Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Children decide?

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Well, today it's time to discuss what minors role in our society is. First we have to define what a minor is. The law states that contracts with minors are void. Yeah, college was good for something wasn't it?

Citibank doesn't think so, they signed up minors left and right but that's another story.

So when you say this about minors what you are saying is that they can't decide things. They can't say yes or no. So by this token, they can't go into an agreement because they are not yet of sound judgement. It's sort of like having an intellect or to be civil. The age of a civilian is 18. So it is then that minors can enter into contracts.

Now it should be noted that a child should not be able to lie. Because they are not yet of sound mind. I can tell you from experience that children will try things, much like I would, just to find out what it does. My friend once told me that his sister, as a child, put her hand on the stove flame and later after pulling it away and being restrained, she pulled free and put her hand in the stove again. Why? Well because she was a child. So to take a statement from a child, allows for them to damn someone else if they are being used to testify to a crime, but what if they false-testify? Nothing special right? No harm done? Just being childish? 

Well remember the example of Salem's witchhunt. A group of children had a whole town of people from the "upper-middle" class charged with crimes while at the same time the entire lower class side of town had NOONE charged. And what happened when they were found out after umteen hangings for witchcraft were done? Nothing. Children. Their parents will "discipline" them apporpriately for having had people killed. (sarcasm)

In spanish culture, women celebrate their "quincenera". This is basically the age of decision for women. Quince is Spanish for 15. At this age most all of them have boobs and are ready to marry. If it was me, I was ready to marry at that age too. I was watching porn, checking out ladies and changing my voice in class getting embarassed and even messing with girls in my neighborhood wondering WTH am I gonna do until I am 18.

My solution, to skip my senior year, concurrent enrollment at 16 and start dating while living on campus at a Baptist University. But the BIG problem was that I didn't want to have to get married to an average girl but I wanted to have the sex because porn made it seem like everybody was having sex with everyone.

Now I am not going to sit here and tell you BOO HOO I watched too much porn. I loved it. But the fact is, had I got a girl pregnant that I wanted to marry, I probably would still be married to the same girl.

All of that tells me TWO things, first is that the age of decision should be lower. I believe there is a reason girls get pregnant and drop out of school at 16 a whole bunch. Because WHO can resist sex? I couldn't move out of my mother's house when I was 16 but I ws having sex. And what if a baby came out of that? And what if I was rolling all over the place trying to figure out how to date, have sex, be in love, ask a girl out without implying sex even though that is what I wanted and NO WAY was I getting married without having sex even though I was a Baptist. Yeah, it was very complicated for me. My solution eventually was to drop out of college and eventually end up in Jacksonville shacking up with a service industry chick who was able to afford her own apartment, mostly due to the fact she was already married. Yeah, I loved it. Like I loved porn. And everyone I came into contact with was happy as a kite around me because finally life was making sense... now that I was having sex.

But in hindsight I wouldn't wish that on MY children. I would have them out of the house at 14. High School, if my children even go, is going to get done in the form of a GED and they are getting pre-arranged to get married at 15. No reason to spend all of that time wallowing in freedom when all that happens is that darkness overtakes them. And I was plenty smart at 15. I could read, I could do a checkbook. I was doing Geometry and Algebra and writing book reports. That's all you need to be able to read and enter into contracts and do business and understand prices and costs with others. We should allow children to be on their own sooner but only if they are married. All this extra education is nice but, in the future, all this extra "stuff"  and DEBT that people are saddled with is really going to be a moot point as educated people are asked to do more menial and simpler things.

When I was hired at Citibank, then AT&T UCS, I was in a roomful of people trying to pass a test. 10 people were picked that day. Everyone else in my group had college degrees and were true to form upper middle class people. Down the street, people from other telemarketing areas wanted to work in our area because we were the ones working on credit cards. It was a great honor to work there. Immediately everyone was taught about the 7 values and about mutual respect both for each other and for the customer. And this job became more and more difficult as we were given a great array of powers to solve customer concerns based on our decisions. We could change interest rates, remove late fees, change addresses, correct names, remove past dues and even add another person to the account. It was so empowering that almost every call was a learning experience. We were using an old database that simply organized blocks of info. It wasn't an application that asked you questions or tracked customer's info, it merely had clumps of information and you had to know where to look. If you knew everything, like I did. Your call lasted less than 3 minutes. If not, you eventually learned or just asked ppl like me to "give" you the answer which was mutual respect on my part right? But eventually, the people with the lower talk times, that "cheated" by asking me for the answer or "shortened" their calls, got the better raises. Too bad for me but I didn't sacrifice my understanding of doing a good job. I was the guy that was forever looking stuff up for other people since I was very good at explaining stuff. I have always been good at explaining stuff. And to it's credit, the business realized that people like me, needed more time to look stuff up, so they started up a group called the Subject Matter Experts(SME). This is not a new term but it and the teams associated with it were created while I was employed there.

Ok sidetracked, but my point was that over time my job got easier and easier.  Workers now have scripts to read. They can't change a single thing on an account. Anything official has to be requested in writing and the education level needed is menial. A 14 could do that job and make the same 40k that I was earning. The sad fact is that because just about anybody could do the job, those people were actually hired, trash people, and then recognizing my level of respect and dominance proceeded to harass the crap out of me to the point that I could no longer function well at my job. In the end, I was removed from my job because of poor quality but that is not the truth. My dad, thinks it was due to being too close to retirement. Trash people. Only people from a jail cell would know how to harass another person on the phone, yet there they were doing it, hired full-time, earning medical insurance, and... committing crimes at work while management allowed it.  

Most education is like that, just a whole bunch of repetition that is not very practical. All entry level positions are basically secretarial work: answer the phones, know the product, direct calls, keep track of your progress. A 14 year old with a child and a spouse would do that VERY well, most especially if the spouse was not working.   The college they need should be PAID FOR  and it should be related to the job they are in.  So IDEA have the company provide housing and hire these younglings to one day be top management. Make the whole city flow from these workers.

So change the legal age to 15. It makes marriages easier. Well it's an idea. I know I would have rather started working sooner and even if not married, I would be married soon after collecting my first couple of paychecks.

I'm tired now so no summary this time.

Oh ok, one more thing. Little children being used as entertainment really needs to be stopped. Children are supposed to be free of power until they can decide things but if they are on stage, they learn too soon about leading people and they are not old enough to do that responsibly. It should not be allowed.

Child in the news today speeching against Republicans, "I am not a prop!"

My answer: "Until what you do has consequences, yes you are. "

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Working as designed

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Just watched Cloud Atlas and I must say I got about as much out of it as I did at the movies. Nothing. But in fairness, the astounding transcendence will be apparent after a couple of more viewings.

