Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Triple Major

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

I am writing this as sort of a staid comment on my general being. I think I am "twitter-whipped". I get such a kick from reading new comments from my (my?) women on twitter, that I can't put two things together to write on my blog. Even Ann Coulter is belting out blogs faster than me and she posts hers after vetting and research and they are so proper afterwards that she copy/pastes them in her books!

Why am I such a lame-o lately? (edit: wow, I didn't plan on writing all this, so much for short blog on twitter)

I have ideas but, like in twitter, I get this angst from having stuff that might "actually" get read. I know I should NEVER have deleted that first tweet. Why? Because it's too addictive! I belt out crazy comments to women and fifty seconds and a I LOVE CHOCOLATE MILK later I am terrified of getting blocked or slammed with some comment that I intended to be funny but ends up sounding like a "let me touch it" quip.

So now I am very careful but I am also very selective with what I leave out there because the LAST thing I want is to be destructive to someone's feelings and that's hard to avoid from a text message and when a response is possibly forthcoming.

Lisa Bloom was writing one time about children and other really worthwhile causes that, I mean, I wish I was married to someone like her or knew her somehow because THAT is what I imagine REAL upper class women should act like. She even reminds me of my philosophy professor that I had a slight crush on. She went to Vanderbilt. It's really sad to mention but one of the neat things about going to a private university is that SOME of the faculty come from GREAT schools. And it's sad to note that some people are better than others at teaching but it's maybe MYSTIC the way some of that school's "eliteness" comes out in the personality of the teacher... OR maybe I'm just a huge arrogant fop. You think?

So Lisa Bloom reminds me of my philosophy professor not the least of which is because basically philosophers are to lawyers what math majors are to MBA, intellectually superior but practically inferior.

So I make a comment one day and explain this article to her that looked like it was written about 10years ago but that people without computer hardware lingo might not understand. And then she replies to me. I'm like "run to the bathroom" mode and "is she gone yet" and what do I say to uberperson I just saw on TV? After about a day I got over it, but then I realized I have to edit my stuff and be careful because they are ACTUALLY reading my stuff.

I consider myself a philosopher because of all the "real-life" things that I have learned but, to be honest, the training of a philosopher is quite rigorous. If I had to earn my degree in that major, I would be a MUCH better writer than I am. In fact, my philosophy teacher, god bless her, used to rarely spare the whip writing little notes on my papers to visit the writing center as often as I could. (She probably knew I liked her, which of course means I don't respect her which isn't true but women get that way or maybe I am too much of a dumbass to realize she is out of my league which of course ain't true because I am the best and there is only one of me).

If I had to triple major in something and get the best education for my 4-year scholarship as a young person again I would first major in Math/Chemistry/Philosophy. If I wanted to earn a fat living without studying too hard and I wanted to go fat college and enjoy the good life on my parent's dime and be less smart than my previous triple major then I would, instead, major in Biology, get accepted into medical school and then get my MBA and Law degrees. Now both of these assume a 4.0 average. There would be no excuse for me, knowing that those grades would be a badge hung out to display for the rest of my life, to have anything less than perfect. I wouldn't need 100s but just "complete" binders that included everything that was paid for, with proof that I learned it.

Second triple major = much more expensive and more stable for making money. People will think that you GET IT by majoring in these and that you work well with others despite maybe unexpectedly failing your bar for some reason because some guild member thought that "you needed the lesson" before accepting you... sort of like JFK Jr.

First triple major = Actual ability much higher and much lower cost. The only problem then is to start your own firm and self-educate yourself into making practical use of your knowledge. Why is this even a choice? Bill Gates is why. It's possible for a person with this education to dominate the nation. Some people KNOW they are smart and competing people in guilds like the Medical Boards and Law Boards and CPA memberships, are like boxers with little zappers on their necks competing against you, WITHOUT a zapper. You know they are inferior just because they are bound by a higher intellect which means their real intellect is afraid or is hidden which makes their WHOLE PREMISE less vital, less competent maybe. You get this first triple major and you will, with the right network, begin to understand what society needs and then you will create it.

People will want to stop you or get you to work for them much like an agent asking Billy Joel if he would like to strike it rich "with his help" but hopefully you have a father or a family or just these stupid five words "Noone is better than you."

If you are great, they will come.

There is something to be said for huge groups of people. Don't let yourself get outnumbered. Call your sheriff and councilman once a year. Dominate your space or you might end up dancing in what turns out to be a whole nother someone's space that you didn't know was theirs and there goes Facebook!

K nuff said.

So get some workers and publish everything you can and know your people because I used to believe that people were all like me or wanted to be and no, nawh, not really. Most people just copy and paste and depend on others who got educated and they are happy to just slam some of 'em and hire others knowing that the real power is having the money or position to fire people or, if they are allowed, to harass people that don't see things their way. A lot of people are trash. Expect that from anyone that likes to laugh at others or asks you to help them often or keeps looking at you after you turn away or if they being in pleasant company, has nothing to add to the conversation.  

Good people are self-reliant. They don't need you. They are proud to be themselves.

I planned to have a doctor, accountant, and mechanic all my own but my life was too easy so I didn't invest the proper time to establish these servants early, even though I had that intention. Do that. Try to get someone young as your doctor and mechanic and accountant. Try to see them at least once a year if only to catch up on how the year has changed the both of you. Watch out for their bosses because as soon as they saw what I was up to they moved out the accountant guy and I wasted like 5 years of financials because they didn't transfer my information to the guy and he worked for them. I didn't want them, I wanted him. Lesson learned.

