to debate going to war? Hmm, don't answer that.

Several things I pulled away from the recent things I saw on TV news. Putin speaks for his people and as Ms. Ioffe said, he is as much a servant to the majority as Obama is. People should take comfort in that and not attack anyone that is for Russia! I'm talking to you Lawrence...

And now in a like fashion, Obama is going to act based on the actions of his Congress and not pick the apple from the tree himself. Imagine what Russia would think if America just went to war on one man's say so. And where would the next "outbreak" take place you think?

It's true that war is a great tool. I love the old way of doing things, by fixing unemployment by killing some of our citizens. Ya, mathematically, good call!

Or the ingenious comment by Obama of funneling under-funded school children into over-crowded jails. He's right. And ya it's a whole lot of black people but still, the theory is sound and we have to stop it.

All our answers are in history and we had best teach our children what history has taught us.

That few rich people will dominate until there is revolution.

That the world has limited supplies yet has people with unlimited demands.

That musical chairs is not just a fairy tale sung by witches. Moreover, that you could learn a lot from a witch but the lessons are expensive. That this many people, one percent, can rule and that's the way it's been and that's the way it's always gonna be.

That even if we give up on meat, we STILL GOTTA KILL THE PLANTS TO SURVIVE. Technichally, mathematically, THAT'S PHILOSOPHICALLY WRONG to do it , but it must be done.

To maximize goodness we HAVE to start limiting population. It's not cruel, it's not overlord politics, it's math. Too many people using fossil fuels is gonna kill us just as soon as a plague will. And this is an age old discussion.

The black plague was caused by rats, who had fleas, who got it from, what else... decaying bodies. That's where all disease comes from. From Death. From Nidhogg. The great equalizer. The spice must flow. That's not just from Dune and a nice saying. It is making it obvious that there MUST be SOME form of evil for us to survive. A person with everything soon begins to want a second wife or better yet he wants YOUR wife or he wants to mess with Amanda Bynes because he's got too much money so it's time to get her arrested. Yes, it's evil but it's also what prevents bored people from shutting down. Poor guy he was probably SO TIRED of waiting for his football season to start that he had to go mess with Amanda and get her put in a mental institution. He's not laughing his ass off, far from that, he is probably relieved that his next neighbor isn't as famous... because now he doesn't HAVE to go mess with him.

That was sarcasm.


Sidetracked, ok so I wanted to keep going that we need to keep the chain alive. I was watching today a show on CSPAN about the middle class and sure as shootin as soon as the differences get to be too much, we are going to have people revolting against the rich. I mean why does a flea do so much damage, because it is large enuf to carry the carrion to us. Roaches do that too, carry pestilence. So it is that dead things must be burned or recycled. Even trees. Even garbage. We must find a way to use what we throw away or we will hoard up the future plague into a vat of crap that is one flood away from world destruction. And from what I saw of the hydrogen bomb, we are tentative, and I DO MEAN one atom bomb away from a world full of mutants, eroded by cancer and radicalization. That is the point of my next blog, radicalization and pestilence

In the future, there need to be public places of entertainment where people can go to relax, get doped up and then driven home. Like a Domino's delivery but for entertainment where they can pick you up and then drop you off. Think about it.  

Ok, so in the time of the black plague what happened, castles go up, too many people after a while but the king is TOO NICE so now everyone can live there even on the street. You see this is where nice belongs, in the preface where the king was too nice to an old lady and his child was stolen. It's not just a fairy tale, it probably keeps on happening over and over again and we are just too stupid to GET that people go on building castles even though we know what happens next.

~What goes up... must cu-hum down~

Like George Bush, like Reagan, like Arsenio, like Daffy, the bigger they are ... nah thas BS Reagan got away with most of what he did...

So who is guilty? Who is to blame for unending betrayal, yet the fact is most good deeds go unrewarded. Most good deeds are in fact expected, so why reward them? It's a puzzle.

Remember that about life. That half-full or half-empty, yin or yang, fist or open hand, a new person or kid believes what they are told as truth. think of them as little computers with recently formatted hard-drives. And if this is true then blacks CAN be good people, just like mexicans, just like russians, just like Jews or even sharks and tigers. Conditioning is everything at least after the first couple of steps.

So it's time to take a hard look at how will we educate people. Wouldn't it be a great idea to have public education where old people EARNED their pensions thru elementary school education. I mean, is it just a little preposterous to need a 4 year degree qualify you to teach 10 year olds and under?

I believe everyone in this country should manage people from the other countries that we farm our labor to? England did just that and what happened, the native population revolted right, like in Haiti? But you can't say the theory is not sound. We are the ones with education. WE have the engineers, THEY need the dams, etc. So legislate it and then implement it. People are supposed to migrate after they marry anyways so why not put it into practice. Have OUR people send money back to the states through taxes and and have the government pay or subsidize rent for them in native countries.

We could start this in Syria. As soon as they see examples of calm people without religion exercising their "rights" instead of their notions, they woulld follow or lead by example knowing that vast earnings were theirs in due time. I mean sure it's a risk, esp for a pristine college-educated mother living among natives but think of how much safer she is from poolboys...

I always had the dream even when young while reading of migrant birds and such that to get away from my parents I would move far away. I planned, like Superman I guess, to get educated and then come back smarter faster, better, we have the technology... what show was that ? lol

I wanted to move to Alaska to raise my children while keeping my wife safe from others while I worked. But, like you saw in Last of the Mohicans, the threats are everywhere. It's better to have a warrior chic but how long can you really last against a war party? I always thought that a tough chic that could survive Alaska would be what I would need, someone that could take the punches and come back for more, someone that could "take all comers". Like Sarah Palin maybe. Can you imagine that her sp was visiting whore houses? I mean I realize that for every beautiful woman there is a man that's tired of blah blah blah but DANG you tired of banging THAT?

It's always sex with me isn't it?

Ok sidetracked. That's part of how I justify myself though cuz I know that life is irreversible. Once I'm married, it's over. Once I bang a Sarah Palin or an Angelina or Lara Croft, I'm not gonna want to marry B-movie types anymore. That's probably why it's better to not have sex until marriage. Because you get used to the face you see every morning until other faces just don't look as friendly. I can picture the girls I loved in my life right now and most people I find good-looking look like them and the rest look just different but I think it has a lot to do with heroes maybe or relatives but fact is a have a TON of relatives and none of them look like anyone famous so I might be wrong. In fact I wager I find people that look like my relatives as somewhat interesting in a forBIdden way, which of course makes you wonder for the sake of SCIENCE if that sex would be good. :D

No not really.

A final thought about Syria. We are about to have a long discussion about our role as police in the future. Maybe that's what we need is a big fight to get the Republicans to play nice again? So be it. I keep wanting to do things like Jesus would do but the reality is there is nothing people recognize but sacrifice. SACRIFICE. Is it any wonder devil-worshippers act how they do?

I'm talkin to YOU, women.