Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, January 06, 2017

God is guilty


 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that it would not perish, but have everlasting life.

You see here comes the blasphemous part that if you are not a preacher and you don't like me you will think it awful.

For He so loved the world that he gave his only begotten FATHER, so that it would not perish, but have everlasting life.

It's worse to lose a father.  A son you may have grown to love over 5 or 10 years but to lose someone who was ALWAYS there, is the very definition of sacrifice.

Sacrifice is what comes when you are in conflict.  The other side wants something.  You will either take EVERYTHING of theirs, or YOU will be taken.  So in the end what people call negotiation is really better described as sacrifice.  In a war, it must happen.

Imagine for a moment that GOD is watching his son die.  There he is, YOUR son.  He has been wronged, he has been tortured, he has been damaged, and there he is for all to see, for EACH to see.  Now, if he does nothing, he is guilty.  If the people do nothing, they are guilty.  EACH is guilty.

But a better way to see it is... God was not there.

Imagine putting bodies(Jews and others) on a train, while the rest are silent... God was not there.

Imagine putting soldiers into an unnecessary war,  FLIPPING souls into a pot for money... God was not there.

Imagine someone losing everything they love and people all around him are watching it, BELIEVING it to be just... God is not there.

You will be hard-pressed to wonder at God if you think he is good.  God is only good if you understand and BELIEVE that he is good.

Do you remember that movie Fright Night?  I have watched it many times and when we got to the part where the cross was put in front of the vampire the vampire laughed and told him "you have to have FAITH Mr. Vincent, for that to work."

Such is belief.  It is power.  That is why CNN is so powerful.  That's why rock stars are so powerful.  That's why actors are so powerful.  If they BELIEVE their roles' words, they add power to their personality.  They become leadersThey also take a risk, yes?  (right Sarah?)  Because rules were meant to be broken so once you start saying it ought to be like Kirk on the Enterprise, here come the professional protesters... making an industry out of nothing.  (...but probably getting paid by illegals if you ask me) 

Who deserves the most of YOUR belief?  I have sacrificed a great deal while people watched.  People have watched "them" take away my peace of mind, my job, my freedom, and even my father.... and yet I am sane.

That's the only way you can believe in a system you see?  WRATH wages it's war in your head and demands a voice.  DHOVAKIM!  (from Skyrim) Such is the reality of power.  But you must be sane, why?

Because we must...

Even as he was dying Jesus remained sane.  Do you see that?  Only someone completely devoid of love can know what love is, and if God is love then only he knew God.  His mission was to SHOW others and so he did.

Wrath is a fickle mistress.  Your wont won't (what?) be happy as long as you FEEL wronged and so you must strive to believe that the system will wrath for you.  You must trust that the police and government will take up your mission and if not succeed then at least sacrifice something because that is the nature of a community is to ... care.

You know, the only capable (that word... CAPE-able) person is one that has an off switch, like Data.  It's because of him that I realize how it must be in war.  One movie that I have watched over and over is 30 days of night.  I have always believed this that if you were somehow cut off from the police even if the community was happy and policed by cops who were in love, that evil was there waiting to take over.  You can see it as it first takes the girl willing to be with two guys, then later in each example, a flaw in their thinking that lets in the evil.  And at the end of the movie he realizes that only by becoming powerful will he be able to save his people which was what the devil had in mind the whole time right?  He wants people to compete to dominate even to sacrifice.  God does not want you to sacrifice, you must be willing to TURN evil, to become insane, to save your people or simply to have a chance, like that guy in the movie, he must become "them". 

But becoming insane is like Data's OFF switch.  You can't UNSLIP the dogs of war.  Once your gone you will like it, you will PREFER it, and you will be lost.

So... someone must save you.  Someone must understand everything I just wrote... and do like Erin...

Do like Erin?? what's that mean?  Well, someone has to be there... to turn you on.  

PS. So God let his son die, so he's guilty but he saved the world by doing it, so ... the world was worth saving.