Ok sidetracked, so getting the first major is much easier but much harder to use. Always keep your books. Imagine yourself with a roomful of books smoking and drinking scotch, reciting quotes from A Doll House( I lived that story) to your wife's friends. Make binders... well organized binders of your chapters and pretend that you will one day TEACH this stuff to others or yourself because that's what's gonna happen. Except in five years you r gonna be like "WHAT the hell did I learn" and if you did a good job keeping binders of notes; then one afternoon later you will be all caught up. Unlike me. I have my old books which I kept for this library dream of mine but reading that crap now makes me feel like I learned nuthin sometimes. Finance is like that. That was my major. It's a prep for getting your MBA and if your having trouble getting into medical school but still have a 3.8 or so average, I can think of NOTHING BETTER than to get your MBA and become a Michael Needham type that doesn't need all that intellectual stuff because I went to Harvard, now everyone BOW. Much easier. Thanks Julia. MBAs sound great, but it's an education that is really more tedious and meritocritous than an achievement.

Oh, you are probably scared that they won't accept me back into JU a second time for another crack at my MBA.  How dare I say stuff about MBAs being second rate.  Surely they wouldn't treat me unfairly, right? (Am I starting to sound like Rachel?) Well, let's just say I would have to look long and hard for 2 letters of recommendation in this town.

ps. wow, ps again, I always think of one more thing after I start to wanna publish.  The actual triple major I had back before I got my undergrad was Finance/Accounting/Economics.  One good thing about private universities that only people that know will tell you, is that they are much better engineered.  Your schedule allows for easy combinations of courses that make many majors possible.  This was also possible at my Baptist college. But at FCCJ and UNF this was close to impossible and even getting your one degree in 2 or 4 years was hard to organize.  That's food for thought when considering you or your child's plan for their hopefully brief 4 years of college. Private Universities FTW(for the win). Oh and the reason I didn't complete my triple major was not because of planning. I had all of it organized down to the date of my entrance to law school.  It was because my best friend was assaulted at a local mall and after several kicks to the head that fractured his skull, he went into a coma.  I scored low marks that semester and failed some courses I think which messed up my plan.  I plodded along to get my finance degree sometime later, albeit with no real graduation date in mind at that point. 

My fault right? I caused that to happen somehow so that's why I don't finish stuff.  Really?  You know maybe I don't ask for help enough.  At times when I get cheated by fate I sit there and don't complain thinking, accidents happen. But I don't like to ask for help because it seems like it was my fault when it wasn't.  Or maybe I am embarassed to say I need help which implies I caused this, which I didn't.  Maybe it's a personality flaw.  If so, I am not aware of it or I need it explained to me. 

(edit: Well watching Sunday in the Park with George[thank you Sarah] has reminded me of what is important in this world and some of what I have chosen.  In keeping with that, I invite you to consider my two majors as art vs. commercial because just as being the best will make you an outsider but possibly the king, being commercial will grant you many more opportunities, which themselves create many more opportunities for women to choose you, which creates in sum MORE happiness to society than if you choose art.  My ex-brother in laws band was like that.  They did a bunch of covers really well and were afforded a bunch of happiness because of it, but they lost some of their members that chose to pursue, unsuccessfully, the life of the artist. So if you wanna get married and be happy, choose commercial adn explain this to your wife so that she doesn't "somehow" find something interesting in an artistical type who doesn't really prefer happiness to his delusion.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Playing healer

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

Sometimes, I like to play white mage.  It is a difficult job to play.  Your focus on the battle and special effects has to give way to concerns over status effects like paralysis and poison for Paladins and silence and slow for Ninjas.  Both are styles of play that I have mentioned before and are attuned to the kind of party you have.  If you have a DARK party, then shadows and speed are more important.  You can survive if you can do enough damage fast enough, preferably before the monster gets TP to do his Weaponskill like move.  As WHM you watch closely to make sure if there is an emergency, you can bomb the group or the Ninja with heals because it's easy to interrupt a Ninja either through silence or with stuns or with spells because shadows don't block spells. 

This is what you have when you don't have regular police. 

Life emulates FFXI? A Ninja is not this bastion of anti-magic, or shield blockage or self-healing.  A ninja uses secrets or lies(spells) and haste and double weapons as opposed to shields.  He is likely to use curses and poison isnt he?  

Anyway before I beat up the police too much, remember that each and every police officer is his own mountain.  He chooses his style, whether it is a Paladin that focuses on being resilient and courageous with emphasis on healing; or it is the Ninja that focuses on being evasive and fast with a focus on curses and shadows, both are effective for protecting your party from damage. 

So now the question is what function do I have as a priest...  as a healer?  How do I help them to protect me and others?  Answer is I can't.  People have their styles and it's up to me to let YOU GUYS know what to look for.  Flash is not often used by white mages but you'd be surprised how useful it is when used with Ninjas.   So this news-"Flash" is to help them understand each other; and you understand it all. 

This picture is similar to what the world is like, partially blue, slightly green, mostly desolate... and me right in the middle. . 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Alec Baldwin - pound

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

I had a dream long ago about being in a house. It was such a fantastic dream that I remembered it the next day. So today I am going to write about it.

I can't remember how the dream began but halfway through it I am in this house that looks much like a scene from Sword of the Berserk when the demon kings are talking to Guts from empty rooms in this large house. I of course am Guts in the dream and often his rage against the norm is why I watch the series over and over again wondering if my life will end the same or if I actually have a chance at marriage. Obviously I recommend getting the DVD series and it costs about $120 so only rich ppl need apply. 5 stars.

