Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Sunday, April 03, 2022




In the time that I have I must explain what I feel about the Will Smith incident that just occurred a few days ago. Now as you might imagine the first thing I want to say is what a WONDERFUL display of witchcraft that was. No one physically did anything but we ALL agree that a slap was coming from someone insinuating that they could take "your money or your life, or your bald headed wife"... that's was not the insinuation? well, ok. But we all can agree that he was being crushed. Not only was he sitting there with his wife and children but he was already not liking certain comments to Javier Bardem, and then HERE IT COMES what you most dislike is ACTUALLY happening to you... almost like you invited it. Well, that's a part of being attractive right? You attract "everything". And like you might think not only is he being pressured by his family out there but now he has to act for ALL black men... some who are also sitting there. Now he is like an Aquaman, trying to keep it all together but still having to make a "reasonable" statement of what should come next... not unlike MY life so many times. By the way, check out the Aquaman cartoon on HBO, the third episode but go ahead and watch ALL three, it won't take long AND... you'll understand me better. Now I don't want to confess to any crime but if there were a situation where this happened to me, I will say that I would have done what he did, I would have exerted just enough violence to make a statement and not to damage the person... but it still would have been a crime. But there is a call to DO something when it comes to women, in my opinion. They need PROOF that you care and if you don't care enough... well, it's time to "ride the bull"... usually someone ELSE'S, if you get me... lol, of course you do, lol, of course you do. I have said this before that sometimes these backward countries are NOT SO BACKWARD after certain things happen, namely the hiijab. Now I was going to pay Will a compliment by suggesting that his wife was like SHAZAM sitting there next to him but then I wondered, as it has happened, that it would not be well received. You just never know if he is laughing with you ... when it comes to his wife, ya! But there goes another reason to use the hijaab, yes? I mean in your mind you are like surely those arabic women are not so good looking that they gonna be causing car crashes and IMHOTEP as they walk by, especially Indian women right? They aren't so good-looking right? Well, let me just say I used to watch a LOT of porn and some of those girls look just like Penelope Cruz and you think to yourself in your "youngness" WHY is this girl not an actress... I mean I would watch ALL her movies yes? But this gets me to my point today in writing and I'm not sure if I have enough time to catch up all of the writing I have missed. My computer has crashed several times over the past two days and if I weren't typing this in Wordpad right now and getting ready to copy and paste it into the blog, I'm certain you all would never see it because my computer would crash and erase everything I typed before I could finish. But on the upside, I have learned to do it this way... from my mistakes. And I have made my mistakes with a certain Penelope Cruz girl and maybe some other women by name, but keep in mind that people's hearts aren't like that, love is always on the way out. It needs to be refreshed. A girl needs a list just like a guy needs to never get lazy. You would think that this means there should never be marriage but that's not what I am saying. We all need chapel. We NEED to reinforce our belief in God, in our wife, in our job, all of that. It's kind of like a jump in Destiny 2 where you have your jump on super high. You have the same energy as a regular jump and it's USEFUL in combat, but if you go all the way up you are out of energy and then you are just gonna drop, which is useful but when you are just jumping regular from cliff to cliff as often happens in the regular non-combat areas, you are going to have to POP the jump, then drop and let gravity to some of the work, then POP some more jump so as not to drop too far, and then if you let it go too far... then hope there is enough super jump left to push up and over that next cliff so you can grab and climb up. Moreover, I learned my lesson that we can't control other people, whether or not women can control other people is NOT my job, I have to keep true to my soul, I have to be a good person that can control themselves and by doing that we worship what is MOST important in life... choice. You don't want people restricting your choices, so you mustn't restrict those of others... most especially small people and women, that you think just need a little reinforcement from the "righteous" mind... lol. You know what I am noticing, lol? I am noticing that not a lot of people have asked what Mike Tyson thinks, lol? Yeah, Mister Mike what do you think about people getting slapped in front of other people, lol? That's violence boys... there's always a bigger fish. Even Mike, maybe ESPECIALLY Mike is succeptible to crowds taking away his power. Will Smith is like that now, people wanting to take away his power. Are they righteously wanting to stop all violence in the hoods? Are they willing to pay higher taxes to raise more police so there is an officer walking or riding nearby that you can flag down? No, they are just attacking what's attackable. Much like MY life, people