Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Don't forget the gravy

BLM:75 WHM:61 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

I have lost access to my pictures so now I am probably going to use up all of the ones I have and then figure out what to do. I have to continue to write about my events online though even if I use old pictures to do it with.

This is Valkurm Dunes. I love coming here to reminisce. I have in the past found many things about the area attractive like the city and the outpost. In the city I can check out people often running to the zone with Goblin aggro which allows me to flash or stun at my convenience and then show off a bit. I esp like to show off with my ancient magic but now I am leveling WHM so that is not so useful.

It really takes a lot of commitment to level WHM since the whole party is going to do well or suck based on your competency. As such, I have decided not to level another job til WHM is at least to 70 or so. Since people haven't asked me too much about AF I am going to just skip it. The Crow Beret and Gaiters give me a huge benefit that the AF can't compare with. I also don't feel like joining a new linkshell for a while. I was doing just fine on my own and I plan to continue doing just that.

I have skilled up my club up to a decent level and now am working on leveling staff. The next time someone shouts for skillup in Kuftal Tunnel 150+, I am gonna drop everything and go.

True Strike, here I come!

I have gotten PFC status and am eager to try out the new assaults but I dunno.

I am glad that they are taking RMT antics seriously. I am sure that MPKers and such were the people responsible for the demise in PSO the first time. I also am sure that similar behavior is what eventually brings all organizations to an end. The inevitability of the cash cow is something that even happens to us in our very lives. Value tends to diminish leaving only the staid reality of the now not-so-bonus return.

But if we all could only live on never-ending value, we would all be viruses.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm so glad we had this time together~

BLM:75 WHM:61 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

Well it's time to say goodbye to Uchipu and friends. I have enjoyed their company for more than a year now and I can't say I will forget them soon. I kind of wish I could have gotten her to make me a signed Fisherman's Tunica just so that I have a memento but I dunno. I will ask her to synth it for me one day maybe after I am able to synth her something in return.

Yesterday, I leveled my WHM. You really have to be spastic to be any good at WHM. Almost as much as RDM I imagine. I was Hasting and Paralyna and Erase all over the place against the Lesser Colibris. But we had RDM BRD WHM setup which had us with a huge amt of support. We were pulling chain 5 but were only making like 140 exp and I was the highest level person. So we decide to switch to regular Colibris and boy did they throw in the FAT exp then. I am still not sure how we got so much exp per mob. Those were very hard to kill though and mainly we partied against the Tigers.

The whole group eventually got irritated with me though cuz I wouldn't Erase the Paladin's Dia. I still don't know which move the tiger does that gives Dia though. They were JP so even though they thought highly of me at first, I realized later that it probably was very annoying to keep having to ask me for Erase.

Even though NAs don't like the macros, I realize with JP parties that it is very easy for them to see my pattern if I use macros to announce my actions. I think I am going to level only overnight when JP parties are available. They really have some smart leaders in those. I myself would have never thought to replace a BLM with a BRD, but in this case it worked great.

I find myself wanting to learn JP from movies like KILL BILL and such, heh.

Hohito mi da, oh boi-toh-geh!

But learn how to write JP? FORGET IT!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Gear wars

BLM:75 WHM:60 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

It was my intention to take this gear to 75 since a Mage's gear really is not so important as his timing and his management of mp, but I cannot ignore the advantage of the Crow's Beret. It gives a huge -Enmity bonus and allows me to pour healing like it was water. With the /SMN sub I have found myself often full of mp and usually I can't figure out what to do to keep busy. I often get told to Paralyna more and I agree that I am not so forthcoming with the debuffs like other full-time WHMs would be, but it takes a while to get into the job and to figure out the mob. When I get "help" from the other chars like "Haste please" and "Paralyna" and "Erase", it makes me just wanna play another job.

I wish there was such a thing as a Crow's Beret irl.

I have one word for people wanting to get their Vermillion Cloak(vermy) in this lifetime, good luck. Oh and level one job to 75 first so you can get enough seals and maybe get lucky. Oh and don't forget that "let's split everything unless a rare item drops during my run cuz then we have to do 'Your Orb, Your drop'" technique, that was a beauty.

I am trying to keep cool. Really.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

When stars collide...

BLM:75 WHM:60 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

Here is a picture of ole Cornnholio doing his thing in Alchemy. It's possibly the best lesson you can learn is that to make the best product you are going to need the right materials.