After walking through some rooms, they turn real and empty and I realize I am across the street in my neighborhood yet after entering a house that is not my own, the rooms don't end for some reason the police are coming but they don't end. Pretty soon I am trying to get out of there and a school bus, a short bus, pulls up with a bunch of children who clear out of there except for 1 or 2 and then we are off. But it is the end of the world for some reason and a huge tidal wave leers at us as we start to cross this tremendous bridge which I now know to be the New Orleans Bridge but bigger. As we get swept up we go high into the air and then low to the ground like a confusion of sense but with no damage or gore. Soon I realize I am in hell because as we approach the ground again there is fire and heat coming off of it and then I wonder who the driver is but by that time the bus is gone and it's just me in confusion, much like that scene from What Dreams May Come.

I tend to be right all of the time but in that case I hope not.

What reminds me of that dream is that last night I had another one. In that one I am riding on a Causeway much like the one in New Orleans but I am with my family; by this I mean my wife and 3 kids and the wife is someone famous which I am embarrassed to mention but I am happy; Kind of like Picard in the Nexxus happy. It can't be real. So as I am driving along, the kids mention to me to look at the water and sure enough the water is rising and coming over the bridge ever so slightly. So I keep driving but soon the car is up in the air like in the other dream, but this time it feels like I am surfing the gigantic wave and as I get closer to the tip of it I can see it begin to get close to a peaceful well-lit town at night. Then awake.

Ok last night I got a bunch of picture out of my other computer to share with ppl because I am having a bit of a nostalgic spell. So against my better judgement, I am going to go into a little bit of how I think, or my programming.

I am a Jack of all Trades, master of none. I am middle of the road. I want to be able to do as good a job as anyone. I have to beat or be able to beat you just once, and then I won't bother you no more. This leads to my knowledge of gangs. If you challenge a member of a gang, there is no beating them because secretly people are changing the numbers, messing with the lights, shootin up with drugs and what have you and though you might think it's just a matter of time before you win just one battle, that does NOT necessarily have to happen because gangs are groups of people that regenerate stamina for each other, and you are just a glug with your finite awake time and your finite stamina and your finite ability to maintain your sanity.

This is what happened to Alec Baldwin. He doesn't realize that back in the Batcave of that troll that made him lose his mind on the guy, there are people willing to get back in there, give him more hell, take his picture 20 minutes later, call up his daughter and break her defenses down until they get a nice juicy story they can use. It's just a gang. It's not illegal, it's MATH. They all work for a sleazy newspaper and here you are one man, trying to scare off what you think is some nobody that doesn't deserve a lawsuit for his 2 cents comment. So by being "nice" and not suing, you have actually damned yourself much like he has.

Now I don't have any sympathy for his choice of words. But I have to say that his gay guy tirade was much more common in his generation than it is now as was the N word. So if yall gonna stop using it fine but give older people some slack when they are looking for stuff to say to some offhand stranger they never saw before. They arent lookin to piss off a country when first thing that comes out of there mouth is EFF the World!

This goes for Mel Gibson. Some stalker points him out and he goes all Jew this and that. Well, do you think he is actually against all Jews or do you think maybe they own a bunch of production companies and it's "nothing personal" while they beat him down for a slice of his market share?

Same goes for Alec. He may not be gay but I betcha gay gangs don't like him very much. Maybe one guy got too close one day and whatcha think he is gonna say but get your faggoty friends out of my life. Remember Arsenio, he aint sayin nothin to Alec but he remembers when he had to have bouncers in his studio and he went on his rant and soon he was out of an audience and he was like Obama with his head in a box shouting "look what they done to me".

It's not fair. 

But I am gonna tell you a story about me. I worked 18 years at the phones center. People would sit next to me and wonder HOW are you still working the phones? But I was happy there. If I got too stressed out I just went to the bar. And the more comfortable I got, the more established I became as an expert at my little job. So customers would attack me on the phone and I would attack them right back and soon I was known as the ONLY guy that yelled at customers and got away with it. But that is not the whole of it. The customers that did it were guilty of harassment, plain and simple. After 18 years, I know the difference of someone that needs help as opposed to someone with nothing to do all day but get better at irritating people perhaps because his drug dealer just doubled his prices again and someone needs to pay!

Well fast forward to other associates being afraid of me and wondering just "how stable" I was. So one day this guy interrupts my phone call by calling my attention. And he does it over and over again until I am about to burst with anger. That's the trap see? That's your Alec Baldwin moment because if I don't say anything here comes another interruption, but if I lose my mind on the guy and try to scare him off, I scare off the whole room and maybe my job along with it.

I feel ya man. And there goes his job.

Should this be allowed? Can't people see that it takes TWO people to cause a disturbance? Can't people notice something happening and say quit it. Can't you or they intervene?

Well I eventually lost my job anyway because other people just showed up and started in after that guy was given the once over.   The damage was cumulative see.  That means that the damage stacks.  I already had the reputation of a hot head and as soon as some youngster showed up new and nearby, it was time for HIS shot at fame.

And this is what's gonna happen to Alec, and to Arsenio, and to Mel and even to Cruise. The other day I saw Piers Morgan give William Shatner a jibe by asking him if he got angry, to which he said "all the time" and then Piers interrupted him just for the sake of annoying him. Well done, Piers that's how you treat an angry 70+ year old man selling his good-times album, get him angry on TV and watch his sales soar.

Well that's the last time I watch his show but again it reminds me of Prima Nocta. Braveheart. No it doesn't mean someone needs to sleep with his wife. It means, chuckle, the owner of CNN needs to sleep with his wife!

You see, that's what they mean by "our kind" of people or "our kind of nobles" as they said in Braveheart. They don't realize that they are breaking down the walls of civilization, to them it's "just playing" and "ppl can't take a joke" and "what are they gonna do" cuz regular ppl are such sheep!

Recommendation: Next time someone acts without manners, ask them drop their pants and try it again. They just might be brazen enough to do it... and then you take their picture!

