Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

RNC comments

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Ok. I am going to start by stating what being a Republican is. To be a Republican you gotta be an opportunist. As a Republican you believe in freedom from government. You believe that you built it.

Whatever it is you built, you did it on your own and it's yours, whatever it was.

At this moment I am watching the Republican Convention. Recurring themes include no "handouts", no new taxes, getting the job done, maintaining a strong national defense.

Now I have to laugh to myself everytime I see a woman talking about a strong Republican party because it's like this, BWahahahahaahahahahaaa!

If I was a prophet, this is how it would go for predictions. I predict the government will have more power. To do this, I need to have the opportunists on my side. To get them on my side I would introduce the old custom of "prima nocta". Yeah cuz all of my friends would love to have first night with all their employees' wives.

What about the women who vote? Well we all know that those women who "hunt opportunity" are really guys in womens' bodies. They would LOVE to do this to their male counterparts because you know fair is fair... even when it isn't.

Imagine a ship. We are all on this ship let's call it the USA and it's sailing and trying to find new land and nourishment, all the while keeping its people happy, women included. Now let's say this ship has 100 people. Is the ship more efficient if it has 1000 people on it? Some people would say that we need all 100 people to have the ship run at its best. But as usually happens, some of the people don't want to carry their fair share. So others have to work harder. Now if you have Republicans in charge they dig a hole in the ship. Oops! How'd that get there?! Well one of the crew now has to work full time carrying water up from the hole and put it overboard. Now everyone agrees this is necessary and NOONE wants to be that guy or girl but someone is chosen and poof, suddenly everything runs better! Much better! Soon people forget that guy is down there and wonder why they didn't think of this sooner. Yeah. Problem is everyone is "afraid". They don't want to be the one stuck throwing out the water and since throwing out water is not "real" work, the guy never gets switched out.

This is a society driven by fear.

This is what it means to be a Republican. This is the twisted, Omelas, musical chairs, let's put Humpty back together again or die trying rhetoric of the opportunist. As long as it's not YOU in the dunk chair, it's fine. Welcome to the Holocaust. Any Jew out there remember that? Well, if you do then you wouldn't be a Republican.

Still, because the size of the ship there will come a time to curb the fat. The ship can't hold 1000 people if it was made to hold 100. Slowly, even in a fixed system, the population without opportunist begins to decay. People on automatic pilot forget how to land the plane. Wives become fat. Workers begin to bitch. Politicians begin to find "new" things to talk about.

So, though I was hopeful to get inspired by the convention and perhaps learn what all of these people are so excited about, I found that for the most part they are just looking after their own interests. Obama bash this, pipeline that, let's put everyone back to work the other, because only lazy people don't have jobs, apparently unlike everyone at the convention.

But remember my ship analogy. We don't need to put a hole in the ship. Imagine a bowl full of water. Now put a hole at the bottom and drip drip drip... human sacrifice. Let's start another war!

Now I might be the first philosopher to think we all would be better off if we could find a way to co-exist but wait no... EVERY philosopher says this. So why don't we do it?!

I am shocked to see a stadium full of people that are electing a corporate raider, who freely admits his job is to find value from undervalued companies, and they all believe that he will put them first.

No, my friend, no.

I am taken in by this Paul Ryan though. I believe him but I know that he is too young to be there. Plus he is an actual politician with experience in public service. Of course a governor should have this experience too but Hmm, somehow I think it's different.

Now there ARE some things that I want Republicans to do for us that Obama won't do:

1. I want all overseas jobs brought back or maybe we could just tax those jobs to help pay for our healthcare. Heh. Even republicans have to say "damn, Hohito that's very opportunist of you"

2. I want the military to be expanded to include local law enforcement. This would make all bases practical and would inspire young people to join our "security" forces and it would make permanent our commitment to national defense by using the same people for local police. But I still want the Homeland Security dismantled. Yeah, we won the war so it's time to cut that terrorist crap out. Even your local gang is a terrorist so the whole organization has no point. Just make the CIA answer to the NSA but only if the FBI agree to this and if not then we need to see what the DEA have to say about it. Yeah cuz we don't have enough law enforcement already we need a new national agency ... hmmf. I mean mathwise, you can expect 4% if you go by standard deviations, to be really bad people using the tri-delta method of statistics so just take 4% of all people and put them in security. See? Was that so hard to figure out. Of course if WHOLE companies are being allowed to invest in derivatives that have no borrowing limit.... well nevermind.

3. I want Puerto Rico made into a bona fide state and I want some land traded to make Alaska connect to the US, and I want all the territories like Guam and such made into regular states. I don't know why but it just seems like it needs to be done.

4. I want NASA to be made a permanent part of the military. Why? Because everytime a scientist discovers some great whatever the hell it is, they think THEY own it and the military is trying to abuse the god-given rights of scientists to make the information available to everyone. I have one thing to say about scientists that act like environmentalists that are worried about global warming and the TREES god save them and what's gonna happen to "mutant" ninja turtle if we put up condos.... Morons.

This is what I tell people that ask me too many questions... "remember Sweet N Low."

In the 70s, everyone was drinking TAB to lose weight etc, and using Sweet N Low with their coffee and perhaps using it in their cereal and iced tea. One day, saccharin was proved to be carcinogenic. It caused cancer. Poof. Out with TAB, out with Sweet N Low, out with a whole lot of soft drinks. A few decades later, after a few businesses go bankrupt, another study finds that it's NOT carcinogenic.

Hmmf. So don't believe everything.