I am now watching The Hobbit and I find it appealing if only to learn the similarities that it has to the Bible. Well, what do I mean you say? Well I mean that the magic and spells and even the seasons are meant to lend us a vision in our heads of the feelings that abound at the outbreak of corruption. Monsters are simply men that have turned to violence. Men acting in unison mean more hit points. Say you have 100hp and wield a long sword which does 10pts of damage, well a Troll would have 1000hp and wield weapons capable of killing a regular man with one hit! But that is all a troll is is a "gang" of men. You could liken this to trolls on the internet because verily how can anyone be insulting and daft in front of others unless he was able to brag about his actions to someone "as uncaring" as he is.  And that's a general rule about people that like to say "I don't care" or like that bully girl said about bullying that girl to death, IDGAF.  

Remember the story of the troll and the 3 billy goats gruff?

Well, enough about the Hobbit. I am dismayed by the amount of spying that is going on and not just by the NSA. It seems to me that a GREAT DEAL of spying is going on nottheleastofwhich is happening on my computer.

I even sent some feedback on spying and how it is like harassment. I wonder if people realize this. You know, you need to have a sharp mind to understand things and if you have any bigotry or prejudice about things, it is MUCH more likely that you will succumb to darkness. This is why I don't like to talk about the dead because of the fuel to the spirit that it provides. People need causes to fight for and death is MUCH more convincing than simple signs and complaints.

I was in St. Augustine watching out over the ocean and talking with my mother about how the beach has changed since we came to Jacksonville 20 years ago. 20 years is the length of one generation, so a generation ago people could drive on the beach yet ONE death was all it took to close it off.  

No, I say the gun control laws are working as designed and I apologize for my harshness but a society without weapons is something closer to a factory than a community(qv cloud atlas). Violence is part of any gathering and if only the leaders are capable of using it... it is used much more often than if everyone is capable.

Just look at prisons and solitary and sentencing and drug laws and drone programs and spying. All these things are advantages that the leadership has over the common man and ALL have been abused to the Nth degree.

I wouldn't put a man in solitary for more than a day or two and I hear tell of people being there for months maybe years. I mean I agree some people need to be kept apart but solitary is, well, cruel.

I keep needing to find someplace I belong like a tower of philosophers writing in tablets all day and yelling outrage at the dogma of the day, but here I wait knowing that as soon as I have a job, I am going to be treated to a fight and then I am going to be treated to a jail cell. There is no use having an outlook when cops are capable of lying. You've made it, you're there, you're in hell... a place that makes no sense.

ps. but I would point out that since I have stopped smoking, it is much more difficult to get depressed or even angry so that leads me to believe that drugs help make you less stable, so I have hope.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Getyu asto Mars

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The title is one of my favorite sayings by Ah'nold that I say when I have to get going.

Do you know what is wrong with the Bible? Well, for one thing, every preacher tells you his version of what the stories mean. In Star Trek TNG one of the episodes talks about Kahless and how maybe the words were more important than the man. I believe they were talking about Jesus here. Because though Jesus was God, it is his words that make or made him the way and therefore the light. Obviously this is the part where I piss off a great deal of people so I won't explain what I believe. I do want to make obvious some things that are obvious but only if you are told.

Can you move in space? If you are in the upper atmosphere, then yes because even a slight air density provides resistance. But out in space there is no resistance. So if you wave your arms or shoot a gun or fire off a nuclear explosion, nothing happens to you because all force disappears like so much flame underwater. In fact, explosions are much more severe in space but because of no conductivity, like a grenade underwater, ions are dispersed without the chance to burn or achieve distance before dissipating. What does this mean? Well it means we won't be going to Mars. It probably means we attempted to get to the Moon and failed and stopped trying but think of what this means for our dreams. What if Star Trek is BS? What will we do? Well we are probably going to have to make our dreams about getting to the center of the world, instead of getting off of it.

I believe we can fire off a shot that can be so accurate that we can make it to the moon but to get off of the Moon, we would need to take a BUNCH of fuel and I don't think that launching from the moon is possible with current technology. The same thing goes for launching from Mars.

Now I come from a time when science was more honest than it is now and a lot more information was available to grubby little learners like I was. But all I needed was to have doubt and it became clear. I just had to have government cheat me once, to know that they had cheating as a option and that maybe it was common and then to logically discern that it was, of course, going to be policy where possible.

Now I am not an enemy of the government, but I believe it to be wrong to catch innocent people(like me) in traps. And besides, how will we improve if we don't carry on with our brightest and best using what we know.

More importantly, launching from Mars would have to come from an incredibly over-funded exploration that at first determines that Carbon fuels exist there, which it seems like it would, and then somehow people would have to build cities or at least a factory there that would mine this mineral, coal I guess, and somehow refine the fuel there and then build rockets that could launch and make it back to Earth. Quite impossible to even contemplate in your mind, let alone actualize. Still, it is the future and there is immense wealth to be had if we can just pacify ourselves enough to study more often than fight.

Now this is in my mind, That's right, if you are in my mind you are in danger of losing your reality so decide, like Achilles said in Troy, (thanks Brad Pitt)I have no wish to harm you but you must decide what to believe, don't blame me later for "charming" you.

In my mind, the sun is getting less hot. This means as it cools our planet will turn red also. Why, because it is getting used up. Blue stars have the most energy, red stars have the least. Clues. It's a big risk yeah? What if I am completely wrong? Is it at least likely that once that planet was like ours?

Was our trip to the moon fakes? Well if it was, maybe that would be reason for the president to want to close NASA right? He might want everyone to know what BS our money is going to and with our debt where it's going, the cost of BS for the sake of BS is getting expensive. But for me, in my mind, NASA is just the country's version of Research & Development(R&D) which improves our technology by leaps and bounds after a HUGE waste of money.

Of course if we spend the money, and China and Russia merely copy the tech and start their own companies, we aren't going to maintain dominance and like a spoiled brat, that doesn't know the cost of attaining that Technology, they will abuse it.

It's like Jeff Goldblum said in the movie Jurassic Park. "My problem is you didn't have to expend the scientific will to achieve it." The lesson was that monsters were created without an appropriate place in the food chain. Without a system in place, you can't expect good things.

It's like sex and marriage. When families both know who the happy couple is months ahead of the marriage, noone doubts the baby's father. So if we are going to have space exploration, there need to be whole cities dedicated to that purpose, not some agency with maybe a good outlook if we can figure out what that is.