The cure? There is no cure. It's like Post-Trauma, Stress Disorder(PTSD). Once you've had a trauma, anything similar to it, sets you off. It's like having a heartplug or a freak out button. Only gangs can do this to people you see and only simpletons like me and all these people I just mentioned don't realize this is what is happening because they are geniuses right. They don't NEED the rest of us. I thought that too, I don't need people, they are lucky to have me around. Well when you act this way, gangs are SURE that you are gonna fall because noone is nearby for you to talk to after the assault. You go home to contemplate who you pissed off while at the same time they plan another assualt and you begin to lose your mind and you have NO IDEA why this is happening.

MONEY is why this is happening. Good times is why. SACRIFICE is why. It feels goods to trash one person's house while we watch everything they built burn and it makes our gang closer doesn't it?

The only thing you can do then is make your own gang and as soon as that happens POOF law enforcement is called because they KNOW what they are doing is wrong but they need to do it because otherwise they wouldn't have a gang if they didn't continuously convince each other that this was justified. And what will law enforcement say?  They advise you they allow ONE gang per city like they said in Last Man Standing.  And if the gang is too big, well then the appropriate officer will get to it when he gets to it.   This is code for you gotta suffer some more until you withdraw the complaint.

So for you young people, my life and Alec's life and Tom Cruise's life and even Amanda Bynes' life is there as an example of people ganging up on singular people. (Is it too late to mention Michael Jackson?) It's not bullying if you have a gang see? It's people getting rid of the geniuses or the genies that make groups of people that don't try hard, feel inferior.

And that's me, the genie of the lamp: PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!  Itty-bitty living space. (Aladdin)

ps.  I am opposed to any gangs or religions at the moment, so I dont mind if you say mexicans, nigerians, black people, jews, cocksuckers or whatever, if you are a big enough group to get offended by a word, you are big enough to start your own country so GO GET IT.  At the same time, insults are insults so intention is everything.

Arggh now I have to say some more about beliefs.  This is gonna be a while. Ok beliefs are what drive us.  We BELIEVE we are good people.  We believe we love our parents.  WE believe in God or in Black people or in gays.  This is why our country is superior to others, is because our beliefs don't allow one to supercede the other.  Jews are no better than blacks are no better than rednecks or confederates.  You can call their ideas silly but just don't call THEM silly.  They are doing a good job of keeping their people quiet and penitent so don't mess up a good religion like Judaism.  And right over here we have a group of black people watching out for other black people and as long as we have those watch dogs, we can feel safe about believing that it's ok to be black= group practicing religion and calling normal. And right over here we have gay people, lost their grandpas and uncles to AIDS and nobody better ever let that happen again what happened under Reagan. They are just protecting gay people's rights, they aren't fighting for a cause(whisper, yes they are!).  So don't insult those group because liek in my prev blog they are subsets to our main religion of worshipping our constitution.  But wait, what if I say the N word to some guy running away with my purse(really?) or say faggoty to some journalist I don't want to see EVER again, or jump JEWFACE slurs to a cop who is obviously working for a competing production company but noone will admit it?  Yeah, if you say it like that right?  So don't fault a guy for losing his mind on ONE person attacking him or that he is pissed at.  Unless an elected official is offending some said group in a move destined to change our free speech amendment because money-grubbin JEWS drove the Nazis to treat them that way and who cares that was like in another country,  then it's no use getting offended along with them like you are a member of THEIR group.   Just accept that people of that group may now find their way to your front doorstep and they may ask for help and when you try to shoot them in the face, five or six of em may have seen that move comin'.

So gangs are like small countries.  Beliefs are food for the gang.  Having one is like having a family and you believe your family without trying hard because they brought you into the world it's basically a zero-brainer. But it's actually you mother that is a zero-brainer, your father not so much, your brother even less. Believing in your step-father is starting to reach at the concept. Now imagine you are an orphan or some homeless guy and people offer you "family".  Hey why does that new guy get to be here?  You see that whole mechanism is getting darker.  You are trading feelings for your mother as feelings for the gang.  And it's natural to do that because we are supposed to help each other.  But it's important to remember that this BELIEF, this thing that drives you, that makes you feel good as a person, this sense of loyalty, is supposed to be a belief in our country, and ALL your other beliefs, are supposed to be a subset of that.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

While wandering through the desert, your purpose may become distant, your goal may become reachable, and your self may become slight.

Most men lead quiet lives of desperation. - Thoreau I think.

I had one more thing to say about not having a religion.  If you find yourself without a deity to worship, you might work hard and wonder why you are so happy without a church or a preacher or without family or a spouse.  In such a case you have begun to "quietly" worship money.   And the use of money is puppetry.  To worship IT is to "quietly" worship yourself. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mi Viejo

BLM:90 WHM:90 SMN:90 THF:90 WAR:90 DRK:90 RNG:90 PLD:90

So here goes what it's like to know someone that speaks two languages. This is partly for Julia.  She probably has NO IDEA that speaking Russian in front of others is slightly spooky but also impressive.

Hay mucho que se puede decir de la relijion pero me parece una discusion mejor hecha sentados todos en frente de una pared. Porque solo mirando la pared entiende uno lo claro que es el bien y el mal.

Cuando yo hablo de el bien y el mal, quiero que me entiendan para que ustedes sepan que lo que falta decir muchas veces es lo distinto que es la vida de uno comparado a gente que son el mal.

Solo viviendo las vidas de los malos se puede saber como es esa existencia. Hay un dicho que dice que solo un doctor herido sabe curar. Es por eso que cuando uno se hace predicador o maestro, es importante discutir ejemplos y memorias para que uno no paresca ser un mandon o peor un hipocrata.

Por supuesto que yo no quiero ser hipocrata, pero muchas veces yo empiezo a pensar cosas y explicar las brujerias de tal personas que son de esa fe, pero sin saber que es el mal, llamando los dioses del diablo suena como una receta leida por un cocinero.