You know in the 90s, cars were equipped with catalytic converters with the intention of saving everyone from smog. To its credit, I think we probably saved a lot of people from cancer even though there is no study that is going to come close to battling the oil companies even if it could be proven(don't call it preventing cancer, call it curbing smog!), and what we got out of this "goodwill" was a huge line of people once a year going to some car wash looking place where they "checked" if the car was ok and if it wasn't, you had to get it fixed. WOW, guess what happened? Twice we had to go to a mechanic to have our car checked and then we had to pay to have it fixed. And guess who DIDN'T have to pay? Rich people. Yeah, their nice leased or almost new cars never needed repairs but if you were me, in my 20s with rent, car insurance, car payment, there goes my check... we couldn't afford the repairs. Well, fast forward a couple of years of "who's great idea was this?!!" and we don't check the stupid catalytic converter now in Florida.

In fact, when your check engine light comes on, it usually means that this contraption is to blame, which by the way has been on on my car for the last 5 years because AUDI has tried several times to fix it and MOO Zointks what's that?! Now that I don't have a job, I really can't afford to fix it.

Don't buy an AUDI. Compared to Mercedes, it's trash, well... I love my car but I'm unhappy with it.

5. I want mechanics to be certified in the military, all of them. Only the people at Jeep know how to fix a car right so only soldiers know how to fix Jeeps, so all mechanics should have to serve... preferably in the front line... where everyone uses cars... you don't believe ME?!! I think that mechanic is calling me a liar dear...

6. I want the Republicans to repeal Obamacare. Because we could use a break from our taxes like when Bush sent us a fat check to bolster the economy and then thru some mishap gas prices shot up and basically used up all of the money that was given to us in a year which it seems to me like we took some money from the government ... and then gave it to the oil companies... and then we all thought we got a good deal... but wait the prices stayed at the new rate.. so it's like we were bribed in an effort to raise gas prices... but we were too stupid to realize it... and and wait how much money did we actually get?

7. If we go to war again, I want our young people to get a REAL pay increase for going. I mean, I might be just a dumb high school dropout or a pregnant teenager who's child is staying with gammy while I go to boot but hey man people are DYING out there. DYIING. It's not Jenga, it's not Jumping Jacks, it's not Jar Jar rehearsal, It's DEATH. I wanna see words like double pay for leaving the country, quadruple pay for missions with a weapon, 16 times normal pay for spy duty. Cuz it's math. and you and me both know that's that's prettty much how it ougtta be.. well ez for me to say since I'm not the one paying. Besides, we all know that M-16 costs probably like 10k and your helmet costs probably another 1000 so if they are spending stupid amts on gear, why not spend stupid amounts on the actual soldiers?

Ok, that sums it up I guess. Truth is there are times when I want our government to kick ass and it's around those times that I want to go out and beat someone up and since that's normal then Republicans are normal. God bless em. I still have to laugh when I see women there though.

I mean earlier, I was watching a show about bride kidhappings in Chechnya. Yeah. I don't even want to talk about it it's so stupid. It's on Link TV and it's real. The government was so radicalized by the war with Russia that the peg-heads left put this tradition in place to make men feel more powerful.

You know, there is a future out there, once the rich people secure their positions, where there won't be a minimum wage, where all houses will be rented and all property will be claimed and not for sale, where information about space and the ocean will be controlled and fictional and fantastic( I honestly believe this is the case about Uranus but meh), where first borns are slaughtered so that the rest of the family's youth are humbled, where money is a thing of the past and credit bureaus are allowed for only a select few who are allowed to borrow, where jail is where everyone goes that doesn't work, where drinking is allowed only in the presence of a physician. And you know when all of this happens, only the strong will be left, and none of these will be women. Why? Because once women have children they can be controlled, men not so much. So for a woman to be in the Republican party, is like a cow carrying a "Eat more chicken" sign except that he is not at a Chick Fil A, he's in front of a McDonald's.

I know this is sexist blah blah and a couple of stuns later I will probably be all "you my mofo" to some woman in a stun gun fight, but I you know women are beautiful. All the ones on TV, especially at my age,

make me soft inside. I dunno. A man that is terrible can still inspire other men because of his accomplishments and holdings, eg. Donald Trump or George Bush or Vladmir Putin. They aren't good looking, they aren't trying to be. But a woman being terrible, there is no way, imo, she can inspire. She must be beautiful and therefore cannot be terrible and cannot be one of the strongest, so by that token, all women should be Democrats, inspiring others to treat each other philosophically, with more government, more trust, more interaction, more goodwill. The ideal leader of the democratic party would be a woman imo because democrats DO want to engender goodwill. They DO want more help made available, even if some people are getting away with double. They are forgiving and are against human sacrifice. Guys when they are tough, expect losers to bow out and if not too bad for them and so what if they're pissed. Women not so much.

Meanwhile I'm watching the RNC and it's a real leap from one Republican to another. I have a deep respect for GW and Condy Rice but from them to other Republicans is like HEYYY where did the high class people go? Sometimes it's like they all feel like they are in a club where you don't have to speak good English or watch your manners.

Atm Condy Rice is talking about the military and I know she doesn't believe in sending people to war so much as she believes people that are not Republican are foreign to her. Once you choose a party, it's all uphill from then on just trying to be more popular than people like you but not like you. But to get to the top of this HUGE structure of people and then know that a whole different set of people could be in charge, well, you know you woudl just be against it like she is. She is against democrats and imo she is just loyal to Bush though she really doesn't sound so self-interested like the others. Man. What a leap she is from all the others. I tell ya.