Two nights ago I was sittin pretty in front of this gorgeous woman who was telling me about her money problems and about the economy and I was in heaven. Finally she was paying attention to me. Finally I was getting somewhere with someone that COULD matter. The best part was that it was happening right there in front of everyone else that thought that I didn't have the skill to pick up a girl like that, which depending on the girl, I do.

But as she was talking, I suddenly felt unreal. There was no reason for her to be talking to me. I had not established a long term friendship with her and even though we had chatted several times, talking about the future and goals with a woman like that is just too unnatural. Suddenly it hit me. My "friends" had put her up to it. She was picking me up from a low and thought that this attention would help me to feel sexy again I guess.


For the right product you need the right ingredients. You need sought after ingredients which, if the item is very rare, will have one very definitely very hard to attain item, to complete the synth.

Nothing is as much of a let down as feeling as maybe you could be the one for this girl, and then suddenly realizing that there is NO WAY you could be the one.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Craft

BLM:75 WHM:60 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

I need to take up crafting. I don't feel like exping for a while and am thinking that maybe Alchemy is the way to go since the Guild is in Bastok and that is my home country. Thankfully, the price of silent oil has gone down to 10k so getting a stack is much more affordable now. I seriously want to get better at the financial aspect of the game since I could really put my math skills to good use, but I'm so indecisive that probably this time next week I will have the same decision before me.

On a different note, I went out last night and sat around the pool table playing against other guys and reading a newspaper. Sort of peaceful atmosphere really even though I was drinking beer and a band was playing. It's amazing how things can quiet down if you just quiet yourself down. I didn't notice a single foul person the whole night and usually at least ONE person bothers me. I am convinced that perhaps my personality needs changing. I am gonna try hard just to calm down perhaps.

I am thinking of finishing by MBA but that is just a waste of money. I might still do it though just to get back into the swing of keeping up with the news and whatnot.

I need to level my WHM a bit. I bought the Cure V scroll and it's sitting there in my items. I might lead a team out to Bibiki Bay in the next couple of days. I don't mind partying in the new areas but I am only 6k from having enough for a Republic Aketon and I feel I might as well get that.

It would be nice if my pictures would finally arrive at my email but stupid Microsoft has blocked them. I don't pay Microsoft for my email though so maybe NOT so stupid Microsoft. I guess I will just have to figure something out.

Friday, November 24, 2006

What should I do?

BLM:75 WHM:60 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

Well I tried to level my WAR yesterday and noone was looking for a level 59 WAR/THF that can only wield a GSD(Great Sword). That's ok though because just like last night at the bar, I like to make picking me the most impossible thing in the world that could happen. I want to surprise that heck out of you when you thought you were gonna just suckash with the gimp. On the other hand, maybe I should just level NIN like everybody else.

Needless to say, I don't get many invites. I do things backwards I guess. I want the relationship to be the best part instead of the assimilation. Stupid me.

I have turned comments off. Even though I used to welcome your thoughts on matters such as party mechanics and whatnot, I now intend to write more about myself and my life.

I really get confused sometimes with women. We are having a great conversation but she won't give me her number. She agrees to let me buy her a drink but she doesn't wanna dance. At the end of the night she holds my arm and waves goodbye. I believe sometimes that everyone else went to pick up a girl class and I must have missed out.

Today for some reason I feel exceptionally hungry. I can't explain why? Maybe I feel like SHOPPING!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

No pretense on events

BLM:75 WHM:60 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

It's been a while since I have played THF but I remember having to go into Castle Oztroja, in the background to get one of my Artifact items.

Oh and in regard to the Snoll Tzar fight, someone said that they saw somewhere that unlike other bombs the Snoll Tzar was weak to Ice. Well we tested that theory and it was horsecrap. Blizzard II hit for like 25 or so. Basically the Snoll Tzar is only weak to fire and, if you use Flare, becomes also weak to Water.

I have been thinking lately about how to make the game more fun for the ls. I want to schedule events that a lot of people can take part in but that don't have to have a lot of fame or COP stuff accomplished to do.

Some of the better times I remember having was when Uchipu would escort people on some trip on Monday Nights. Vanadiel is huge and even with 2, or almost 2, 75 jobs, I still can't say I have become familiar with all of it. COP missions are nice because they take you to places like the Manaclipper and Attowha Chasm. If it wasn't for COP, I don't think I would ever go there.