Es mejor entonces que uno empieze hablando de cosas que uno reconoce. Yo conozco a gente. E tomado llamadas por 18 anos. Cada dia mi total de llamadas eran como 100 digamos. Entonces contando 100 por 5 dias a la semana y usando como 50 semanas al an~o, a mi me llega un total de 25,000 llamadas for ano. Haber trabajado 18 anos me da un total de como 500,000 llamadas.

Lo que quiero decir es que e hablado con un medio millon de gente en mi trabajo y es por eso que yo estoy seguro que nadie mas a armado ese hecho. Y es por eso y mas por que no tengo ninos que yo sigo taipiando aqui en esta mesa explicando cosas que no llevan consequencia para nadie. Pero algun dia espero que voy a encontrar estos escritos y pasar las paginas como un albun de fotos. Quiero ser un buen maestro pero me faltan anos todavia para poder hablar con seguridad.  

Hay tanto que decir pero no falta cosas que me confunden. Quiero mejorar al mundo pero hay mucha gente que no quiere que yo supere talves for que tienen envidia o talves porque conosco gente mala o lo que yo sospecho es que hay jente que le gusta hacer el mal solo por hacerlo y alguen le ha dado a ellos mi nombre. Y ya que estoy sin trabajo y sin amigos se le hace muy facil hacerme dano sabiendo que la persona que primero van a arrestar va ser yo.

Al mismo tiempo quiero empezar a correr. Yo se que unas cuantas millas al dia corriendo y me mejoro requete bien. Lo unico es que cuando considero que mi estomago esta super grande y mis musculos super pequenos, se que voy a tener que aguantar muchos dolores antes de que me de la ventaja de empezar a perder el peso. Peor por alli voy a tener que amarrarme los pantalones porque todos los que tengo son de cintura 38.  Los que siguen que son viejos son de cintura 26. Entonces voy a tener un gran viaje perdiendo el peso.

Mi papa esta muy bien de la salud pero hay dias que me imagino que no me esta contando lo todo. Voy a tener que guardar dinero para el y para la casa pero estoy seguro que cuando empiezo a trabajar, los costos de vivir van a subir bastante. Lo unico que se puede hacer es mejorar mi salud y prepararme para lo que viene.

Mi mama esta visitando a mi abuelo y dicen que no esta muy bien pero yo se que es una gran ayuda tenerla alla. Ella se arreglo los dientes la ultima vez y lo hicieron muy mal. Ella me enseno una muela que estaba tan gastada que practicamente no quedaba diente. Peor por alli, se cayo toda la calza. Que mal hecho, pero tambien me conto que una ayudante hizo el trabajo. Ojala que puedan reemplazar lo que hicieron de gratis.

Deberas que me sosprende cuando gente no aprecian la ayuda de tenerla a ella alla o por el mismo lado porque no aprecian las visitas que yo hago cuando yo visito.

Pues me he quedado demasiado, no hay una ensellansa hoy porque me estoy acostumbrando al espanol. Por supuesto que no voy a editarlo mucho por que se me hace mucho trabajo.

Talvez la proxima vez explico un poco como es el saber tanto de el sexo.  Ha. Ha.

If you couldn't read that you're probably wondering what I said, and you probably are suspicious a little bit.  That's why I am for one language, one country.  A lot of the time during movies, I can't make out something they say.  Regular Americans probably have NO problem and it's probably annoying for them to have the captions turned on which I prefer to have on, especially if they have like a British accent.

You know what, I can start singing this song that I LOVE to sing about "my old man" (aka mi viejo)


I am watching Unhung hero and you know it must suck to have small penis and think that that matters.  TAP your nose a moment, do it a couple of times.  That's what it feels like to tap a woman's cervix.  It's not too sexy to have too much penis. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


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Ok so it's time to talk about be an atheist. I am an atheist. SECupp is and Bill Maher is and that's about the extent of people that I could "call" an atheist. It's nice to be able to NOT talk about people's motivations isn't it?

Today I read an article about a college senior revealing his atheism, thank you Julia, and all this while having attended a christian university. The bells and whistles rang out in my head as warning of the feedback he would get and in response I am going to talk about religion today and it's going to make a lot of people angry.

A great many people believe in a religion and doing so makes them believe that their beliefs are superior because theirs are clear. They are right. They are superior and you have to realize that right from the start. To have a clear faith or belief system makes you MORE committed to doing the public good. That is what we expect of our neighbors, is that they and we are doing the public good.

Now when you teach a religion, the purpose is to establish for children what right and wrong is and to show them that others will also follow these "commandments" in an effort to establish TRUST between people. It is a simple system. Stories are used, some less profound like the "you're soaking in it" type like the water to wine story; to the epic "your name will now be Paul" heard from the booming voice of God.

Paul should be the name of someone amazing shouldn't it?

But the purpose of the Bible is to tell these stories so that each of us, maybe ALL of us, even in countries of different languages, can have these as reference. This way when you change your mind about drinking, drinking water can make you as happy as drinking wine, a miracle; or the burden of fighting for the legion of a tyrant can be discharged as you realize that doing the public good is better served by overthrowing the tyrant. And that's what the stories are for to make images in our minds that ALL of us can use to say OH YEAH, the booming voice of god was ME when I finally stood up and SAID something against oppression.

But these stories are not meant to be the political sphere of the country. Indeed, it should be obvious that as you hold these "witch doctors" as holy, more and more of the stories can be curbed for a political agenda. For example, I might use the story of Jesus' miracle to say Jesus thought drinking was ok; or I might use the booming voice of god to justify "might is right" policies(aka, slavery).