So what, right? All this for what? Well in our FAR distant future, after the entire world realizes that we must dominate the weak in a systemized orderly fashion without pain, we will be able to maximize worker output to have the kind of megalopolis that would be necessary to support these Star Trek projects without Obamacare website contracts that make the Jacksonville Courthouse look like a handshake between honest men. (edit: What I mean here is that the two deals were mostly for money and went to the dealmakers, whereas the actual product and rollout were a sham)

I'm tired now, I just get depressed knowing I used to believe this (ie. space travel) would happen in my lifetime, but I see now that it won't.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Cause and Effect

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I was watching the episode of Star Trek TNG named Cause and Effect and it reminded me of when I said that the world was doomed. My previous blog mentioned that since other people had nukes and they weren't going to give them up then the end of the world was just a matter of time. Also, I recently sent a tweet out to Erin Burnett's show about a piece about the end of the world. Some hotshot had this new-fangled idea that we would send out a craft to cover the rock with a bag and re-orient the rock and return it to an orbit around the moon. I said that there was no way to stop an asteroid, but I put it in all caps and accented the part about being unable to do it. So after laughing a couple of times and realizing how rude it sounded, I deleted it and I kindly pointed out that the 3 black spots that appeared on Jupiter in the late 90s were noticed like 2 days later and the mystery as to how they got there was determined to be asteroids. So it stands to reason that if our ever-watchful scientists weren't able to catch those, then we have to assume that the only warning time we will get is if we see the asteroids between here to there. And that means we have no hope of preparing for some asteroid that we notice only some few months away so you might as well get used to it that when it comes, it comes and best we can do is wonder what it will be like after. System reset. It's funny because sometimes I wonder if the entire world revolves around me. After I read all of the reasons for dinosaurs dying it became obvious to me that an asteroid was the best explanation. A couple of years later, everyone agrees with what I had already determined to be true. It was only a guess but my guesses usually work out to be true.

Anyways, the cause and effect part of the episode reminded me that civilizations are destined to fail. The evil people always dominate and silence the productive and less aggressive good people, like eyes without a face. So to stop this from happening again we will have to do what they did in the episode. We know, even my professor knew in my MBA class of International Finance he knew, that governments end up dominated by a few and when the boiling point is reached, a revolution occurs, and he said it has occurred over and over again in Central America. Since he knew that and because I know so much about the Reagan era, I have to wonder if somehow we got infected with what they had. Why? Because it's too late for us. We already have oligarchies forming. People with a thousand times the influence of a regular person is not the country our fathers formed when we broke from rulership. I once told my mother that the most powerful person in the tribe is not the chief, is not the elder, or the virgin, it's the witch doctor. Because he doesn't really know everything, but people hoping that he does will assume anything he says as law. Faith is a fickle thing. Like fire, if you give it enough fuel, it takes on a life of its own. You can have so MUCH faith that relatives and sons and daughters can become immortal, with the appropriate sacrifices ya? You can shoot innocent people as long as they have a smidgen of mental illness because why, faith in your law enforcement. Police are your noble warriors but if you get too many people put together in one place, eventually you get rejects. Mutants. Training day cops that treat people like statistics, not as neighbors. It's hard to run this country because of that. This country where the cops carry guns and bibles and make oathes but better not believe in religion cuz if they even cry out God bless you, you could be set free. Our country is a sham sometimes, but only to people that haven't spent the time learning the lessons like I have. Of course, now you're probably wondering "Oh here comes the part where I join his club and gain a deep understanding blah blah blah".


But it's too late anyways. There is no hope of creating a new political party that will somehow outfox the amount of political influence that is out there. Just look at the Defund Obamacare movement. The guy, Ted Cruz, spent all of that time earning money for future elections and did things the right way asking for a petition and trying to get the news to take up his message but all for naught. What hope would we have next to that? And he STILL gets called ridiculous for trying. Even though he has congressmen and senators walking in lines, waiting for a negotiation.

And fact is, it's not about force. Government is not about telling the people what they have to do, it's about supporting the people that are doing. In Citibank that was the role of our managers all the way up to our CEO, Paul Kahn. He made speeches and in those he said that the role of the manager was to support the associate and that nothing was as important as Associate Delight. I believed him too because as we find out more and more about public officials we learn that they are supposed to be public servants. So by that vein, this debacle is something that should have been handled by votes or by polls but all that happened was that the President said no and no and no and unfair tactics and burn the country but we will say no and that it's your fault. To be fair though I don't like how they handled it and frankly I like the President but I don't know if I am sympathetic to his cause of not being treated unfairly or if I am being duped by a master duper who instead of counting votes, is throwing a tantrum with his head in a box so noone can hear, and look what they done to me. But his speech after made sense to me. We need discussion not dysfunction. We need to win an election. We definitely need a Republican because it's obvious even if all the country wants the STUPID healthcare crap THROWN OUT and forgotten, it's gonna get vetoed. About a month ago I thought it was so stupid of those republicans to try to repeal ACA 40+ times until I was on the other side. Now I realize how wrong it is to have a president against something the majority wants to have happen. It's all so rotten on both sides I want to stop thinking about it. You see the corporations are lining up into nodes as we speak. Communications nodes, medical nodes, military nodes, agriculture nodes, etc. They are in control of the industry and though the appearance is that there is plenty of competition and opportunity, the people at the top are becoming fewer and fewer. Soon it will be like old times in the village with Bobby Baker is the baker, Wendy Healey heals people. George Bush mows your lawn and hers, and hers, and his. 

All of it is getting privatized and even though we have a Democrat in charge, he aint helpin. And when we try to throw out the Affordable Care Act(ACA) by electing a Republican president, the Republican will just open up the faucets again and the corporations will raise prices some more and money that was going to the medical community will just get flooded over to the oil industry or cable companies. So you see, it doesn't matter which party because they both bow to the rich. And in our struggle to understand we just end up at the explosion doing something slightly different this way or that but unable to keep the Enterprise, OUR COUNTRY, from exploding.

In the episode, the Enterprise has an amazing doctor that can dance and does botany and is also a master stage director and carries on relationships with ambassadors aplenty all while being deathly afraid of something happening to her son who is a genius time-traveler that hooks up with all manner of girls but who comes across as a klutz except when it comes to Barclay because he has no problem calling him Broccoli. In other words, they could have probably done without those two; the Crushers. Still, you get used to them.

Ok sidetracked, so in the episode the Doctor is first to notice a desavu. A Desavu is a feeling that you have done the same thing before somehow. Soon after that enterprise explodes but a same scene starts over again and this time she and some more people get the desavu. Enterprise explodes and we start at the poker scene again and this time everyone stops playing and guesses the cards down to the last and soon they all start to do investigations trying to determine why so many people are hearing voices. Enterprise explodes but because of their investigations they send a message into the future to help the next enterprise that is going to have to start all over without knowing that they are doomed. So that is our solution. We can't stop millions of people in cable or millions of people in football or in oil that already are making money because SO MANY other people depend on them not quitting, we have to understand that there will be a revolution, and find a way to make the next constitiution, one that doesn't allow people to have a thousand times the influence of another. Make one that really really doesn't allow kings this time. And it's going to have to be in code and be able to survive sabotage. It should be obvious to everyone now that all this history, everything we are doing, is going to be erased in favor of whoever takes over by force and decides to re-write history. It will be a replaying of the Star Wars episode where only a Jedi could hide an entire planet full of clones and that Jedi turns out to be Count Doku that uses a false name, who knew. I mean we already are using email and that is so infiltrated, it's a wonder we aren't all already speaking a different language merely by suggestion. You see if every time we read something we see COKE, we start to like COKE and even though we call it branding, what it is is control. Unimportant though, because one person cant stop the explosion like in the episode. We have to work together and figure out everything we can and then one person, maybe artificial, has to save the plans for our new constitiution on the next go around.

