Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Where's the map?

BLM:75 WHM:73 SMN:46 THF:75 WAR:61 RNG:44

This is me trying to get a party together to get the Caederva Mire map. It's funny but I expected to have to maybe tank the stupid flea as a WHM/WAR with one other person but instead we had almost two full parties and really had an easy time of it. i had a brief time worrying though cuz I recognized one guy as a trouble-maker and he started to forget where things were, but in the end it all worked out.
I would like to look into tanking as a level 75 WHM/WAR for merit parties maybe since tanks are usually so hard to find and tend to be the early ones to leave. I will leave that thought alone for now though.
I expect to get by WHM relic body this week but I will have to get lucky to lot it. Dynamis is very finicky about who gets what and no matter what you are gonna have winners and losers. I had the chance to get my BLM hat and BLM belt last month and had them locked and was @1 to get them if they did, but they didn't drop. But a lot of other relic gear didn't drop so no worries.
I have stopped playing the game some cuz I am really into getting online to play Shadowrun. It's really neat. I have also started to take up FFXII again and found that THIS time, I wasn't so annoyed by the meandering of the joystick going the wrong way. As a matter of fact, it's become much more difficult for me to get annoyed. It's also much easier for me to mouth off I guess tho. I used to try to be nice to people cuz my mouth is so stupifying.
At work I am consistently moving to a new area and even though it is sort of cowardly, (aka, running from a fight) I find myself much happier at the end of the day. I wonder how long they will let me do that though.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

BLM with an accent

BLM:75 WHM:73 SMN:46 THF:75 WAR:61 RNG:44

Waiting for Xarcabard to start used to be a long wait. People don't know what on time means when they tell you get there at 12am EST and we start at 12:30am EST. People like to leave their parties at 12:30am and get here at about 1am or so and still expect to go to Dynamis. It's nice to have enough people show up sure but when you have to work the next day, you really would like to be done as early as possible. Friday was one of those days. It was a really late start but the reason for the late start was not really the people, it was the fact that another linkshell was already in there. Some people were done early and then other people just stayed in the area just so that the timer would run out to zero. I guess it's fun to mess with the most successful Dynamis linkshell on Shiva heh. Of course maybe I am just full of it, hah!
Another late night at the bar last night. As usual, I mosied up to a girl right at the end of the night and let her know how interested and wasted I was.
Not the best approach.
Today I see my manager again and hope he doesn't have a bookfull of errors to give me this month that put on my last nerves again. I enjoy playing the game but it has lost some of it's interest of late. I am playing Shadowrun on the XBOX and I am surprised how much fun it is to chat with people on the same team. Most of the people that play it are British.
How can I tell?

Friday, September 14, 2007

A life of cards

BLM:75 WHM:73 SMN:46 THF:75 WAR:61 RNG:44

I could have married such a nice person when I was 19. She could play the piano, she had a good family, she was cute as hell and had big blue omg eyes. But I'm so cocky that I didn't settle. I refuse to take the small steps necessary. I want to leap into a fine girl's arms like I want to leap past two manager levels and be a director. It's kinda foolish. Later after not settling for the not so great girl I left college and proceeded to move in with a married one. That's life for ya. When you want perfect, you get to put your hands right on the flag and fall right into whatever mess it took to make it seem like you made it. And then y0u don't get perfect... you get a mess. Kinda like a house of cards. I wonder if my whole life has been like a life of cards?

Well o well, still hanging on to my job by the barest of threads. Strongly considering quiting the game cuz it doesn't make me happy anymore but then what does. I worry what I am going to do after I lose my job and I can't even breathe right. I wish there was some way I could just escape in Vana'diel with some chick and show her what it took me 2 years to learn. I could so start a business from this game but I am just crazy believing that I will actually ever find someone good enough for a fat redux perjorative guy like me.

They HAVE however given me the option to post to an English team in a couple of months but I have to MAKE it a couple of months before that happens.

Here's hopin' I make it.