Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hell is a place

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Hell is a place devoid of love.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tyson is cool

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I have never said this before but today I felt like Mike Tyson.

He was in an interview giving details of his fight with Holyfield. He was explaining how during his famous fight he was getting head butted and the referee was refusing to acknowledge it. After several times of this happening he lost control and decided to show Holyfield how he could break the rules too.

So most people say they feel like Mike because he is a champion. Today I felt like Mike because he was cheated. And I have said this before, the weaker competitor cheats. Yeah it was the same for me at work too. I so don't wanna talk abouit work but I have to if I am to get over it. I would take phone calls and try to speak to people but people would cause distractions and interrupt me just to show me they didn't like me. This would happen throughout the day, the same people, with me getting no relief except that if I showed them it bothered me, I couldn't tell if it was the right thing or the wrong thing to do. I eventually complained to the managers who referred me to HR who then disciplined me for rude behavior etc and they even suggested I see a psychiatrist.

But the obvious flaw is the referee. If the world is gonna turn a blind eye to wrongdoings and if I start doing those wrongdoings and then people turn on me for doing them, it's time for me to go. How can I compete with the world?

So the interview continues and Mike loses his love of boxing. Small wonder when it's full of fixes and deals and arrangements all made in the background to make winning just a little less fair for the king. And that was me; I was the king of customer service. I had not just a high IQ, but 18 years experience, a private university degree, I could speak and write Spanish and I had the luxury of many friends in the business that spoke highly of working with me. So how do you take a person of this caliber down? Well stick him with a bunch of 1 year olds and put a 5 year old manager on top of him and then see how many "errors" he makes.

I should sue Citibank. It was their manager (aka, referee) that allowed this. After a couple of interviews and subpeonas and a psychological evaluation, I'm sure there would be money there for my suffering and my eventual breakdown but I'm too tired now. I uh, dream of being the old guy and i have the same attitude but I have a fat body now and a jaded or bent deameanor. I'm not a boxer anymore.

At least Mike Tyson got away with a couple of kids out of the deal. I am running out of money now and it boggles my mind how much money I could have had and saved, but now it's over. I gotta find a new gig like Mike but you can't just go back to customer service, cux just like boxing, it's a young man's game. I'm not scared but I just know that I would be looking through jade-colored glasses so to speak. Maybe some people would call them "beer goggles".

I know what you're thinking, hahahah, must be nice to be me. I got it so easy why don't I just buck up and put some feed down. Even recently it was implied to me that I was acting like a baby. A baby! I have beople showing up to harass me online on Shadowrun and on FFXI and even at the bar. I go to theaters and my reputation is such that people even show up there just to mess up my movie watching. That's what happens when you are 40 and famous in Jacksonville. One of these days maybe someone will tell what I'm guilty of, that I got to be so famous.

Sunday, January 09, 2011


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A true friend is someone who makes your life better.

Monday, January 03, 2011


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Buzzed, honestly I'm not gonna write anymore hardly at all so take these as my last little tidbits for life.

I believe that way back in the age of the dinosaurs we had some few humans left in China. They talked about dragons because they saw one once. How is that possible? Well imagine if it were possible that there were huge beasts that walked about. How would that be possible? Well it would be possible with more heat. With more ambient energy. With more complex organisms. In fact I would rather say that it is possible with more sun. That's right, we know damn well the sun is getting less bright, so how could that cause global warming? Well, I wonder about cancer too cuz how could more food actually kill us? The fact is the sun is running out of energy. Law. So it's a given that we must assume that the earth was hotter once. Law. So it's a given that we know there was less water. Law. I call this the Law of George cuz that's my name. There was once less water. Hence the flood. In China I wonder how can dragons be so well talked about and not really exist? Well they probably did. The last "great" animals must have been so huge and so accustomed to "hotter" climates that they probably lived near volcanoes and judging by the mountainous regions of Tibet, those were probably the last land masses available after the biblical flood. So of course the last dragon/dinosaurs would hve been the ones that could fly. Hence dragons. What is an Ice Age but one that is cold and devoid of life and what if the only land were small and covered in ash. Such is the omen of 2012... if there is some "correction" of the sun as some put it, then there will be another flood. But it's not because it is going to rain over us and crush us and smash us into pasties that go on tits, (heh, I love my pornos hence my imagination), it's because we are going to get turned into shit. That's right the answer was right in front of you the whole time. In the end the water we use is not what we pollute and will one day run out of; it is what is left after all of our deposits are burned away and the superficial junk is removed. Oddly I believe that the entire Earth may have been smaller (ie. further away from the sun and less cold and elevated with less oceans and have less of an atmosphere of ozone H2O2) and full of more complex "clouds" of matter much like Venus that one day decay into less violent forms of matter such as what we have here today. It makes sense right? And water is less violent right? So do we have Mars to look forward too? Maybe. But probably the next form to rule or sort of "screw around" on the planet like us will be insects and then who knows. It's nice for me to know that in a sense we all knew how it would end. Water is the shit! And that's not just my buzz talking.

Or maybe hell is in fire, but if I had to choose, I know enough about desire...