Yes, I already mentioned that the end is as avoidable as an asteroid. I wonder how news programs can say such things but hey if its an opinion, then it's not lying so meh. Here I am giving you MY opinion and even if it is mostly true, it's still not lying. Again I point you to Moses as an example of rich people with slaves that got tired of it. Do you think the rivers turned to blood because of a chemical imbalance? I don't want to diminish your religion if you have one so let's go on to the Roman Empire and it's collapse. All great things become huge and then topple. But this doesn't mean we can't foresee the end and plan. This episode, like so many of you said the last time scoffing at my predictions of the end, proves that we have to will to try to avert it, even if we can't. And if we can't avert the explosion, at least we can build a better country the next time.

I want to spend some time on how important it is for some of us to keep written journals. If you use a tablet or a desktop, try to print your journals and store them from time to time because unlike in times past where information could just be scanned onto microfilm and then stolen and kept in a safety deposit box, information today is being stored and rewritten all of the time and the only thing you can do with your computer after someone has hacked it is to pull out your written copy of what you wrote and say here goes what I said. that's why you always ask for a receipt, because some people think aw how sweet he trusts me I don't have to give him a receipt and other good people think, "This is the guy, that is the reason, our WHOLE SOCIETY is going to the dogs!" Because people get used to not asking for a receipt, ALL KINDS of opportunity is introduced into our everyday lives. Remember also that history is rewritten by the victors. If we get taken over by the Spanish or the Russian or China whoevers, will it matter to you that you can't read anything your daughter writes to you? Take aims to keep people from being able to watch other people's stuff by getting used to chgg passwords and if you have a virus, take time to report it so that our healthy core of people that handle that are aware. I know I sound like a douche bag about now.

If you find someone like an elder to rely on, keep him happy. It's very easy to dismiss someone that does a lot of thinking as lazy but it takes time and effort to even understand things much less write them out and edit them. Don't treat unhireables or even elderly people as inferiors. These are the people that can watch the news all day long for you and keep you abreast of whether storms are coming or the police are letting dogs maul teenagers in your area. It might be important to know that stuff.

It's funny I am so broke because I always was at the top of my class in scores and as long as that was true I didn't rate grades as so important. The other day I was traveling to Saint Augustine. Is that the oldest city in America? You could call it ancient couldn't you? Well I was there at this state park and a couple walks up and starts to cough straight away and claim that they're from New Jersey. I wonder if that means something if you say you're from New Jersey? Well all I know is they mentioned something about having a boat and it reminded me of how much I wanted a boat while I was saving for my house. It was gonna be a while before I got enough money together but as soon as I passed the 10k mark my car had a problem that required 6000 to fix. That was good timing though huh? Never in my life have I even HEARD of a 6000 car repair even existing and as soon as I have enough cash in my bank, POOF, 6k repair conveniently pops up. Is it any wonder I have no faith in mechanics. My car is an Audi. I guess I have said this before but it bears repeating. Those cars suck. Audi = rate down. Oh my point was that I was so smart in high school that I thought surely I will be in the top 10% of rich people because I know so much. And you know, you might think because I didn't study that I was lazy but no, I did study. I just studied stuff I liked, like math and science. I studied hard in those areas because I liked them, I didn't get to be smart because I was born this way, I practiced. I even used to do mental exercises just to keep my mind in shape. My sister and me would think of stuff from movies and then we would do nothing else until we could pull the name of the movie out of our heads. Now my sister eventually started using her phone to look stuff up but the point of the whole exercise was to strengthen her mind.

Ok so enough about the world ending and remembering that Audi of Jacksonville sucks. To end this I want to point out that I figured all of this would happen about 20 years ago, that we would slowly digress into aggressive poor people taking from the slightly rich until only aggressive rich and poor remained. And I have said that the best thing to do was to choose your wife and quietly raise your family because you really can't stop this "globalization" from happening.

But on second thought, and after watching this episode and understanding that there are otherworldly things out there that we can't explain yet, we are not doomed. If we can keep the enterprise (our country) from exploding just once, we can keep it from exploding ever again.
(edit: everyone agrees to do what smartest guy suggests but if instead he does what the ranked person suggests then the ship is saved)


Friday, October 18, 2013

Finish something

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I saw some guy complimenting Mitch McConnell for resolving the crisis on the TODD show and that reminded me how much I missed Robin Meade. So off he went. Chuck Todd is good person btw, just some things he does are like, California Mountain Snake bad.

You know my mother reminded me yesterday of something SO important that it made me realize how important it is to talk to people because without her I would not have made this distinction. I was complaining about MSNBC and talking about how they avoided calling the Shutdown a turning point and avoided mentioning the petition to defund ACA and proceeded to put "experts" on the show that called the other side NuTs. Then she explained it to me, "That's because it's their opinion." (Ah, no Robin Meade today!) So I realized that MSNBC was opinion TV, and that CNN is real journalism. Or at least, Crossfire is, or at least some of the time. Or at least that Erin Burnett looks better than Chris Matthews, um yeah that's what I realized .

Today I caught the end of Bed of Roses and I haven't seen it before and I usually like Christian Slater movies but I hadn't seen this one. It reminded of this old friend of mine. Her name was Sarah and she got her degree from the same University as me. I remember making an exception in her case. I never buy women flowers because in my mind it is like buying their affection and though the intention might be noble, the precedent is to buy her something to make her feel better from now on. So it sets a bad precedent.

So she tells me, (anyone noticing how people are answering questions with SO now?) that she had a bad night with her boyfriend and was just having a bad day. She also worked with me. So I wish her a good day and go off and sit down. But it occurs to me that it would really make her day to buy her flowers and have the guard downstairs call her to go get them. And sure enough, it's a big hit. I swear if I woudl have just picked her up and hauled her off to the stairwell, it would have been some nasty foot-smell sex going on in there.

But no, I was too much of a gentlemen, (aka. young) to take the opportunity made available so I settled her down and told her I would call her, but I just proceeded to be the good friend I always was. Of course that didn't stop my warped mind from imagining the sex I should have been having and even though she was a little overweight back then, she later lost weight and looked fantastic. She was kind of an amazon woman, big-boned. She was a brilliant person otherwise and her father was like a professor from Harvard. She showed me his picture. But I was too principled to ratchet down my inhibitions despite how hot-blooded I am and our good friendship continued with varying degrees of frustration, probably on both sides.