I feel a special kind of joy when I hear someone in the party says, "I have never been here." I heard that the other day when my WHM took the party to Uleguerand Range. The place is so underused and is so cool.

Anyway, getting back to events, I am doing BCNM40 which is cool since everyone likes to make money, but I would like to do something different like Ballista or Brenner or one time Uchipu took us on a triple Miratete Page hunt. But that requires some COP missions done and fame also. Assault is a good way to get people together but sometimes the fights require higher rank like Private First Class fights, etc. So even that is something that not everyone can participate in.

I am going to try to do some Ballista I guess and if I start to really like it, even though I still don't know all the rules, I will try to lead a group from the ls to go.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Why can't I win this COP ting

BLM:75 WHM:60 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

The good thing about couples that play online, that I have found, is that they are stable minded about how they handle things. They always want to help and they will participate or at least plan to participate in events, often together.

Here is one half of the Heatmiza and Dutchess combo. I sent a shout to get some people to participate in a BCNM40 and Heatmiza joined up and we succeeded 5/6 times. It was unfortunate during Heat's orb that one of the members dc'd and they lost but we had an extra RNG so I told him the rest of us would stay and finish out the other orbs. His was the 2nd orb.

Ok, my beef today is with the Snoll Tzar. I am 0/3 on him. I have just about had it with COP but we all have been there before.

On the first fight we tried NIN DRG THF BLM BLM SMN, a skillchain with triple MB.

It was a mess.

The two Flare spells hit for 1100+ or so and the SMN 2hr Inferno hit for about 800. But people started dying after that. The Tzar likes to hit people for 500 a pop. So, the rest of the party wiped soon after the mb.

I sat up wondering how the strategy could have been improved for the fight. I have my WHM at 60 and I resolved that that was what was missing. A Benediction at the right time would allow the BLMs to use more than one or two spells for the fight.

No dice.

Since I have the ability to take BLM, they all thought it was plain foolish to take WHM since I would do no dmg. So it's ok to put up with useless DRG that can't take a diff job but I have to go BLM?

The second fight was better. We did the same thing with a different BLM and I went BLM too. We had NIN DRG BLM BLM BLM SMN. We still died and got the mob to like 20% or so. I honestly tried to cast Burst after Flare but we just ran out of time before my spell went off. I thought then that well WHM wouldn't have helped there since we need more dmg in less time.

After that though we were out of salts. We went and farmed enough for 3. On the third fight, I desperately wanted to go WHM but they sed no. The last BLM joins up and says hey he can go PLD. They start to think about it. I start to think about how stupid they are. >.<>

I learned from that fight tho that the sequence of spells that BLM should cast is Flare, which makes the mob weak to water, then Firaga II, Firaga, Waterga II, and then Water III. If I would have gotten off my WaterIII we would have won but I was killed with like 200 mp left. The other BLM cast Aeroga II for like 24 dmg and then Thundaga which was also resisted. I was dead for like a full minute or so. What a waste of talent. The ridiculous looking DRG was still alive and I was just brooding under my breath. On the one hand, it was his get the party together while I exp attitude that made me feel no pressure in getting a group together since I knew he would just warp to meet us once we got 6. But then I started disliking his ineffectiveness. We didn't need a sc. SC was dumb and was adding no bonus really to Flare which did 1100 just the same, MB or not. The NIN who wanted to go DRG/SAM was told to go NIN to tank the mob while we casted Flare, UGh! He wanted to Mijin Gakure for like 800 but I think if he is dead he doesn't get the win. 800 is like one spell. Hmm how to get the BLMs to cast one more spell? /ponder(Can you say , WHM?)

What's more, later in the shower, where I organize everyone and their actions in my world, I thought back to the DRG Avenir's screw ups. He had forgotten oils. He had gotten us killed in Uleguerand Range by not sticking with the group. He forgot his Icarus Wing, was warped and then forgot it a second time. He told me he was killing some NM and needed 10 minutes and then later sed he needed 10 more. It suddenly hit me that he had anwered my shout first. He was the one that always wanted to tag along but had no other jobs to offer when everyone else did.