Always this happens, I'm about to give up on the whole group of people and then the one amongst them, genuine and fervent, determined and plain. humbly outspoken, wow, I would vote for her.

Such dumbasses have been speaking for the last 3 hours that I thought I just had to write about the failed party but at least she doesn't come out and SAY that the Republicans are the rich people's party like the other speakers imply.

Ok I'm tired of typing. I was going to explain how Republicans and Democrats both can be bad parties, and I was going to mention that I didn't know whether to join the Republicans to clean out their bad people or to join the Democrats to straight up fight the now tainted Republicans but meh it will have to

Monday, August 27, 2012

Soapy sales

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First of all, I wonder why women show up on television with a skirt. Do they think that they will get more attention? Do they think that they will be taken seriously? Do they think that the show will be made more popular because of their "contribution" to its overall charisma?

I'm watching a discussion on CSPAN live at about 10:15am EST about whatever it is they are talking about and all I am focused on is whether the camera will actually show them uncrossing their legs or crossing them. Is it me?


Well today I was talking with my mother about Vito and gays and I explained to her where I get the idea that people can get AIDS. We were talking about the Katrina disaster while watching the weather and saying how it was very unlikely that the same thing will happen this time since all those engineers probably know how to work the levees this time. My father said that Bush did a bad thing about not caring about the city and we talked about how the governor was taken out of office after he misspent the money sent and then we talked about how systems of people tend to do just like they did in Somalia, they tend to funnel most of the "goodwill" to the warlords who then give a meager portion to the people if they beg them for it enough. So he was talking about how Bush had little regard for New Orleans and by the bye I mentioned how Reagan had little regard for the gays of New York when the AIDS epidemic broke out. I base this on the movie Vito that I watched which gave an account of what he went through watching all of his friends die right in front of him, left and right.

Oh I remember, it was because she told me a story of how a wife with her lady friend conspired to kill her husband. She mentioned that he had a horse ranch which immediately led me to believe that he was cruel to her and that those people tend to treat all of their "pets" in the same mindset. She had added that it was a younger woman with an older man which I mentioned was just like a cousin of mine in New Orleans which married an older man and we were watching pictures of them on facebook yesterday.

So the story goes that he was addicted to horse tranquilizer, which made me laugh because heh when you have access to something powerful you just GOTTA get a quick taste of it and soon you are just doing it over and over, much like drinking and driving. Boo, not funny.

She gets the idea that she can kill him with this and sure enough she puts a couple of drops in his mouth while he is sleeping and he overdoses like about a week later or something she said. Then she mentions that she puts him in a freezer and then drives his car to Las Vegas from Florida and eventually puts him in a cornfield. Someone notices a bunch of buzzards circling something in the corn and its the guys hand poking out of the ground where they made the hole. It's hilarious when you stop thinking about the reality of HOW SCREWED UP are you if you are driving around with a body in your trunk!

Well it turns out this wife and her friend are lesbians to which I add well that explains it. I was told once that gays and lesbians, their mindset is rebellious. They tend to try new things like same sex sew which is out of the norm and with that mindset they are more prone to criminal behavior... NO NOT like drinking and driving thank you very much!

Well, it's a small wonder then to imagine Reagan waiting for all those gays to die off. I mean in the show, in the 70s, the gays were parading in the streets, having festivals and they really knew everyone by name and, it's just my opinion, you couldn't imagine a more congenial environment. But the truth was they had drugs and sex so often that their contribution to society was merely to attract other people to their lifestyle which was to work as little as possible, have as much sex and drugs as possible, and then just embrace the new day like an opportunity to be incredibly happy again. I used to feel this way. I don't see anything wrong with it and if I had money in the bank and I was gay, I would be happy to start this movement up all over again.

But what is a president going to think? What do the leaders of New York city think? What do it's religious leaders that are trying to get the city to maintain the order think?

Well in "Vito" it shows his account. It's devastating. If I wasn't so faithful and if I was more terrible I would blame the government for causing AIDS. It was HORRIBLE. A bunch of peaceloving happy people suddenly start to die off by the thousands. THOUSANDS. His account is more name by name which gives you an idea of what it must have felt like. His partner gets it and goes to the hospital and they can't cure him. His huge band of friends start to tell each other who is dead and who is in the hospital. It's sad that none of these people had children because this account will just go into history mostly forgotten and it is a visceral example of what can happen when you are on the wrong side of society's goodwill. I would venture to say that people at the hospital would treat them with prejudice. I mean it's obvious when you're gay and it's much like being a black person. You can't hide it. So this opportunity to treat the bad people badly doesn't escape people at the hospital but that's supposition on my part. Well it's not like they had a cure anyways.

So on to the discussion. I mentioned that AIDS comes from infection. That all disease comes from infection. She thought that only gays got it and then she mentioned that poop had microbes. Microbes are alive and they move. Pests if you will. But they can't live in the poop. Nothing in your body is produced with microbes that are dangerous to it. Poop is not full of microbes. She insisted that it was.

Pests come from outside. They are always out there looking for something to maintain it. The vast majority of them die off starving much like maggots die off but for the few lucky ones that crawl across teh entire garage after so many more of them get taken away by ants. That's microbes. The vast majority of them die but only a few of them can establish a colony and once that's done then you have an infection.