But flowers got delivered to the guard much more often after that. I would like to think that my idea was what started the practice and good or bad, that was ME.

Well, I'm hoping to catch me some Lisa Bloom and nothing. She tweeted she would be on the TODAY show but I've been watching for a while and I guess I missed it.

You know I used to think I was such hot stuff. I have an old picture of my two best friends and we are there with two girls, one of whom is having a party at her father's house who has a steel factory named after him. Of all the people in the picture, I am the only one without parents that owned a business. And all this time I thought they were lucky to have ME along for the ride. It boggles my mind where I got this idea that I was such hot stuff.

Of course, I was tutoring Calculus to freshmen at 16 in college so maybe that's it.

But what I never understood was the concept of badges of honor. I never collected my Math degree, despite taking almost all of the math courses. I never collected my Accounting degree, even though I only have maybe 4 more courses to qualify for that. I only need maybe 4 more courses for my MBA but too bad, now I gotta do it all over again because I failed out.

It's a schism. I get super close to finishing something and then I think it's more fun to ruin it. Is it me? Like this article... I

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Modus Operandi

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Well I am settling into my old method of operation or as they say in latin my modus operandi. I got like a slew of women online on twitter that, in my mind, serve as muses. They fuel my indignations at the status quo and if they find no solace in still being single and never married at 35+, they can at least know that there is ONE guy like me that is also single and never married that is somewhat interesting perhaps.

In my old days, I used to search for my reason for being, much like Thulsa Doom's search for the Secret of Steel. Do you know what it is? It can't be told or listened to, you have to learn it, physically. I think I have learned it. But as to my search for my reason for being or my purpose in life, I have divined that my purpose is to "go forth and multiply". Now you might think this equates to getting laid as often as possible. And I have wondered if I got the message wrong. But my take is that I should learn as much as possible with the purpose of teaching it to my child and then elect as my queen as interesting and confident a person as possible... and all I am going to say is bad things about the women of my past so I will shut up about that now.

But as to the future, my legend lives on. I must find some girl. The old fuels of putting them up on a pedestal too high to reach and thinking up and organizing and then erasing a lot of crap I really SHOULD HAVE said, are happening all over again.  But truth is... I am 45. It's a little late to grow a new personality now. And if my strategy in life is weak or a failure, well, it's all I know.

Besides, it's better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven.

I have had a long history of doing this. I use karaoke to sing to women who know I am singing to them but who have boyfriends. Do any good-looking women NOT have boyfriends? So about 6 months later people start to wonder if I am EVER going to make a move and eventually I get frustrated and move to another bar where I pick up the karaoke again and eventually find a new "perfect" girl to sing to. 

This last time was hard though because someone is attacking me from the bar anonymously.  A group of people.  I don't know if they are just unhappy ex-girlfriends or if they blame me for something but I am not going back to bars and that throws I big wrench in my modus operandi. 

If there is one lesson I have to offer twenty-somethings is that you should get married quick if you want to lead a decent life, because otherwise, you as a person, are destined to become more wiley.  Married women or women suddenly single or questionably attached, well, they tend to be liars.  Unless you don't lie in which case that means they can tell you don't lie so that means they never lie around you.  Congratulations, respect earned.  Welcome to being the most boring person in the bar,  but who in his mind is gonna SING his way into some woman's pants.

Do I sing good? Heh, I haven't sang anything in the last couple of years. I don't even like music in my car. All of that reminds me of the bar and I'm not going back there so there's no use in liking stuff that I am not going to experience again. 

ps. oddly not smoking, not drinking, not going to bars and not watching porn has me feeling far less interesting, but maybe being this grounded is more attractive than being the "excitable" person I used to be.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Learning Lessons

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I edited my last blog not knowing that they would remove the shutdown today, so now it doesn't seem like I knew it was coming, but I knew. I dreamed last night about it and it seemed right that it should end because the poor people had used up their chance. People were not raising the concerns that were most pertinent and the cause was getting unfocused and restated differently.

You know why I like Alex Wagner? She reminds me of my very intelligent relatives from New Orleans. They are all incredibly brilliant but I guess they seem so because they trust me so much. Everyone else pales by comparison but maybe that is intentional. Maybe people are not as open when they don't trust you. I dunno but there is something about her that I don't see in other people, some kind of spark.

Why do people say that the Republicans failed? Does it seem so? Does it seem like Ted Cruz is going back to his state with his head down? He cost the American Economy a BUNCH of money. He cost a lot of workers a bunch of money. His actions made everyone sit up and take notice and I guarantee you that come 1 year from now, people will remember this chance he gave them to say no, and they called him ridiculous.

I keep having to make this point and it's a good point so I will say it again. I call it my Loser's lament.

Loser's Lament

I should be replaced.
I have risked and failed you great leader. 
I have cost you millions.
I have acted poorly.

You have acted poorly.
You have cost me millions.
You have shown me great personal weakness.
Should I replace you, so that another could repeat your mistakes?

Moral: Lessons are expensive

Ok , I am somewhat conscious of the fact that Ted Cruz is not exactly taking the pulse of the American people but remember in Mark Twain's short story about the dog that won all of those fights because he had ONE tactic, to lock onto the opponent's rear leg and never let go. And that would have been enough had they not put him into a ring with a dog that had no hind legs. That's when he lost you see. Because he got cheated. That was the end. I don't know why MT named him Andrew Jackson but I don't know a lot of history.

Now American People, are you going to do that now to your dog, Ted Cruz? Tell him he lost? Say that he was losing the whole time and that all the millions that signed the petition to have him keep doing what he was doing, were all equally non-sensical in their motivations?

You see thankfully we have something called "next year". Yeah, because it won't be long before we see what turned out. And you know what, I am gonna sign up because I don't feel remorse using young people's money to pay for my operations. Just have to know what country your in and you can readjust your heartplug to north/south instead of east/west and SEE, now we know how to act. South is weaker, thank you very much.

Hey, Chuck TODD, we did a good job on the president though Ya? Betcha he won't be going to Libya anytime soon. Say something else about the president man. I wanna see this happen ALL OVER again. Nawh man. I am not saying this all began after your interesting parley about secret messages in public. Not saying that.

SECupp whatcha think girl? Like me being on your side? Yeah well I go both ways. That's the beauty of being a steward of nature. Turn the page.

Shows over though. I despise Republicans in general. They are WAY too unrepentant and now that I see the Democrats acting the same way with their, where are the grown-ups and their they don't mind a catastrophe as long as they get their way and their Boehner should be fired because he can't lead. I mean W T H!