Which reminded me of one other time that the first guy that responded to my shout told me he wanted to take a boomerang to the BCNM40. Now I have always been a smart person so I am used to other people's stupidness and regard them often with a relative kindness, but WHAT KIND OF FOOL takes a BOOMERANG TO BCNM fight. Well, one that is going to brag about his screw up to his "gang". Hmm? That's right!

I realized later, in the shower, that the other guy had joined my BCNM had done stupid UN-noobly stuff too that made you wonder "omg-you-cannot-be-so-stupid". And then I remembered that I had written some stuff recently about MPK gangs that would MPK players in old PSO and then report back to their gang leaders and collect their "reward" in exchange for a nice story of what happened.

This reminded me of a /shout that struck me as odd also. "Now recruiting ls called SonsofDarkness" Who would join a ls named SonsofDarkness I wondered?

Then I remembered this guy Shenlong that kept me waiting over an hour out in Sauromogue Champaign "for his friend" and thought how he must've be a part of one of those linkshells.

Then I remembered Shenlong defending this other guy making a shout about selling rare/ex items but what he was really selling was the manpower to get the drop for you.

It was Agirlyman who everyone knows is the richest guy on Shiva.

Well, revelations never cease, even online.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm all about value

BLM:75 WHM:59 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

I like long-term investments.

I am not one to buy a new car and make large payments on it just to sell it 4 years later. OMG that would be just SO stupid to me. But some people are like that and they don't mind cuz they are makin the cash and they are doing it just for that reason to make the most of everything they touch and blaze a trail through their lives.

That's fine too.

I once stayed for one night in a condo at shoreside. We played Jenga and went out to the banister for smoke breaks and to watch the stillness and the black of the ocean and it was just an amazing view. The condo was worth like 600,000 or something like that. It's probably worth a lot more now. Well I just could not imagine paying that much for such a small place. It was livable but it was like as big in area as like a regular 2 bedroom house would be. It seemed like such a waste of money to spend so much on such a small place.

But I see things different now.

Some people cannot stand to play with a regular Hoplites Harpe and positively MUST have the Harpe. Other people would be like OMG look at what a fool carrying around a Harpe which only has one more dmg that a regular one. But there is a hidden value there. When you push extremes, the value changes more dramatically. It's like when you shoot pool. From the center, one millimeter changes the ball direction far less than near the edges. So it is when you see things that are expensive but don't add a value that you can see.

Anyway, the point here I guess is storage space. Storage space is one of those things that once you get some, it's there forever. It's like leveling up but far more useful. Getting max storage space, esp now with the Mog Locker available is something that makes your selling, your coffer hunting, your AF hunting, your BCNM money making, your cornette selling, your fishing, your ranged attacking, almost everything much easier.

This is not like buying a fancy car with bad gas mileage. This is like buying a nice car with good gas mileage.

You are going to wonder why oh why didn't I do this sooner. It seems like too expensive to get and if you want to max out storage today, you are gonna pay through the nose for those items. because there is always someone upping the price on those items when they see that there are none on the AH. Someone like me even, lol. But if you take your time and keep the quest to up your storage in the back of your mind, before you know it, you will be maxed and you gaming will be much easier. Prices are lower than ever now so if you were ever going to do something with all that saved cash and you are wondering what the best way to blow that KS99 gil is, this is it.

I have just recently upped my Mog Locker space and re-administered the settings so that I can access the locker from any city. It really is a HUGE amt of additional space it gives, but you can't really want to get fancy new gear if you don't have the space for it so /applaud SE for this move.

Um , hey whattdaya know, I am out of things to talk about.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The next day looks gray

BLM:75 WHM:59 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

I helped some people with getting their Tenzen path completed since I had some help with getting mine. Today I tried to help still another couple wth their ZM6 but there was noone needing it. We searched for like 30 minutes.

After that I went to Oldton Movalpolis to try to squeeze a gold key from one of the Goblin Firemen there. Well I couldn't even get one to half even though they conned Easy Prey. I believe this part of the quest, which you do separate from the other parts and doesn't require other people but actually it does, is going to be the hardest part of this mission. It is a rare drop so no way could six people hang around and wait for six of them to drop.