have been attacking me because I'm attackable, not because they actually think that I am some violent out of control guy or a guy that can't hold his liquor or his mouth... they just meet me with violent words or rumor because they know I won't talk bad about anyone. It's probably worse for Will Smith now to have been violent in public but not actually be violent... so now it's ok to get his goat from time to time to SHOW him you aren't afraid... and shit. This leads me to the crux of my message today is that there are those that WORK for the other side. You might think this other side is another country or another dimension or maybe it's aliens, but no, this other side is simply people that work earning illegal money. They all talk to each other. Just like OF COURSE black people all know each other, if you look closer, if you THINK about it at length you can see that IF black people were all criminal... they would know each other. And that's where that comes from I think. Criminals are all just "surviving" like as though the FBI were after black people so now it's ok to "survive" and break the law and form gangs or resistance. Well, I'm here to tell you it's NOT all black people, and it's not illegal aliens, and it's not all Indian people. If you do illegal activity, you got a "place" somewhere and everyone THERE, translation: God/everyone doing illegal activity... knows your name, which reminds me of a certain show about a bar... what a COINCIDENCE. Ok I'm out of energy again, it happens more now as I am must older but you can see that if I say too much you will stop wanting to work and will start to wonder why the REAL retards are running everything so... let me stop, lol. Now, remember that the truth is all powerful ok? Even though people can kill you or take your children almost immediately, our God... OUR God is all powerful.. but it's going to take time to do it right, that's what justice is, it's slow... vengeance is FAST, like Will Smith, and justice is slow. That said keep in mind that he had a limited time to act, I mean did he know he would get the chance to apologize by winning the Oscar? Did he know that Chris Rock would come back and apologize later on his own before leaving? Did he know that people would help Chris to apologize before it was too late? Of course not. You see, IF he had left that show without striking him, and IF Chris didn't apologize before it was too late, and IF he didn't win the Oscar where he would have been able to speak publicly... his life might have continued but his soul would be damaged, his kids would be damaged, his wife would be damaged, he would have to sit there with people saying I would have done this this this and you DIDN'T... for the rest of his life.. Do you see that? Do you see how that works? Our soul is our sum of knowledge. What we put in there is what you should be prepared to deal with for... the... rest... of... your ... life... Am I ok with having watched porn? Yes, several people have told me that it's better to be single than with a bad person and as you can see sometimes being with SHAZAM has it's problems. And I had my problems and so I watched porn to curtail that but -wow, this is taking me somewhere but I have to talk about it- masturbation has its own problems. Masturbation is not where society should go, if I convinced you to all stop seeking women and men, society ceases to function, because there are no children right? and really it's like work right? you have to WANT to be there, type of thing. Sidenote, my computer just crashed a bunch of my stuff so this last sentence is not nearly as clear as when PROPHECY comes out of my head like it does sometimes straight onto the page. But on the other side of that is having two women. You have to be able to dominate them and then they sit there and take it. That's like whores... no, it IS whores, and whereas masturbation leads to idleness, whores lead to violence, and violence leads to DEATH... so these backwards countries might have a point sometimes. It's like to hijaab or not to hijaab... of course having said that, I realize that they kill their gays which is completely proving my point that there are always people claiming to be righteous but what they DO is just attack what's attackable. This is missing so much stuff but I'm tired now, and hard to remember all my points once they've come out of my head and been crashed.

ps. People in a marriage are still trapped. That's why they need chapel and lists of other people and stimulation. I mean, you should only BE with one woman but you should have a backup and so should she right? Because choice right? Instead of choice , there is domination... trapped, you see that now? Don't do what I say, think for yourself what you want and listen to the Diary of Jane song, lol. A solution is to both get fat, that worked for me when I wanted too much sex but then it became OBVIOUS that it was because she was fat that I was getting fat and then she lost weight ok sidetracked but still probably true. As you might guess being with me is a FULL TIME job, I'm gonna get bored and gonna yell and bitch and you are gonna want to cheat on me and you PROBABLY will if I ever get the planets to align to allow me another girlfriend, but with experience come lessons and you or we... can expect Will Smith not to do that again, although people will SAY that he needs to lawyer up and spend money on gangs and protection and maybe even do a movie on some charity that no one had heard of in a while simply because...witchcraft.