Did they have Rush Limbaugh actually hooked up to their earpiece?!!! Do they think this is some sort of game? I'm still waiting for one of the MSNBC people to ask their cousins what they think? Because they askin' experts but their answers come out like their at a family picnic.

If it was me, as a Republican, acting all STRANGE like they were acting, I would have gone straight out and asked them, "WHO GOT JOBS at Hooters that want Obamacare defunded?" Next stop, used car salesmen. Do you guys want healthcare mandated? Next stop, the responsible people... doctors! Oh wait that's cheating.

I guess it's obvious people owe Cruz and Boehnor some serious moolah for abating their arguments. I hope people can see that  ALL ALONG  we were on the same side... learning lessons.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

An epic battle

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Why this is an epic battle.

The government can have it's debt ceiling raised. This was never part of the plan. The sad fact is that Republicans like so many schools of sharks know a frenzy when they see one, and their SECupp like hunter senses come alive when they sense weakness and like the animals they are(sorry SE) they keep attacking without knowing what they want out of the frenzy.

Ted Cruz started this fight to defund Obamacare. Let me say that again, he wanted to defund Obamacare. Noone is confused about that but his enemies, esp his own people. He knew it was law. He knows what the Supreme Court decided in reviewing the mandate. He now wants there to be no money given to the program so that it cannot be rolled out.

The NSA is legal and is approved long ago by Congress. If we want to Defund the NSA for a year, Congress can do that. And here's the really relevant part... they can do it without the President's ok. (edit: ok they need his help, I told you Im getting slower) 

Yeah, sorry Charlie. For all the attitude and the this-is-illegal huff and puff, and the election-was-about-Obamacare rhetoric, truth is the election was about an election, and Romney, having won the election, would have been able repeal the ACA about as likely as he would have been able to keep his military from bombing the crap out of Libya.

The ACA is a program and now that I am against it, I don't think it is necessary and should be shelved for the foreseeable future. I like that it was approved by the Supreme Court, I like that a whole lot of Democrats voted it into power. When the Congress is again led by Democrats, it might see the light of day, but at this point it needs to be stopped.


What also needs to be stopped is confusion. The debt ceiling has nothing to do with this. Medical Device flim flam and entitlement reform discussions, it just makes me crazy to think that after debating this we might end up with SS reform, UGH!

Still, it might be ok to raise taxes later to allow for the program to exist and only Democrats would allow that and unlike most Republicans, I believe that is a worthy program.

But not now. Now any talk seems like a bait and switch when EVERYONE knows exactly what is happening or not happening in DC.

Now to finish explaining, why is this an epic battle. WE ALL, all of us, are about to start paying 10% more to the government;  AT LEAST 10% more. The undocumented might escape it but to be a legitimate citizen or business owner, you have a new club fee to be a member of our country. Now it might make illegal aliens a thing of the past since more identifying and more outrage will drive out these "non-club" members and this all might be better for our country, but first we have to ask, did congress get everyone's ok to do this. I think you will find a great many that say NO. And we owe it to the country, when something this EPIC is about to be implemented, to have everyone on board.

Everyone must CHOOSE to be on this ride, or they will forever be foreign to it. People will look back and the simple fact of race will make this a dividing bastion that separates us from the blacks or the poor people's party which will be the Republicans. (edit: The reason for this is that the people that don't like it will blame Obama and then it will be a black thing) 

It's not surprising that the Koch brothers are separating themselves from the GOP because this is not what they wanted. They wanted small business to be deciding the way to the future because these people are a lot like them, greedy, which makes them easier to control.  But all that has happened is the Tea Party has made getting rid of Obamacare a tipping point for the poor people's party to introduce coersion and unethical dialogue into Congress.  Ted Cruz has made this cause his and, lacking experience, he thinks it will be all right later but, truth be told, poor people are a mess.  Just look at how Occupy turned out.  Michael Moore lasted less than an afternoon before they booed him off as another rich guy capitalizing on bad feelings. 

The GOP has become the poor people's party and the Democrats are the ones that now side with the rich. 

Like so many things, it's not the other side that's wrong. Russia is not wrong. The Nazi's weren't wrong. Egypt and it's slaves were not wrong. The South WILL rise up again someday. All these things were not wrong until people were allowed to lose their emotion in the fight and take the next logical course. If people work together they willingly allow masters and slaves because one has to do the work, the other has to look and see where the work needs to be done. It's like being a man and wife, one doesnt have to be stronger but both work better if they know their place.

I hope you see that this will end in bloodshed... but only if we stop talking. Only if we refuse to negotiate. You are outnumbered, so BURN the oil fields? Are you no longer caring about your country?

I wish you could see yourselves, Democrats. You think you KNOW what is better and now it's time to put the clamps on the slaves without taking a vote.  

Without allowing the system to run its course.

I wanna know WHO would open the government without deciding this new TAX. What responsible person thinks that there would be ANY talk of stopping the ACA later, if a budget with the money to roll out the program was approved by congress and made available to the President.

It's fun to watch MSNBC now that I am on the other side on an issue and they used to be so informative but now it seems they avoid discussing things that make this impasse understandable. It's almost intentional ya? But at least they run ads that promote the other side so it gives me hope that money can cure any impasse if people can't. Which brings me to one of my favorite sayings.

For everything else, there's Mastercard.

Ps. I'm still waiting for someone at CNN to do a time slot of Chris Matthews ranting and raving like they used to do to Limbaugh.  I mean, they are like the same person. And when they do a monologue of Michelle Bachman acting all Christian and sounding nuts, I have to wonder if they realize that Lawrence is the devil for treating people the way he does.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013


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Edited: I just erased post about Katie Holmes.  I just have to mention that I wrote about this today because sadly, and too bad for my future wife I expect, I will NEVER forget that image.  Woo boy.

Router got replaced today so my internet speed is much faster.


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This is not some mishappening that was slided into play by the unbabbled pakiderms, it was a plan.

Know that the President and his party want what is best for the country, which I believe is a far cry from what Harry Reid and the bumpkins of the House want. They are the leaders of a losing side. They are like being the president of an island, oh I wonder what their recommendation is?

It's funny because when I watched 13 days or whatever, it was the hard-liners of Russia that were antagonizing war and it was JFK who had to ameliorate the rhetoric despite having HARD COPY of the relevant threat. In the end, it will be our President who has to ameliorate the country's feelings. And remember this is all about the ACA, it's not obama-care, it's not an insult to him to want it gone anymore than refusing to negotiate is meant to give offense. You get hit, you go down, you get up, arms go back up... it takes time to realize you are in a fight.

So now, like JFK, we have a fight of our own.

Republicans, and the Tea party CHRISTIANS, (not sure what that has to do with a tea bag, I can say it TEA BAG, TEA BAG, TEA BAG... feels good to talk down to christians ya?) that want less oversight because of their blind trust in our banks, have found out that this whole healthcare crusade is yet another way for BIG GOVT to funnel some of their money to DC. Titheing optional, insurance mandated... thank God I think?