And that's what happened with AIDS. People having dirty sex are how you put a dirty something right next to poop which we all know is not useful to humans anymore but very nutritious for the vast majority of pests out there including flies and whatnot. Poop is food and before you get rid of it it is free of pests. The error in judgement comes in having anal sex with a dirty penis. The skin of the penis is where these pests come from. If you are covering your genitals and not showering and sweating, we all know that eventually this causes an itch. Fungus. Some pollen from a tree somewhere landed on your penis while you were at the gas station and you decided to go a third day in the same underwear and now you have an itch witch is usually a fungus which if you just shower and keep it dry with powder or frequent wipedowns will all but remove it. Problem is fungus is food for pests also. These are much harder to get rid of.

These are harder to get rid of. They can burrow in your skin while you bathe. They can take the heat by using your own body to protect themselves much like an igloo, made of ice, protects from cold temperature. These are much harder to remove but once you outsmart them, by shaving your hair which they probably burrow into also or by wiping often with fresh soapy hand towels, and then keeping the area dry so that there is no moisture, they go away also.

But take these pests and shove them into an anus or a vagina and now you got new problems. Moisture everywhere. Occasional air from farts or whatnot. Plenty of food from blood or poop. And moreover these pests once they die become food for mutations in cells that can use this waste which is something of a confusion for your body since it is already dealing with waste and finds a way to "deal" with this unique form.

To exarcerbate the issue, imagine you practice frequent "dirty" sex. Imagine you don't give cleaning up it's proper due. Imagine someone with trash all over their house and now you get the picture. It's not the gays that cause disease, it's a lack of cleaning, a lack of hygiene and frankly a "clinical" disregard for another person's well being.

So pony up that blowjob or get your tongue ready because if you wouldn't give another person some personal time with your mouth, WHAT THE HELL do you think will happen when you shove that show in your body?!!!

I had a personal wonderful experience of being accused of having venerial disease. Yeah I know some great people right? I was doing it and doing it with her and one day she starts to have real problems in her vagina and she's like WHY did you do this to me? Hmmf.

The reality was she was the second person I ever had sex with so with a confused look I was like, well GO to the doctor! Come to find out she had a yeast infection. Hmmmf. How do you get that? From not cleaning your underwear or wearing it too often or who knows. But what I got out of the deal is that I had to piss through a sting for about two weeks.

So it turns out that SHE gave me the infection. Hmmf. I always get accused of crap and when people mix it up and find out, they are SO sorry they ever doubted me blah blah blah all after I had to take all of their shit.

But moreover this is something I could have avoided if I had done more cunnilingus. So it's kinda my fault huh? The second girl I lived with had a problem with her vagina that slowly went away the more I did cunnilingus so me being a scientist of sorts I propose to you that you SHOULD use oral sex and use it often to keep each other clean because nothing disinfects like saliva. It's nature's soapy paper hand towel. Soapy sales that's me.

To give an example, everything in our environment should be tasted. No not like batteries but if you want to try a 9-volt battery, me and mine tried it when we were little kids and that's why we turned out so GOOD LOOKING!

Anyway, instead, try tasting your skin, tastes bland right? Just lick your wrist or arm somewhere where you don't sweat and it tastes like nothing. Now clean off one of your fingers. That's right, shove that finger into that nasty mouth, say my name, yeah you know you like that finger.

Anyway, sidetracked again, take that finger and wipe a part of your face that itches. See. Tastes salty. This is because your body is sending puss to whatever part of you body has just been hacked with a piece of pollen or dirt or pest. After enough salt gets sent up and this "particle" start to wriggle closer and closer to where the "food" is, namely a nerve ending, then you will start to itch a whole lot.

What should you do? Scratch it with a nasty finger full of genital stuff you just scratched a minute ago and then touch your eye? No. You should keep your nails clean with soapy hand towels and if you would rather do something quicker, lather up your finger with spit and then wipe. Eureka, the itching stops. yep and it's cheap too. You know I ought to get some money for this.

It's what all the animals are doing to their young, it's what apes do to each other. I once told my girlfriend that I was licking her face because I cared about her and she loved it, or so I thought. One day she decided to do it to me and I laughed because I thought it felt good but afterwards I felt it was a bit weird so I stopped doing it to her.

One thing is certain though, before her, I was racked with a zit problem. I had zits everywhere it seemed. But all of that went away once I had regular sex. Don't ask me why, I don't know, but sex cures anyone that has a problem with pimples.

And what is funny is that masterbation doesn't help. I mean does your skin get stronger by touching another person's skin? Your prostate has nothing to do with it. Maybe your purpose in life, of being with another person intimately, it's because of having some success in that that your mind stops making you ugly. And this has happened over and over again in my life, I have problems but once I have regular sex with someone, it all just calms down.

Small wonder then that if you see someone with pimples you know that they are stressed out and not getting enough sexual attention. This is sad. Yet another reason for prostitiution. Noone should have to go without sex anymore than someone should do without steak. I mean it's possible to do without but it's just not natural. People are happier and stronger. You women out there should take note because if you have some major cause going on like politics or a business or maybe you just got a term paper or thesis due and you MUST get this project finished, if you think about quitting and you wonder why you have gotten so weak all of a sudden. If you are about to graduate law school or about to quit, if you are about to finish solving the cure for cancer but things just are not adding up. If you are about to quit ANYTHING, if someone is about to quit YOU, sex is the answer. Even if you gotta pay for it.

There is nothing that heals your ability to fulfill your purpose in life like fulfilling your purpose in life.