Well, I'm on my way to play poker. One of my good friends has told me that you never EVER talk about a one night stand if you ever want to get lucky again. So this is me, not talking about it.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Watcher is watching

BLM:75 WHM:59 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

I never know who is watching over me in the game. It has been a while since I hunted for my Elshimo Marble and even though I am glad to have it, I find myself missing my ultra rare drop quest thing to go do when I'm depressed.

I also miss my NPC in some ways. I used to think that she was so worthless. Leveling my NPC should have been my goal from day 1 not leveling my Chocobo. But we take our NPC for granted sometimes, don't we.

If you were to see what she is wearing now you would be like, OMG you threw up on yourself!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Cape Terrigan folly

BLM:75 WHM:59 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

In Cape Terrigan, there are crabs and goblins and raptors oh my! Well unlike the Wizard of Oz, you will need a strategy for aggro if you wander off. Anytime you have to cross it is best to setup a strategy of sneak and invis from the mages to the melee. One melee for each mage is the best choice. You might as well set up this strategy in Rabao when you go for chocobos.

I have learned with some experience that people that don't go get their chocobo in Rabao make other people not want to take their chocobo, and this has the nasty side effect of causing bad feelings, which cause people to aggro mobs on their way to camp.

Say no to bad feelings, say yes to 100 gil chocobo.

Your chocobo is your friend.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I like lolNIN now

BLM:75 WHM:59 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

The more I understand NINs the more I like em. I really should just get out there and level my sub for it but bah. I'm probably about to quit the game soon anyway or at least take a break from it for a while. I used to love Phantasy Star Online so I am playing PSU now but Im not online yet. That game is sort of boring though so I dunno. I got FF12 but it has the y-axis reversed and I can't change it. I tried to play it with the scheme the way it was but I put game down 5 days ago and I probably won't pick it up again. It's just completely annoying to have the world bobbing the opposite way. ...

I learned a new trick yesterday while partying with a NIN tank as WHM. As BLM, I used to like to watch the shadows and try to Stun the mob at least once just to give the NIN a freebie chance to put up his shadows again. Stun prob wouldn't be up again till close to the end of the kill when I would be far more busy with nuking to Stun the mob again so I would just do it once at the start.

Another useful trick is to Rasp the mob for NINs.

For NINs, as a BLM, it is VERY useful to Rasp the mob. Like PLDs, they make excellent tanks but not for their armor, for their evasion and shadows. Most NINs, I would imagine, have more AGI and evasion gear to max that out for the good of the group. By the same token, PLDs have extra armor and VIT. PLDs that can be helped with extra armor, aka. Shining Ruby, get a chance to push their extreme too if they can get some external help. So as a BLM, you should as much as possible keep Frost and Rasp up if you are partying with a NIN tank. Rasp lowers the mobs DEX which makes him miss more. So with NINs, the mob is gonna miss much more often and you will notice a big difference in the NINs hp cuz of this. With a PLD I usually won't even use Frost or Rasp cuz I can count on the PLD controlling the mob so I do less beginning stuff with PLD tank and get up mid fight to nuke more which makes for quicker kills at the cost of some help on TP for the melees.

The game is cost vs benefit like this in many ways. If you don't see me Frost you think I must suck as BLM cuz I don't know that it helps TP but I might have reasons for not using it like more mp. A WHM that isn't Hasting the tank might have good reasons for not doing it. Every WHM obviously knows they have Haste. An RDM that doesn't Dispel may not be paying attention to the status messages and the Cocoon effect might be there for like 3 minutes and "Hey, what's wrong with the RDM?" Well, is RDM main heal? Is WHM out of MP? Is their Hp red? Is the NIN out of shadows and desperately trying to recast?

JP partys are great like this for one big, big, great reason. They know how to keep their mouths shut. You speak worst when you speak it to a trash can. We are all full of trash and don't need someone to remind us.

Try to remember Uchipu's little lesson about NA party cuz it's true. Now this isn't all the NA party I am talking about, I am talking about the broke-as-yesterday's toothpick-trying-to-put-it-back-together-cuz-why-not NA party people. NA party people often speak first think later, change camps before getting thru the first exp chain, give no warning before they dc, and probably most annoying of all try to talk during battle.

The only thing someone does when they ask for Haste is not remind me of the fact that OH Yeah, Haste! They make me do it ahead of everything else I have planned like Reraise or Protectra, or Cure IV!