Democrats know they are on the way out because of it. This is the LAST STAND before elections next year welcome the influx of Reps that are kinda tired of WALL ST and new taxes or whatever you call it, insurance, oh that sounded better!

Terrible ya? Those brownie girl beanstalkers have thrown their last beans! We ain't having no more magic till Easter!

But the real problem is the cause. THE CAUSE. Are we gonna stop this new tax or are we gonna let the politicians haggle out some new Patriot Act thingy that future presidents can abuse?

Noone gives a flying rat's flea's tail feather of a smell about the REpublican Party! IF we want this new tax we need to say it, if not then get ready for a whole lot of new money that we have to pay that doesn't really go anywhere, imo.

It's like raising the minimum wage or doing economics. It doesn't matter if we earn more money, if prices go up. It doesn't matter if we have more infrastructure and programs, if the jobs go overseas.

If we can't see that poor people here need programs not insurance, well then I guess we don't need to give a flying rat's flea's tail feather of a smell about the Democrats either.

Epilogue: We don't have to fight each other... we have to fight period. Assert that we want what we had or say we want to risk having more. In critical thinking, you need two sides, like Scalia said if too many people agree with me, something is wrong. So make them fight. But don't say we gotta do what they said because we must be wrong or vice versa; the voices, and this sounds a little mental(which part?), it's all about the voices.

Monday, October 07, 2013

What is important

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That is what I am talking about. The movie Gravity. It's all about the gravity. That's what I keep telling you people.

What is important is gravity.

I just watched the movie Gravity and even though it included a very good looking Sandra Bullock and an ever charismatic George Clooney, I couldn't help but wonder what a rip-off this was if all they had to do was pay their two salaries and fund the rest through Korean CGI artists. Meh, better if you don't tell me. 

(edit: ok just found out they spent over $100 mil so, nvm)

It was still moving though. Every disaster was unbelievably believable. But I would have like there to be more distance and more parsing during the lonely walk together through space. Sort of like Jesus walking you on the sand but no, it was mostly chatter. I would have rather seen something more like Life of Pi.  Maybe the next time I see it I will get it more. I never get a movie the first time I see it anyways, unless I'm toasted and in an empty theater.

And we all know that she has a baby that's adopted and... it's obviously not her husband's eyes looking back at her, so when a movie portrays her as having lost a daughter to a careless accident, it falls as vague because she and her adopted child are so famous.  Next time I would suggest (edit: yeah this isn't going well so I just deleted a bunch of crap) her act as a professional something. I don't know don't ask me why I can just tell you how I feel. You don't see Angelina acting with children in her roles and that's probably a good thing.

In fact, now that the subject is out there, wouldn't that really hit home to act as another child's mother when you have your own? Ew. Maybe I am too old or too sensitive or maybe I need to get a life or a child of my own and see how it feels before I go commenting on having children. I wish her the best of course and the movie was good but I was hoping for some extra dimensional finish or some rarely divined point to getting through a disaster besides break out the instruction manuals and hit GO. But they are right, it is probably as easy as that to get your life started up again.

I hope I can do it.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Noble cannibals

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I probably don't have to tell you what one of my favorite movies was. It was Braveheart. In fact, the girl that plays Gibson's wife, Catherine McCormick was super hot back then. There was this girl Shelley, that, like positively EVERY girl I EVER met, had a boyfriend but I liked her a lot mostly because I got this odd sense that dating her would make me more like Braveheart.

I am nothing like Braveheart btw. Nope. I never stood up to anybody.

So imagine for a moment what this Prima Nocta business is all about. We know that if you get married and you got no land but still wanna eat, then your wife has to open-sesame to the landlord. Big Deal. So what. I betcha that would make a good porno. Doesn't that just anger the crap out of you... until you fantasize "collecting" the rent a couple of times.

So the answer is that. You just imagined yourself an ogre. If you're an old lady, your attractiveness problems are also a thing of the past since you can just DEAL your way to a well-behaved resident.

Fast forward to today where the basic vernacular for winning a contest is "OWNED" or PAWNED or PWND. This meaning that you have to do what winner says since you are less powerful. Yes, they are joking of course, and what fun to pretend, right? Noone would make someone do stuff, right?

Well , I expect exactly 50% would. Because though everyone wants to help others. Helping others for the sake of helping is TOO much like Jesus. That is what it means to be Christian. Up till about a week ago I thought that's what Democrats were all about. But now, not so much.

Because Edward the Longshanks imposed this Prima Noctae for the purpose of bringing "his kind" of nobles to Scotland. Which begs the question, what are his kind of nobles? Well some people like to help others for the sake of helping themselves. In fact, they are so businesslike, these "nobles", wouldn't dream of helping others MORE than the value of what they were providing in return. It's not smart. But it is unkind. And once you "arrange" these payments, it is easier to negotiate raising the payments, if there is a culture of rich people that applauds raising prices but only for the less worthy.

It's like I said before, people like this have to continuously "convince" each other that their cannibalism is normal. It's taking what false and saying it's true.

So what am I talking about right? Who are these people that raise prices when their costs stay the same? Is there mention of them in the bible?

Did Jesus know any? Well if he did and if he was like William Wallace, a commoner with education that was wronged six ways to Sunday, he might have been different.

And that is the tragedy right, because we can all be cannibals right? We just do what our neighbor is doing and then feel good about it. But MATH dictates that we need sheep so that the wolves can flourish. It's sickening to think about.

So Obamacare... do you think people will regulate it well? Was even the website regulated well? I was so optimistic until after wondering why SO MANY people didn't want it, it came to me. Because I am in the city, I don't see that poor people are going to pay 10% more.

10% .... MORE. That's the amt for everyone! It's a 2nd income tax is what it is! And the rich people, already pay for it. Imagine a car insurance tax levied on people that walk, that's the reality.

And this is the type of people that will approve this. Democrats for the best of reasons, taking money from poor people so that they can call themselves humanitarians while launching an industry of disability professionals and healthcare fakers that wanna ride the coattails of the already taxed young people that are unwittingly signing their life away on expensive tuitions.

Wait, I think I hear something? Do you get this?! That the old people are taking and taking now the dreams of our children devilmaycare?

I think I hear something! Aaarrrrggh! They found me... the cannibals... they want me to shut up!

Saturday, October 05, 2013

All wrong

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What is really annoying is that this AMAZINGLY important issue, was passed overnight and without preparation.  We need LITERALLY YEARS of preparation and shows and documentaries to allow people to warm up to this.  It's important policy, but it's been done all wrong.

Government shutdown

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I am getting so used to posting little comments on twitter that my ability to write long text is becoming more difficult. I like the engaging nature of twitter because it really is like having us all connected like the BORG.