And it's good for zits too. Sex fuels your desire and without it your spirit goes empty. Even the promise of sex is useful so even if you don't believe in breakin the law, get some wallpaper up, get a Kate Beckinsale poster, (you know you want to), or just turn on skinemax or go to the beach or to a stadium. When you see dozens of women in bikini or thousands of women in a stadium you will find that your reason for living gets renewed. You are gonna be like WOW just one woman can make me happy and just look at em all. So don't listen too much to Joel OStein and praise god too much if you find yourself in despair, find a picture of a woman and remember that they need you like you need them and somewhere out there there's some girl that has lost hope there are any guys that are not liars just like I believe that all women are liars at times and that they they they do this and they do that and they blah blah blah.

But truth is that's not good math. 50% of them must like you. More if you have a good body. Less if you have a history. But all told, you can expect a woman to be just like you if you let her, IF you are careful with what you say and do.

That reminds me of some awful thing one girl said on television on the Spanish channel. They said that famous quote who knows who said it but it was " just ask, the worst thing they can do is say no". Women like this are really missing the point. Just ASK? A rejection is not only a FAIL in fail column for guys, it's a fail in the future you two could hope for. If I had to ask you 3 times before you said yes, then you could expect me to cheat on you 3 times before I think I really hurt you.

I mean how insensitive would I have to be to ask you but not have it really matter if you said yes?

It's a small wonder woman go for married guys, why, because they are used to rejecting people that they led on. They think it's normal to look good spend time with guys and touch them and use innuendo and if he gets rejected and then hurt because you said no, well he's just not GROWN UP is all.

Imagine you are giving someone oral sex. You like using teeth. I mean it's just an accidental scrape here and there right? And even if there is some blood later which you didn't intend for there to be... so what,they're getting what they wanted right?

Well this is how careful you should be with a guy's feelings. Think of us as that guy in Bugs Bunny. Hassaan, remember him? He goes Hassaan like and Hassaan chop all over the place while Bugs drives him crazy. Well that's what women do, so just be careful.

It's hard for real men to pretend to be a woman who is all about manipulation because that's what they are doing all day long talking to each other making deals, secretly using this girl's advice while not being true to their friendship and targeting her boyfriend. By the same token, if you want a relationship where you want to act like a guy then your house needs a stun gun. His and hers. This way there is no question who wins the argument when push comes to shove. I mean arguments have to end that way. All conflict ends in escalation. Always.

You said her mother was mean which she takes offense to which makes you think her mother is now rank one. This always happens. All conflict is a matter of do I matter more. Ranks. It's obvious to everyone that a grown adult needs noone but their spouse and children. But what actually happens is that parents get thrown in, money gets thrown in, the house might get thrown in, cuz you gotta respect the HOUSE!

So she is going to sleep with her mother, who lives with her boyfriend that has a son who sleeps on the COUCH, hmm, close to where SHE will be sleeping, HMMM, ok now it's stun gun time and the sooner the better cuz ONLY after you have tased the crap out of each other will you start to realize where you both were headed... and I will be the first to say that dating a girl at age 20 is nothing like dating a 40 year old and that's what I need. I don't want maybe I like you and tomorrow I don't so sorry I'm too young to know what I like. I can handle rejection if it means the end of the relationship and if there is a good reason but to just have someone say oops I slept with him cuz I like it in my butt but only when I do drugs which you don't have cuz you're a loser... yeah, that I DON'T need.

So back to why all that can happen is you will say no. It's not all that can happen. A girl that you like should be sparking you with her eyes, or like my mother says, should be "dandole cuerda" which means giving a guy some wind. Once you like her and she only likes you everyone else will get the message and then it's time to ask her out. Well in my world, I have never failed. Almost every girl I asked said yes and most of the time I have wanted to stay with a girl, we have stayed together. That's cuz I'm in charge. Small wonder that I'm in charge so rarely I guess but meh, that's my mindset. I make sure I'm gonna get a yes.

The alternative? I go WOW, you said yes, I'm so happy I could shit myself. (People that shit themselves are monkeys, in this case it would be me) When are you available? Who else are you dating? I'm just gonna ask out 2 or 3 other girls anyways because I didn't expect you to say yes and I have already gone ahead and bought them flowers and if I don't get their answer well that's just a waste of money and besides you might change your mind, right? That's a woman's perogative so I better get it right while I can. If they turn out to be nicer than you or have a lot of money you will understand if I don't call you back right cuz, after all, selfishness is expected. Besides these things never work out and we are lucky when they do. It's a dog eat dog world and, are you still there... if you are it's because you are a very evolved creature that fully believes in all of this and have chosen this lifestyle, if you're not still there, it's because you are wondering why I make a simple date so complicated. Besides how can I brag to my girlfriends how many times I rejected you if you get all fussy right off the bat.

Girls just hate being called easy. If more girls were easy, I would have had more girlfriends. Maybe I am easy? Is that bad? I don't think of myself as easy.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Akin's rape problem

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I was just watching Bill Maher again and it occurred to me as they mentioned that Romney has 0% of the black vote, that they may not WANT the black vote.

Also I feel it worth mentioning that the guy that mentioned that women could not get pregnant that were raped, may have a point. You know it's easy to say "wait a minute that's offensive" and "throw him out" when you can get a whole bunch of people together to agree with you but think for a moment and wonder and TRY to understand what he meant if you can.

Obviously if you are an expert on rape you ain't gonna say nothing so that leaves everyone else free to decide just how stupid the congressman (Akin I think) was in saying that rape cannot cause pregnancy.

