Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Santora tactics

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There comes a time when men of good conscience cannot in their right mind agree with arguments that present themselves to show their actions as inept.

So let's pretend that you are a judge talking about your normal everyday stuff and suddenly something you said has hit the papers and because of that you are out on the street.  

Should this happen? Judges worried about someone listening in?
Worried about people paying too much attention and not liking it?  Worried that maybe their comments aren't popular?

So let's open it up about people abusing their power. People act like monkeys in Congress and pass legislation that post-pones the fiscal cliff and makes a circus of the federal budget while in the balance hang thousands of jobs. The President is forced to send troops overseas and lead our country into war over the incidents of 9/11 and it turns into a stompping of  Iraq. (I personally think we should raise the crap out of taxes to pay for the war so let the sequester happen I say).

I was watching War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise and it was quite a different perspective to watch it and pretend that we were Iraq(Thank you Link TV and Alanis and India I guess). Try it. Watch that movie and pretend that there is a war between men and maggots. That's my favorite saying from the movie, "This isn't a war, anymore than there is a war between men and maggots." And such is what it was for us to take them over... a war where they pulled out rifles and we pulled out tanks and drones and missiles and where no matter what good intentions we had when the war began, the fact was that we were in it to exterminate the populace or at least to keep the war going until enough money was made. 

In the end the malevolence of the indiginous population was assured.

So crazy things, ya? Well now imagine you, from the Supreme Court, are watching all of these events unfold, all smattered with might is right stink--with a handprint on this ass and a booger on that jacket and some hair on the shoulder of that guy and you say to yourself, boy I am glad I don't work with THOSE types of people. Hah, there's no way any of that crap is getting inside the Supreme Court because here it's all about being an intellectual. Intellectuals don't stoop. And you dress yourself up a little tighter and starch your shirt a little longer and you actually begin to use the little mini-clipper that you thought was such a waste of money but that does a great job of trimming your side-burns and such. What a smart man I was to choose to work for the law. Might is right doesn't touch people like me, you say to yourself.

Ok, this reminds me of one time I was out at the bar, (I go to only one bar, so if anything bad happens to me, it's because of that one bar which just had it's hours extended.)   Anyway, I'm out there talking to a guy and I thought "hey, he's a professor from my University so I will sell myself by talking to him for a bit and show off my degree" and so we get along for a while and start talking about what dept he was in which I didn't recognize and then I tell him I had the BEST professor who went to Thunderbird then he begins a long diatribe of godknowswhat which is clearly a way of making me stand there for what seemed like half an hour. But I stood there, being polite and showing respect to a JU professor. As I was walking off, I couldn't help but notice a slight smirk in his demeanor which puzzled me at first but which I figured out later was due to the inconvenience he imposed on me as payment for slighting him I guess by talking about another professor being better which I agree was TOO HONEST but COME ON there was no ill will on my part which makes me wonder how many truly ill-willed students must he run into that made him treat me that way after just meeting me?

So that's the last time I "open up" to a professor.

By that token, I wonder if that's what I do to people when I start to unravel my mind about stuff. Do I inconvenience them? Do I make them squirm like I was squirming in front of that professor?


So all this prologue is to introduce the fact that people suddenly thought it was a good idea to subject Supreme Court justices to term limits. Ya. So what did you think, you thought they would just agree with the buttafucos of the world and say mmhk? Right now judges appointed to the Supreme Court get appointed for life.  The argument is that maybe just maybe Congress should limit their terms.  Really?  So that more of them can be subjected to this Senator Bagel nomination crap?

Well, get ready for the Supreme Court version of chiding inconvenience talk. 

Enter the voter's rights act... yeah... mmmYeah... uh-huh. So we all agree that the federal government needs to have less power ya, so that states can have more power? I certainly do... hah! I vote for the succession of Alaska! Hell, I might move there. When government goes to might is right crap it's time to vote the beauty queen as governor. Why? Because frankly if they can't be honest, they might as well look good. Hell, make Tom Cruise president. You can bet he will nail all those speeches without looking down at his notes and even if the fiscal cliff and sequester and the next crisis is decided ahead of time, without the President's input, you can bet that he will all make us feel like it was a good decision and that the progress justifies the sacrifice... and stuff.

So how stupid are WE to allow Presidents or whole systems of people to lie to us?

When states have more power congressmen can decide if they are happier serving their people they have come to know and care about or if they want to go off to Washington DC for the sake of POWER! Of course if your state is run by only 5 or 6 major companies, you probably already know how to be a lap dog.

Ok sidetracked, so fact is if you are gonna start attacking a system of power, you can expect their attack dogs to start to "reach out" to would-be attackers and "explain" things to you much like Khan explains things in his battle with Captain Kirk. If you want to see a whole "splash" of federal overreach cases hit the Supreme Court that move the balance of power back to the governors and which limit voting and allows voting to be done any which way the state wants... keep attacking the Supreme Court.