Of course this has the side-effect of, like the Borg, having annoying people always nearby. I am conscious of this and so try hard to regulate my "liking" people too much for fear of being annoying.

SECupp is a fine example.

It's hard not to want to follow her around and straighten her out. My best friend had a sister that followed around bands and had boyfriends that "were lost causes". I wondered why she did that but at the same time it reminded me of MY little sister who did the same. And right about now you are probably thinking, aw, he likes SECupp like he likes his sister.

Um... no.

But after reading my own box set of twitters, I realize that my friendliness could be an intrusion, so I like to spread my feedback around in the hope that my influence doesn't become a canker that people have to look forward to EVERY day.

So today I'm back to writing. There is so much I want to write in those little spaces sometimes that I forget that what makes my journal SO important is the date and the time that I write them so that later I can look back and say "Yep I remember the shutdown, the era of the anarchy BEFORE THE ACTUAL anarchy".

You ever watch a commercial and see something that is SO ANNOYING you are like "how can people be paid for saying this".

First example: There is a commercial selling a new future and a person is talking and going on about America's future and then he says "infa-strucutre". So children can now mispell his word even if America has great things planned for the future. Annoying.

Another example: BDO commercial.  A company doesn't have the resources to continue so it's time to bring in an accounting firm, because the lesson here is WE ARE TOO STUPID to find tax-free income. Or better, these experts will save us thousands by organizing our books better, or maybe they just have a lot of bribe money, I'm not sure what RESOURCES an accounting firm is supposed to bring but, like Miley Cyrus says, "what about the children?!"

By the way, I can't believe I missed Tina Fey's show. It was on the news and everything and I was so looking forward to it and I searched for the show and I guess it came and went because I missed it.

Has nothing to do with me wanting to see her boobs. Nope nothing. And stop calling me a liar.

Another example is the annoying alleve commercial. Can you see yourself asking to get your alleve back? Can you imagine your child asking you to take your Alleve? And never mind that the name alleve in Spanish means soothe which is an instant hit among spanish people that want to soothe themselves but don't get what addiction is. I mean what kind of existence is that where you are required to take medication every day? You are not getting better, you are staying sick. Do you get that ?!

Now let's talk about that poor woman that got killed in DC. I am not gonna talk about the dead because that's a big slap across a lot of faces but ask yourself this, would you like to be OFF your medication? Out of money maybe or pissed at your doctor and through no fault of your own... OFF your medication?

That's all I have to say about that.

Whew, see when I rant and rave here, I don't feel so much like I am doing it to ONE PERSON's twitter account. Now I am going to promote Copeland's. Great restaurant that cooks stuff from my home town, New Orleans. I need to go back there one day. I recently had a birthday and my mother took me out for steak and it was AWESOME. I had a couple of scotches why? Because FUKEM! But I was a little embarassed being buzzed next to my mother. It's unsettling to be best bros with your mother or father and as I was sitting there rattling off odd things about our family and the news but then she wanted to go shopping and I was like "... but I can't walk." Yeah, that's a wake-up call.

Another unsettling moment was on Erin Burnett where, god bless her, she didn't pounce on this Senator that was obviously a little toasted. That's good journalism and she is hot btw. Which makes me wanna jump on her twitter account.

That's like a metaphor or something! - Julia Ioffe

Ah Bartleby! Ah humanity! These are the last lines from a story about a person that lost heart or more to the point was stifled SO much or suffered so much pain, that his actions became meaningless, so he fought for the sake of fighting but not for a cause.  And he refused violence, despite others' willingness to use it against him.

So when I saw that Senator a little toasty it occurred to me what they must be going through. They MUST hang in there because they are Republicans and the cause of the party must be defended. But thankfully it has turned around and finally been given the voice it deserved. A voice for the poor people that are the ones that are going to have to pay for this. In essence, the people of middle america, the farmers and rural citizens have said WAITAMINUTE, hold up city folk, We aint having it!

And it's thanks to Ted Cruz. It's not complicated. They are using leverage and Democrats don't want to have to admit it but they are outnumbered. They are going to exclaim unfair tactics, cry foul, maybe close a few too many parks that don't need closing , but they are not going to say oh that's right this is about the VOTES!

If we were discussing paying for a war or paying for New York's disaster assistance or an intercontinental pipeline, the government would be in a gridlock but  DC vs. poor people ... poor people are NUTS!

The solution is to stop taking people into the program, stop signing people up, open up a new tax that will pay for the procedures that were already paid for and take the law out. Have the STATES do what Mitt Romney did and open a per state network.  Rural states dont need this, cities need this and perhaps not for good reasons.  I am talking to YOU disability professionals!  The new law would be to not have a law. It was a good idea but the sad truth is people don't appreciate having their money funneled into Washington DC like a pension fund.

People KNOW what happens to pension money. Wall ST knows what to do with pension money.

And more to the point, what comes next? What happens when people have TWO THINGS, two taxes, that can be adjusted in their income? Regular income taxes now become irrelevant, as people's GOODWILL income taxes start to go up and down.

This is HUGE.

Social Security can now be PAID for. Disaster Aid can be accounted for. A War Tax can be levied. ALL SORTS of temporary taxes can now go to pay for the goodwill "medical" needs. What happens to this POOL of money is what happens when a state opens up a lottery.

With the best of intentions, the worst things happen.

At first, 50% of the money is promised to education. Then they start reporting how much has been invested in education so far( because the percent is no longer 50, it's less). Then people have longer and longer waits to get their money while the state decides how to spend that money. Now playing the lottery itself, is confusing because with powerball this and magic number that, regular people need not apply.  Only perhaps, disbability er... I mean... lottery professionals, some of whom may perhaps have their entries tagged for special consideration.

My father once had a lottery ticket misstamped and noone could find his ticket. I called the regional manager and he basically called my father a liar. Rest assured if you win millions, here in FLORIDA, there is a pack of justifiers waiting to explain "what happened" when you can't redeem your ticket.

So you see, there's money in denying people their dreams. AND there's money in making them come true. There's money in all change and I don't think we are ready NOR EVER WILL BE ready for a new tax that hasn't already been levied through a another name.

ps sort of ...  I love how everyone against the ACA(Affordable Care Act aka. Obamacare) is now insane, more mental issues speak leaving everyone to wonder "Am I wrong?"

 I also love how noone talks about Ted Cruz now and are straight out attacking Boehner, practically ignoring the person that allowed this massive launch of people to have a say.  Sure he's young but come on, at least walk around with him, take his opinion, find out what happened.

Why is our answer to criminality always to open a new bureau and tax the people more and talk about it a lot instead of just hiring more police. If hospitals are charging too much, why cant we just say that and appoint more oversight, instead you let them do what they are doing and charge the people.

That's backwards.