Indeed religion was not meant to be the structure of our society, our constitution is the structure of our society. Religion is a subset to what our order is. If it is a good religion and it has been around a long time, you can rest assured that those people, mormons, muslims, jews, and I don't know Santa Claus believers, that they police themselves at least inasmuch as the "witch doctors" tend to be older and wiser and understand what the goal is, which is ... to create an organization that can be trusted by the public and to motivate them. You could even treat the service industry as such a thing.

But remember that as people trust these "witch doctors", the agenda they have, will mold what their sermons teach. And that's a danger, sure, but it should be obvious to everyone that all witch doctors want as many members as possible and also obvious that it's patently retarded to damage one of your own, because everyone will see that their trust in him... is misplaced.

This is what it is like to have the NSA. Our "witch doctor", The President, is supposed to be explaining things to us but what has happened is that harassment to our own has taken place. Surveillance and money used to harass our enemies and insignificant whatnots are being used to vilify our own. But that's not why I am writing today. It's sad but the NSA itself should be a religion but instead they have contractors.


I still think Edward Snowden was right to expose them for all their worth because not only are they attacking our own, they are using people that don't BELIEVE in our country, better defined as the public good, the body politic, the center mass, the tie that binds, the spider's hub. All things done in the NSA should be the work of people willing to die for our country, not the work of opportunists ready to sell information.   And I don't believe he was like that and thank God he was young because someone older would not have his courage. But I hope that many other young people do.

I have been told several times in my life of people that work for the NSA and always they are, in my view, associated with people of the highest caliber. People that I call friends, real friends because they believe in doing the public... a service.

And there goes the meaning of life. Did you really need a Bible or a preacher to figure it out? I almost wish I didn't say it, because you could have figured it out yourself.

I also read SECupp's article on atheism. I was trying to find an old comment and found an old article of hers.  And after she started talking about her father and his search for Christianity, I came to grips with what an intellectual she is. But insasmuch as her simple take of being an atheist made her an opponent of other atheists that looked down on people like her father, I learned that atheism has a different meaning for many different people.

And that is the purpose of this writing is to show you that THEISM, having a god, is great. Having a god, means you have a preacher, means you are a sheep, and therefore it means that you are a subset of our society, which also means you are not an alien. Sheep people are not dangerous and therefore need no special treatment.

ATHEISM, people without a god, not so great.  They can be called: Godless. Heathens. Monkeys. Young people choosing to be Atheist should realize that these words refer to a people that have no leader. Leaderless. Uneducated. Criminals. Niggers.  It should be noted that fear of these types of people, is well-placed because without God, without faith, all we project is fear to others (read James Baldwin's Rage and you will get a good idea of this) and you can expect that much more of it to be reflected back to you. The next thing to hit you is harassment. Just a funny look or a door shut in your face can serve as the first sign that people don't trust you. That's serious. Because if you don't follow rules or if there is a question of whether you do, people will start to ask "what religion is he", "where is his preacher or handler", "has he been arrested", "can he be", and said person without a nice congregation to support him when these questions arise, will be forced to suffer harassment without remedy, driving him into a discordance, until somehow the public begins to trust him again or until he is put in jail "for his safety". (thanks Tom Cruise - Knight and Day).

So to end this writing, people like Bill Maher and SECupp have nothing to worry about when they claim atheism because Millionaires have trouble caring about justice in our court system, let alone worrying they might be arrested for no reason, but college kids... yeah you BETTER worry, Edward Snowden is lucky he got out because 40 and 50 somethings can start wars, 20 somethings look an awful lot like cow meat already.

And what will happen when they ask these atheists to take an Oath?

ps. Man I thought I was done, but let me say one more thing.  I am on the road back to Christianity. I don't trust witch doctors so I will have to find my own way, but I am almost there. For you young people, trying out atheism, it is VERY helpful for you to watch Bill Maher and SECupp and Rachel Maddow and I know it's difficult to handle but somewhere in there in the middle of all of that conflict about gays and religion and Democrats, despite their animosity towards letting things unfold of their own accord, despite their outright REBELLIOUS behavior, you will get a sense of what doing the public a service is, and that is superior to having a religion.               

Oh, and religion is for kids.

Oh and remember that they have shiploads of people that work for them ... unlike you.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Twitter feed

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The fun part about using twitter is that it is so short. But that also makes it annoying. I frequently have to shrtn up words that i dtrmn 2b 2long and sumtims I just replace words with symbols and numbrs esp when running out of space.

I started out initially because I was outraged at how Amanda Bynes was being treated. Actually I heard about Paris Jackson and I was determined to send her a message if it was at all possible. So for that reason, I signed up to twitter. Then I found Amanda Bynes and I thought ok that's cool she's a little older and she will be my link to that age level. Then I found Brittany Snow. Soon after that, I realized that some people really don't use twitter as much as people like me. So I searched for even more people. 

I was into Rachel's and Alex Wagner's show at the time so I followed them and woo boy. Much more interesting to follow a journalist. They tweet ALL THE TIME. So then it got much more interesting. I liked Bill Maher too and Ellen so I followed them with the hope that I could cut up online and maybe give them a couple of laughs. But they hardly tweet at all. And sometimes I wonder if they are gonna turn the tables on me. I don't think Ellen does her own twitter but who knows.  Then I followed Sarah Silverman. I sometimes wonder if she is actually that smart or if some guy is tweeting for her. I know that she would probably be offended by that... right up until I grabbed her, stared into her eyes, and then either bent her over or got punched out. 

But as is usual, with me, I don't like to listen to one side of things. A million fans can't be wrong, like listening to Elvis. So even though I despised her sometimes, I followed SECupp. I decided to break down and admit it to myself that she was OMG beautiful and what did I ever do before her, and Gillian, and Katie, and, ah well you get the picture. 