You think you are doing things without consequence but the examples are there. Judges give "honest" opinions of black people and the black people get them OUT. Well I'm guessin the Supreme Court is a little too quick and lithe let themselves be subject to politics by allowing these "term limit" arguments to go unanswered.

Remember Judge Santora, how his comments both personal and honest were used to call him racist? And do you remember how they took his job? Well fast forward to what judges in the upper echelon think about mobs of people showing up to "cry witch" on judges in the future.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


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So I just finished reading Emerson's Divinity School Address and it made me think of the Pope and Bill Maher. It takes a while to read it and to understand it and perhaps it takes several attempts because, well, it took ME several attempts.

So he said in it that the use of religion as a form of tradition is profane, I think, and he said that the use of religion as a form of looking into the soul is the true miracle.

I believe it to be true that the razor mind, cuts, through BS and he did that all in front of Harvard seniors. Such is what it means to be a true artist. A Genius.

The word Genius comes from an old belief that people with "odd" thoughts both transformational and rebellious were possessed by a genie or a demon as your preferance goes. The fact is that talking above your peers is sure to summon their fear and as their understanding of you wanes or lessens, you can expect their sense of duty to take hold.

Their duty to put you out.

Such was Emerson's fate as an invited speaker to Harvard. And so it will be to all people of "genius". So you must choose but choose wisely for as the wise choice will grant you everlasting life, so will the wrong choice be the end of you.

In the third installment of Indiana Jones this is what his choice was. He had to choose the cup of Christ. The villain went first and even exclaimed as he drank that "surely this is the cup of kings". And then he died. Thereafter Indiana has to choose and he chooses the cup of a carpenter's son. A small wooden cup.

So what is the lesson? What did the great risk-taker and America's greatest philosopher teach us? What did Christ teach? Working with others, gives everlasting life, trying to be a king leads to certain death. Because it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to reach heaven, he said.

And that is the lesson because rich people are not at peace. It is by their riches and methods that their souls are left tainted, burdensome, and with wens. Heh.

So work with others and be happy with your riches (count your blessings and that makes you holy ) but take care to not find yourself talking down to others. Don't be a church-goer in a bar. Don't be an 18 year veteran working next to rookies. Don't be a white person in a black neighborhood. Don't be the two story gated house at the end of a road full of trailers.

Don't be a Genius. 

ps. POOF, whaddaya need?

pss.  Bill and the Pope have in like fashion diverged from center.  Even the Republicans wonder what has happened to them, and it's this.  So if you find yourself a Republican and wonder why you are talking like you know something about rape or about illegal immigrants... QUIT THAT.  Just check out Ann Coulter's blog you will find someone that is not losing her relevance.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Minimum wage

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Raising the minimum wage sounds like a no brainer until people speak up and tell you that "hey, if we own a business, and you raise the minimum wage, we are gonna have to fire some people".

That's more or less what happened when the fiscal cliff was adjudicated to raise taxes on the $400,000 income or greater. My father was told that his premium for homeowner's insurance increased $300 for the year. This came without warning and, if not for being able to make payments, he would not have been able to afford it. So I guess this increase in taxes to corporations was license to raise premiums. Doesn't make sense but what can smart folks do surrounded by dumb ones.

So let's take an example. Let's say that you run a McDonald's.

Now when I finished my Finance degree from JU I did what my finance professor who went to the Thunderbird Academy suggested that I do, I took a job as manager at a fast food restaurant.

You actually practice FIFO LIFO. You actually work retail, production, and storehouse roles. Your expertise in using your many basic Business degree functions are practiced and you FEEL like you got something for your money. In fact you feel like overkill for a McDonald's but that's going somewhere else.

Now let's take production. You are cooking burgers and you see on the screen about 2 cars waiting in line perpetually. There is a guide that tells you that for this much demand you need 1 person on the grill. Now let's say you have two people on front line and two in the drive-thru. Now you need two people cooking and maybe 1 person preparing. And if it's lunch at McDonald's you will see seven cars lined up with several lines up front and usually even then you only need about 4 cooks and 2 preparers and 1 manager... or something like that. It was 1996 or so when I worked there.

Ok. Now let's raise the minimum wage. Hmmm. How many people do we need NOW?

Can we send one of these people home cuz it's too expensive to have 5 people in production?

Is it stupid to have one person in production with bunches of people in line? Of course it is.

Now extrapolate that to any business and pretty much any quantity, whether it's pouring drinks, flapping jacks, fixing cars, or answering phones; if you have THIS much demand, you are gonna need THAT much people to handle it. And this is basic to business, I mean it sounds like NOONE from the business world decided to tell the politicians; big surprise since they are the ones that would have to lay out the cash.