Before I explain what he might have meant and how he could be right, which me being a guy there is NO WAY I know anything about women and their orgasms, let me give you examples of other times when people hauled off on someone for speaking too candidly.

Once in sex education in 10th grade, my teacher was talking about the penis and blah blah this and blah blah that which btw never actually SHOWED a naked woman, just a lot of diagrams which for little kids like me, left me still wondering what a vagina looked like despite all that crap we had to study. Hmmf, sidetracked, so anyway she mentions that men can't pee with an erection. Yeah, I didnt mention it right away but how stupid would that look if we just started calling her a liar. She caught on later as I'm sure someone must have had the same concern. I wonder if women can pee if they are excited, I mean does it get like super juicy there or does peeing go every which way when she's excited?

Another time that I saw this happen that people hauled off on a person was here in Jacksonville. A judge told a reporter "off the record" that most of the people that went through his court were black. Since he was later quoted and since he was a judge, the insinuation was that he was prejudiced. Now I realize that a judge needs to keep his opinions in check to the public, but what the hell does his personal opinion have to do with his ability to decide cases. If he was elected by 10s of thousands of people after years of doing case work as a lawyer or some such, don't you think he knows how to judge cases? His name was Judge Santora. I remember being beside myself when it happened because that just one more example of how one shitbird journalist used his job and influence to betray and get ahead. Noone remembers his name and you can bet he is some big shot somewhere serving as an example of how to get ahead to his crew of whatever shitbirds that probably follow him now that he's older.

And that's what has happened with this Akin guy. Noone stops to think that maybe some guy set him up for this and that maybe the (cough cough) opposing party's candidate might have unknowingly sent a reporter to ask him about this little known fact-a-jack that every person on the opposing party's office knew about. Whenever there is some flop on the candidate's part, you know there is some mastermind out there trolling the bad news on him. It's what they do to actors and government employess in Britain and since they are more sophisticated there and they have no problem with it, you can expect this to become the norm here if this country turns out to have as many freedoms and controls as they do.

So ok, let's talk about sex and conception. If you watch a lot of porn, you can learn by watching closely that the girls that are actually excited have a sort of suction going on, whereas the other ones don't. So this lends you to believe that if a girl is raped, this suction doesn't happen. Moreover, I have noticed, especially when doing it doggy style, that there is a supreme amount of suction that occurs during orgasm.

I wonder why?

Well if you are going to take a guess, it could be that this suction helps conception. And there you have it. If a girl is being raped, suction doesn't occur so she can't get pregnant. Yah, I know, I'm just a guy so what do I know but those are the facts, now if the guy has a super-blowhard nuclear prostate that's been locked up for a month or a 12-inch Boston-Philadelphia-Nonstop pecker that leaves the guess work out, then yeah maybe he doesn't need the suction, but for the most part my guess is you need the orgasm from her almost as much as from him. Why? Math is why, because to have only one orgasm be necessary just doesn't add up.

Aw, you know what, I just realized that I just ruined it for you women out there that try to fake your orgasms. Well, at least you men out there can stop being fags now and go back to knowing what a woman wants. You know, it's hard to know what a women want when they lie.

Hey you know if you wanna be fags then at least you gotta know where the word faggot comes from. A faggot is a tree limb that bends funny. So the name lends itself to men because gay men they stand funny, like when they put their fingers on their backs and face their thumbs towards you, that looks like a faggot, I mean a real one, so people started calling men who stood like that faggots.

Well if I'm wrong then whatever. Just don't think I condescend or am against people or somethin cuz I try not to be. Although I do try to be a critical thinker which lands me on people's bad side sometimes.

Now for the G-rated portion of my post, oh wait, that was G-rated.  It may not seem like it now but our government is becoming more attuned to the rich and believe it or not, despite our good intentions and the let's all get together and vote this time credo, the Republicans are going to be the rich white man's party, and the Democrats, even if they get elected, are going to be the everyman's party that still DOES what the rich people want.  Now don't get behind me and think yeah Hohito is gonna lead us!  Nope, cuz you can't keep a good man down, but you really can't keep a whole lot of bad men down neither and if it's a contest well, gravity wins, if it works.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


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Wallpaper is still Gillian btw,  mmWAhhhhhhhhhh!   Although I have thought about Kate Beckinsale a lot. 



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We need to just take all the money that the banks made in housing decline and put it into the government, oh wait that's what we did. By putting those people in charge we not only advocate opportunism, we guard ourselves from future attacks. Good idea.

Well I guess I'm just one of those few who don't like it. There is so much talk of the debt and where it's going and I have been alive just long enough to see it disappear and come back that I honestly don't believe in ANY sort of doom. There is no global warming, no fiscal crisis, no kingpins of crime, no sharks in the ocean... and if there is I wanna see it.

I mean there is no god so there must not be all of these things either. If there is a god then these things exist too. There I just solved everyone's concern about atheists. Not only are they godless and bold, they are not to be trusted. They probably made up all of this stuff just to control us. Viva Great Britain, wait what language is that? Where am I?

If I was playing FFXI I would be in Bastok but what does it matter since the other cities are doing things almost the same way?

I have a dream that one day every major city will have an aircraft carrier stationed there and named after it. Moreover, people from Jacksonville let's say should have it's street renamed once a decade maybe during the census, to give tribute to our soldiers that died protecting us. I have no small respect for the military. In fact, why do we have the Buckman Bridge and Youngerman Circle and no names for people of our city that died. Even a private has given more to our community than any billionaire ever could. So let's take those names and put them out there so that we remember who was brave and who was not so much. Slowly we can go back to putting the people first and allowing opportunity for fame to exist not at the ruler level but at the entry level.

