Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What's Easter


As you probably already know it was Easter this past Sunday and today I am going to explain to you what it is.  Sure you probably think that it was the day that Christ rose from the dead.  And that he died three days earlier so here it goes... sacrilege.  

As you wonder about how to vilify things that I do, let me tell you a little secret, it's all planned.  As you dodge and miss and dodge and miss and then hit me with things, I revel in the fact that it is for a greater good.  That these THINGS done in public, somehow get me closer to my goal or should I say closer to my vision.  

My vision is for a world where noone is led astray.  Where everyone is vigilant and conscious of what they are doing and how it impacts the world.  (or like in the Avengers movie "peace in our time") A world where hell is no more.  And yet it is a very difficult thing to teach people.  All of my life I have been a teacher.  Since third grade I have been answering questions AFTER giving everyone else a chance to NOT know the answer, so here I go again.  

Hell is a place that you cannot escape.  It is a place of suffering and of hatred.  It makes the devils stronger and makes the minions stronger and makes the subjects weaker.  I cannot teach you what hell is and neither can anyone explain it to you unless they have been there which is impossible because... well because... not many people BELIEVE in hell.  It's kinda funny to SAY you don't believe in hell and think oh so that makes me immune to it.  No, you are not immune.  To be in hell is to be outnumbered. 

Again to be in HELL, is to be outnumbered.  

Simple concept right?   You've got some enemies, they outnumber you, you can either fight them or suffer UNDER them.  Well, that's why there should be no divisions.  That's why there should be NO enemies.  That's why vanity is the devil's favorite.  Because once there is a BETTER race( not you CIA or police but close) of people, the rest are in hell.  That simple concept should now be blowing all of your minds.  Hell is not something you end up in after death it's something WE ALL end up in once there are gangs.  

Oh yeah, gangs are just one step from hell.  They each speak separate from the whole as a part of the whole but as the part that is BETTER.  Like a cancer they feed off of healthy cells and radicalize them into thinking the gang's purpose is superior to the law.  Soon they adopt their own laws and soon they are pointing their FINGER OF DEATH to people that offend them.  That's a recurring word when speaking about aliens or the mafia or the illuminati... THEM.   

Now, as you might guess this might explain why Jesus had to die right?  This organized group of people, let's call them "rich people", didn't find fault with him and use evidence, they used their FINGER OF DEATH and let the people decide, who of course included ALL of the people from the gang and none of the people that would find themselves an "accomplice" of an enemy of the state.  What state you wonder?  Exactly... now you are following me.  Once you have a finger of death, there is no law.  Once the police set aside their laws for this guy or for the other, all they have is a mob where the better people rule(anyone remember Moonraker? yeah that) or where only the strong survive... oh you get it now?  

Jesus' death was an apocolypse.  Small wonder Revelations is so well written because they were probably observations of an apostle on that day.  An apocolypse is the END of civilization, an end of laws, an end of understanding... an end to equality... even an end of state.  Once people have no idea if they are going to "pointed" to next... it's riot time.  That's when the strong REALLY DO survive.  

His death was an end and it was only with his sacrifice that people could be SHOWN society's failure because there he was ... DYING... begging... to be saved... and noone came... noone was brave... noone was just... noone was civil... anymore.  

It should be noted that just as Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Satan is the Prince of Darkness.  They both live within us you see?  God is all of us, together(Avengers), and each of us is a Prince as we rule over the less civilized, namely the animals.  

We must choose and then choose wisely.  People like to say that Satan is our evil within us but he is NOT evil.  People are not good or evil in their minds, they can only do evil PUBLICLY, through actions.  So it's important that you all understand Satan's minions as simply people like us, but who are NOT civilized.  They are people that simply do not respond to laws.  They might worship money or their woman or their master or their drugs but a simpler way to label a minion of Satan is someone that is addicted.  He cannot choose because he has allowed his feelings to rule him.  But sometimes that is not wrong.  

As people watched Jesus die I know he must have thought to himself will noone act?   He cried out to the people do you remember "God why have you forsaken me?"  Why did he do that, you wonder.  He was begging them to save him.  God is the people.  God is wrath.  

Again, God is wrath so Avengers Assemble! lol. 

God is the outnumbered part of outnumbered.  If there is a hell, GOD is in charge of it or better I should say, GOD soon gets rid of it, through wrath.  If Hell is a pimple, then GOD is the running water.  Lincoln said it best when he said, "so I would not be a slave, so I WILL not be a master".  That is hell.  A person possessed, is in hell.  When People speak of heaven and hell they are speaking about God.  God or yea, GALACTUS might be happy or he might be hungry, lol.  That's all that can happen.  The more you wrong people... well, it's making someone hungry isn't it?  You can feel that fear can't you?  That's the fear of God.  

Ok sidetracked, Jesus rose from the dead.  Civilization rose from the dead and eventually overthrew the Romans... but it started that day on Good Friday when people forsook Jesus and were ashamed.  Did you know that Friday is the day of Venus, the goddess of love?  It's probably not coincidence.  Now you might wonder at how does this apocolypse apply to me, right?  How do I stop it?  Well, it's sort of simple.  You have to stand up for the laws we all agree to but more than that, you have to believe and as you start to believe you will hopefully remember Jesus on the cross and how ALL of time is divided between the time before we we understood civility and the time after.  When you watch someone "dominating" someone else, that image should come to your mind... the CRUCIFIX... the apocolypse... fragility... and hell. 

As you look at me, you might wonder what I am doing that makes so many people hate ME?  For the last five years I have done nothing but sit in this house and type and STILL people persecute me today with hatred, awash in gossip and their fingers of death, why?  Because some people cannot be taught civility(aka. criminals).  They must be SHOWN.  You can tell them to stop but once it feels good to belittle someone, they're addicted.  They are a minion of Satan.  The only recourse at that point is to let GOD intervene.  

A thing I like to ask myself sometimes is if Jesus, the person, as he is turning the other cheek, is "is he still the Prince of Peace, as ALL eyes fall to him, as everyone can no longer rule out that this slap was an accident, or is he the Prince of Darkness..." 

You see, your father lives in you(Lion King), you must choose whether it's wrath time or if it's turn the other cheek time because if the first slap was an accident, then we forgive our enemies... THE ONES WHO DO NOT THINK THEY ARE BETTER THAN US! 

I guess that part's not in the Bible(part's?) so maybe I am not the best preacher. 

PS.  You probably think this is sacrilege right?  Well, that's because you work for criminals... how long you been working for criminals?  OH, so no comments section right?  I guess you can figure out why now.