Two days ago that happened, I was doing Protectra and Shellra and I got distracted somehow, don't remember what, and I noticed my Reraise(rr) expire. RR takes a lot of mp and takes a long while to cast so even though I had plenty of MP, I didn't cast it midfight even though I should have. I can't remember what it was I was doing though but I was going to cast it. Anyway, an Air Elemental popped next to a new camp they had chosen in Aydeewa Subterranean. The standard camp was taken. I was /SMN so I couldn't sleep it and the RDM wasn't able to either. I quickly casted Blinkga on everyone but I was lost there. It was the first time I had been there. I Flashed the mob and ran that way and came back like I would with my THF but they were still fighting the Crawler thing they had pulled. The mobs were high IT so we were getting good exp but kills were rather lengthy. Well, no dice. The tank voked it off of me but I couldn't keep him healed from the multi hits and he fell. Then the Galka MNK took over. I was saving Benediction but didn't see the Air Elem begin casting Aeroga III and poof it was over for me since I was already weakened from kiting it. What's worse, no rr. Party disbands. I bloodport home.

No, I didn't come back and Raise II them. Was that selfish? lol

Anyway, the neat thing I learned was that WHM can use Flash to help the NIN. That's right! Flash is like an ultrapowerful blind spell(that works) that is perhaps almost as good as stun but lasts longer. So I found myself counting his shadows and casting Flash throughout the battle. It's really neat and makes NINs life easier which makes your healing job a lot easier. I'm still kinda new to it but I expect to get much better at counting shadows because of this.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Haste me, paste me, taste me

BLM:75 WHM:58 SMN:42 THF:74 WAR:59 RNG:43

As I understand party mechanics, your role in a party as a melee is to get TP to 100 asap. That is so that your ws and mb plow the mob to zero, hopefully before he has a chance to up his side of things with his own special move.

/NIN is geared towards agility. /THF is geared towards DEX. /THF gets you there faster. /NIN does more damage and /SAM perhaps does that too. But not as fast as /THF. [edit: /SAM probably does get you there faster, duh]. Now don't get me wrong, WAR/NINs that have the SH get to 100 much faster than me so the subjob is not what I am supporting. I am not going to say that it was wrong for that guy to mention that dual axes are better than using a great sword.

Actually, yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. Telling someone about their job while they are in exp makes you an ass.

I should have asked him if he had learned Flash yet. "No, with your pants, man!" "Have you learned how to Flash someone at a party! Prob looks prettier than your face on a soapbox. ... No, YOUR momma!"

I digress.

Remember that the game started out with only the six jobs WAR THF WHM BLM RDM and MNK. Using the old combos is not out of the question and the game was perhaps designed with certain combos in mind. /SMN for example.

Imagine me giving every WHM/BLM crap for not subbing SMN. There is no advantage to subbing /BLM so giving him lessons about Blinkga and Shining Ruby would just really ruin the tanks day I imagine. lol. It's not nice to fool mother nature. It's also not nice to call your WHM a fool.

But /BLM isn't so bad. Plenty of mp. /RDM is probably better cuz of fastcast maybe. Even that's prob not so bad. I have yet to use a single BLM spell in a party. Even Elemental Seal gets a bed.

It's nice to give people help but don't give them help at the expense of their joy. It's ok to say "Refresh please" cuz that's easily fixable. It's not ok to say "Scorpion Harness please and come as /Odin with Relic spear."

I even get annoyed at people that say Haste please, cuz I use Haste to dictate tp count and thus manage the speed of kills. I can't Haste 3, so if you are a PLD and I don't Haste you, you should own up to the challenge and try to keep hate on you for the good of the group. I will put Haste on you if you fail to keep hate. I usu try to put haste on 2 melees first and check to see if the tank is having trouble.

NINs always get Haste. They are inferior tanks to PLDs imo. But they have things that make them better in other areas like ws and magic and whatnot. I also have to heal them less but sometimes I have to heal them more and catch up quickly. That's annoying.

I was leveling WHM yesterday and it was that way. PLD was asking for Haste but I didn't want to give him Haste until I checked out his ability. BLUs are a mystery to me. I need to level BLU just to figure wth they are all about. They usually don't want Haste.

No skillchain in pt is like a big question mark to me. Party disbanded soon afterwards when the puller pulled a big bird and died trying to zone it. The tank just stood there and hoped he would make it. I tried to Flash but they passed me too fast.