The main drawback to minimum wage is that it's just more incentive for other businesses to cash in too. Gas prices go up, rent goes up, and even taxes go up and it's just foolish because the poor people stay poor and these SPECIAL interests get a nice quick boon until the rest of the prices catch up and re-establish value back at a normal level which just eventually means the dollar buys less.

Politicians have NO IDEA what it's like to be poor. ONE little thing means you have less gas and food. It would be nice if they took a poll on merchants rather than taking polls on stupid stuff like abortion and immigration.

I read the Declaration of Independence today. You should read it. It reminds you of why we are the country we are and what the thoughts were that caused us to break free from the "usurpations" of a tyranny.

I watch MSNBC a lot and though they have very bright minds that work there I am often taken aback by how one-sided they are. It's almost not very interesting to watch as an intellectual because "how wrong is wrong when wrong is a bong?" See, I can only say that so many times and then it's not catchy and people that smoke weed stop laughing. That's what it's like when people say Republicans are wrong but don't stick up for them some of the time. It starts to FEEL like you are drinking the Kool-Aid and that you just might BE in Guyana. ( Guyana is where Jim Jones got a bunch of people to drink HIS Kool-aid and committed mass-suicide which is where the expression comes from ).

So let's defend them for a minute. Republicans are for limiting government. They are right of center. If you have less government than you usually want to have less restrictions and more freedom. This is what the founding fathers wanted. Freedom from tyranny. It sounds like we should all get up and vote Republican and put Obama out of business... the tyrant!

But wait.

What did Reagan do? He de-regulated the finance industry SO MUCH that banks were allowed to borrow beyond existing thresholds which then threatened our stability. So now most people are VERY OK with having more regulation and voting Democrat.

Voting Democrat means you want more government, which costs more so that means you don't mind having taxes raised.

So this is like having parents. Mine were VERY oppressive but that made me more resistent to stress I think. Anyways, so you hit 18 and you're like "See ya!" It's time to break from the tyranny of total control and embrace freedom!

Now what are you gonna choose. Your brain has a choice to make. A personality to choose. Will you be an opportunist? Will you do what you feel like doing devilmaycare? Hahaha. You might for a while. But that's freedom and you're gonna LOVE LOVE LOVE it until the first guy comes around and sits in your chair... now you have to decide if it's YOUR chair or the place's chair and if the affront was intentional or accidental.

Several things just happened and not many 18 year olds will catch on. You can wait for him to get up and take your chair back. You might even think he took it intentionally even if it was just a subconscious need to sit down, he at least THOUGHT grabbing YOUR chair was easier than grabbing another guy's chair, AND THAT SIMPLY CANNOT STAND!

But this is the mentality of the opportunist.

If you believe in being an opportunist, people will know you as an opportunist. Which means they can't trust you. You will have friends that are opportunists also and pretty soon there will be only one of you that's not in jail! That's because the smart one attacks the others first and eventually they all get betrayed. Hmmm, too bad for you, take comfort in knowing that someone told you how it would end ahead of time and you just couldn't help yourself cuz that's what wrongers do, they wrong people over and over and over again and noone misses them when they're gone. Why do they do it... because their friends are clapping and applauding and this increasingly smaller group of people doesn't realize that they are eating each other. There might be a sucker born every minute but from a philosophical standpoint these people are crazy.

And they call ME crazy?

OR... you can become an egalitarian. For these people, opportunity doesn't happen. Women who like you make it obvious. Bartenders get to you when you are next INSTEAD of when you are the loudest. Drive-thru people do their job and pay attention to the order instead of looking at the camera to see if that's the car with the DUI guy! These people are FOOD for the opportunist but, are far more pleasant to be around because unexpected ATTACKS don't come from egalitarians.

Remember "The Fly". Be afraid, be very afraid.

Ok sidetracked. I was supposed to be talking about Republicans and the media. If we are looking to have more government to keep us safe from those pesky rich people that make deals that threaten our economy, then we did the right thing with Obama. But all people succumb to avarice.

I once told my mother that if I were Jesus and I ran the world and I could do anything... people would still do what I said and eventually one of them would say " I'm with Jesus and he says do THIS, and poof my really perfect world gets rotten, I get misquoted, people get a bolt of lightning up the wrong end of a sentence." So fact is you can count on having at least ONE opportunist somewhere everywhere, even if he BELIEVES in you 100%, to mess things up a bit... usually for his own reasons.

Ok again off the subject. Hmm I'm tired now so I explain it maybe tmw.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


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I was thinking recently as I watched the briefing of John Brennan that it would be so COOL if suddenly Tom Cruise stood up behind Sen. Feinstein and asked...

"Did you order the CODE RED?" To which he would reply, " You goddamd right I did!"

Come on, everyone was thiking it right? Everyone knows this man has no problem with torture and even though he claims someone else was in charge of this, WE KNOW he was at least in agreement with the culture at the time.