By the way, people should not be allowed to serve until they are 40. All people should be forced to have all of their children by age 20 or 22 and soldiers should be sent off to war in pairs. See now marriage no longer has to matter since you are off to fight anyway at 40. You can have all the partners you want and all the gayness that you desire but at 40 you get the "boot" camp. This doesn't have to mean that you are gonna die but at least all go knowing that it could have been their children that would be taking their place. And it's my opinion that no matter what the problems with marriage are in private life, you put a pair out to pasture in a war, and there go all of their problems. You don't need to have a Sergeant or Corporal in these cases cuz two people provide the best ability to discuss orders and stay ON MISSION. It's when people despair or lose equipment or blood that they question authority but if this can be shored up by another person there to provide the food they need, the love they need to stay on mission, this makes for the most effective soldier possible.

On the other hand kamikazees have their use too.

At 60 these people, the ones left, are eligible to run for office. Maybe at 80 cuz noone is going to question the morality of someone almost dead or in danger. That's why McCain was such a good pick for president now in retrospect. I didn't want more Bush when he ran and certainly not more war because it's my view that some people think people are like a factory and that means putting the good ones in charge and the bad ones up on the spit to be sacrificed which like in Moneyball could be based on some few jerks that have done it for 20 years . I don't believe this. Yet, security must never be given up, that perhaps is why being attacked and attacking is so important. Question everything or everything will question YOU.

I'm watching The American again and it's such a good movie. Doggie style is the best position for sex. The girl's spine is in an S like it should be, the guy has that nice cushion right where if he exerts enough influence on it, will rock his prostate to tomorrow. Besides, if done standing and both have orgasms, both will have weak knees afterwards. And that's how it oughtta be. It's an odd note that the actress' name is Violante Placido, which could mean "violent peace". What a great name for a beautiful woman.

Someone 80 is not thinking about their family and such as much as they are the world. They believe they did a good job for one reason or another and want good things for their family but most of all they want their part in the world order to have been useful and just. They look to their duty to their country and their community as a place to decide what is in the public's interest. Bush and Clinton and in the future a great many other presidents will use their influence to create personal gain perhaps and though it is not with a wry thought that they try this, it just should not be allowed. Our founding fathers did it right by not allowing tyrants to rule them and by that vote we should not allow our rulers a great deal of time to deal in riches. A life should be just long enough to get everything you want, try or lose but we should not allow say Paul Ryan or Sarah Palin to become president at age 40-48 and then wait and see what happens for the next 30 years of their life as they keep the knowledge of our political structure in their waistpocket along with their whatever spouse that may go all Princess Diana on us.

That's why leaders need to be 60+. There are so many people out there and so many of them without jobs that it makes no sense to elect someone young and fresh to decide what whole cities or regions should do. Even someone 60+ homeless with misdemeanors and bad hygiene is not so irresponsible as putting a 40 year old in charge of the Treasury. It's just a different mindset as I am starting to realize as I pass my 40s.

I am still young but I can feel weakness creeping in. A weakness that I know will not let go. And I used to get fat. Fat is something that once you have it, is insurmountable. It takes a great deal of effort to take it off. And I imagine that this age thing of weakness will only get worse. My actual organs don't allow me to smoke or drink as much because recovery takes longer. But that's good because my selfishness is also in check. I no longer want to compete for women so much. I don't want to be the star of my work area so much and if I were in government, I would not want my party to win so much as I would to do a good job. If I were 60+ this would be even more the case.

And this is what you can expect from Obama and Ryan and maybe even Romney, cuz he's old but having been an opportunist all his life can't be good. You can expect them to be ruthless. And that's just tyrants. You know it and I know it, so why doesn't everyone else know it.

In any case I believe in math. I believe in the three 8s of the day. One 8 hour shift for peace, one 8 hour shift for excitement, and on 8 hour shift for regular work. That's 24 hours. This let's you know if you are spending too much time on something, unbalancing yourself. I used to spend a great deal of time drinking but if you put in the time it takes to recover from drinking, then maybe I was unbalancing myself without knowing.

The same should happen in life. 20 years of education, 20 years of raising a family and sex and then it's OFF with your nuts and you go into the military. Everything we read should be written by people 60+. People should retire at 60, all people, and have enough saved or provided to them so that they can write. Journalism should be done by old people. Blogs are ok but to follow the advice of even the most educated philosopher out there is foolish, if he is under 60. He just hasn't lived enough life to know about risk and reward yet. He is not going to use the words "can't" and "must never" and for other people who have lived, these words are the main point of writing because it makes the writing subjective and therefore worth reading.

So after writing for 20 years or getting out of politics at age 80 what's the desired outcome for an old-timer? What the plan 80-100? What do you do?


Sunday, August 12, 2012


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Once in the bible, Jesus said that once you grew up you no longer were to be a fisherman, but a fisherman of men. What does that mean?

Should you stay a fisherman of fish or of men?

It's like being Elmer Fudd. Is it wabbit season or is it duck season? If it's wabbit season then you are the hunter, if it's duck season then well...

All manner of life is organized into 3 types. The ruler, the hunter, and the prey. The ruler can only be killed by prey, the hunter by rulers, and prey by the hunters. Which are you?