And since I liked Ann Coulter first, I followed her too. The nice thing about Ann Coulter is that she has a regular blog so I don't have to go too long without thinking about her. It's funny she strikes me as older than me so I wonder if I like her for me or if I like her for my good buddy Bill Maher. Offended?

Hey, YOU are reading MY blog so get used to it. 

Yes, I know me and Bill are not buddies.  Ann is still sexy though and if she needs me to father a child or something, I will do it ONE TIME! (ok maybe twice cuz probably everyone 40+ knows the first time is crap)

That's the beauty of being single and not having had sex in a year, is that HEY, maybe a really special somebody needs some love. Sure I am not as emotionally stable as a cheating husband or a rock star and you are probably waiting... for me to say what the good side of dating me is... yeap, still thinking... trying to think what the upside of dating me is...

So anyways, twitter is like all the rage now and since I am actually contributing to society in a way, I don't feel like that much of a burnout now. I actually watch news shows and immediatelly comment if I hear some emo statement that doesn't add to the progress of knowledge of the discussion. So I feel useful.

What's even more helpful is Erin Burnett. 

So I found a couple of days ago while responding to one of Sarah's (Silverman, I know SECupp's name is Sarah but its easier to type SECupp so I just type that, even though I like her more, but not if I were with her, because I'm loyal, well relatively loyal it depends who you ask, and don't ask a bartender cuz they lie, not my friends that are bartenders just regular like nobody bartenders, yes I pay all my tabs) while responding to somebody's tweets and lo and behold DATA (Brent Spiner) sent a tweet to her list. So I go over to his tweets and he has a LONG set of tweets.

I have to make the remark that MEN tweet a lot more than women. That's not sexist. I mean Donald Trump and Morris Davis do a lot of tweeting.  And OMG Ed Schultz is like I have to page through them sometimes.  Nevertheless, I get this love letter feel to tweeting to women and my spirit feels like it's being productive if only for the sake of communicating with women, so I prefer to respond to women.

So I respond to Brent's thread and start to read the threads and wow those were some long threads. I have no idea why people are SO HARSH to him but they are and I mean mONKEY brain where is the Soap harsh. Still I read them just to see how long they could keep going and eventually I came to the end. Then the little "you might also like" came up with William Shatner's twitter and I was like OMG I have to follow him so I did. It is weird now to see famous people on my twitter. It's like I have ascended to the next level.

The other day one of them responded to me and I was like HUH? I can't talk TO you I can only talk AT you. lol. Still it was nice to have it happen once at least.

I have to say despite this being a lot like living on the BORG with people talking to each other, all the time, for anything, I wonder how it can be abused. What are the dangers? I know that for Brent and many others the danger is to have people attacking you for no reason online, which I guess you could just block them like Marina Sirtis said in her twitter. That's Counselor Troi btw. But what other things and tricks can be used to compromise people's peace of mind? I dunno but I guess we will find out.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The Island

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I just finished watching "The Island" for the second time with my father. I was not able to watch it all the way through the first time because I had to leave and the fun part of watching it with him is that sometimes I get to explain stuff in the movie that connotes to real life.

And for just a moment let me say WOW, where the hell was this movie when it came out?!! I mean it was epic and fantastic and all the money and effects were there and HOW did I not even know it was out in the theater. It boggles my mind sometimes the kind of low-rent movies that are allowed to be in the theater when at the same time great movies don't even make it.

This was the experience I had with District 9. In Orange Park's  theater, it was not going to be shown even though it has like 24 theaters. I mean this is like an epic movie about aliens and with special effects and a whole lot of money put in it not the least of which was Peter Jackson's paycheck. But they didn't have it there at the time of the premiere so I was forced to go across town to watch it.

So, spoiler alert, I'm gonna tell you all about the movie; so go watch it then come back to this article.

In the movie, it stars Scarlett Johansson and that Ben Kenobi actor I forget his name. Great actors, again where was I when it came out? So it starts off nice enough with people from the future that wear all white clothes but who have to wear and eat what they are told. Not far away are the people that corral them. The men in black as it were. They watch everyone for violence and get in between you when you get too casual with one another. Fast forward to the part where they are all clones and what they are doing there is providing organs for people that "buy organic insurance policies". The whole reason they are alive, they are told, is to one day win the lottery. Btw, they are kept at a 15 year old education level. (see previous blog to find out at what age you can basically function as an adult). And fantastically enough, as is human nature, this GREAT DAY that you win the lottery is when what has really happened is that the "owner" has need of your organs!  Yeah, and then, you are drugged and stripped of the necessary organs the owner of the "insurance policy" needs and it's perpetual life support for you. It is so heinous that the very IDEA of it should have earned someone an Oscar.

OH but I am not done. Because this is not just what being a slave is like, or what being "product" for the 1% is like, no, this is what it is like to be Christian.

People raised in churches are taught to treat each other with dignity and are allowed to have privacy. People not in churches are treated badly not just by the desperate people scrounging for a chance at their next meal but by "gatekeepers" that know how to deal with "possible threats" that may challenge a community. So the real world is very much like this movie in that, users of the rest are in a sort of Gentleman's Agreement, (kudos to Dr. Pordelli, his teachings were not lost on me) where they agree to make use of the "Christians" so that they may squeeze their fellow human beings irrationally and without the necessary level of dignity and privacy that regular people are supposed to have, all the while expecting or even KNOWING that the good christians will forgive them perpetually into infinity; why, because a real community doesn't have people that are ACTUALLY EVIL ON PURPOSE DO THEY?  NO WAY! HEAVEN FORBID!

At the end of the movie, Djimon Honsou I think, crafts his role of bounty hunter into one of revolutionary and delivers the movie's single most important lesson. "So Dr. so and so, when did war turn into a business for you?" And later he said that all war is about business which at my age and level of wisdom, rings true.