Meh, so much for culture.

Oh, I was watching Rachel last night and I was rolling on the floor laughling( rofl ) when she made her face. Dick Cheney had just agreed to acting on a personal basis against another politician. Then we proceed to see McCain, (I'm just gonna start calling him Cain if he keeps this up) explaining that the reason that he filibustered the nomination of Hagel was for his own personal reasons that have nothing to do with his job.

He probably should have been asked what he thought of rape at that point... hmmmf!

Since when is the business of government cronyism? It's nice that he answered honestly, but come on! That's not what we pay you for.

At least he didn't get thrown in jail for taking bribes but think about what it is to accept a bribe. It's taking public service and putting it to personal use. So off HE goes explaining this is business as usual to accept bribes or worse to offer bribes or to demand bribes..

It's all the same as far as I'm concerned. He wants someone to pay him off or to shut up when he's talking or he wants our side to win because winning is everything.

People that say that don't believe in letting girls play darts.

It's a simple game really and even if someone is kicking butt all over the place with triple bulls or hat tricks, if you got four or six teams playing, it's much more fun to play than if the best two people pair off and everyone watches. Such is the way of the world. People think that we should just give up because people with money are just gonna end up winning anyways but fact is the best players end up playing worse and having more fun.

People that play to win believe in might is right. They believe is psyching out the opponent, in playing for drinks or yelling and pitching fits when they lose.

So thanks CAIN, for showing us how to take it personal.

Friday, February 08, 2013

The Drone War

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Sounds familiar doesn't it? Sounds like clones...

Yeah it's from Star Wars but it brings light to the common theme of slavery. Expendable soldiers. When are soldiers expendable? When they are slaves.

It's funny I am watching the confirmation of John Brennan and it shows his speech and his interruptions and one woman is asking if our children are more important than the children of Pakistan.

Sometimes people are SO idealistic that they live in a bubble. In their minds, all people fundamentally believe we are subject to the laws of the Bible and the Constitution, but this is not so.

OF COURSE our children are more important than the children of another country... most especially Pakistan who through the use of ITS secret service didn't know Bin Laden was holed up at the center of one of its biggest cities.

So this is not true in Pakistan that they believe in equal rights, and it is not the case here. Here if people come predisposed to treat you like a (DUI)criminal you will find entire jails full of officers that

1. forget that you were brought in before

2. forget to activate your phone card even though others have theirs active

3. fail to check handcuffs so that you are not injured by a fellow inmate who is handcuffed to you

Yeah, such are the experiences you can look forward to when you look forward to a "controlled" government. If you are this guy or that guy that people suspect this or that then BOOM,, drone time!

That's what the rest of the world feels like, that's what we should feel when you have the top man, in charge of the most powerful nation, who also holds the right to POOF a guy.

This example is not a world of love, it's a world of fear.

Love tells you she is hurting before she keels, love makes her a home.

Fear shuts down communication, fear engenders fear. Fear incites avarice or malice. Either you don't believe the other party deserves your attention or you straightout attack them knowing a conflict is inevitable.

Fear is natural. If you don't feel an attraction for someone then, like Sherlock Holmes said, the only thing left is fear or a lack of trust. Trust is a lesser form of love but I believe it is just a positive or negative feeling overall that determines how we subsequently react.

If we are going to lead the world, we are going to have to lead by example and I find it refreshing that people have figured out on their own, WITHOUT MY HELP, that torture is wrong.

I think that everything is going to be OK. Not alright... OK. But if you are a positive person and like knowing what you are saying, you probably should use alright.

By the way, I don't support having the Senator's staff briefed on CIA notes. If so then security clearance should be given to their staff and what happens next? Lifelong staff that can't be fired. Hmmf. And what about the maid and the janitor should they have lifelong jobs too?

Well these things are worth arguing so that they can come to a solution because Senators are elected, staff are not and it's much easier for spies to infiltrate staff than it is to get elected.

I have a hard enough time believing in the CIA without having to worry that people think it should be more militarily oriented. It's like in Skyrim (ie. the Dark Brotherhood), they should be so refined in their belief, BELIEF,  that the USA's interests are holy that there should be NO DOUBT that they have the country's interests at heart and to mitigate that faith by allowing some whatever guy some access, well it's nothing short of PROFANE.

In that vein you might think that Pakistan's secret service did nothing wrong in hiding Bin Laden, I agree with that.   Every country's secret service has nothing to do with the general well being of the world populace.  I also agree that Pakistan is NOT the USA and we should not confuse equal rights with equal rights for all because even in the same city, like in Jacksonville Florida, people OFTEN don't end up getting equal rights.

AND, if I can step off the hat of more powerful entities then I, FOR SURE, believe Pakistan had better... STEP OFF.