Indeed noone wants to be prey. But these are the only ones that can be happy. All young people are prey. That is what it means to be innocent which can also mean unwise. So by that definition you SHOULD want to be prey. You should relish it while it lasts... because it won't last. You should know that this happiness, whenever you are lucky to have it, is something other people, a great MANY other people, are jealous of and have observed and noted that you have it.

Mathematically speaking, if there are 3 types of people, 66% of them are in fact "hunters" of prey. The hunters and the rulers because they can use prey to get the hunters once they find some prey. Harsh.

But these are not happy people. And if they have children, they are perhaps deathly afraid of someone doing to their own what they have done to so many. But in the end it's just math. You could seek out these "evil" doers but all that's happened is that you have become a hunter and given up your chance to be happy. Rulers are even less happy so you could hire some people to work for you and the first thing you are gonna want to do is install their heartplug.

What's a heartplug you ask, besides the reference to the Harconans of the movie DUNE? Well, it makes regular prey that work for you, instant hunters. Yep cuz once youve pulled their heart out, several times, by wronging them, they become your enemy which is ok because at least now you know where they are and they can't catch you by surprise. Rulers are the least happy of people. They can call things pleasures and they will often use this to justify their structured lives, but they are the worst of people.

But is there a worst? Kids can do unspeakable things, to each other and even to their parents. Rulers can wash whole cities with goodwill and promise despite the repercussions of exposing yourself like Michael Jackson did. But these are exceptions and not the rule. Most kids are just trying things and most of what they do is accidental, as is most things done to help society by rulers.

My final thought is this. There is always a bigger fish. That means if you have chosen to be an opportunist or hunter, then you will usually stress yourself out a great deal and this makes you weak to new attacks. I suggest you not do it or curb your behavior. People or rulers can't wait to find out what you have been doing and of course find out how much they can take from you. You get tougher and tougher and soon you need a second wife or mistress to keep you happy why? because she is no longer in your class, she is no longer your equal.
Soon you are a ruler and your wife is just a hunter or prey.

That's why you need to talk to your wife about everything, to keep her ability to satisfy you intact. Same goes for girls of course. There is no strength that can't be used to create fear which turns strength against itself... perhaps like my ex-girlfriends have done to me by talking about how scary I am, even though while we were together I never actually scared them... well at least not with intent.

Jesus said that we should be a fisherman of men. This is what it means to be prey. Because while hunters seek out the smaller fish and while rulers tax the hunters to no small degree, a fisherman of men seeks to enchant other men to become prey. Jesus was an enchanter or a bard if you will. It is magic to be sure, but it takes a sophisticated mind to know how everything is connected and to explain it like Jesus did. Well, magic is something created usually with the help of others and with the use of deception. When Jesus did it, it was true magic, it was a miracle.

See, the bible is such that we are meant to decide for ourselves if the pieces of his story fit.

Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Such is the wisdom of being prey. If he were alive he would probably be SHOWING you what is forbidden.

You know when you chew your food you are actually going to need to chew it a very long time to get the energy you need from it if you are a high energy individual. I used to be a high energy individual and I would smash my food so hard that people could hear me click my jaws. It's probably from an injury or something but I never noticed it myself until someone told me about it and then told my family. Then came the calls to have the doctor look at it so that they could "fix" my clacking jaws. Now the only thing they "fixed" was my self-consciousness at the dinner table, hearing what think is normal but what I know now that everyone else can hear. Thanks a lot!

But more to the point, my theory is that freshly chewed food has the nutrients we need in the size we need. In fact, if you think about the game Asteroids, you can see what we need to do for a small asteroid to dissapear from you stomch and be used as nutrients. Much like freshly squeezed coffee is tastier than regular, so is thoroughly chewed food better or more nutricious than less well chewed food.

But therein lies another thought, do we need teeth and could we not make do with soup and minced meat. I mean if you had a choice wouldn't you rather just inhale you food and get about the business of doing whatever you do? This way you would have no need to visit the dentist and all of those bills could just be tucked away. Stick in your dentures for appearance sake and poof, efficiency.

Same thing goes for hair. Hair is there just to wick off the moisture from you skin so that it doesn't accumulate pests. But pests move to your hairs then to live there and come back to your skin for visits to the moisture factory and then go back to live on your hair when you skin gets dry again. So why not just shave ALL hair. I mean if you live in a clean house, get into a clean car, and go to clean office room that you keep dusted and air filtered, then you might as well just shave all of it off. There go all your skin doctor bills and perhaps there go all of you problems with itching.

Same goes for your balls. If you could just stop wanting all of those forbidden things, then you wouldn't get in trouble. You should just OFF with the balls!

OFF with the balls! OFF with your hair! OFF with your teeth!

But it doesn't work does it? For every good theory, there is a black hole in it.  Most pests need predators or else the predators of the pests become a very big pest. A person with no balls, hair or teeth isn't very trustworthy. Why? Because who knows what else he is hiding from society even though he is obviously not hiding it! What other "cheats" does he have in store for the rest of us. I betcha he likes to finger himself, that's illegal, well it's not illegal but HEY that's like wrong or something. Nope not trustworthy. He's probably out there right now thinking about how to make a woman have a better orgasm, the pervert. Ok off track, but anyways something about society reminds me of the War of the Worlds movie. The aliens just came down and started to soak up the prey like so much sand to be moved from the beachhead but what they didn't count on were the pests. Humanity is sane because of pests. We NEED pests to keep us safe from the rulers. The prey NEEDS its hunters to keep rulers from just walking in and calling this whole country NEW MEXICO.

So meh, I could say I am confused, and it SOUNDS like it, but not really.