Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, February 18, 2016



Well I lost my previous blog that I had about Bill Maher so I will try to recreate it now.  I get online to look up a word or something and quickly check Twitter and forget it, there goes any further work I will do that day.  

So this time, blog first, Twitter later.  

So Bill was talking about lighting up in public and having his cake and eating it and what not, and for a short while I heard him agreeing with Trump.  It's not hard is it?  He fights the establishment, he says many things a person would say and at the end if something is just not Republican enough, well, too bad.  Now about the last thing that I would want is to allow someone like Ted Nugent to actually become popular by threatening the lives of people or even threatening them to a "street fight" but it makes sense, especially now, to listen to the popular outcry and pay it some attention, lest we have THEM eat cake... hubba hubba.  

So it occurs to me that if Bill could have Trump on his show and be forgiving and constructive and "by the way you did such and such with the booger sugar" that it might help to just HAVE Donald on his show.  It probably would be the first of many appearances and it might just turn his show into something different that evolves with the times.  Because that time is coming, when he just won't be popular ranting against how stupid a sitting president is, and since we let that happen, it would kind of be like calling ourselves stupid, like all of the Fox viewers perhaps, so it's better if we just sort of try to change "the great one's" mind now and then... through ridicule.  

Now it seems obvious to me that Trump will win and I am going to tell you why.  There are not just a few things that people are afraid to say and that is why we need to have someone Yuge... say them.  Illegal aliens are, well, illegal.  Illegal people are people too right?  Yeah that's true and hey what about them Syrians?  Should all people have clean water?  Only if we can afford it right?  Yeah... think about that for a while.  Snowden is not wrong is he?  Only on Thursdays?  Ok.  Secure emails are not exactly a vindication for him are they?  Is he the opposite of Hilary or the same or Jenga?  

When cops are afraid of the public what is happening there?  Too many illegals, too many rich people, too much government?  The answer is D.  No I mean SE... Cupp.  Oh no I meant D, all of the above.. ALL of the above... ALL.  Lost my point, oh so I saw Alex again last night looking finetastical-like and I am happy being surprised though I don't know what that means for the long term but it's a reminder yes of why Trump is so great?  Because people get all establishment and lose track of the individual.  Once we start sacrificing our own, we are no longer a country and to that end we must re-assess what we are doing in the world.  

Are we sacrificing our jobs for other nation's jobs?  Are we coming apart?  Too much drugs or too many illegals or too many rich people?  Yeah, you might think Trump is some phenomenon but let me ask you this?  Do you really think we should let Bush have another go?  I'm glad he is still in the race because that whole horse blinders thing needs to stop right?  We need to stop trusting and start LOOKING around.  We don't need more internet surveillance when we are 6 times more powerful than the next country or all the other countries, what we need is a war.  A war focuses our people against evil.  Evil is people acting against others and that is what happens when people don't speak your language or don't do things the way they are supposed to be done.  

It is what it is.  

So to that end we need to not only STOP making new laws but refine the laws we already have or HAD.  Namely, financial usury laws, immigration laws, and of course drug laws.  Now I am not for a war on drugs.  I guess we can all see that this "war" was really an excuse to tax people, to pay for a bunch of more cops, to put YOUR BLACK NEIGHBORS in jail.  That's not a country, or maybe it is but putting illegals back in Mexico I think is a superior use of that money yes?  Using that money to catch thieves in banking... probably a  LOT more useful right?  Especially when these "princes of thieves" start deciding how best to use a city's pension fund... perhaps in a way that provides CHEAPER WATER?!!!  


Yeah, now that we can see clearly how terrorists are made, by money, and unmade, by attacking the people that fund them, (Bin Laden much?) we can see how these faulty nodes are the centers for these "cultures" that don't allow for critical thinking to happen enough to avoid SERIOUS lapses in judgement.  

Trying to think...  who else or WHERE else there are serious lapses in judgement?  Where else has there been an ejection (not ejaculation but I like the way your thinking) of critical thinkers... 

This is why I like Ann Coulter and if it was me I would be like go ahead and name ANYONE you want for the Supreme Court but for VP I would like her.  It's crazy but you know what's not crazy right... what she says.  Oh sure she starts to literally talk bat shit to people that are surrounding her because that's her defense mechanism.  "Oh yeah I am totally FOR immigration on Thursdays, glad we got that straight, now where's my Limo?"  But you can say with honesty that she wouldn't BOW to some higher power if she had the power and I would just bet that her years of writing, would not be lost on the speeches she made, so just some food for thought(Beauty and the Beast yeah?)  I still wish it would be McCain to some degree but some people just won't forgive I guess... right BILL?  

Ok, still got some energy, lessee.  You know, I honestly feel half the man I was.  My focus is lost now with my father gone.  I always thought I would be able to improve my station in his eyes eventually, but now, that eventually has been taken.  I don't know what I will do but I expect I will be led somewhere by someone "of importance".  

One last thing, if I was sitting home in my trailer somewhere, this is for all of you people in Michigan, if I was sitting in my trailer with my child sick with brain damage, I would be ejecting my leaders, first I would go down to the police station, find out what they thought, then I would ask about "ejection procedures" and then we would go visit the representatives' offices and then once we got them on our side, it would be time to visit the governor.  

You know the body politic doesn't work that much different than the blood in our body(You remember my blog about the POWER in the blood right?)  Bunch of white cells stick to and surround "tired" cells, then a sort of mucus forms to keep other healthy cells from getting infected with the tired cells, and then possibly a white puss starts to form causing the body pain and swelling.  The first thing to come to mind is that maybe we should reduce the inflammation or the swelling because you know... less pain.  And maybe we should touch it with some with some sort of probe "just to make sure" there is an infection there.. maybe like we did in Iraq?  

Or just maybe we are supposed to drown the tired cells and cut them off until they are spent and dry out?  Maybe we need our pain?  Or just maybe we need... an ejection.  

I'm not saying Microsoft... not saying that.  

PS.  My computer literally just procedurally powered down while I was trying to type... is there a key combination that does that?