And you gotta give it to Sean Bean. He is right on the edge of likable as an actor and yet his characters always end up corrupt. But in the next movie, you like him again. It's strange yet, refreshing. 


So I read Ann Coulter's blog, which I do from time to time and even though she is like struggling to find a worthy cause from the Republican establishment, I at least find her steadfastness inspiring. It's very annoying to watch hardcore Dems like Rachel and Alex Wagner and still read and watch Ann Coulter and SECupp.  Quite hard.  Actually I would like to think of the former as soft core because they speak with a rational mind about things. Sure they have their fun here and there but the amount of work they put into explaining stuff helps me to believe THAT THEY BELIEVE what they are teaching and that makes them worth listening too.

The same goes for Ann Coulter. I would rather believe that she is committed to being Republican, despite that they are better defined as the ROOT of ALL EVIL. And the more I listen, the more I change ever so subtly to her views. Now I watch for BS like anyone else and as soon as it happens I am the first one to change the channel, or er, write a comment. Same goes for SECupp and Julia Ioffe. 

You know I have to hand it to Lawrence because if not for him I would not have found Julia and I like Julia. She is a Russian and, as is my norm, I wanna understand the enemy. I wanna explore the final frontier much like Capt. Kirk.  So she gives me a bird's eye view of what an upper class Russian would act like... if there were such a thing. And isn't it incredibly Romeo&Juliet to want one of THEIR women, with ME as their host? No? Anyone? Think about it?(insert Alec Baldwin's look of dismay)

Right about now, Lawrence is stirring in his chair prepared to ask the question that made him the man he is today.

What is wrong with you?

With me? Well lessee, I grew up with a dad that spent a third of his time away from home. When he came home he always had lots of money and by the time he blew it all on us and was done liking my mother, he went away again. Small wonder then that in like fashion I tend to USE UP my friends. But always, right before he left, there would be fighting and yelling and amazing terrible things said and we as children forced to PARENT THEM. But now that I am older, I am quite shocked at how difficult their lives were and how much effort it took to keep the marriage together.   I studied much harder than they did as children I'm sure but my adult life was much easier than I remember theirs being.  I could claim child abuse, but no, I claim lessons and I claim them as REAL EXAMPLES so that others, my children, can learn why you should and should not do things based on things that I have actually experienced and not just because I said so, which was my parents favorite explanation.

But as in real life as opposed to what I remember of them, they were very different people before they met.   My father frequented bars and never told my mother until she was married that he was of that sort. My mother, a virgin at the time of marriage, was from a very large family and thought she was coming to America to raise nobility. She had struggled with being the oldest raising her younger siblings all her life on her farm and when it came to us, she did it no different I expect.  She told me a story one time of when they had found a mountain lion nearby and her father was forced to hunt it down with the help of some neighbors.  After that I understood better that in her view, takin' a beating was not quite as bad as getting eaten by a lion, and that perhaps her idea of strict was not because it gave her pleasure but because that was how she was brought up.   

My father was a very trusting fellow. I don't doubt he has taken many risks and has impressed a great many people throughout his life. He once saved a man's life in a hurricane and we have the article to prove it. He is completely meticulous about things and when I am meticulous I honor him. His younger brother has told us stories about how he was when he grew up and I guess it goes in line with how much he loves Friday Night Fights, which I don't particularly see the point of.  You would think these two personalities compatible yes?

But the truth is in the details. My father is very humble. My mother is quite noble. My father believes in good times and trusting people and taking the time to do things correctly albeit more slowly. My mother is driven by faith and honors God in everything she does. She likes to be careless sometimes and I find myself careless often and think about her when it happens. It's hard to do everything right ALL of the time. Carelessness must be a balance to that I guess.

An example of this carelessness came when I was about 26.  I had just finished earning my Bachelor's Degree while at the same time as working full-time.  I was already a muck up when it came to dating so to fill the void of extra time on my hands, I thought I would just work 2 jobs.  Yup, for no reason at all.  I figured I needed to be in shape for when that magical girl came calling.(I know right, did I REALLY EXPECT a girl to pop in one day and be the one?) One of my first jobs was at a restaurant, and I had done maintenance work before so I applied that day and was asked to show up the next day. So I opened the restaurant at 5AM, worked until 2pm and traveled to Citibank and worked there from 3pm til 12am.  And what then you ask? Then I had just enough time to go to the bar for an hour I thought, though usually on nights that I didn't have to work the next day.  Well the big turning point, and that's not the only one, occurred when I attracted this girl from the bar and we went back to her hotel.  She wanted me to demand she stay and I wanted her to agree to stay first before I got a hotel room, but she just wouldn't do it.  So after a long night of kissing and no sex, I left.  This was at about 4am.  About an hour later, CRASH!  3 cars later, my credit bureau was ruined.  Quite careless yes?  I was trying to do it all.  I had not drank anything since 2am and the fact was I was totally drained of energy.  Even though I was falling asleep early on during the drive and wanted to pull over and sleep, I knew I was almost home.  But, I didn't make it. 

If there is a RIGHT way to pick up a woman at the bar, to this day, I have not learned it. 

I have had to live my life balancing my parents two sides and explaining each to the other's actions and it is their example of working so hard, and knowing so, little that makes me believe in the human race in general because it's easy to have prejudice against stupidity or ignorance or even inferior color or gender, and my parents represent all of that; but without their hard work, I would not be here and I would not be as BALANCED a thinker as I know that I am. 

I believe that they are proud of us, their children, and I believe that when they are gone, despite being able to lead the world... I won't know what to do.

My mother is visiting her father at this time and he is soon to pass away.  I hope for the best.